
Please submit your abstract at dns@ibiss.bg.ac.rs until 15th of September 2017.

  • Abstracts should be in English and should not exceed 250 words, excluding title and affiliations
  • Title: use Times New Roman font size 12, justified
  • Authors: full name and surname, font size 12, justified. The first author listed is underlined, should also be presenting
  • Authors’ affiliations should be designated by numbers in superscript,justified, italic font size 11 and should contain the name of the institution, town and country
  • Body of abstract: use Times New Roman font size 11, single spacing, justified with sections: Introduction (containing aim), Methods, Results and Conclusion, written in bold.
  • Abstract should be sent in the form of a Word document

Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors by 30th of September 2017.