Student Assignment Services Center
School Selection Process
Coming Soon (first day) - (last day)
This process has historically been referred to as the Balloting Process. Each year, within 6-week period in January and February, families would ‘ballot’ for high school and/ or magnet schools. There would be a kickoff event in early January, which was referred to as the High School and Magnet Information Night. At the event, participating schools would have tables and families could interact with school representatives. A lottery including all casted ‘ballots’ then takes place in March. Families are finally notified in April/ May of the lottery results.
For the 2025-2026 school year, the Springfield Public Schools have an updated school selection process for High Schools and Magnet Schools. Here are updated parts of the process AND parts of the process that will remain the same:
Title: Balloting Process -> School Selection Process
Kickoff Event -> This event will be replaced by a dedicated webpage that includes a promotional video and a links to all participating schools.
A 6-week period in January and February to select potential schools will remain
A lottery will continue to take place in late March/ Early April
Families will continue to be notified of lottery results in April/ May
All parents who currently have a 5th grade student attending a Springfield Public Schools elementary school or 8th grade student attending a Springfield Public Schools middle school need to ballot online using their student ID number. Click on the blue icon below that says Ballot Online.
5th or 8th grade students attending a Charter, Private, or Parochial School will need to first enroll or re enroll using the Springfield Public Schools online enrollment system. Click on the blue icon below that says 2025-2026 Enrollment.
Students with IEP or ELL will be placed based upon their programmatic needs.
Contact your child’s counselor at the school
Contact SAS Center at 413-787-6959
English X. 49123
Spanish X. 49110
P-K X. 49129
Dual Language X. 49898