
Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

This week's Book of Mormon reading can be distressing. Alma 14:8 paints a horrifying scene. When a society attacks women and children, evil is at the forefront. Women and Children are basic building blocks of society. I am encouraged by the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Saints initiative for Women and children. What can we do? “When you bless a woman, you bless a family, a community, a nation. When you bless a child, you invest in the future,” President Johnson said on the Church News podcast. Here are 25 ways you can participate in the Church's Global Initiative. 

The Come Follow Me this week reassures us that God is with Us.  In many ways, life in Ammonihah had been good for both Amulek and Zeezrom. Amulek was “a man of no small reputation,” with “many kindreds and friends” and “much riches” (Alma 10:4). Zeezrom was an expert lawyer who enjoyed “much business” (Alma 10:31). Then Alma arrived with an invitation to repent and “enter into the rest of the Lord” (Alma 13:16). For Amulek, Zeezrom, and others, accepting this invitation required sacrifice and even led to almost unbearable adversity. But of course, the story doesn’t end there. In Alma 13–16, we learn what ultimately happens to people who believe “in the power of Christ unto salvation” (Alma 15:6). Sometimes there’s deliverance, sometimes healing—and sometimes things don’t get any easier in life. But always, “the Lord receiveth [His people] up unto himself, in glory” (Alma 14:11). Always, the Lord grants “power, according to [our] faith … in Christ” (Alma 14:28). And always, that faith gives us “hope that [we] shall receive eternal life” (Alma 13:29). As you read these chapters, you can take comfort in these promises, and you may come to understand better what Alma meant when he spoke of entering into “the rest of the Lord” (Alma 13:16).


The video of the week addresses questions we may have in our lives. Elder Renlund said, "Today, information about the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is more accessible than ever before. This can be a great blessing, but knowing which sources are trustworthy isn’t always easy."

We celebrate another missionary leaving this week for Sacrament meeting. Elder Austin Sorensen leaves soon for Brazil. Here are some resources the speakers will cover;  Russell M. Nelson, “Spiritual Treasures,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 76–79; Dale G. Renlund, “The Priesthood and the Savior’s Atoning Power,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 64–67.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has begun to release new hymns. We will begin singing these hymns in Sacrament meetings to familiarize ourselves. Some we will know, but some we will need to work on. This week, there will be a special musical number of the hymn "Come Thou Fount.

Thank you, President Osborne and Brother Hunsaker, for returning to our Spring Creek 1st Ward and further teaching about beliefs and actions. Some members may not have been able to attend on Sunday or served in callings that prevented attendance.  It will be posted on the google drive, not for downloading, for the next two weeks and will be taken down on July 8th. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gg455hi8u5E1dLUi-YXj60wy0a5gssrE/view?usp=drive_link. If you have any questions or want to discuss this topic further, contact Bishop Kelly

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meetings. Our Spring Creek Ward can do most of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

Take a look at our Temple and Family History page on the website. They are working hard on the June initiative for Temple and Family History. We are to interview an ancestor and upload it to Family Search. We can also upload photos or stories of our ancestors. Don't hesitate to contact a youth, a Temple and Family History committee member, or a Bishopric member for help if needed.

There are still have 4 slots open for our sealing session on Friday, June 28, at 5:45 pm.  Here is the link for them to sign up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j3M8H9jw_n6YVZQDibhYUSnWK7WgyOyhOBULpM6WNpY/edit

It is our turn to clean the Church building in June. Please check the list of assignments on our web page. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please trade with another family during the time you do. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  

June 29th, 2024                                           

         Malmberg, Bruce & Pam

Milligan, Erik & Devarie Dawn

Olsen, Brian & Molly

Olsen, Hal & Cindy

Olsen, Jared Wood

Olsen, Kent Lovenus & Margaret Wood

Osterlin, Aaron & Marcy

Osterlin, Richard & Annette

Osterlin, Shane & Jenilyn

Perry, Adam & Angela

An exciting new service missionary opportunity is available for individuals 26 years and older to teach BYU Pathway Online Institute classes. These Institute religion courses help Pathway students worldwide progress in their education and ultimately earn degrees from BYU Pathway. Please see the attached letter for details. 

Temple cleaning opportunity: The Logan Temple has a new temple volunteer cleaning program and are asking each stake in our district to provide volunteers to help clean the temple one week out of the year. Our stake has been asked to help clean the temple the week of July 16-19 from 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM, Tuesday-Friday. They ask for 25-30 volunteers each night to help clean the Temple. Please see the attached letter for instructions on signing up. Spring Creek 1st Ward is July 16th. THIS LINK directs you to our stake’s sign-up (https://calendly.com/julie-macdonald-ly6f/mendon-stake-temple-cleaning-night)

The temple and family history committee will teach the 5th Sunday lesson this week. Please prepare for a discussion using some Family History apps. Please download the Family Tree app. and also the Memories app to your phones to participate. 

Primary program music for the fall program can be found by clicking here or on the QR code. Please see the attached flyer.

Temple recommendations are signed by the Stake Presidency each week from 3:30-4:30 pm at the Stake center.


July 4th: Our annual breakfast celebrating the 4th of July. Invite your friends and neighbors. Share the attached flyer with friends and neighbors. 

July 14th: 6:00 pm Stake General Priesthood

July 14  @ 3:30 pm - Mission/Temple Prep Summer Session at the stake center

July 31st: Youth temple trip 4:30 pm. Dinner to follow at the Church and fireside with our wonderful Stake Presidency. 

Aug 2-4 - YSA Conference - Utah Area

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

Aug 11  @ 3:30 pm - Mission/Temple Prep Summer Session at the stake center

Sept 7th - National Day of Service

Sept 21-22 - Stake Conference

Oct 5-6 General Conference

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, Sister Alysse Olsen, Sister Marilyn Jones

Preparing to serve: Austin Sorensen, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Latu and Sister Pelipel (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family, Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmberg family


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


Spring Creek 1st Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well.

I spent some quality time with the “rising generation” a week ago for camps. The Young Women and Young Men combined some meals, devotionals, and activities together this year. The Young Men did an “Enos challenge,” where we went into the wilderness and read his story alone and then prayed for something on our minds. I was amazed at the inspiration that came as I prayed. I took a full page of notes on what I should do next. It was wonderful to sit in a grove of trees, listen to nature, and feel my Heavenly Father’s love. I am hopeful many of the Young Men had a similar experience. I am inspired by the youth's hymn, “True to the Faith.” It asks the question, “Shall the youth of Zion falter in defending truth and right?” The answer is an emphatic NO! Count me Blessed to associate with them and watch them grow.

The Come Follow Me this week teaches us Jesus Christ will come to redeem his people.  God’s work will not fail. But our efforts to help with His work sometimes seem to fail—at least, we may not immediately see the outcomes we hope for. We might feel a little like Alma when he preached the gospel in Ammonihah—rejected, spit on, and cast out. Yet when an angel instructed him to return and try again, Alma courageously “returned speedily” (Alma 8:18), and God prepared the way before him. Not only did He provide Alma with food and a place to stay, but He also prepared Amulek, who became a fellow laborer, a fierce defender of the gospel, and a faithful friend. When we face setbacks and disappointments as we serve in the Lord’s kingdom, we can remember how God supported and led Alma, and we can trust that God will support and lead us, too, even in difficult circumstances.


The video of the week celebrates Potter and tilemaker Ben Behunin, who shared his talents while constructing a mosaic of love. He notes that Heaven's recipe for joy is love. “As I thought about loving my own children and how I can be better at this, I needed to make a piece of art that tells a story that gives me hope. This piece, as I have conceived it, it’s a mosaic made out of tiles, and all of these tiles have color and texture and meaning... And this will be in the shape of a heart, which is a kind of universal symbol of love.” —Ben Behunin

In this week's Sacrament meeting, the Mendon Stake High Council will speak to us on “How agency brings us closer to the Savior.” Brother Robert Meier and Brother Steven Bevan will be the speakers. Elder Hales stated, “Because of Lucifer’s rebellion, a great spiritual conflict ensued. Each of Heavenly Father’s children had the opportunity to exercise the agency Heavenly Father had given him or her. We chose to have faith in the Savior Jesus Christ—to come unto Him, follow Him, and accept the plan Heavenly Father presented for our sake. But a third of Heavenly Father’s children did not have faith to follow the Savior and chose to follow Lucifer, or Satan, instead.”

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has begun to release new hymns. We will begin singing these hymns in Sacrament meetings to familiarize ourselves. Some we will know, but some we will need to work on. This week, we sing "I will walk with Jesus."

The Mendon Stake Presidency is looking forward to joining the Spring Creek 1st Ward EQ/RS for a ward conference follow-up discussion on Sunday, June 23rd, at 11:30 am.   I have included the handout from our Ward Conference on how our belief system affects our behaviors. Please look it over again and fill out the worksheet. We will be recording this lesson and sharing the recording with you afterward so your adult members who may be serving in primary or youth classes can watch after, but if some folks need to join remotely during this discussion, here is the Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 969 6893 5926

 Passcode: 700677

We will also have a survey where ward members may provide a belief they would like help on that President Osborne and Brother Hunsaker will be using during the lesson.  Here is a link to the survey and a copy of the QR code.https://forms.office.com/r/tBpRHCurYB 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meetings. Our Spring Creek Ward can do most of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

Take a look at our Temple and Family History page on the website. They are working hard on the June initiative for Temple and Family History. We are to interview an ancestor and upload it to Family Search. We can also upload photos or stories of our ancestors. Don't hesitate to contact a youth, a Temple and Family History committee member, or a Bishopric member for help if needed. 

It is our turn to clean the Church building in June. Please check the list of assignments on our web page. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please trade with another family during the time you do. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  

June 22th, 2024                                           

Jenson, Doug

              Jenson, Ed & Arvona

              Jones, Carolyn

              Jones, Devin & Jennifer 

              Kelly, Jon & Stacey

              Leishman, Gay

              Leishman, Paul & Kesa

Primary program music for the fall program can be found by clicking here or on the QR code. Please see the attached flyer.

Temple recommendations are signed by the Stake Presidency each week from 3:30-4:30 pm at the Stake center.


June 23rd: President Osborne and Brother Hunsaker return for Sunday School to review the beliefs driving our actions.

June 25 - Primary Activity Day Camp

July 4th: Our annual breakfast celebrating the 4th of July. Invite your friends and neighbors. Share the attached flyer with friends and neighbors. 

July 14th: 6:00 pm Stake General Priesthood

July 14  @ 3:30 pm - Mission/Temple Prep Summer Session at the stake center

July 31st: Youth temple trip 4:30 pm. Dinner to follow at the Church and fireside with our wonderful Stake Presidency. 

Aug 2-4 - YSA Conference - Utah Area

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

Aug 11  @ 3:30 pm - Mission/Temple Prep Summer Session at the stake center

Sept 7th - National Day of Service

Sept 21-22 - Stake Conference

Oct 5-6 General Conference

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, Sister Alysse Olsen, Sister Marilyn Jones

Preparing to serve: Austin Sorensen, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Latu and Sister Pelipel (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family, Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmberg family


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

6/14/24 Spring Creek 1st Update

Spring Creek 1st Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope you are doing well. This weekend we pay tribute to Fathers. I miss my Father, who died 6 years ago. He was a Bishop of my youth. I wish I could take him to dinner and ask a billion questions. President Ezra Taft Benson stated, " Good fathers teach their sons, and good sons listen and obey. Teaching is done by precept and example and by word and deed. A good model is the best teacher. Therefore, a father’s first responsibility is to set the proper example."

The Come Follow Me asks many important questions, including "Have you had a mighty change of heart?" Alma did not know about today’s lifesaving heart transplant surgeries, which replace a damaged or diseased heart with a healthy one. But he knew about a more miraculous “change of heart” (Alma 5:26)—one in which the Savior gives us a newness of spiritual life, like being “born again” (see Alma 5:14, 49). Alma could see that this change of heart was exactly what many of the Nephites needed. Some were rich and others poor, some prideful and others humble, some persecutors and others afflicted by persecution (see Alma 4:6–15). But they all needed to come unto Jesus Christ to be healed—just as we all do. Whether we are seeking to overcome pride or to endure afflictions, Alma’s message is the same: “Come and fear not” (Alma 7:15). Let the Savior change a hardened, sinful, or wounded heart into one that is humble, pure, and new.

The video of the week celebrates Fathers.  This collection speaks of a father’s love and sacrifice for his children and how parents should include togetherness, listening well, and spending quality time with developing children in their parenting.

In this week's Sacrament meeting, we celebrate Fathers. We will have youth speakers and President Clark Israelsen teach us from the scriptures. Elder D Todd Christofferson gave an inspirational talk on "Fathers."  We believe in “the ideal of the man who puts his family first.” We believe that “by divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible for providing the necessities of life and protection for their families.” We believe that in their complementary family duties, “fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.” We believe that far from being superfluous, fathers are unique and irreplaceable.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has begun to release new hymns. We will begin singing these hymns in Sacrament meetings to familiarize ourselves. Some we will know, but some we will need to work on. This week, we sing "Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing."

The Mendon Stake Presidency is looking forward to joining the Spring Creek 1st Ward EQ/RS  for a ward conference follow-up discussion on Sunday, June 23rd, at 11:30 am.   I have included the handout from our Ward Conference on how our belief system affects our behaviors. Please look it over again and fill out the worksheet. We will be recording this lesson and sharing the recording with you afterward so your adult members who may be serving in primary or youth classes can watch after, but if some folks need to join remotely during this discussion, here is the Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 969 6893 5926

 Passcode: 700677

We will also have a survey where ward members may provide a belief they would like help on that President Osborne and Brother Hunsaker will be using during the lesson.  Here is a link to the survey and a copy of the QR code.https://forms.office.com/r/tBpRHCurYB 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meetings. Our Spring Creek Ward can do most of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

Take a look at our Temple and Family History page on the website. They are working hard on the June initiative for Temple and Family History. We are to interview an ancestor and upload it to Family Search. We can also upload photos or stories of our ancestors. Don't hesitate to contact a youth, a Temple and Family History committee member, or a Bishopric member for help if needed. 

It is our turn to clean the Church building in June. Please check the list of assignments on our web page. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please trade with another family during the time you do. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet me at the cleaning closet across from the library. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  

June 15th, 2024                                           

Israelsen, Benson & Brittany 

Israelsen, Clark & Marsha

Israelsen, Ross & Rebekka 

Israelsen, Victor & Jill

Jacobsen, Randy & Maleesa

Jensen, Dan & Laurel

Jensen, Darrell & Heather

Jenson, Bret & Skie

Primary program music for the fall program can be found by clicking here or on the QR code. Please see the attached flyer

Temple recommendations are signed by the Stake Presidency each week from 3:30-4:30 pm at the Stake center.


June: every Saturday, clean the church at 8:00 am. 

June 10-15th; YW June 11-14; and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris, Idaho. We will combine/overlap some youth ym/yw camp activities this year

June 23rd: President Osborne and Brother Hunsaker return for Sunday School to review the beliefs driving our actions.

June 25 - Primary Activity Day Camp

July 4th: Our annual breakfast celebrating the 4th of July. Invite your friends and neighbors

July 31st: Youth temple trip 4:30 pm. Dinner to follow at the Church and fireside with our wonderful Stake Presidency. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, Sister Alysse Olsen, Sister Marilyn Jones

Preparing to serve: Austin Sorensen, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Latu and Sister Pelipel (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmberg family


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


Hi All

I hope this email finds you smiling. 

I love the Prophet. I was encouraged by his recent message to "seek out the one" for his 100th birthday present to him. He said, “One spiritual offering that would brighten my life is for each of us to reach out to ‘the one’ in our lives who may be feeling lost or alone. Over the coming months, I invite you to consider prayerfully: who do you know who may be discouraged? Who might you need to reconcile with or ask for forgiveness? Has one name been on your mind lately, though you haven’t known why? As you bring these questions to the Lord, He will inspire you to know how to reach out and lift one who needs help.” What an inspiration he is to everyone! Who will you choose? 

The Come Follow Me shows the importance of "being steadfast and immovable" in our beliefs. Some might see King Mosiah’s proposal to replace kings with elected judges as merely wise political reform. However, this change had spiritual significance for the Nephites, especially those who lived under the wicked King Noah. They had seen how an unrighteous king had influenced his people, and they were “exceedingly anxious” to be free from such influence. This change would allow them to be responsible for their righteousness and “answer for [their] own sins” (Mosiah 29:38).

Of course, the end of the reign of kings did not mean the end of problems in Nephite society. Cunning people like Nehor and Amlici promoted false ideas, nonbelievers persecuted the Saints, and many members of the Church became prideful and fell away. Yet “the humble followers of God” remained “steadfast and immovable” despite what happened around them (Alma 4:15; 1:25).

The video of the week tells the story of Gideon, Nehor, and Alma. Nehor feels he is better than others. He starts his own church for praise and money. Gideon says he does not teach the truth. Nehor kills him. Nehor is put to death, but his false teachings spread.

In this week's Sacrament meeting, we welcome Elder Marshall Hansen back. Here are some references to help you study for the topic: Gary E. Stevenson's “Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony” and Dallin H. Oaks's “Love Your Enemies.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has begun to release new hymns. We will begin singing these hymns in Sacrament meetings to familiarize ourselves. Some we will know, but some we will need to work on. This week, we are singing "Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing."

Youth Camps are this coming week. Please refer to the email I sent to parents. Contact a member of the Bishopric if you have any questions. 

The Mendon Stake Presidency is looking forward to joining the Spring Creek 1st Ward EQ/RS  for a ward conference follow-up discussion on Sunday, June 23rd, at 11:30 am.   I have included the handout from our Ward Conference on how our belief system affects our behaviors. Please look it over again and fill out the worksheet. We will be recording this lesson and sharing the recording with you after so your adult members who may be serving in primary or youth classes can watch after, but if some folks need to join remotely during this discussion, here is the Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 969 6893 5926

 Passcode: 700677

We will also have a survey where ward members may provide a belief they would like help on that President Osborne and Brother Hunsaker will be using during the lesson.  Here is a link to the survey and a copy of the QR code.https://forms.office.com/r/tBpRHCurYB 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meetings. Our Spring Creek Ward can do most of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

It is our turn to clean the Church building in June. Please check the list of assignments on our web page. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please trade with another family during the time you do. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet me at the cleaning closet across from the library. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  

June 8th, 2024                                              

       Hansen, Ashlyn

Hansen, Bentley & Valerie

Hansen, Brian & Shauna

Hansen, Marvin & Judy

Hansen, Morgan Emma

Hardman, Paul & Janee Katherine

Hess, Kyle Terry & Marea Katherine

Hugie, Brent & Julie

Hugie, Kaden & Haylee Lynne

Primary program music for the fall program can be found by clicking here or on the QR code. Please see the attached flyer

Temple recommendations are signed by the Stake Presidency each week from 3:30-4:30 pm at the Stake center.


June: every Saturday, clean the church at 8:00 am. 

June 10-15th; YW June 11-14; and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris, Idaho. We will combine/overlap some youth ym/yw camp activities this year. Please fill out this electronic permission for yourself (if attending as a parent or leader) and one form for your young man. 

June 13th 7:00 pm; Be Prepared: RS activity

June 23rd: President Osborne and Brother Hunsaker return for Sunday School to review on beliefs driving our actions.

June 25 - Primary Activity Day Camp

July 4th: Our annual breakfast celebrating the 4th of July. Invite your friends and neighbors

July 31st: Youth temple trip 4:30 pm. Dinner to follow at the Church and fireside with our wonderful Stake Presidency. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, Sister Alysse Olsen, Sister Marilyn Jones

Preparing to serve: Austin Sorensen, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Latu and Sister Pelipel (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmberg family


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


Hi All,

I hope this email finds you well.

This past Monday, we traveled to family gravesites to pay tribute to brothers, fathers, mothers, grandparents, and others. I used the family search app on my phone to access pictures and some stories of some older relatives. It was incredible to see their faces and relate to them. I read the obituary of a couple of ancestors standing beside their graveside. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints makes it easy to access information about ancestors through the family search website. Our hearts are easily turned to our ancestors. Elder Bednar stated, “It is no coincidence that FamilySearch and other tools have come forth at a time when young people are so familiar with a wide range of information and communication technologies. Your fingers have been trained to text and tweet to accelerate and advance the work of the Lord—not just to communicate quickly with your friends. The skills and aptitude evident among many young people today are a preparation to contribute to the work of salvation.” We have asked the youth to study about an ancestor and bring their story to camp. We look forward to being uplifted and hearing their stories.

The Come Follow Me shows the importance of knowing true doctrine and believing. After nearly three generations of living in separate lands, the Nephites were one people again. Limhi’s people, Alma’s people, and Mosiah’s people—even the people of Zarahemla, who were not descended from Nephi—were now all “numbered with the Nephites” (Mosiah 25:13). Many of them also wanted to become members of the Lord’s Church, as Alma’s people had. So all those who “were desirous to take upon them the name of Christ” were baptized, “and they were called the people of God” (Mosiah 25:23–24). After years of conflict and captivity, it seemed that the Nephites would finally enjoy a period of peace.

But before long, unbelievers began persecuting the Saints. What made this especially heartbreaking was that many of these unbelievers were the believers’ own children—the “rising generation” (Mosiah 26:1), including the sons of Mosiah and one son of Alma. The account tells of a miraculous visit of an angel. But the true miracle of this story is not just about angels appearing to wayward sons. Conversion is a miracle that, in one way or another, needs to happen in all of us.

The video of the week  sings praises to the Lord.  A stirring collection of filmed images of Christ’s ministry set to a contemporary version of the song “Praise to the Lord,” sings of the King of Salvation as we gladly and gloriously adore Him.

This week, Sacrament meeting is a Fast and Testimony meeting. What will you fast for this Sunday? It is great to have a specific purpose in mind. Latter-day Saints may choose to fast for many reasons, among them: to worship God and express gratitude to Him (see Alma 45:1), to ask God to bless the sick or afflicted (see Matthew 17:14-21), to receive answers to prayer (see Alma 5:46), to gain strength to resist temptation (see Isaiah 58:6), to receive guidance in Church callings (see Acts 13:2-3; Alma 17:3) and for comfort during times of difficulty, sorrow or mourning (see Alma 28:4-6; 30:1-2).

Youth Camps are just around the corner. We are collecting young men's permission forms online. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints requires parental permission forms for major activities. Please fill out this electronic permission for yourself (if attending as a parent or leader) and one form for your young man. 

Temple recommendations are signed by the Stake Presidency each week from 3:30-4:30 pm at the Stake center.

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meetings. Our Spring Creek Ward can do most of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

The Temple and Family History committee has a survey for you to fill out to assess your knowledge and needs. Please fill out this form and help this committee. 

It is our turn to clean the Church building in June. Please check the list on our web page for assignments. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please trade with another family during the time you do. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet me at the cleaning closet across from the library. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  

June 1st, 2024                                              

Feuz, Dillon Morris & Christine                          

         Fielding, Bret & Annette

         Fredrickson, Brent & Marianne

         Garfield, Taylor & Jaime

         Garner, Dave & Jamie

         Godfrey, James & Paula

         Hall, Reed & Nadine

Welcome home, Elder Marshall Hansen. Well done, faithful servant!

Primary program music for fall program can be found clicking here or on the QR code: 


June: every Saturday, clean the church at 8:00 am. 

June 10-15th; YW June 11-14; and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris, Idaho. We will combine/overlap some youth ym/yw camp activities this year. Please fill out this electronic permission for yourself (if attending as a parent or leader) and one form for your young man. 

June 13th 7:00 pm; Be Prepared: RS activity

June 23rd: President Osborne and Brother Hunsaker return for Sunday School to review on beliefs driving our actions.

June 25 - Primary Activity Day Camp

July 4th: Our annual breakfast celebrating the 4th of July. Invite your friends and neighbors

July 31st: Youth temple trip 4:30 pm. Dinner to follow at the Church and fireside with our wonderful Stake Presidency. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, Sister Alysse Olsen, Sister Marilyn Jones

Preparing to serve: Austin Sorensen, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Latu and Sister Pelipel (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmberg family


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


5/24/24 Spring Creek 1st Ward updates

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you smiling. 

We are truly blessed to live in Cache Valley. The beauty that surrounds us is incredible. The people we associate with are first-rate. Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently addressed world leaders and pointed to environmental stewardship, service, education, and peacemaking values. He said, “Imagine the transformation that would occur in the world,” he said, “if every community of which we are a part were made to feel like a place where our natural environment is preserved, a place where mutual love and service prevail; a place where all can become self-reliant through education and work; a place of peace where our common values overshadow our differences.” Thank you for being this type of community. I love living next to you. 

The Come Follow Me lesson teaches us the importance of covenants. The account of Alma and his people in Mosiah 18; 23–24 shows what it means to “come into the fold of God” (Mosiah 18:8). When Alma’s people were baptized, they made a covenant with God to “serve him and keep his commandments” (Mosiah 18:10). While this was a personal commitment with God, it also had to do with how they treated one another. Yes, the journey back to Heavenly Father is individual, and no one can keep our covenants for us, but that doesn’t mean we are alone. We need each other. As members of Christ’s Church, we covenant to serve God by helping and serving one another along the way, “bear[ing] one another’s burdens” (Mosiah 18:8–10). Alma’s people definitely had burdens to bear, just as we all do. And one way the Lord helps us “bear up [our] burdens with ease” (Mosiah 24:15) is by giving us a community of Saints who have promised to mourn with us and comfort us, just as we have promised to do for them.

The video of the week focuses on food storage. The Relief Society sponsored a fireside this week with missionaries from the Home Storage Center. They reinforced the things we have been taught for years. We don't see talks at the General Conference about this topic, but that does not make it less important. Please see the attachments and discuss them with your family. The Kelly family is discussing food storage and ordering from the Home Storage Center!

This week, Sacrament meeting is a special one. We have missionaries ready to enter the mission field who will speak. Sisters Alysse Olsen, Sister Marilyn Jones, and Kaden Hess will speak, preparing to enter missionary service. This is a blessing for them, their families, and our Spring Creek 1st Ward. Here are some references they will use in their talks. Elder David A. Bednar compared being born again to the process of a cucumber becoming a pickle (see “Ye Must Be Born Again,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 19–22). What does this comparison teach you about conversion? Sister Bonnie Oscarson: Be Ye Converted; https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2013/10/be-ye-converted?lang=eng#kicker1. BTW: Elder Marshall Hansen comes home from his mission this coming week. How exciting. 

Youth Camps are just around the corner. We are collecting young men's permission forms online. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints requires parental permission forms for major activities. Please fill out this electronic permission for yourself (if attending as a parent or leader) and one form for your young man. 

Temple recommendations are signed by the Stake Presidency each week from 3:30-4:30 pm at the Stake center.

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meetings. Our Spring Creek Ward can do most of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

The Temple and Family History committee has a survey for you to fill out to assess your knowledge and needs. Please fill out this form and help this committee. 

It is our turn to clean the Church building in June. Please check the list on our web page for assignments. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please trade with another family during the time you do. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet me at the cleaning closet across from the library. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  


June: every Saturday, clean the church at 8:00 am. 

June 10-15th; YW June 11-14; and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris, Idaho. We will combine/overlap some youth ym/yw camp activities this year

June 25 - Primary Activity Day Camp

July 4th: Our annual breakfast celebrating the 4th of July. Invite your friends and neighbors

July 31st: Youth temple trip 4:30 pm. Dinner to follow at the Church and fireside with our wonderful Stake Presidency. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Latu and Sister Pelipel (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

5/17/24 Spring Creek Ward updates

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. I have been pondering the power of music lately. Music is a powerful tool to build faith in Jesus Christ. Leaders can encourage members to include sacred music in their individual and family lives. They can also encourage teachers to use music to enhance worship and gospel learning at church (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,19.3.3,19.4.1,19.5.1, Gospel Library). How many times have you sung a Sacrament song in Sacrament meeting and had tears well up in your eyes? How often have you listened to a song and felt God's presence? The power of music resonates in my soul. I try to listen to only uplifting music throughout the week, and I feel the spirit regularly while listening. 

The new hymns are arriving soon. Before publishing the new global hymnbook, Hymns—For Home and Church, small batches of new hymns will be released in Gospel Library, on the Sacred Music app, and at music.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. The first batch of new hymns will be available digitally in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish on May 30, 2024. Hymns will continue to be released in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish batches until the full hymnbook is published near the end of 2026. Other languages will follow the same batch-release process over the next two or three years. The entire hymnbook project is expected to be completed in 50 languages by the end of 2030.

The Come Follow Me lesson speaks of a "light that can never be darkened." Large fires can start from a single spark. Abinadi was only one man testifying against a powerful king and his court. His words were rejected for the most part, and he was sentenced to death. Yet his testimony of Jesus Christ, who is the “light … that can never be darkened” (Mosiah 16:9), sparked something inside the young priest Alma. And that spark of conversion slowly grew as Alma brought many others to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. The flames that killed Abinadi eventually died out, but the fire of faith that his words created would have a lasting influence on the Nephites—and on people who read his words today. Most of us will never face quite what Abinadi did because of our testimonies, but we all have moments when following Jesus Christ is a test of our courage and faith. Perhaps studying Abinadi’s testimony will fan the flames of testimony and courage in your heart as well.

The video of the week reminded me of my teenage years and "the light." This goes along with the Come Follow Me lesson this week. I had the honor of Michael McClean as my Sunday School teacher. He had a profound impact on my testimony. I was so blessed to have him teach me doctrine through music. 

This week, Sacrament meeting will be under the direction of the Medon Stake. Brother Bevan and Brother Thomas will teach us about "The Restoration and Sacred Priesthood ordinances." President Nelson gave a powerful talk about this topic. "The significance of these keys being returned to the earth by three heavenly messengers under the direction of the Lord cannot be overstated. Priesthood keys constitute the authority and power of presidency. Priesthood keys govern how the priesthood of God may be used to bring about the Lord’s purposes and bless all who accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."

Temple recommendations are signed by the Stake Presidency each week from 3:30-4:30 pm at the Stake center.

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meetings. Our Spring Creek Ward can do most of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

The Temple and Family History committee has a survey for you to fill out to assess your knowledge and needs. Please fill out this form and help this committee. 

It is our turn to clean the Church building in June. Please check the list on our web page for assignments. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please trade with another family during the time you do. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet me at the cleaning closet across from the library. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  


May 18th: Elders Quorum Service project 9:00-11:00 am

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation at the Mendon Stake Center. 

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple 5:30 am: please check your temple recommends and bring your family names. 

May 22nd: RS activity: Be Prepared. See flyer

June 10-15th; YW June 11-14; and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris, Idaho. We will combine/overlap some youth ym/yw camp activities this year

June 25 - Primary Activity Day Camp

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Latu and Sister Pelipel (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


Hi All. 

I miss my Mom. She has been gone for 23 years after battling cancer for 7 years before her death. She was divine. She loved her 3 boys with all her heart, mind, and might. Mothers are special, even if we have conflicts with them. They bring life into the world. Many years ago, the First Presidency issued a statement that has profoundly influenced me. “Motherhood,” they wrote, “is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.”

Husbands, what will you do to honor your wife? “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. (Ephesians 5/25)." 

The Come Follow Me lesson teaches us how to turn unto the Lord for comfort. While King Mosiah’s people were enjoying “continual peace” in Zarahemla (Mosiah 7:1), their thoughts turned to another group of Nephites, who many years before had left to dwell in the land of Lehi-Nephi. Generations had passed, and Mosiah’s people had heard nothing from them. So, Mosiah asked Ammon to lead a search party to find the Nephites who had left. The search party found that these Nephites, “because of iniquity” (Mosiah 7:24), were in captivity to the Lamanites. But with the arrival of Ammon and his brethren, suddenly, there was hope for deliverance. Sometimes, we’re like these captive Nephites, suffering because of our sins, wondering how we’ll ever find peace again. Sometimes we’re like Ammon, feeling prompted to reach out to others and eventually finding that our efforts have inspired them to “lift up [their] heads, and rejoice, and put [their] trust in God” (Mosiah 7:19). No matter our circumstances, we all need to repent and “turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart,” with faith that “he will … deliver [us]” (Mosiah 7:33).

