T/TH AM and PM Nursery School

Welcome to Mrs. Grove's Nursery Class! 

Important Information/Dates:

-Muffins with Mom is Thursday May 9th. Please be on the look out for flyers, emails, and a sign up genius with more information! 

-Make sure Protecting God's Children is completed and the copy of the certificate is the office before coming into the building. 

-Last day of class is Tuesday, May 21st.


Math: We will begin learning about the number 10. We will make a 10 and practice making 910of an object.

Reading: We will be reading stories about the letter Z.

Writing:  The students will be practicing making a letter  in the air, on their paper, with playdough, paint and using stickers to trace the letter Z. 

Religion: The students will learn about how special our moms are. The students will learn about Jesus' mom, Mary. 

Science: We will talk about the weather in the Spring.

Social Studies:

Social & Emotional: Students will be learning how to play, share, and express their feelings in an appropriate way. 

*Our daily schedule is displayed in our classroom so the children can make the connection when it is dismissal/"home time". 

Upcoming "Star of the Week":   Gianna (AM) and Oaklynn (PM) . 

(Week of  May 13)

Bags, binders, and instructions will be sent home with the student the Thursday before they are "Star of the week" 

Contact Information

Lead Teacher: Mrs. Laura Grove 


Teacher Aide: Mrs. Maria

Teacher Aide: Mrs. Sandi