Library Activities for the Academic Year 2023-24

Librarians Day Celebration 2023

The Library department & Library Committee of Sant Sohirobanath Ambiye, Government College of Arts and Commerce Virnoda, Pernem, Goa, Celebrated the 131st birth anniversary of the father of library science of India, Padmashri Dr. S. R. Ranganathan & Librarians day on 12th August 2023 in the Library reading area.

The Principal of the college Prof. Dr. Fillip Rodrigues E Mello Sir, Convener of Library Committee Dr, Xavier Martins Sir, Teaching Faculty of the College, Librarian Ms. Harsha S. Naik, Library staff ,students and other non-teaching faculties were present on the occasion.

On the Occasion new arrivals of the Library were displayed from 10.00 am to 2:00 pm.  The program ended with thanking address by Librarian who urged all the gathered members to visit the library on regular basis. 

Usage of E-Resources through NLIST & DELNET Database

The Department of Library in Collaboration with Mcom Department had organised live session cum demonstration on Usage of E-Resources through NLIST & DELNET Database on 09th September 2022.The College Librarian Dr. Keshav Dhuri & Ms. Harsha Naik was the resource person for the session.In the 1st session Dr Keshav Dhuri oriented students regarding the usage of Inflibnet Nlist resources followed by the different modules and search strategies available for the users and in the 2nd session Ms. Harsha Naik explained students regarding the Delnet databases, its various modules and how to get the access and download the resources.

Investor Awareness Program

The Library & Mcom Department of the College in collaboration with BIAP had organised a webinar on Investor Awareness program on 13th October 2022 at 2:00pm on google meet. The webinar aimed to spread Awareness about the importance of investor education and protection and highlight the various initiatives of securities regulators in these two critical areas. Mr.Jagdish Patil (Trainer Facilitator and Business Consultant of Pan India was the resource person for the Webinar.