The video of the week celebrates Moms everywhere. Mother’s Day celebrates moms who gave us life and taught us how to live. You are much more than "Just a Mom." We love you. 

This week, Sacrament meeting will focus on Mothers and Christlike attributes. We appreciate and love our Mothers. We honor them for their time, talents, service, education, and love that they give us. Check out these 40 quotes on motherhood and become more inspired. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meetings. Our Spring Creek Ward can do most of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

Last 2 days to sign up for the youth fundraiser. We will close the sign-up on Friday at midnight. The Young Men and Young Women will be cleaning trashcans again this year for their annual fundraiser on Saturday, May 11th, in the morning. Please go to Spring Creek Youth 2024 Fundraiser (google.com) to fill out a form and pay for your trashcan amount cleaning before the event. Please see the flyer attached for details. We will pick up your trash cans and recycling bins, wash them, and return them to your house. Please have your trashcans to the curb by 8:00 am. The funds raised go toward the youth camps, activities, and youth conferences. 

The Temple and Family History committee has a survey for you to fill out to assess your knowledge and needs. Please fill out this form and help this committee. 

It is our turn to clean the Church building in June. Please check the list on our web page for assignments. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you cannot fulfill your assignment, please trade with another family during the time you do. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  


May 11: Youth fundraiser: see flyer: sign up ASAP. Trash Cans to the curb by 8:00 am. We will pick up, wash, and return. 

May 15 - Blood Drive 1-7 pm at Mendon Square - Please see the flyer attached for details to sign up

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple 5:30 am: please check your temple recommend; please bring your own names. 

June 10-15th; YW June 11-14; and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris, Idaho. This year, we will combine/overlap some youth ym/yw camp activities. 

June 25 - Primary Activity Day Camp

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

Spring Creek 1st 5/3/24

Hi All, 

I hope this email finds you well. 

This past week, I attended our College's Commencement. Academic regalia, also known as the “cap and gown,” varies according to the degree conferred and the level of scholarship attained. The bachelor’s gown is a simple robe that covers the entire body. The master’s gown has longer, closed sleeves. The doctoral robe is usually the most elaborate; it is velvet, has three stripes on the arms, and includes a hood. We honor students and academia by wearing academic regalia. I am far more grateful for the other unique clothing I wear. From ancient times, men and women have embraced sacred music, different forms of prayer, and religious vestments full of symbolism, gestures, and rituals to express their innermost feelings of devotion to God. These forms of expression are as wide and diverse as the human family. Yet all have the same ultimate purpose: to connect the believer with the object of their devotion in the most personal way—to draw close to God. To Church members, the modest temple garment worn under regular clothing and the symbolic vestments worn during temple worship represent the sacred and personal aspect of their relationship with God and their commitment to live good, honorable lives.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week continues King Benjamin's sermon. Have you ever heard someone speak and felt inspired to change your life? Perhaps you decided, because of what you heard, to live a little differently—or even a lot differently. King Benjamin’s sermon was that kind of sermon, and the truths he taught affected the people who heard them. King Benjamin shared with his people what an angel had taught him—that beautiful blessings were possible through “the atoning blood of Christ” (Mosiah 4:2). Because of His message, they changed their view of themselves (see Mosiah 4:2), the Spirit changed their desires (see Mosiah 5:2), and they covenanted with God that they would always do His will (see Mosiah 5:5). This is how King Benjamin’s words affected his people. How will they affect you?

The video of the week shows us the light of Jesus Christ. You can share the LIGHT of Jesus Christ with the whole world as you seek to be His disciple. Filmed in the Philippines, this video is a powerful reminder that YOU are a disciple of Christ -- wherever you live! Share with us below what being a disciple of Christ means to you. #strivetobe #discipleofchrist #jesuschrist #youthmusic #christiansongs

This week, Sacrament is Fast and Testimony meeting. Please remember your Fast Offerings that complete the process. If you would like a young man to come collect Fast Offerings at your home, let the Bishopric know. You can also pay online by signing into The Church of Jesus Christ.org and clicking the donation tab from the drop-down menu. Where do Fast Offerings go? That is a great question answered here. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple, you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, and the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting. I believe that our Spring Creek Ward can do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed is climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

The Young Men and Young Women will be cleaning trashcans again this year for their annual fundraiser on Saturday, May 11th, in the morning. Please go to Spring Creek Youth 2024 Fundraiser (google.com) to fill out a form and pay for your trashcan amount cleaning prior to the event. Please see the flyer attached for details. We will pick up your trash cans and recycling bins, wash them, and deliver them back to your house. Please have your trashcans to the curb by 8:00 am. The funds raised go toward the youth camps, activities, and youth conferences. 

The Temple and Family History committee has a survey for you to fill out and assess your knowledge and needs. Please fill out this form and help this committee. 

The Utah Church Headquarters Mission is holding a fast this weekend for their missionaries and also potential missionaries. Please add them to your list to fast and pray for. If you have an interest in serving in the Utah Church Headquarters Mission, contact me, and I can walk you through the process. They have very different experiences including prison ministering, family history, headquarters support, etc. 


May 11: Youth fundraiser: see flyer: sign up ASAP. 

May 15 - Blood Drive 1-6 pm at Mendon Square - Sign up online

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple 5:30 am: please check your temple recommend

June 10-15th; YW June 11-14; and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris, Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

June 25 - Primary Activity Day Camp

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

4/26/24 Spring Creek 1st Ward updates

Hi All 

I hope this email finds everyon well. 

I recently lost my Temple recommend and subsequently filled with angst. I didn't felt lost. I remembered all the talks this past Conference on covenants and temples. My turnover to get a recommend was smooth and almost miraculous. I didn't have to miss my weekly visit to the temple. When I recieved my recommend, I was filled with peace. Elder Djort Subiantoro of the Seventy stated "What does it mean to always have a temple recommend? Having a temple recommend is a good indication of our worthiness for celestial glory. No matter where we are, we need to prioritize having a current temple recommend and make the temple the great symbol of our membership in the Church. If we strive to keep our recommend current and live the gospel to its fullest through faith, repentance, and renewal of covenants throughout our lives, we will qualify for eternal life.

The Come Follow me  lesson this week encourages love toward God. When you hear the word king, you might think of crowns, servants, and thrones. In Mosiah 1–3, you will read about a different kind of king. Rather than living off the labors of his people, King Benjamin “labored with [his] own hands” (Mosiah 2:14). Instead of having others serve him, he served his people “with all the might, mind and strength which the Lord [had] granted unto [him]” (Mosiah 2:11). This king did not want his people to worship him; rather, he taught them to worship their Heavenly King, Jesus Christ. King Benjamin understood that it is “the Lord Omnipotent who reigneth” (Mosiah 3:5), who came “down from heaven” and went “forth amongst men, … that salvation might come unto the children of men even through faith on his name” (Mosiah 3:5, 9).

The video of the week  shows us the light of Jesus Christ.  You can share the LIGHT of Jesus Christ with the whole world as you seek to be His disciple. Filmed in the Philippines, this video is a powerful reminder that YOU are a disciple of Christ -- wherever you live! Share with us below what being a disciple of Christ means to you.

This week Sacrament will focus on Service. Two talks to that will help you prepare are Service: For Him; Joy b Jones, and Unselfish Service: Elder Oaks. Thank you Weight family for carrying a heavy load for our meeting.

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

The Young Men and Young Women will be cleaning trashcans again this year for their annual fundraiser on Saturday May 11th in the morning. Please go to Spring Creek Youth 2024 Fundraiser (google.com) to fill out a form and pay for your trashcan amount cleaning prior to the event. Please see the flyer attached for details. We will pick up your trash cans and recycling bins, wash them, and deliver them back to your house. The funds raised go toward the youth camps, activities, and youth conference. 

Congratulations to Will and Cindy Atkin on their missionary call to Wichita, Kansas (leader support) leaving Aug 5th


May 11: Youth fundraiser: see flyer: sign up ASAP. 

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple 5:30 am: please check you temple recomend

June 10-15th; YW June 11-14 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward:Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones, Kaden Hess, Will and Cindy Atkin

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

4/19/24 Spring Creek 1st Ward updates

Hi All

Today is the day. Today we celebrate our new begginings. Today we celebrate the Spring Creek 1st Ward. I am excited to see you this afternoon at the Pavilion for great food, games, and getting to know each other better. Pulled pork, salads, drinks all await your arrival! Share the flyer with your neighbor. 

The Come Follow me  lesson this week teaches us about our relationship with God. Although Enos went to the forest to hunt beasts to satisfy physical hunger, he ended up staying there all day and into the night because his “soul hungered.” This hunger led Enos to “raise [his] voice high that it reached the heavens.” He described this experience as a wrestle before God (see Enos 1:2–4). From Enos we learn that prayer is a sincere effort to draw near to God and seek to know His will. When you pray with this intent, you are more likely to discover, as Enos did, that God hears you and truly cares about you, your loved ones, and even your enemies (see Enos 1:4–17). When you know His will, you are better able to do His will. Like Mormon, you may “not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things … ; wherefore, he worketh in [you] to do according to his will” (Words of Mormon 1:7).

The video of the week  shows us Enos, a powerful example on how to pray earnestly. 

This week Sacrament is under the direction of Mendon Stake leaders addressing "Apostles and Prophets of God". Elder Oakes gave a great talk on this subject. He indicated "The work of the Lord requires an organization led by the Lord through leaders He has chosen and authorized and whom He directs in carrying out His purposes. Scriptural history shows that such leaders have been either a prophet or prophets and apostles. This was the pattern in the years of covenant Israel and in the meridian of time, and it continues in the restored Church of Jesus Christ."

We are planning on a celebration, party, new beginning, inagural blast off on April 19th at 5:30 pm. Please come and eat and mingle with neighbors and friends. We will have games for all ages. Please see the flyer attached and spread the word. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

The Young Men and Young Women will be cleaning trashcans again this year for their annual fundraiser on Saturday May 11th in the morning. Please go to Spring Creek Youth 2024 Fundraiser (google.com) to fill out a form and pay for your trashcan amount cleaning prior to the event. Please see the flyer attached for details. We will pick up your trash cans and recycling bins, wash them, and deliver them back to your house. The funds raised go toward the youth camps, activities, and youth conference. 

This next Tuesday (April 23rd) come help us clean up our neighborhoods. The Priest's quorum is organizing our Spring Creek 1st Ward community clean up this year. Please come get an assignment at 6:00 pm and help us clean up our streets. 

It is with sadness to report Steve Winters passing. Viewing from 9:30-10:30, Saturday, April 20th; funeral services from 11:00-12:00 all at Nelson Funeral home, 162 East 400 North, Logan, Utah; internment at Richmond Cemetery with military honors.Funeral services will be streamed via Zoom for those wishing to attend virtually.  Passcode: Winter https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83400640776?pwd=MEdiZkNVbEVBWndEb01mZ0RMRWNqZz09 

Congratulations to Kaden Hess called to serve in the San Pablo, Phillipines mission leaving September 2, 2024


April 19th: Spring Creek 1st Ward party at 5:30 pm at the Pavilion. Come eat, visit with neighbors, play games and see the new ward. See flyer

April 20th Pre-FSY activity at Stake Center with dance to follow:  3:00 pm

April 23rd: Spring Creek 1st Ward clean-up 6:00 pm at the church. This is for the entire Ward to help clean up our neighborhoods

May 11: Youth fundraiser: see flyer: sign up ASAP. 

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple 5:30 am: please check you temple recomend

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward:Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones, Kaden Hess

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. Conference was fabulous. Which talk struck your heart? Here is an overview of the talks given in General Conference. I loved the Prophet's talk. He stated “Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod (see 1 Nephi 8:30) than worshipping in the temple as regularly as your circumstances permit, President Nelson said.The temple is the only place on earth where individuals may receive all of the blessings promised to Abraham. Those blessings wouldn’t be possible without the priesthood keys conferred by ancient prophets to Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple in 1836. Priesthood keys govern “how the priesthood of God may be used to bring about the Lord’s purposes and bless all who accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.Priesthood keys distinguish The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from any other organization on earth.” Oh how I am thankful for Priesthood keys that restored key Covenants. Oh how I love the temple and the spirit I feel there. 

The Come Follow me  lesson this week shows us God's love. There are many, many people who haven’t yet heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you ever feel overwhelmed by the immensity of the task of gathering them into the Lord’s Church, what Jacob said about olive trees in Jacob 5 has a reassuring reminder: the vineyard belongs to the Lord. He has given each of us a small area to assist in His work—our family, our circle of friends, our sphere of influence. And sometimes the first person we help gather is ourselves. But we are never alone in this work, for the Lord of the vineyard labors alongside His servants (see Jacob 5:72). God knows and loves His children, and He will prepare a way for each of them to hear His gospel, even those who have rejected Him in the past (see Jacob 4:15–18). And then, when the work is done, all those who have been “diligent in laboring with [Him] … shall have joy with [Him] because of the fruit of [His] vineyard” (Jacob 5:75).

The video of the week  helps us learn about the vineyard and how to take care of the trees. 

This week is Fast and Testimony meeting on Sunday. We look forward to hearing your testimonies of Jesus Christ. 

We are planning on a celebration, party, new beginning, inagural blast off on April 19th at 5:30 pm. Please come and eat and mingle with neighbors and friends. We will have games for all ages. Please see the flyer attached and spread the word. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

The Young Men and Young Women will be cleaning trashcans again this year for their annual fundraiser on Saturday May 11th in the morning. Please go to Spring Creek Youth 2024 Fundraiser (google.com) to fill out a form and pay for your trashcan amount cleaning prior to the event. Please see the flyer attached for details. We will pick up your trash cans and recycling bins, wash them, and deliver them back to your house. The funds raised go toward the youth camps, activities, and youth conference. 

It is with sadness to report Steve Winters passing. Viewing from 9:30-10:30, Saturday, April 20th; funeral services from 11:00-12:00 all at Nelson Funeral home, 162 East 400 North, Logan, Utah; internment at Richmond Cemetery with military honors.Funeral services will be streamed via Zoom for those wishing to attend virtually.  Passcode: Winter https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83400640776?pwd=MEdiZkNVbEVBWndEb01mZ0RMRWNqZz09 

Congratulations to Cindy Olsen on a good health report. These many years praying for the Olsen family has help immensely.


April 14th Fast and Testimony mtg

April 19th: Spring Creek 1st Ward party at 5:30 pm at the Pavilion. Come eat, visit with neighbors, play games and see the new ward. See flyer

April 20th Pre-FSY activity at Stake Center with dance to follow:  3:00 pm

April 23rd: Spring Creek 1st Ward clean-up 6:00 pm at the church. This is for the entire Ward to help clean up our neighborhoods

May 11: Youth fundraiser: see flyer: sign up ASAP. 

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple 5:30 am: please check you temple recomend

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward:Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

4/5/24 Spring Creek 1st Ward

As we approach General Conference this weekend, I wanted emphasize an important point. Less than a week ago we celebrated Easter and commemorated the atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the coming days, we have the privilege of listening to a Prophet of God, Apostles of Jesus Christ, and other leaders called to serve God's children today. I pray that each of us will approach this weekend prepared with open hearts and minds to hear the words prepared by these servants. Their words, when recieved with the Spirit, have the power to comfort our souls, heal our wounds, and motivate our actions. 

The Come Follow me  lesson this week turns us to a new author in the Book of Mormon. The Nephites considered Nephi their “great protector” (see Jacob 1:10). He had also protected them against spiritual dangers, warning them against sin and urging them to come unto Christ. Now that task fell to Jacob, whom Nephi had consecrated to be a priest and teacher (see Jacob 1:18). Jacob felt a responsibility to boldly warn those who were “beginning to labor in sin” while also comforting “the wounded soul” of those who had been hurt by the sins of others (see Jacob 2:5–9). How would he do both? He would point them to Jesus Christ—because both groups needed the Savior’s healing (see Jacob 4). Like the message of Nephi before him, Jacob’s testimony was a call to “be reconciled unto [God] through the atonement of Christ” (Jacob 4:11).

