
September 16 is the thirtieth meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration is on Eventbrite.

Debriefing on Relating Systems Thinking and Design 4

The RSD 4 Symposium held in Banff, September 1-3. The theme of At the Frontiers of Systemic Design follows from prior meetings on Relating Systems Thinking and Design in 2014, in 2013, and in 2012, all at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

Some Torontonians were active in presentations and organizing the meeting. Peter Jones has been on the organizing committee for RSD since it began.

This session of Systems Thinking Ontario will center on a discussion about what RSD4 attendees learned at the meeting.


Suggested pre-reading:

The RSD4 program is posted at http://systemic-design.net/rsd4-2015-program/. The full set of abstracts from the selected papers and keynotes are available you may wish to read some of them for this session.

Some of the activity from the conference and the sketchnotes can be found on Twitter with the hashtag #RSD4.


RSD4 - Frontiers of Systemic Design

Post-meeting artifacts

Systems Thinking Ontario: Debriefing of #RSD4 with @playthink plenary sketches complements videos by Systemic Design Research Network newly on YouTube. Peter Jones reviewing the background of prior Relating Systems Thinking and Design symposiums, and prospects for next year's meeting scheduled for Toronto. (Systems Thinking Ontario, Lambert Lounge, OCAD U, Toronto) 20150916