T/TH (2 Day Full Day) Preschool

Math:   We are working to master simple numbers. We practice  singing with the StoryBots each morning to name the 12 months of the year. We also practice simple numbers 1-20 during our calendar time as well.  We are able to count simple numbers and we practice showing that quantity. Continue to practice your phone number, address, and child's birthday with them.

Reading: Each morning we help Mrs. Recchia take attendance. We look for our nametag and hang it up before our morning meeting. We can practice looking for our name, what it looks like, how many letters there are to help with this recognition.  

Through the week we read, "Hungry for Worms." This story ties into our current religion topic of God made birds. In the story, the characters Jake & Lucy visit the park and notice baby birds in a tree chirping. At the end of the story, the characters realize the birds were calling for their mother because they were hungry.

Mrs. Thomas, the school librarian stopped by to wish our students a safe, restful summer. She returned the student's blue library bags and encouraged them to visit their local libraries to read over the summer months. She sent the students home with a library challenge to check out certain types of books through the summer months. 

*Many times we read stories 2-3 times to listen for rhymes, repetition, or notice sequences within the story.

Writing: We can practice making all the letters of our names the best we can. We are writing our first and last name when we are writing our names on our work. We've mastered: + Ll, square, Ff, Ee, rectangle, Hh, Tt, Uu, Ii, Cc, circle, Oo, Qq, Gg, Ss, Jj, Dd, Pp, Bb, Rr, Kk, Aa, Mm, Nn, Vv, Ww, Yy.

Tuesday morning, we worked to practice all the uppercase letters of the alphabet. This is an assessment item. Students had to listen and try their best to write the corresponding uppercase letter.

Thursday morning, we worked to practice all the lowercase letters of the alphabet. This is an assessment item. Students had to listen and try their best to write the corresponding lowercase letter. 

Please continue to work on letter formation through the summer months. Writing upper and lower case letters and their names in sentence case.


Religion: We practice making the sign of the cross and our morning, afternoon, and before mealtime prayers. (Please practice making the sign of the cross with your child and model respect during prayer).

Faith Focus:  God made Birds

Social Studies: We practice saying the Pledge of Allegiance and how we can be respectful to the flag, a symbol of our country. 

Social Emotional: We talked about Green and Red Choices - what they are or what they may look like. Green choices keep us and classmates safe and they help up learn and grow. Red choices are behaviors we want to avoid because they do not keep us or classmates safe and they do not help us learn and grow. These Green and Red choices will be talked about each morning during our Morning meetings to make sure we are making the best choices for ourselves and our classmates consistently. 

While in Small Groups teachers can target specific skills we are trying to master at this stage of the child's development. During Small Groups we work for a certain amount of time, and then we transition to another Small Group until we have visited all Small Groups for our learning. Typically, we have 2 academic Small Groups and 2 "play" Small Groups where we are using manipulatives, games,  toys to further our learning. We are trying to use all of our work time at each of these groups. Mrs. Recchia sets a timer as we work to signal when our "time is up."

[Our daily schedule is displayed in our classroom so children can make the connection when it is "home time.]"

T.TH Star of the week dates 23-24.docx

When your child is "Star of the Week:"



Thursdays: Library 11:00 - 11:30 a.m.

*Students will only be allowed to check out a book if BOTH their blue library bag and book is returned

Current Red & Green Choices Spring 2024

Our classroom learning

Class Photo Album

Pledge of Allegiance

 (Charlie helps with hand placement and words)

Count 1-20

Where Do You Start your letters?

Edited easy Preschool prayers 2020.docx

StoryBots: Days of the Week

Better Alphabet 

StoryBots Months of the Year