I wanted to highlight a resource for parents this week. Support for Common parenting challenges can be found in the Life Help section of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint website. There are great questions and responses to common parenting challenges. 

The video of the week  helps us know how to prepare for the Sacrament. Miguel and Sophia learn how to prepare for the sacrament as they talk about the meaning of the bread and water and of Jesus conquering death so we can repent and feel His spirit.

NO Sacrament meeting this week. Please participate in General Conference. Here are some resources for children to help them pay attention. 

We are planning on a celebration, party, new beginning, inagural blast off on April 19th at 5:30 pm. Please come and eat and mingle with neighbors and friends. We will have games for all ages. Please see the flyer attached and spread the word. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

The Young Men and Young Women will be cleaning trashcans again this year for their annual fundraiser on Saturday May 11th in the morning. Please go to Spring Creek Youth 2024 Fundraiser (google.com) to fill out a form and pay for your trashcan amount cleaning prior to the event. Please see the flyer attached for details. We will pick up your trash cans and recycling bins, wash them, and deliver them back to your house. The funds raised go toward the youth camps, activities, and youth conference. 

It is with sadness to report Steve Winters passing. Viewing from 9:30-10:30, Saturday, April 20th; funeral services from 11:00-12:00 all at Nelson Funeral home, 162 East 400 North, Logan, Utah; internment at Richmond Cemetery with military honors.Funeral services will be streamed via Zoom for those wishing to attend virtually.  Passcode: Winter https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83400640776?pwd=MEdiZkNVbEVBWndEb01mZ0RMRWNqZz09


April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony mtg

April 19th: Spring Creek 1st Ward party at 5:30 pm at the Pavilion. Come eat, visit with neighbors, play games and see the new ward. See flyer

April 20th Pre-FSY activity at Stake Center with dance 3:00 pm

May 11: Youth fundraiser

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward:Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Brian Olsen, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

3/29/24 Spring Creek 1st Ward

Hi All

I love Easter. I love the newness, freshness, hope, change, and possibilities. The First Presidency Easter message was profound this year addressing Easter "We testify that Jesus Christ lives! “He is risen” (Matthew 28:6). Because of Him, we can be guided and strengthened as we bear the burdens we face in mortality. Through our faith in the Savior’s atoning sacrifice, the bonds of sin cannot hold us and the trials that we experience in life will have no lasting power over us. “The sting of death is swallowed up in Christ” (Mosiah 16:8).

The Come Follow me  lesson this week focuses on the our Saviour. The Book of Mormon stands as an additional, convincing witness that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, “manifesting himself unto all nations” (title page of the Book of Mormon) and offering salvation to all who come unto Him. In addition, this second witness also makes it clear what salvation means. This is why Nephi, Jacob, Mormon, and all the prophets labored so “diligently to engraven these words upon plates”—to declare to future generations that they too “knew of Christ, and … had a hope of his glory” (Jacob 4:3–4). This Easter season, reflect on the testimonies in the Book of Mormon that the Savior’s power is both universal and personal—redeeming the whole world and redeeming you.

I wanted to highlight a resource for parents this week. Support for Common parenting challenges can be found in the Life Help section of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint website. There are great questions and responses to common parenting challenges. 

The video of the week celebrates the Savior. Jesus Christ is the Son of God—your Savior and Redeemer, sent to save us all. Because of Him, you can find joy in knowing you can live with God and your loved ones for eternity.

Join us this Sunday for an Easter celebration. Please invite friends and neighbors to attend. Please see the flyer attached. This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on Jesus Christ. We will have multiple musical numbers including the Primary, Turpin family, and Janee Hardman. We will have a message given on Jesus Christ. Tad Callister gave a great talk on The Atonement of Jesus Christ that included it's purpose: What then was its purpose? It was to make it possible for us to return to God’s presence, become more like Him, and have a fulness of joy. This was done by overcoming four obstacles:

Brother Callister then went on to explain each point. Jesus Christ is vital to the plan of salvation. I am thankful for a loving, caring, personable Savior. Without the Lord Jesus Christ I would be doomed. 

We are planning on a celebration, party, new beginning, inagural blast off on April 19th at 5:30 pm. Please come and eat and mingle with neighbors and friends. We will have games for all ages. Please see the flyer attached and spread the word. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 


March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament  mtg only: Please invite your everyone. See attached flyer

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony mtg

April 19th: Spring Creek 1st Ward party at 5:30 pm at the Pavilion. Come eat, visit with neighbors, play games and see the new ward. See flyer

April 20th Pre-FSY activity at Stake Center with dance 3:00 pm

May 11: Youth fundraiser

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward:Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

3/22/24 Spring Creek 1st Ward

Spring Creek 1st Ward

Hello Spring Creek 1st Ward

That has a ring to it "Spring Creek 1st Ward!" What do you think when you hear the new Ward you are part of? I think of opportunities and growth. Elder Marvin J Asthon gave a great speach on change and progression. How often in life do we set our own roots into the soil of life and become root bound? We may treat ourselves too gently and defy anyone to disturb the soil or trim back our root system. Under these conditions we too must struggle to make progress. Oh, change is hard! Change can be rough." Some us may feel that our Spring Creek 1st changes have been rough. I assure you that the Lord has planned this change years ago and is there to help us adjust and grow. Elder Ashton continues "As opportunity for change reaches into our lives, as it always will, we must ask, “Where do I need development? What do I want out of life? Where do I want to go? How can I get there?” Weighing alternatives very carefully is a much needed prerequisite as one plans changes. In God’s plan we are usually free to choose the changes we make in our lives and we are always free to choose how we will respond to the changes that come. We need not surrender our freedoms. But just as a compass is valuable to guide us out of the dense forest, so the gospel points the way as we walk the paths of life." The Spring Creek 1st Ward Bishopric encourages you to ask yourself "How can I support this change and help our ward grow?" We love you and support you. 

We are planning on a celebration, party, new beginning, inagural blast off on April 19th. Please come and eat and mingle with neighbors and friends. We will have games for all ages. Please see the flyer attached and begin to spread the word. 

The Come Follow me  lesson teaches us about "This is the Way." The Way is by the doctrine of Christ.   Among Nephi’s last recorded words, we find this declaration: “The Lord commanded me, and I must obey” (2 Nephi 33:15). This is a good summary of Nephi’s life. He tried to understand the will of God and courageously obeyed it—whether that meant risking his life to get the brass plates from Laban, building a boat and crossing the sea, or faithfully teaching the doctrine of Christ with plainness and power. Nephi could speak persuasively of the need to “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ,” of following the “strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life” (2 Nephi 31:20, 18), because that is the path he followed. He knew by experience that this path, though demanding at times, is also joyful, and that “there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God” (2 Nephi 31:21).

The video of the week celebrates the Savior.   A number of apostles and leaders shared their testimony about Easter on Social media last week. The First Presidency and each member of the Qourum of 12 apostles share their testimonies each day between now and Easter (March 31, 2024).

This week our Sacrament meeting will be presented by Mendon Stake leaders. The speakers will speak on the atonement of Jesus Christ. This is obviously a great topic this time of year. As used in the scriptures, to atone is to suffer the penalty for sins, thereby removing the effects of sin from the repentant sinner and allowing him or her to be reconciled to God. Jesus Christ was the only one capable of carrying out the Atonement for all mankind. Because. I really like Tad Callister talk on the atonement. By the Way: we will meet for both hours this week. We have enough leadership in place to cover classes. 

Join us for Easter celebration for a Sacrament meeting of music and testimony of Jesus Christ. Please invite friends and neighbors to attend. Please see the flyer attached. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

Congratulations to Gage Gualtier on his mission call to Mexico leaving Aug 4th and to Marilyn Jones for her mission call to the Church Headquarters, Salt Lake City, Utah leaving May 28th. 


March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament  mtg only: Please invite your everyone. See attached flyer

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony mtg

April 19th: Spring Creek 1st Ward party at 5:30 pm at the Pavilion. Come eat, visit with neighbors, play games and see the new ward. See flyer

April 20th Pre-FSY activity at Stake Center with dance 3:00 pm

May 11: Youth fundraiser

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

May 21st: Youth baptisms at Logan temple

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward:Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, 

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen, Marilyn Jones

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family,  Mason Olsen, Malmbergs


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brian Hansen

Brother Isaac Short: Executive Secretary

Brother Adam Perry: Ward Clerk


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


Hello everyone

I hope this "last" email for the Spring Creek Ward finds you well.

It is with mixed emotions to send this last email, knowing next week it will not include the same people. This change will cause growth, which is what our Heavenly Father sent us to earth to experience. The split will provide opportunities to serve and minister. I thank you for your goodness, testimonies, service, and friendships. Elder Bednar gave a great talk “In the path of their Duty” that expresses my feelings. “The phrase “in the path of their duty” describes spouses and children who support a companion, parent, or child who serves in a leadership position in the Lord’s restored Church. Their steady, quiet, and typically unrecognized sustaining influence makes possible the blessing of many individuals and families in ways that will be fully known only in eternity. believe the phrase “in the path of their duty” describes discerning brothers and sisters who look for and sit next to people who are alone in Church meetings and in a variety of other settings. They consistently strive to “comfort those that stand in need of comfort,” without expectations of acknowledgment or praise. Many of you fulfill your "in the path of their duty" by sustaning, bearing testimonies, ministering, fulfiling your callings, kindness, smiles, etc. It certainly is a bitter/sweet day on Sunday when we split. I encourage you to sustain/support the new changes and contemplate how you can help make your ward a success. 

The Come Follow me  lesson tells us how a marvelous work and wonder the Book of Mormon is.  “I prophesy unto you concerning the last days,” Nephi wrote (2 Nephi 26:14). In other words, he was writing about our day. And there’s reason to be concerned about what he saw: people denying the power and miracles of God; widespread jealousy and conflict. But in addition to these latter-day “works of darkness” (2 Nephi 26:10, 22) led by the adversary, Nephi also spoke of “a marvelous work and a wonder” led by God Himself (2 Nephi 27:26). Central to that work would be a book—a book that exposes Satan’s lies and gathers the righteous. That book is the Book of Mormon, the marvelous work is the work of the Lord’s Church in the latter days, and the wonder is—at least in part—that God invites all of us, despite our weaknesses, to participate in the gathering.

The video of the week celebrates the Savior.   Ellie Barry sings "Savior of My Soul" for the 2024 Worldwide Youth Discussion on Discipleship. This song was originally released on the Youth 2024 Album and is published on Strive to Be YouTube.

This week is Stake Conference with multiple meetings schedule. Please attend the adult session on Saturday night. It is always a great meeting. On Sunday morning at 10:00 am is the general session of Stake Conference. Please see the flyer attached. You can watch the sessions from the link at our ward website under “meetings.”

Join us for Easter celebration for a Sacrament meeting of music and testimony of Jesus Christ. Please see the flyer attached. 

Spring Creek and College Ward have grown reaching a point where a third ward is now needed.  This is never easy. Sunday the 17th at 2:00pm at the CW/SC building we will hold a special devotional where a new ward will be announced, new ward boundaries will be shown, and a new Bishopric will be sustained.  We invite you to attend in person or watch on-line. The link can be found at https://zoom.us/j/98571214265

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

We support the Feed Utah food drive March 16th. The youth will pick up your food set out clearly on your porch by 9:00 am. Please look for a flyer delivered to you as a reminder that also has other ways you may contribute to the campaign. See attached flyer 


March 16th: Food Drive: feed Utah food flyer: Food picked up by 9:00 am. 

March 16th-17th: Stake Conference. Stake Conference: March 16th 7:00pm adult session. March 17th 10:00 am General Session.  Primary Choir: Parents of Primary children: In each ward primary, the children are preparing two songs to sing in March 17 stake conference. Every primary child in attendance will be asked to come forward and sing The Miracle, and I Am a Child of God. Please practice with your children, click the links to hear the songs.

The link to Stake Conference is at our ward website on the meetings page

March 17th: 2:00 pm. Spring Creek Ward chapel or online link. Devotional: Spring Creek Ward and College Ward will be split to create a 3rd Ward.

March 21st: 6:00-7:00 pm: President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency will address Relief Society members and young women turning 18 in 2024 during a worldwide event commemorating the purpose and founding of the Relief Society in 1842. Learn more on Events.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament only

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony

May 11: Youth fundraiser

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, Elder Mick White and Sister Kathy White

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family, Cortnie Maw family, Mason Olsen, Malmbergs

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 



Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. 

In a world that often celebrates the extraordinary, watch as five individuals who've led seemingly ordinary lives through their own eyes, are reminded of the indelible mark they’ve left on the hearts of their loved ones.   Their family members wer filmed answering the question, “What makes your parent/grandparent extraordinary. The responses we received were nothing short of breathtaking— personal memories, touching anecdotes, and deep reflections shared together. Through the lens of personal stories, we recognize the transformative power of personal memories and experiences, and remember the importance of cherishing and celebrating the unsung heroes in our lives. Everyone's story is worth remembering. 

The Come Follow me  lesson inspires joy and hope.  The writings of Isaiah include strong warnings, but they also offer hope and joy. This is one reason Nephi included them in his record: “I write some of the words of Isaiah,” he said, “that whoso … shall see these words may lift up their hearts and rejoice” (2 Nephi 11:8). In a sense, the invitation to read Isaiah’s writings is an invitation to rejoice. You can take delight, as Nephi did, in Isaiah’s prophecies about the gathering of Israel, the coming of the Messiah, and the peace promised to the righteous. You can rejoice to live in the prophesied day when the Lord has “set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel” (2 Nephi 21:12). When you thirst after righteousness, you can “with joy … draw water out of the wells of salvation” (2 Nephi 22:3). In other words, you can “rejoice in Christ” (2 Nephi 25:26).

The video of week reminds us of the help of the atonement.  A young man shares how with the help of his bishop, he is experiencing the blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

This week our Sacrament meeting will be the Spring Creek Ward Conference. Ward Conferences include a sacrament meeting planned by the stake president. The stake president usually presides at the meeting, and a member of the bishopric usually conducts. During this meeting, a member of the stake presidency or high council presents the names of general, stake, and ward leaders for sustaining. The bishop and stake president usually speak in the meeting. Bishop Kelly will speak on Choosing Christ and joyfully living the gospel. President Nelson has stated " Above everything else you are seeking to learn, seek to know God, your Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. Come to know Them and love Them, as I do."

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

We support the Feed Utah food drive March 16th. The youth will pick up your food set out clearly on your porch by 9:00 am. Please look for a flyer delievered to you as a reminder that also has other ways you may contribute to the campaign. 

Come join a community get together March 9th on our heritages. Try food from other people's heritage. Listen to stories. Share you own important story. Please see the flyer and come and support. 


March 9th: Spring Creek Ward Heritage Fair: 6:00 pm See attached flyer

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference: 

March 16th: Food Drive: feed utah food flyer: Food picked up by 9:00 am. 

March 16th-17th: Stake Conference. Stake Conference: March 16th 7:00pm adult session. March 17th 10:00 am General Session.  Primary Choir: Parents of Primary children: In each ward primary, the children are preparing two songs to sing in March 17 stake conference. Every primary child in attendance will be asked to come forward and sing The Miracle, and I Am a Child of God. Please practice with your children, click the links to hear the songs.

March 21st: 6:00-7:00 pm: President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency will address Relief Society members and young women turning 18 in 2024 during a worldwide event commemorating the purpose and founding of the Relief Society in 1842. Watch for a local event to view the broadcast and participate in a testimony meeting. Learn more on Events.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament only

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, Elder Mick White and Sister Kathy White

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family, Cortnie Maw family, Mason Olsen

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. The youth completed the Book of Mormon read-a-thon and it was awesome. The days were long, but the company was incredible. We had many Spring Creek Ward members help by playing characters from the Book of Mormon (Lehi, Enos, Mosiah, Alma, Ammon, Abish, etc.). We had a tree of life and an iron rod. We ate like kings and queens provide by our auxillary organizations (Relief Society, Primary, Bishopric, Elders Quorum). Thank you, thank you, thank you.We were tire in the end, but our debriefing / testimony meeting at the end was wonderful. Each person gained something different/personal to them by reading the Book of Mormon. Ask a one of our youth what they got from the read-a-thon when you see them. Thank you everyone who made our Youth Conference a big success this year. A speacil shout out to Sister Stacey Kelly organizes / executing the activity. I really like her!!!

