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SRL lesson plans, assignment prompts and instruction tools facilitate project-based learning that builds critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills.

This Election Toolkit is public and open to any students and educators interested in pursuing projects using our resources.

What does it mean to become an official Student Reporting Lab?

Teachers, who apply to start a Lab at their school, are connected to their local PBS station and journalism mentors within the community. SRL professional development workshops prepare educators for this work and the SRL Academy brings together students from around the country to hone their skills and advance the future of journalism and public media.

Now in over 150 schools, SRL youth media producers work on special projects with Labs and work with students on story pitches, script-writing, narration, rough cuts and final videos. Students’ stories are published on the SRL website, shared on social media, distributed through partnerships and aired on local PBS station and the PBS NewsHour nightly broadcasts.

Interested in Working with Student Reporting Labs?

Great! Just fill out the application below and we will be in touch soon.

Not quite sure if you're ready to become a Student Reporting Lab? Download our Quick Start Guide with 6 simple activities and video projects to get started.

Quick Start Guide.pdf


Have a question about the Election 2020 Toolkit, the Quick Start Guide or becoming a Student Reporting Lab? Send a shout out to Chris Allen, SRL's Education Project Manager at