Course Selection

The process will be similar to last year as students will have individual conferences with their core academic teachers to choose the course that is best for them given their interests and post-secondary plans. Once core classes are chosen, counselors will be going into classrooms to help students choose their electives. This process will be completed by the end of January. Look for a letter with your child’s course selection in the mail during the second week of February. Those letters will need to be returned with a parent or guardian’s signature. Please use the Program of Studies for course descriptions and the Course Offerings form for each grade to have a discussion with your child as to the best courses for them to select. It is important to remember that these are course requests and not a schedule. All elective courses are subject to interest as to whether or not they are run.  Graduation requirements can be found in the Program of Studies.

2023-2024 Course Catalog

College Admissions Guidelines