RootsTech is live! Check out the list of speakers and hop on and listen to inspirational topics. Family Discovery Day is a one-day event designed specifically for Latter-day Saints on the last day of RootsTech, March 2, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It includes a never-before-seen video of the late President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, which was recorded prior to his passing. In the video, President Ballard recounts his marriage and his own family discovery moments. Watch in person on Saturday, March 2, at 1:30 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time), or online on RootsTech.org, FamilySearch on YouTube, Gospel Stream, Broadcasts.ChurchofJesusChrist.org and Gospel Library.

We have our own version / activity on genealogy March 9th. Please see the flyer and come and support. 

The Come Follow me lesson this week emphasizes "The Prince of Peace." Engraving on metal plates is not easy, and space on Nephi’s small plates was limited. So why would Nephi make the effort of copying so many of the writings of the prophet Isaiah into his record? He did it because he wanted us to believe in Jesus Christ. “My soul delighteth,” he wrote, “in proving unto my people the truth of the coming of Christ” (2 Nephi 11:4). Nephi had seen what would happen to his people in future generations. He saw that, despite their great blessings, they would become prideful, contentious, and worldly (see 1 Nephi 12; 15:4–6). He also saw similar problems in our day (see 1 Nephi 14). Isaiah’s writings warned against such wickedness. But they also gave Nephi hope for a glorious future—an end to wickedness, a gathering of the faithful, and “great light” for people who had “walked in darkness” (2 Nephi 19:2). All this would happen because “a child [was] born” who could end all strife—“The Prince of Peace” (2 Nephi 19:6).

The video of week reminds us of our worth. When life feels hard, let Christ in, He can help make you more than you’d be on your own! Has there been a time Christ has strengthened you during a trial?

This week our Sacrament meeting will be Fast and Testimony meeting. President Spencer W Kimball "Testimony meetings are some of the best meetings in the ward in the whole month, if you have the Spirit. If you are bored at a testimony meeting, there is something the matter with you, and not the other people. You can get up and bear your testimony and you think it is the best meeting in the month; but if you sit there and count the grammatical errors and laugh at the man who can’t speak very well, you’ll be bored, and on that board you’ll slip right out of the kingdom."

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

We will support the Feed Utah food drive March 16th. The youth will pick up your food set out clearly on your porch by 9:00 am. Please look for a flyer delievered to you as a reminder that also has other ways you may contribute to the campaign. 

Congratulations to Elder White and Sister White from our Spring Creek Ward on their mission call supporting the Pathway program. They have been set apart and serving. 


March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 8:30 am-5:00 pm: See attached flyer

March 9th: Spring Creek Ward Heritage Fair: 6:00 pm See attached flyer

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference: 

March 16th: Food Drive: feed utah food flyer: Food picked up by 9:00 am. 

March 16th-17th: Stake Conference. Stake Conference: March 16th 7:00pm adult session. March 17th 10:00 am General Session.  Primary Choir: Parents of Primary children: In each ward primary, the children are preparing two songs to sing in March 17 stake conference. Every primary child in attendance will be asked to come forward and sing The Miracle, and I Am a Child of God. Please practice with your children, click the links to hear the songs.

March 21st: 6:00-7:00 pm: President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency will address Relief Society members and young women turning 18 in 2024 during a worldwide event commemorating the purpose and founding of the Relief Society in 1842. Watch for a local event to view the broadcast and participate in a testimony meeting. Learn more on Events.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament only

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles, Elder Mick White and Sister Kathy White

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family, Cortnie Maw family, Brian Olsen family, Mason Olsen

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well.

Temple here, Temple there, Temple everywhere. It is amazing to see the progress of temples in the news lately. It seems like there is a new article every day on a temple. The temple of my youth, Provo, will be remodeled and renamed. It is exciting! I have greatly missed the Logan temple these past two weeks not open. President Joseph F. Smith first used the phrase of temples “dotting the land”—referencing Europe during several conferences with members there in the early 1900s. Prophets and apostles since have echoed the “dotting” phrase, expanding it to not just North and South America and Europe but to the entire world.


The Come Follow me lesson this week teaches us about the plan of salvation. Reading 1 Nephi, you might get the impression that Nephi was somehow larger than life. “Large in stature” both physically and spiritually (1 Nephi 2:16), he seemed unshaken by the trials he faced. Or at least that is what we might assume. While Nephi’s faith was remarkable, his tender words in 2 Nephi 4 reveal that even faithful people sometimes feel “wretched” and “easily beset” by temptations. Here we see someone who is trying, who wants to be joyful, but whose “heart groaneth because of [his] sins.” We can relate to this and to the hopeful determination that follows: “Nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted” (see 2 Nephi 4:15–19). While Nephi and his people learned to live “after the manner of happiness” (2 Nephi 5:27), they also learned that happiness does not come easily or without periods of sorrow. It ultimately comes from trusting the Lord, “the rock of [our] righteousness” (2 Nephi 4:35).

The video of week is inspirational. Regardless of our circumstances, each one of us can draw strength from studying the Book of Mormon. Reading and pondering it can bring peace, confidence, and optimism! Watch this powerful testimony of the how the Book of Mormon can make trials more manageable.

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on "The plan of salvation" O how great the plan of our god, Atonement

D. Todd Christofferson, “The

Joy of the Saints,” are two great articles to reference. I wish I had God’s perspective more. Elder Christofferson said “God sees things in their true perspective, and He shares that perspective with us through His commandments, effectively guiding us around the pitfalls and potholes of mortality toward eternal joy. The Prophet Joseph Smith explained: “When His commandments teach us, it is in view of eternity; for we are looked upon by God as though we were in eternity; God dwells in eternity, and does not view things as we do.”

The Spring Creek Ward Youth will participate in a Book of Mormon read-a-thon this weekend. We will read the Book of Mormon cover to cover in less than 24 hours. We would ask for special prayers to help us. We are excited and ready to go with some special help from Spring Creek Ward members playing roles from the Book of Mormon. If you would like to read with us, stop by and support us. This will be an incredible experience filled with many powerful lessons and experiences. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Initiative. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinances performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you, President Osborne, for your inspired leadership. 

This past Fall the Bishopric gave families a Book of Mormon when they attended Tithing Declaration with an invitation to mark the book with the recommended scriptures included, and also share their testimonies in the Book of Mormon. It is time to work toward completion of this invitation. The article on sharing the Book of Mormon is a great foundation for what we are trying to accomplish. We would like to correspond giving away Books of Mormon with the Youth Conference held on Feb 23-24th. Please 1. finish marking the Book of Mormon answering, the questions we provided. 2. Pray how to share the Book of Mormon as a family or individuals. 3. The Bishopric can send the Book of Mormons to our Missionaries serving, or you can send them to a missionary, or you can give it away to a friend. We will set up a way to share your experiences online. If you would like a Book of Mormon to quickly begin the process now, please stop by the Bishops office for one. 

It is our honor to clean the Church building in February. This will begin on Feb 25th. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work. You can find a list of cleaning assignments at our website or printed list near the Bishop's office.

Cook, Madison

           Cook, Randall & Dawna

           Corbridge, Brian & Melissa

           Cox, Jordan & Madysen

           Dalebout, Kyle & Molly

           Daugherty, Jeffrey & Grace

           Daugs, Ammon & Alison

           Daugs, Nathan Roger & Christy 

           Daugs, Rachel

           Davis, Harmony Joy


Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon at 3:00 pm and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

Feb 24th: Mendon Stake Women’s conference: Stake Women’s conference

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 8:30 am-5:00 pm: See attached flyer

March 9th: Spring Creek Ward Heritage Fair: 6:00 pm See attached flyer

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference: 

March 16th: Food Drive: feed utah food flyer: Food picked up by 9:00 am. 

March 16th-17th: Stake Conference. Stake Conference Primary Choir: Parents of Primary children: In each ward primary, the children are preparing two songs to sing in March 17 stake conference. Every primary child in attendance will be asked to come forward and sing The Miracle, and I Am a Child of God. Please practice with your children, click the links to hear the songs.

March 21st: 6:00-7:00 pm: President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency will address Relief Society members and young women turning 18 in 2024 during a worldwide event commemorating the purpose and founding of the Relief Society in 1842. Watch for a local event to view the broadcast and participate in a testimony meeting. Learn more on Events.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament only

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family, Cortnie Maw family, Brian Olsen family, Mason Olsen

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 



Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well!

Sister Peggy Jenson viewing and funeral was held this past Monday. Sister Jenson was a good lady that loved her family. We will miss her and wish Doug Jenson heartfelt support. Funerals always cause reflections of beliefs, love, eternity, Jesus Christ, family, marriage, purpose of life, and so many other topics. Funerals stir our souls in comfortable and uncomfortable whisks. Speaking at a funeral, President Howard W. Hunter said:  In the quiet of this chapel today, our souls have been on their knees. We have contemplated the uncertainties of life and the certainty of death. Each of us in his turn will follow the same course—only the point of time is the difference. Will we be ready? Will the things we intend to accomplish be completed? Will we make right the little wrongs and replace the harsh words with kindness before our call comes? Will we accept the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ by following his teachings, keeping his commandments, being of service to our fellowman, ready to enter the tomb, partake of the glorious resurrection, and stand at the judgment as worthy servants? [The Teachings of Howard W. Hunter, ed. Clyde J. Williams (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1997), 15–16].

The Come Follow me lesson this week shows us we can live after the manner of happiness even with trials in our life. Reading 1 Nephi, you might get the impression that Nephi was somehow larger than life. “Large in stature” both physically and spiritually (1 Nephi 2:16), he seemed unshaken by the trials he faced. Or at least that is what we might assume. While Nephi’s faith was remarkable, his tender words in 2 Nephi 4 reveal that even faithful people sometimes feel “wretched” and “easily beset” by temptations. Here we see someone who is trying, who wants to be joyful, but whose “heart groaneth because of [his] sins.” We can relate to this and to the hopeful determination that follows: “Nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted” (see 2 Nephi 4:15–19). While Nephi and his people learned to live “after the manner of happiness” (2 Nephi 5:27), they also learned that happiness does not come easily or without periods of sorrow. It ultimately comes from trusting the Lord, “the rock of [our] righteousness” (2 Nephi 4:35).

The video of week shows us "true love." This Church News video celebrates Valentine's Day in the United States on Feb. 14, 2024. The video features current images of every member of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with his sweetheart.

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on "The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ." I love two fundamental talks on the Book of Mormon by Tad Callister and our Prophet Russel M Nelson. President Nelson states "Whenever I hear anyone, including myself, say, “I know the Book of Mormon is true,” I want to exclaim, “That’s nice, but it is not enough!” We need to feel, deep in “the inmost part” of our hearts,12 that the Book of Mormon is unequivocally the word of God. We must feel it so deeply that we would never want to live even one day without it. I might paraphrase President Brigham Young in saying, “I wish I had the voice of seven thunders to wake up the people”13 to the truth and power of the Book of Mormon."

This next weekend, February 23rd and 24th, the Spring Creek Ward Youth will participate in a Book of Mormon read-a-thon. We will read the Book of Mormon cover to cover in less than 24 hours. We would ask for speacil prayers to help us. We are excited and ready to go with some speacil help from Spring Creek Ward members playing roles from the Book of Mormon. If you would like to read with us, stop by and support us. This will be an incredible experience filled with many powerful lessons and experiences. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Inititiave. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinance performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you President Osborne for your inspired leadership. 

This past Fall the Bishopric gave families a Book of Mormon when they attended Tithing Declaration with an invitation to mark the book with the recomended scriptures included, and also share their testimonies in the Book of Mormon. It is time to work toward completion of this invitation. The article on sharing the Book of Mormon is a great foundation for what we are trying to accomplish. We would like to correspond giving away Books of Mormon with the Youth Conference held on Feb 23-24th. Please 1. finish marking the Book of Mormon answering, the questions we provided. 2. Pray how to share the Book of Mormon as a family or individuals. 3. The Bishopric can send the Book of Mormons to our Missionaries serving, or you can send them to a missionary, or you can give it away to a friend. We will set up a way to share your experiences online. If you would like a Book of Mormon to quickly begin the process now, please stop by the Bishops office for one. 

It is our honor to clean the Church building in February. This will begin on Feb 17th. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work. You can find a list of cleaning assignments at our website or printed list near the Bishop's office.

     Benson, Kenzie Jean

Berry, Xax & Shannon

Bevan, Don & Marilyn

Briggs, Aaron & Nicole

Browning, Mark & Beckie 

Christensen, Cole Weber

Christensen, Jay Francis & Lisa

Christensen, Krista 

Christensen, Sara

Clark, Jeremy Keith & Makinzie

Clark, Kerry & Rosalie


Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon at 3:00 pm and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 8:30 am-5:00 pm: See attached flyer

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference: 

March 16th: Food Drive: See flyer attached: Food picked up by 9:00 am. 

March 16th-17th: Stake Conference. Stake Conference Primary Choir: Parents of Primary children: In each ward primary, the children are preparing two songs to sing in March 17 stake conference. Every primary child in attendance will be asked to come forward and sing The Miracle, and I Am a Child of God. Please practice with your children, click the links to hear the songs.

March 17th: 6:00-7:00 pm: President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency will address Relief Society members and young women turning 18 in 2024 during a worldwide event commemorating the purpose and founding of the Relief Society in 1842. Watch for a local event to view the broadcast and participate in a testimony meeting. Learn more on Events.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament only

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

May 19th: 4:00 pm Seminary Graduation

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Elder Rod and Sister Kim Zilles

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family, Cortnie Maw family, Brian Olsen family, Mason Olsen

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

I loved the article in the Liahona this month by Elder D. Todd Christofferson entitled "The Lasting Joy of living the gospel. "Because of His perfect love for us, our Heavenly Father is eager to share His perfect joy with us, both now and in eternity. That has been His motivation in everything from the beginning, including His glorious plan of happiness and the sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son to redeem us. God does not try to impose joy or happiness on us, but He teaches us how to find it. He also tells us where joy cannot be found—“wickedness [is not and] never was happiness” (Alma 41:10). It is by His commandments that our Heavenly Father reveals to us the path to joy.:

Sister Peggy Jenson viewing and funeral will be Monday, February 12th. Prior to the funeral on February 12th at 12 Noon a viewing will be held at the College Young Ward Church, 2200 S 2394 W.  Burial will be at the Providence Cemetery. You can see her obituary here. Peggy will be sorely missed by Doug, Brian, Curtis, Cherlynn, and Diana (her children). She was a talented women who made beautiful doiles, blankets, crochete articles, etc. 

The Come Follow me    lesson this week shows us the love and wisdom of Lehi to his family.  If you knew that your life was coming to an end, what final messages would you want to share with the people you love most? When the prophet Lehi felt he was nearing the end of his life, he gathered his family together one last time. He shared with them what Heavenly Father had revealed to him. He bore his testimony of the Messiah. He taught gospel truths he cherished to the people he cherished. He talked about liberty, obedience, the Fall of Adam and Eve, redemption through Jesus Christ, and joy. Not all of his children chose to live by what he taught—none of us can make these choices for our loved ones. But we can teach and testify of the Redeemer, who makes us “free to choose liberty and eternal life” (see 2 Nephi 2:26–27).

The video of week teaches us about God's commandments. Have you ever felt like the commandments are limiting, like they’re holding you back? Well, here’s the truth. Following God’s commandments actually leads to more freedom. It may sound counterintuitive, but hear us out.

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on "Agency and Trials": Agency and Accountability, Dallin H. Oaks, “The Great Plan of Happiness,” Elder Oaks states "When we understand the plan of salvation, we also understand the purpose and effect of the commandments God has given his children. He teaches us correct principles and invites us to govern ourselves. We do this by the choices we make in mortality."

We fully support the Mendon Stake Inititiave. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinance performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you President Osborne for your inspired leadership. 

This past Fall the Bishopric gave families a Book of Mormon when they attended Tithing Declaration with an invitation to mark the book with the recomended scriptures included, and also share their testimonies in the Book of Mormon. It is time to work toward completion of this invitation. The article on sharing the Book of Mormon is a great foundation for what we are trying to accomplish. We would like to correspond giving away Books of Mormon with the Youth Conference held on Feb 23-24th. Please 1. finish marking the Book of Mormon answering, the questions we provided. 2. Pray how to share the Book of Mormon as a family or individuals. 3. The Bishopric can send the Book of Mormons to our Missionaries serving, or you can send them to a missionary, or you can give it away to a friend. We will set up a way to share your experiences online. If you would like a Book of Mormon to quickly begin the process now, please stop by the Bishops office for one. 

It is our honor to clean the Church building in February. This will begin on Feb 10th. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work. You can find a list of cleaning assignments at our website or printed list near the Bishop's office.

     Allen, Brett & Rachelle Cherie

Anderson, Casey James & Tanya 

Anderson, Matthew David & Rebecca

Arroyo, Richard & Jessica

Atkin, Will & Cindy

Ayres, Christina

Babbitt, Amy

Balls, Jeff

Barkdull, Trent & Nicole

Barker, Keith & Cassie

Barrett, Austin & Madison 

Batista, Tia Laree

Congratulations Austin Sorensen who recieved his mission call to Piracicaba, Brazil leaving July 15th


Feb 4 - Apr 14, New Finding Strength in the Lord through Emotional Resiliance Class : New class is starting soon, Sunday evenings 6:30-8:30 p.m., nursery provided. Facilitator is Bro. Jeff Bland. Please contact KayDawn Sorensen (435-232-8509) if you would like to attend. You can also contact Sister Corbridge for more details about this course. 

Feb 10th: Elders Qourum / Ward Valentine Dinner: Nursery provided. 6:00 pm. Come enjoy Valentine's. 

Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon at 3:00 pm and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference: 

March 16th-17th: Stake Conference

Stake Conference Primary Choir: Parents of Primary children: In each ward primary, the children are preparing two songs to sing in March 17 stake conference. Every primary child in attendance will be asked to come forward and sing The Miracle, and I Am a Child of God. Please practice with your children, click the links to hear the songs.

March 17th: 6:00-7:00 pm: President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency will address Relief Society members and young women turning 18 in 2024 during a worldwide event commemorating the purpose and founding of the Relief Society in 1842. Watch for a local event to view the broadcast and participate in a testimony meeting. Learn more on Events.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament only

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Rod and Kim Zilles

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen, Austin Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Doug Jenson family, Cortnie Maw family, Brian Olsen family, Mason Olsen

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

I attended a funeral this week that re-affirmed God's love for everyone. From homeless to rich people, God loves us fully and completely. The Primary song God's love states "We do not have to see, To Know God's love is near." When you know and understand how completely you are loved as a child of God, it changes everything. It changes the way you feel about yourself when you make mistakes. It changes how you feel when difficult things happen. It changes your view of God’s commandments. It changes your view of others and of your capacity to make a difference. Sister Susan Porter emphasised in Conference "God’s love is not found in the circumstances of our lives but in His presence in our lives. We know of His love when we receive strength beyond our own and when His Spirit brings peace, comfort, and direction.. Katy Nicole sings it well "God is Love.

The Come Follow me    lesson this week shows us God prepares a way for us.  As Lehi’s family journeyed toward the promised land, the Lord made them this promise: “I will prepare the way before you, if it so be that ye shall keep my commandments” (1 Nephi 17:13). Clearly, that promise did not mean that the journey would be easy—family members still disagreed, bows broke, people struggled and died, and they still had to build a ship from raw materials. However, when the family faced adversity or tasks that seemed impossible, Nephi recognized that the Lord was never far away. He knew that God “doth nourish [the faithful], and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them” (1 Nephi 17:3). If you ever wonder why bad things happen to good people like Nephi and his family, you may find insights in these chapters. But perhaps more important, you will see what good people do when bad things happen.

The video of the week shows us Lehi's family sailing to the Promised Land.  In this Book of Mormon video, Lehi’s family—now including young children and grandchildren—set sail for the promised land. Along the way, some of them decide to party a little too hard. Nephi asks them to tone down the rudeness and be more faithful instead, which doesn’t go over well. One fierce storm later, some attitudes have changed. There’s never a dull moment with this family!

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on fasting and testimonies. Elder Jay Jensen defines "A testimony is usually defined as knowledge or assurance of a truth that a person declares by the convincing power of the Holy Ghost. The Apostle Paul taught, “No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost” (1 Cor. 12:3). Because the things of God are known only by the power of the Spirit, they must be declared by the Spirit, and that means bearing testimony. Read his talk to find out what he says a testimony is not!

We fully support the Mendon Stake Inititiave. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinance performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you President Osborne for your inspired leadership. 

This past Fall the Bishopric gave families a Book of Mormon when they attended Tithing Declaration with an invitation to mark the book with the recomended scriptures included, and also share their testimonies in the Book of Mormon. It is time to work toward completion of this invitation. The article on sharing the Book of Mormon is a great foundation for what we are trying to accomplish. We would like to correspond giving away Books of Mormon with the Youth Conference held on Feb 23-24th. Please 1. finish marking the Book of Mormon answering, the questions we provided. 2. Pray how to share the Book of Mormon as a family or individuals. 3. The Bishopric can send the Book of Mormons to our Missionaries serving, or you can send them to a missionary, or you can give it away to a friend. We will set up a way to share your experiences online. If you would like a Book of Mormon to quickly begin the process now, please stop by the Bishops office for one. 

It is our honor to clean the Church building in February. This will begin on Feb 3rd. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work. You can find a list of cleaning assignments at our website or printed list near the Bishop's office.

       White, Mick & Kathy

Wilkins, Derek & Caroline

Yates, Bridger Skye & Baylie

Zilles, Glen Ray & Jolene

Zilles, Justin & Hollie

Zilles, Kelly Deloy

Zilles, Ricky Kent & Linnea

Zilles, Rodney Jens & Kimberly

Zilles, Terry Lee & Laurie


Feb 3 - Mendon Stake YW Retreat

Feb 4 - Apr 14, New Finding Strength in the Lord through Emotional Resiliance Class : New class is starting soon, Sunday evenings 6:30-8:30 p.m., nursery provided. Facilitator is Bro. Jeff Bland. Please contact KayDawn Sorensen (435-232-8509) if you would like to attend. You can also contact Sister Corbridge for more details about this course. 

Feb 10th: Elders Qourum / Ward Valentine Dinner: Nursery provided. 6:00 pm. Come enjoy Valentine's. 

Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference: 

March 16th-17th: Stake Conference

Stake Conference Primary Choir: Parents of Primary children: In each ward primary, the children are preparing two songs to sing in March 17 stake conference. Every primary child in attendance will be asked to come forward and sing The Miracle, and I Am a Child of God. Please practice with your children, click the links to hear the songs.

March 17th: 6:00-7:00 pm: President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency will address Relief Society members and young women turning 18 in 2024 during a worldwide event commemorating the purpose and founding of the Relief Society in 1842. Watch for a local event to view the broadcast and participate in a testimony meeting. Learn more on Events.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

March  31st Easter Sunday: Sacrament only

April 6-7th General Conference

April 14th Fast and Testimony

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Rod and Kim Zilles

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Cortnie Maw family, Brian Olsen family, Mason Olsen

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

Did you see Elder Kearen's interview with the media this week. Elder Kearon reflected on his conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as an adult and his witness of Christ as the source of all peace. He stated “To anyone who’s hurting, feeling alone, feeling forgotten, feeling neglected or mistreated, I pray that you will find peace from the source of all peace [and] from the love of your Father in Heaven, who adores you, believe it or not, “His Son, our Savior will put all of this right for you — and I hope soon. But certainly, ultimately. That’s my wish. And it’s also my promise on His behalf.” 

The Come Follow me    lesson this week continues our discussion of the Tree of Life, but this time from Nephi's vision. When God has monumental work for His prophet to do, He often gives that prophet a monumental vision. Moses, John, Lehi, and Joseph Smith all had visions like that—visions that expanded their minds and helped them see just how grand and awe-inspiring God’s work really is. Nephi also had one of these life-changing visions. He saw the ministry of the Savior, the future of Lehi’s posterity in the promised land, and the latter-day destiny of God’s work. After this vision, Nephi was better prepared for the work that lay ahead. And reading about this vision can help prepare you too—for God also has work for you to do in His kingdom. You are among “the saints of the church of the Lamb” seen by Nephi, “who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory” (1 Nephi 14:14).

Did you see the immersive experience onthe Rod of Iron. Take a journey of Lehi's land. It is best experienced on a hand held device.

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on the gift of repentance thorugh faith in Jesus Christ. Our Stake High Councilors leaders will be the speakers. Elder D Todd Christofferson said "Repentance is a divine gift, and there should be a smile on our faces when we speak of it. It points us to freedom, confidence, and peace. Rather than interrupting the celebration, the gift of repentance is the cause for true celebration.

The video of the week shows us a real life experience of step by step process of repentance. Thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we all have the ability to repent—to be free from the guilt and burden of our past sins. Learn how Melody put her past behind her with Jesus’s help and was able to find peace in her new life.

We fully support the Mendon Stake Inititiave. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinance performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you President Osborne for your inspired leadership. 

This past Fall the Bishopric gave families a Book of Mormon when they attended Tithing Declaration with an invitation to mark the book with the recomended scriptures included, and also share their testimonies in the Book of Mormon. It is time to work toward completion of this invitation. The article on sharing the Book of Mormon is a great foundation for what we are trying to accomplish. We would like to correspond giving away Books of Mormon with the Youth Conference held on Feb 23-24th. Please 1. finish marking the Book of Mormon answering, the questions we provided. 2. Pray how to share the Book of Mormon as a family or individuals. 3. The Bishopric can send the Book of Mormons to our Missionaries serving, or you can send them to a missionary, or you can give it away to a friend. We will set up a way to share your experiences online. If you would like a Book of Mormon to quickly begin the process now, please stop by the Bishops office for one. 

Congratulations to Breanne Jacobsen and Zane Hess on the birth of their twins. Please pray for the babies at this time. Please give Breanne and Zane some room to focus on the twin's. The twin's are doing well. 

Congratulations to Alysse Olsen called to serve in the Austin, Texas Mission Spanish Speaking mission leaving in May. 

It is our honor to clean the Church building in February. This will begin on Feb 3rd. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work. You can find a list of cleaning assignments at our website or printed list near the Bishop's office.

       White, Mick & Kathy

Wilkins, Derek & Caroline

Yates, Bridger Skye & Baylie

Zilles, Glen Ray & Jolene

Zilles, Justin & Hollie

Zilles, Kelly Deloy

Zilles, Ricky Kent & Linnea

Zilles, Rodney Jens & Kimberly

Zilles, Terry Lee & Laurie


January 28, 2024: 6:00 pm Worldwide Event for Youth—“I Am a Disciple of JesusChrist”

January 30th 5:30 am Youth trip to Logan Temple. 

Feb 3 - Mendon Stake YW Retreat

Feb 4 - Apr 14, New Finding Strength in the Lord through Emotional Resiliance Class : New class is starting soon, Sunday evenings 6:30-8:30 p.m., nursery provided. Facilitator is Bro. Jeff Bland. Please contact KayDawn Sorensen (435-232-8509) if you would like to attend. You can also contact Sister Corbridge for more details about this course. 

Feb 10th: Elders Qourum / Ward Valentine Dinner: Nursery provided. 6:00 pm. Come enjoy Valentine's. 

Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference: 

March 16th-17th: Stake Conference

Stake Conference Primary Choir: Parents of Primary children: In each ward primary, the children are preparing two songs to sing in March 17 stake conference. Every primary child in attendance will be asked to come forward and sing The Miracle, and I Am a Child of God. Please practice with your children, click the links to hear the songs.

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher, Rod and Kim Zilles

Preparing to serve: Alysse Olsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Ahota'e'iloa Latu (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Cortnie Maw family, Brian Olsen family, Mason Olsen

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well.

It seems our Spring Creek Ward has been hit hard with adversity this week. We have had storms from winter, storms of life, sicknesses, death, hardships (phyical, mental, emotional), etc. Different kinds of adversity require different responses. For example, people who are stricken with illness may simply need to be patient and faithful. People who suffer because of others’ words or actions should work toward forgiving those who have offended them. Victims of abuse should seek help immediately. If a person’s trials come because of disobedience, he or she should correct the behavior and humbly seek forgiveness.Although some of the responses to adversity will vary, one response should be constant—trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The prophet Alma taught, “Whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day (Alma 36:3)."

Elder Eyring said it well about adversity and trials; "My purpose today is to assure you that our Heavenly Father and the Savior live and that They love all humanity. The very opportunity for us to face adversity and affliction is part of the evidence of Their infinite love. God gave us the gift of living in mortality so that we could be prepared to receive the greatest of all the gifts of God, which is eternal life. Then our spirits will be changed. We will become able to want what God wants, to think as He thinks, and thus be prepared for the trust of an endless posterity to teach and to lead through tests to be raised up to qualify to live forever in eternal life." Please know, your Bishopric loves you and stands behind you. Your auxillary presidents love you (Relief Society, Elders, Primary). 

The video of the week takes us into Lehi's dream about the Tree of Life. What have you learned about the Tree of Life this week? 

Did you see the immersive experience onthe Rod of Iron. Take a journey of Lehi's land. It is best experienced on a hand held device. 

The Come Follow me   lesson was uplifting this week. Lehi’s dream—with its iron rod, mists of darkness, spacious building, and tree with “most sweet” fruit—is an inspiring invitation to receive the blessings of the Savior’s love and atoning sacrifice. For Lehi, however, this vision was also about his family: “Because of the thing which I have seen, I have reason to rejoice in the Lord because of Nephi and also of Sam. … But behold, Laman and Lemuel, I fear exceedingly because of you” (1 Nephi 8:3–4). When Lehi finished describing his vision, he pleaded with Laman and Lemuel to “hearken to his words, that perhaps the Lord would be merciful to them” (1 Nephi 8:37). Even if you have studied Lehi’s vision many times, this time think about it the way Lehi did—think of someone you love. As you do, the security of the iron rod, the dangers of the spacious building, and the sweetness of the fruit will take on new meaning. And you will understand more deeply “all the feeling of [the] tender parent” who received this remarkable vision..

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on revelation and obedience. Kevin W. Pearson, “Stay by the Tree,”,  and “Hold On” by Sister Ann Dib are great resources to study.  Sister Dib indicates "Holding to the iron rod is not always easy. We may let go because of peer pressure or pride, thinking we can find our own way back—later. When we do so, we are leaving our safety equipment behind. In Lehi’s vision he saw many who let go of the iron rod. Nephi says, “And many were lost from his view, wandering in strange roads” (1 Nephi 8:32). In difficult times in our own lives, we may find we are also “wandering in strange roads.” Let me reassure you that it is always possible for us to find our way back.

We fully support the Mendon Stake Inititiave. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinance performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you President Osborne for your inspired leadership. 

Congratulations to Breanne Jacobsen and Zane Hess on the birth of their twins. Please pray for the babies at this time. Please give Breanne and Zane some room to focus on the twin's. 

Here is an update and obituary for Sister Norma Jenson: Norma's funeral service will be held on Friday, January 19, 2024, at 12:00 pm at the College Ward LDS Chapel, 2394 W 2200 S, College Ward, Utah.  A public viewing will be held before the service from 10:00 to 11:30 am at the church.  The interment will be at the Logan City Cemetery.

Norma is a great lady, whom uplifted all she interacted with. She will be missed by many Spring Creek Ward members. 


January 28, 2024: 6:00 pm Worldwide Event for Youth—“I Am a Disciple of JesusChrist”

January 30th 5:30 am Youth trip to Logan Temple. 

