Scholastic Book Orders

Mrs. Recchia's Scholastic Class Code: W7LMX

Connect to Our Class Page:

(All books ship to the class

Orders are due by: November 27th!

Mrs. Marcopoli's Scholastic Book Club Class Code:  YJ6YQ 

Connect to Our Class Page: 

Shop the flyers with your child:  (There are SO MANY books to choose from!  Be sure to check the content of each to ensure if they align with our Catholic values.)

All books ship to the class and we will distribute them

Our FINAL Online Scholastic Book Order is Due:  Thank you!

Thank you for sharing your love of reading with your child!

Ms. Rhana's Scholastic Class Code:

Mrs. Marrugi's Scholastic Book Club Class Code: Z33YR

Connect to Our Class Page:

Shop the flyers with your child: 

All books ship to the class and we will distribute them.

Orders are due by: