
Scholarship Search Engines and Year-Round Opportunities 

BigFuture and have two of the biggest scholarship search engines. Click on the links below to see how you can customize different filters to match with the scholarships that are right for you!

BigFuture Scholarship Search

CFNC Scholarship Search

Follow the College Advising Instagram to see the scholarship opportunities that Ms. Rawls posts every Friday!!!!  -----> 

Keep scrolling to find more helpful links and resources!

scholarship search engine resources

and a list of scholarships!

2023 SSES High School Scholarships

Full-RiDe scholarships to NC schools 

(NC Central, NC A&T, ECU, UNC Charlotte, UNC Chapel Hill, Duke University, NC State, and Davidson)

These are MERIT BASED scholarships, which means they have minimum GPA and standardized test score requirements. Click on the picture to learn more.

Additional Resources and Tips