Feb 3 - Mendon Stake YW Retreat

Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Theme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Cortnie Maw family, Eldon Jenson family 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

January brings new beginnings and hope. I am thankful for the new snow and the whiteness. It looks clean and refreshing. This helps remind us of our Spring Creek Ward theme for the year "Help Individuals and families to place the Savior and sacred covenants at the center of their lives and to joyfully live the gospel of Jesus Christ." Jesus is our ultimate healer and brings strength into our lives. As the Christian song praises "God really Loves Us," I contemplate how to joyfully live the gospel of Jesus Christ (2 Nephi 2:25). Ezra Taft Benson stated "Do we realize that happiness here and now consists in freely, lovingly, joyfully acknowledging God’s will for us—and doing it in all ways and all affairs big and small?  To live happily is to grow in spiritual strength toward perfection. Every action performed in accord with God’s will is part of that growth. Let us not partition our lives. Let us unify our lives, being contemptuous of fictitious honors and glories that do not come with God’s approval. Let us remember that the real source of our strength and happiness is beyond the reach of men and circumstances." How do you "joyfully live the gospel of Jesus Christ?

The video of the week  comes from the youth album "Savior of My Soul." Jesus Christ has many powerful names. He is the Truth, Light, and the Redeemer of mankind. He is our King, Deliverer, and the Savior of our souls. Which one of Christ’s names is especially meaningful to you? Share with us in the comments!

The Utah Area Seventy has set "priorities" for 2024 that then translate down to the Mendon Utah Stake and the Spring Creek Ward and finally to you. Please see the handout of the Utah Area Seventy goals. The Mendon Stake is emphasizing the temple this year and creating a Stake in Heaven by performing 3600 ordinances. Our Spring Creek Ward theme aligns with the Utah Area Preidency "Help Individuals and families to place the Savior and sacred covenants at the center of their lives and to joyfully live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please take some time to set some family goals and individual goals with the attached handout. 

Are you excited to read the Book of Mormon this year? I love, love, love the Book of Mormon for many reasons. Here is a really simple video about the Book of Mormon. There are so many resources to help us study the Book of Mormon this year. What are some of your favorite resources? Remember we have a Book of Mormon resource page at our Webpage. Here are 15 Quotes on the Book of Mormon from apostles

The Come Follow me   lesson was uplifting this week. The Book of Mormon begins with an account of a real family experiencing real struggles. It happened in 600 BC, but there are things about this account that might seem familiar to families today. This family was living in a world of wickedness, but the Lord promised them that if they would follow Him, He would lead them to safety. Along the way they had good moments and bad moments, great blessings and miracles, but they also had arguments and contention. Rarely in scripture is there such a detailed account of a family trying to live the gospel: parents struggling to inspire faith in their family and worrying about their safety, children deciding if they will believe their parents, and brothers dealing with jealousy and contention—and sometimes forgiving each other. Overall, there is power in this imperfect family’s examples of faith.

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on revelation and obedience. President Dallin H. Oaks’s message “Obedience,”and also President Russell M. Nelson’s message “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives” will be utilized. Some people feel that the commandments are burdensome and that they limit freedom and personal growth. But the Savior taught that true freedom comes only from following Him: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31–32). God gives commandments for our benefit. They are loving instructions for our happiness and for our physical and spiritual well-being. We had great examples of recieving revelation and obedience this week in the Book of Mormon. Lehi and Nephi heard the Lord and responded quickly. 

We fully support the Mendon Stake Inititiave. Please read the initiative from our Stake Presidency that is attached to this email. As you attend the temple you can access the QR code to record your ordinances at the Spring Creek Ward website, the Mendon Utah Stake website, the weekly bulletin for Sacrament meeting, and the attached letter. I personally believe that our Spring Creek Ward can literally do the majority of the 3600 ordinances this year. You will see that the number of ordinance performed are climbing quickly. What a blessing for the people on the other side of the veil and what a blessing leading us closer to Jesus Christ within the walls of the Temple. Thank you President Osborne for your inspired leadership. 

Congratulations Lena Weight advancing from Primary to Young Women's organization. 



January 14th: Youth/Parent meeting second hour of Sunday meetings (11:30 am).

January 28, 2024: 7:00 pm Worldwide Event for Youth—“I Am a Disciple of JesusChrist”

January 30th 5:30 am Youth trip to Logan Temple. 

Feb 3 - Mendon Stake YW Retreat

Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Th eme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Cortnie Maw family

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 



Hi Everyone 

I hope this email finds you well. As a Bishopric, December is usually filled with youth interviews. Young Women excited to advance to the Young Women's Organization and Young Men progressing in their Priesthood duties, or recieving the Aaronic Priesthood, meet with a member of the Bishopric. This Sunday will be a blessed day for many young men and their families. It will be a day of Priesthood Ordinations. You will see new Deacons helping pass the Sacrament. These young men are learning how to bear the Priesthood. President Nelson has said "To bear means to support the weight of that which is held. It is a sacred trust to bear the priesthood, which is the mighty power and authority of God. Think of this: the priesthood conferred upon us is the very same power and authority through which God created this and numberless worlds, governs the heavens and the earth, and exalts His obedient children." 

The video of the week  helps us understand Priesthood power. Four kids on bikes imagine they’re superheroes. One crashes, breaking a leg, and receives a priesthood blessing. The kids who understand blessings explain how God’s power is real and not pretended.

The Area Seventy has set "priorities" for 2024 that then translate down to the Mendon Utah Stake and the Spring Creek Ward and finally to you. Please see the handout of the Utah Area Seventy goals. The Mendon Stake is emphasizing the temple this year and creating a Stake in Heaven by performing 3600 ordinances.  Please look for the Spring Creek Ward goals . You may then set your own family and individual goals on how to accomplish these priorities. 

Are you excited to begin the Book of Mormon this year? I love, love, love the Book of Mormon for many reasons. Here is a really simple video about the Book of Mormon. There are so many resources to help us study the Book of Mormon this year. What are some of your favorite resources? Remember we have a Book of Mormon resource page at our Webpage. Here are 15 Quotes on the Book of Mormon from apostles

The Come Follow me   lesson helps us begin our journey through the Book of Mormon. Before you even get to 1 Nephi chapter 1, you will notice that the Book of Mormon is no ordinary book. Its introductory pages describe a backstory unlike any other—including visits from angels, an ancient record buried for centuries in a hillside, and a young man translating the record by the power of God. The Book of Mormon is not just a history of ancient American civilizations. It seeks to convince all “that Jesus is the Christ” (title page of the Book of Mormon), and God Himself directed how it was written, preserved, and made available to us. This year, as you read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, and apply its teachings, you will invite the Savior’s power into your life. And you may feel moved to say, as the Three Witnesses did in their testimony, “It is marvelous in [my] eyes.”

This week our Sacrament meeting will be Fast and Testimony meeting. How did your testimony grow in 2023? Happiness in this life and throughout eternity depends largely on whether individuals are “valiant in the testimony of Jesus” (Doctrine and Covenants 76:79; see also Doctrine and Covenants 76:51, 74, 101). 

January 7th our Sacrament meeting will begin at 10:30 am with 2cnd hour meetings begging at 11:40 am.

Congratulations Lena Weight advancing from Primary to Young Women's organization. 



January 14th: Youth/Parent meeting second hour of Sunday meetings (11:30 am).

January 28, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—“I Am a Disciple of JesusChrist”

January 30th 5:30 am Youth trip to Logan Temple. 

Feb 3 - Mendon Stake YW Retreat

Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 

March 10th: Spring Creek Ward Conference

April 20th: Youth fundraiser

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 

August 10, 2024: Youth Music and Arts Festival

October 27, 2024: Worldwide Event for Youth—Culminating Th eme Event


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hello Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. I hope your holidays are filled with love and happiness. 

It is that time of year to consider your goals for 2024 (or at least for the next 21 days..haha). I love this article by Nichole Eck, with LeAnn Hunt entitled "Big Goals, Little Goals." The authors enourage us to set little goals that then become part of a bigger picture. 

The Area Seventy has set "priorities" for 2024 that then translate down to the Mendon Utah Stake and the Spring Creek Ward and finally to you. Please see the handout of the Utah Area Seventy goals. The Mendon Stake is emphasizing the temple this year and there will be many upcoming discussions about this goal. Please look for the Spring Creek Ward goals . You may then set your own family and individual goals on how to accomplish these priorities. 

The Come Follow me   lesson this week encourages us to change our lives for the good.   As you may recall, the book of Revelation begins with the Savior declaring Himself to be “the beginning and the ending” (Revelation 1:8). Fittingly, it ends with similar words: “I am … the beginning and the end” (Revelation 22:13). But what does that mean? The beginning and the end of what? The book of Revelation powerfully testifies that Jesus Christ is the beginning and end of everything—of the great, sweeping drama of human existence and salvation. He is “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). And He is the King of kings who brings an end to wickedness, sorrow, and even death itself and ushers in “a new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1). Yet before this new heaven and new earth arrive, there is much for us to overcome: plagues, wars, rampant wickedness—all of which Revelation vividly describes. But Jesus Christ is with us during this part too. He is the “bright and morning star” that shines in the dark sky as a promise that dawn is coming soon (Revelation 22:16). And it is coming soon. He is coming. Even as He invites us, “Come unto me” (Matthew 11:28), He also comes to us. “I come quickly,” He declares. And with hope and faith that has been purified in the fires of latter-day adversity, we answer, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).

The video of the week     helps us understand the principle of "small and simple things." To bridge the gap of divine discontent between where you are and where you want to be, work on improving by small and simple means over time, not all at once in a burst of energy.

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on blessings of Temple Service. President Thomas S Monson has stated "The temple provides purpose for our lives. It brings peace to our souls—not the peace provided by men but the peace promised by the Son of God when He said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.” The blessings of the temple enable us to be sealed (connected) to our families after death and return back to the presence of our Father in Heaven.The Mendon Stake Presidency has given the Stake an important Initiativie for 2024. Please see the attached letter. The 2cnd hour meetings will discuss this iniative. 

Tithing declaration has formally concluded. What a blessing it is for me to meet with incredible faith filled members and feel of your goodness, testimonies, examples, talents.  If you would like to meet with Bishop Kelly and declare tithing status then you may contact Brother Richard Sellers (435-287-5607) for an appointment. I will need to wrap everything up by the end of December. 

January 7th our Sacrament meeting will begin at 10:30 am with 2cnd hour meetings begging at 11:40 am.



Dec 31: Second hour discussing Mendon Stake Initative. See attached letter from the Mendon Stake. 

January 14th: Youth/Parent meeting second hour of Sunday meetings (11:30 am).

January 30th 5:30 am Youth trip to Logan Temple. 

Feb 3 - Mendon Stake YW Retreat

Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hello Everyone,

We are headed into the Christmas weekend. We invite you to attend our special Sacrament meeting on Sunday December 24th at 9:00 am for music and remarks about the Savior.

The First Presidency Christmas Message reflects my deepest feelings this week. “The Christmas season is often associated with gifts. The most desirable gifts are those offered to us by our loving Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. These gifts are made possible because Jehovah condescended to come to earth as the baby Jesus. He was born of an immortal Father and a mortal mother. He was born in Bethlehem under the humblest of circumstances. His was the holy birth foreseen by prophets since the days of Adam. Jesus Christ is God’s transcendent gift—the gift of the Father to all of His children (see John 3:16). That birth we joyfully celebrate each Christmas season. The Savior’s infinite and perfect love moved Him to atone for all of God’s children. That gift—the Atonement of Jesus Christ—allows all of His other gifts to be ours. We testify that God lives! Jesus is the Christ—the Messiah. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His Church, which He directs.”


The Come Follow me   lesson this week declares the popular message “good tidings of great joy.”  Why does the birth of a baby bring such great joy? Perhaps because a new baby can be a symbol of hope. There’s something about a brand-new life full of possibilities that invites us to ponder what life might hold for that child and what wonderful things he or she will accomplish. Never has this been truer than at the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Never has there been more hope placed in a child, and never has there been one born with so much promise.

When an angel invited shepherds to seek a newborn child in a manger, he also gave them a message about that child. It was a message of hope—that this baby had come to earth to fulfill a sacred mission. The shepherds made their message “known abroad … and all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:17–19). Perhaps it would be good to follow Mary’s example this Christmas: to ponder in your heart the things you have learned about the Savior this year. How did He fulfill His mission of redemption in the accounts you have read? And more important, how has His mission changed your life? Then you might feel inspired to follow the example of the shepherds: how will you make it “known abroad” what Jesus Christ has done for you?

Did you see “The Book of Mormon videos” have new videos coming out just in time for next year Come Follow Me focus on The Book of Mormon. These will include the stories of Captain Moroni and the title of liberty, Helaman’s faithful stripling warriors, and Samuel the Lamanite, among others.


The video of the week    celebrates angels singing from on high. The Merchant family blends string instruments with beautiful vocals in this hymn of praise! I would have been one of these formal angels if I would have had one mustard seed of singing ability. I love, love, love songs about Jesus Christ.


Are you participating in Light the World campaign this year? This year’s Light the World campaign invites us to focus on giving “glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). Find downloadable resources for the campaign here:

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on Jesus Christ through music and remarks. We have planned musical numbers that include a harp, children, talented solos, and remarks. Please come feel the peace and spirit of the Christmas Holliday. Watch President Nelson’s special witness of Jesus Christ this Holiday season.

Tithing declaration has formally concluded. What a blessing it is for me to meet with incredible faith filled members and feel of your goodness, testimonies, examples, talents.  If you would like to meet with Bishop Kelly and declare tithing status then you may contact Brother Richard Sellers (435-287-5607) for an appointment. I will need to wrap everything up by the end of December. 

January 7th our Sacrament meeting will begin at 10:30 am with 2cnd hour meetings begging at 11:40 am.



Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only. Come feel the Spirit of Christ through music and talks. 

January 14th: Youth/Parent meeting second hour of Sunday meetings (11:30 am).

Feb 3 - Mendon Stake YW Retreat

Feb 23-24. Youth Conference: Book of Mormon Read-a-thon: Friday afternoon and all day Saturday we read the entire Book of Mormon. 

March 2 Mendon Stake Priests Camp: 

June 10-15th; YW June 10-13 and YM June 12-15 camp at Paris Idaho. This year we will combine/overlap some of the youth ym/yw camp activities. 


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Sister Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org


We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi All, 

I hope this email finds you well. 

I was reminded again, and again, and again this week that no one has to go through life’s challenges alone. Jesus Christ understands perfectly what you’re going through and will support you. This time of year is full of so much excitement, but can be rough for many people. Please reach out and get support. I am here to support you in good times and bad. The Church of Jesus Christ has many resources to help. Reach out to your Quorum Presidenst (President Kesa Leishman or President Conner Simmons). Reach out to your ministers. There have been too many cases of bad outcomes this past week that has caused a real sadness. I invite everyone in the Spring Creek Ward to pray for an opportunity to help someone this holliday. I promise you that Heavenly Father will put that person in your path and give you opportunities. 

The answer is always Jesus, as President Nelson would say. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf  has spoken about simplifying our lives to focus on the Savior. He said: “As we seek to purify our lives and look unto Christ in every thought [see Doctrine and Covenants 6:36], everything else begins to align. Life no longer feels like a long list of separate efforts held in tenuous balance. Allie Richael wrote a great article on feeling overwhemled at Christmas time. I invite you to check it out. 

The Come Follow me   reminded me that I can overcome persecution.  Imagine a woman “travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.” Now imagine “a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns” hovering over the woman, poised to “devour her child as soon as it was born” (Revelation 12:2–4). To understand these verses of John’s revelation, remember that these images represent the Church and kingdom of God and the peril they would face. For the Saints who experienced intense persecution in John’s day, victory over evil may not have seemed likely. This victory can also be hard to foresee in a day like ours, when the adversary is at “war with the saints” and has “power … over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Revelation 13:7). But the end of John’s revelation gloriously shows that good will prevail over evil. Babylon will fall. And the Saints will come “out of great tribulation” with robes of white—not because their robes were never stained but because the Saints will “have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14).

The video of the week    comes from the new youth album 2024. Jesus is the light, the healer, my guide, the Savior of my soul. 

Are you participating in Light the World campaign this year? This year’s Light the World campaign invites us to focus on giving “glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). Find downloadable resources for the campaign here:

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on "Why knowing the character of Christ builds faith." Brother Hansen and Sister Christensen from the Mendon Stake will help us understand Jesus Christ Character. Elder Joseph B Whirthlin said "with study of the scriptures, fasting, and prayer, we fortify our testimonies. We cultivate Christlike attributes of ‘faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, [and] diligence’ [D&C 4:6]"

Tithing declaration has formally concluded. What a blessing it is for me to meet with incredible faith filled members and feel of your goodness, testimonies, examples, talents.  If you would like to meet with Bishop Kelly and declare tithing status then you may contact Brother Richard Sellers (435-287-5607) for an appointment. I will need to wrap everything up by the end of December. 

Congratulations to Sam and Jessica Steffanic on their newest arrival. 


December 16th Youth fireside and dance: See flyer

December 17th: Finding Strength in the Lord: Final Mission Prep class, parents invited. See flyer

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only. Come feel the Spirit of Christ through music and talks. 

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. Food and inspiration. 

Book of Mormon Institute class: Thursday nights at 6:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward Bldg

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. We have had our first major snowfalls. I love the peacfullness and initial beauty of the snow. I love to watch the snowflakes fall effortlessly to the ground. It reminds me of the famous hymn "Still, Still, Still." The lyrics are beautiful:  

Still, still, still
One can hear the falling snow
For all is hushed
The world is sleeping
Holy star, its vigil keeping
Still, still, still
One can hear the falling snow

President Russell M. Nelson invited all to “Come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord” during the First Presidency’s Christmas Devotional on Sunday, December 3, 2023. “What a joy it is to commence another Christmas season when we commemorate the birth of our Savior and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ,” President Nelson said. “Let us live in the spirit of ‘Hallelujah,’ ever praising the Lord God Jehovah.”

The Come Follow me   lesson gave me an appreciation of John's visions and trying to explain what he saw.  Have you ever struggled to express to others what you felt during a powerful spiritual experience? Everyday language can feel inadequate to describe spiritual feelings and impressions. Perhaps this is why John used such rich symbolism and imagery to describe his majestic revelation. He could have simply stated that he saw Jesus Christ, but to help us understand his experience, he described the Savior using words like these: “His eyes were as a flame of fire,” “out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword,” and “his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength” (Revelation 1:14–16). As you read the book of Revelation, try to discover the messages John wanted you to learn and feel, even if you don’t understand the meaning behind every symbol. Why might he have compared Church congregations to candlesticks, Satan to a dragon, and Jesus Christ to a lamb? Ultimately, you don’t have to understand every symbol in Revelation to understand its important themes, including its most prominent theme: Jesus Christ and His followers will triumph over the kingdoms of men and of Satan.

The video of the week    is a classic. This classic story was written by a famous author named Leo Tolstoy. How can you show love for the Savior by helping someone in need today?

Are you participating in Light the World campaign this year? This year’s Light the World campaign invites us to focus on giving “glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). Find downloadable resources for the campaign here:

This week Sacrament meeting will focus on the Plan of Salvation. Here are a couple of talks to help you prepare: The Godhead and Plan of Salvation: Elder Oaks, The Great Plan of Happiness, Elder Oaks. I loved the quote by Elder Oaks: "In contrast to the belief that God is an incomprehensible and unknowable mystery is the truth that the nature of God and our relationship to Him is knowable and is the key to everything else in our doctrine. The Bible records Jesus’s great Intercessory Prayer, where He declared that “this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3)." I am thankful for a personal God who knows me and and wants to help me abundantly. 

Tithing declaration has formally concluded. What a blessing it is for me to meet with incredible faith filled members and feel of your goodness, testimonies, examples, talents.  If you would like to meet with Bishop Kelly and declare tithing status then you may contact Brother Richard Sellers (435-287-5607) for an appointment. I will need to wrap everything up by the end of December. 

Our Spring Creek Ward Christmas party will be December 9th with all kinds of activities for all ages. The Primay will have a breakfast at 8:30 am. Primary Teachers will then read to the Primary children. The Young Women/Young Men will have breakfast at 9:00 am and then do a service project. The Adult only party will begin at 6:00 pm with dinner and a program. Please contact Kesa Leishman if you need help with a baby sitter. 


Dec 9th: Ward Christmas Party: Primary Breakfast for Primay Children at 8:30 am; Youth Breakfast at 9:00 am and service project. Adult only dinner at 6:00 pm with program (please see attached flyer)

December 16th Youth fireside and dance: See flyer

December 17th: Finding Strength in the Lord: Final Mission Prep class, parents invited. See flyer

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only. Come feel the Spirit of Christ through music and talks. 

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. Food and inspiration. 

Book of Mormon Institute class: Thursday nights at 6:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward Bldg

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. Spring Creek Ward Website: springcreekward.org

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well! Smile...God loves you!

It's December! Let the celebrations begin. December helps point us to hope, joy, renewal, and Jesus Christ. I strive to view people as God looks at us. Speaking during a BYU–Idaho devotional on Bishop Caussé assured students: “My young friends, the world would be different if we could see others, including ourselves, as we can become rather than merely as we are today. Everything would be changed for the better if we could look upon ourselves and our fellowmen and women with a clear vision of both our earthly and eternal potential.” We are of divine origin and have divine potential. I hope that we can look people different this holliday. Try to see them as God see's them. Those who rely only on their own talents and personal efforts will not have the capacity to progress and won’t be able to achieve their eternal goals, Bishop Caussé taught. “However, when we rely upon the Lord and His Atonement, our potential for progression knows no limits.”

The Come Follow me reminds me that "God is a God of love." When John and Jude wrote their epistles, corrupt doctrine had already started leading many Saints into apostasy. Some false teachers were even questioning whether Jesus Christ had actually appeared “in the flesh” (see, for example, 1 John 4:1–3; 2 John 1:7). What could a Church leader do in such a situation? The Apostle John responded by sharing his personal witness of the Savior: “This is the testimony which we give of that which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life” (Joseph Smith Translation, 1 John 1:1 [in 1 John 1:1, footnote a]). And then John taught about love: God’s love for us and the love we should have for Him and all His children. After all, John was a witness of that, too. He had personally experienced the Savior’s love (see John 13:23; 20:2), and he wanted the Saints to feel that same love. John’s testimony and teachings on love are just as needed today, when faith in Jesus Christ is questioned and false teachings abound. Reading John’s epistles can help us face today’s adversities with courage, for “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18).

The video of the week    is actually the song of the week. "Saviour of My Soul" is a beautiful song that touches me on multiple levels. I am thankful for my Saviour. Can you relate to the lyrics and beauty of this song? 

Are you participating in Light the World campaign this year? This year’s Light the World campaign invites us to focus on giving “glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14).

This week Sacrament meeting will be Fast and Testimony meeting. The First Presidency has encouraged all people learn to express a brief, heartfelt testimony of our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, and the truths of the restored gospel so that more members may have the opportunity to participate. ”Parents and teachers should help children learn what a testimony is and when it is appropriate for them to express it. It may be best to have younger children learn to share their testimonies at such times as family home evening or when giving talks in Primary until they are old enough to do so in fast and testimony meeting.

Tithing declaration has formally concluded. What a blessing it is for me to meet with incredible faith filled members and feel of your goodness, testimonies, examples, talents.  If you would like to meet with Bishop Kelly and declare tithing status then you may contact Brother Richard Sellers (435-287-5607) for an appointment. I will need to wrap everything up by the end of December. 

Our Spring Creek Ward Christmas party will be December 9th with all kinds of activities for all ages. The Primay will have a breakfast at 8:30 am. Primary Teachers will then read to the Primary children. The Young Women/Young Men will have breakfast at 9:00 am and then do a service project. The Adult only party will begin at 6:00 pm with dinner and a program. 


Dec 3: 6:00 pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Dec 9th: Ward Christmas Party: Primary Breakfast for Primay Children at 8:30 am; Youth Breakfast at 9:00 am and service project. Adult only dinner at 6:00 pm with program (please see attached flyer)

December 16th Youth fireside and dance: See flyer

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only. Come feel the Spirit of Christ through music and talks. 

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. Food and inspiration. 

Book of Mormon Institute class: Thursday nights at 6:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward Bldg

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

Here we are the day after Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving from the Bishopric of the Spring Creek Ward. There are many, many, many great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward. I am thankful for each of you. President Nelson recently said in General Conference "I have learned that Heavenly Father’s plan for us is fabulous, that what we do in this life really matters, and that the Savior’s Atonement is what makes our Father’s plan possible. Here is the great news of God’s plan: the very things that will make your mortal life the best it can be are exactly the same things that will make your life throughout all eternity the best it can be! Today, to assist you to qualify for the rich blessings Heavenly Father has for you, I invite you to adopt the practice of “thinking celestial”!" Thanksgiving (feelings of gratitude, humility, thankfulness, family, love) is a great preparation for the Christmas season (Christlike attributes) and shouting "Go tell it on the Mountain!"

The Come Follow me lesson reasures us that after the trial of our faith we shall see Jesus Christ. "Shortly after His Resurrection, the Savior made a prophecy that must have been troubling to Peter. He foretold that Peter would be martyred for his faith, being carried “whither [he] wouldest not … , signifying by what death he should glorify God” (John 21:18–19). Years later, when Peter wrote his epistles, he knew that his prophesied martyrdom was near: “Shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me” (2 Peter 1:14). And yet Peter’s words were not filled with fear or pessimism. Instead, he taught the Saints to “greatly rejoice,” even though they were “in heaviness through manifold temptations.” He counseled them to remember that “the trial of [their] faith” would lead to “praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” and to “the salvation of [their] souls” (1 Peter 1:6–7, 9). Peter’s faith must have been comforting to those early Saints, as it is encouraging to Saints today, who are also “partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, [we] may be glad also with exceeding joy” (1 Peter 4:13).

The video of the week    explains the Emotional Resilience Course offered by local congregations and how it builds faith.  “When we are in the middle of our trials, we can feel distant from the Savior,” Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé says in a new video about the 10-session group. “But we can hear [Christ] and receive guidance, even through our trials, by learning about the best resources for our needs. In many cases, seeking professional, therapeutic or medical help when needed, and resources like the ‘Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience’ course can make it easier to perceive the Lord's guidance in your life.” You can sign up for the next Emotional Resilience course at this tab: https://www.mendonarearesources.org

This week Sacrament meeting the Sister Missionaries will teach about hardships in our lives and how (whom to look unto) to overcome them. Joy in the Storms of life: President Russell M. Nelson’s Message “Joy and Spiritual Survival” Ricardo P. Giménez, “Finding Refuge from the Storms of Life,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 101–3. President Nelson stated " My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation, which President Thomas S. Monson just taught us, and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy. We feel it at Christmastime when we sing, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come.” And we can feel it all year round. For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!"

Tithing declaration has formally concluded. What a blessing it is for me to meet with incredible faith filled members and feel of your goodness, testimonies, examples, talents.  If you would like to meet with Bishop Kelly and declare tithing status then you may contact Brother Richard Sellers (435-287-5607) for an appointment. 

Our Spring Creek Ward Christmas party will be Oct 9th with all kinds of activities for all ages. The Primay will have a breakfast at 8:30 am. Primary Teachers will then read the Primary children books. The Young Women/Young Men will have breakfast at 9:00 am and then do a service project. The Adult only party will begin at 6:00 pm with dinner and a program. 

Congratulations to Rod and Kim Zilles on their mission call to the Utah Ogden Mission

Congratulations to Benson and Brittany Israelsen on the birth of their baby. 


Dec 3: 6:00 pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Dec 9th: Ward Christmas Party: Primary Breakfast for Primay Children at 8:30 am; Youth Breakfast at 9:00 am and service project. Adult only dinner at 6:00 pm with program (please see attached flyer)

December 16th Youth fireside and dance: See flyer

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only. Come feel the Spirit of Christ through music and talks. 

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. Food and inspiration. 

Book of Mormon Institute class: Thursday nights at 6:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward Bldg

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Rod and Kim Zilles

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone, 

I hope this email finds you well.  

I attended a meeting this week given by the Utah Area Presidency. Elder Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier spoke on the importance of inclusion and the power of words. We can choose to use our words for either good or evil. The Savior wants us to speak words that are kind, honest, healing, and true. Several scriptures teach us that words are powerful. For example:

Fragile is a great youth song that demonstrates the negative power of words. We are studing the book of James this week. A great verse (James 3:5) states "Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!" May we all speak encouraging words that uplift one another. 

The Come Follow me lesson encourages us to be "doers of the word and not only hearers." Sometimes just one verse of scripture can change the world. James 1:5 seems like a simple bit of counsel—if you need wisdom, ask God. But when 14-year-old Joseph Smith read that verse, “it seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of [his] heart” (Joseph Smith—History 1:12). Thus inspired, Joseph acted on James’s admonition and sought wisdom from God through prayer. And God did indeed give liberally, giving Joseph one of the most remarkable heavenly visitations in human history—the First Vision. This vision changed the course of Joseph’s life and led to the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth. All of us are blessed today because Joseph Smith read and acted on James 1:5.

The video of the week   celebrates Elder Ballard's life. President Ballard became an Apostle on October 6, 1985. He was announced as Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on January 16, 2018. As with the Apostles in New Testament times, today’s Apostles are called to be special witnesses of Jesus Christ. President Ballard was one of 15 men who oversee the growth and development of the global Church, which now numbers more than 16 million members.

This week Sacrament meeting will focus on gratitude. Our High Councilman Brother Meier,  and Sister Theurer from the Stake Relief Society will teach us important doctrine on gratitude and the signficance it can play in our life. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for blessings or benefits we have received. As we cultivate a grateful attitude, we are more likely to be happy and spiritually strong. We should regularly express our gratitude to God for the blessings He gives us and to others for the kind acts they do for us.The Lord has promised, “He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious” (Doctrine and Covenants 78:19). Gratitude is an uplifting, exalting attitude. People are generally happier when they have gratitude in their hearts. We cannot be bitter, resentful, or mean-spirited when we are grateful.

Tithing declaration has formally concluded. What a blessing it is for me to meet with incredible faith filled members and feel of your goodness, testimonies, examples, talents.  If you would like to meet with Bishop Kelly and declare tithing status then you may contact Brother Richard Sellers (435-287-5607) for an appointment. 

Our Spring Creek Ward Christmas party will be Oct 9th with all kinds of activities for all ages. The Primay will have a breakfast at 8:30 am. Primary Teachers will then read the Primary children books. The Young Women/Young Men will have breakfast at 9:00 am and then do a service project. The Adult only party will begin at 6:00 pm with dinner and a program. 


Dec 3: 6:00 pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Dec 9th: Ward Christmas Party: Primary Breakfast for Primay Children at 8:30 am; Youth Breakfast at 9:00 am and service project. Adult only dinner at 6:00 pm with program (please see attached flyer)

December 16th Youth fireside and dance: See flyer

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only. Come feel the Spirit of Christ through music and talks. 

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. Food and inspiration. 

Book of Mormon Institute class: Thursday nights at 6:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward Bldg

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, 

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hello Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. We think about you constantly and pray for you. 

Elder Uchtdorf recently spoke to all the Missionary Training Center's across the World about faith and hope. He stated "“Faith does not mean that you see clearly how things are going to turn out. Faith means moving forward anyway because you trust Jesus Christ.” This is a powerful statement that leads to more hope knowing Jesus Christ supports us no matter what. With hope, said Elder Uchtdorf, “you can keep your confidence and optimism and enthusiasm, no matter what is going on around you and in your life — because you have faith in God’s promises, extended through the atoning sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” I am thankful an Apostle of the Lord reminded me that Faith and Hope are centered around Jesuse Christ. 

The Come Follow me lesson reminds us that despite hardships, God's blessings are worth waiting for. Even faithful Saints at times suffer “reproaches and afflictions” that can shake their confidence (see Hebrews 10:32–38). Paul knew that Jewish converts to Christianity were experiencing severe persecution because of their new faith. To encourage them to stay true to their testimonies, he reminded them of the long tradition of faithful believers from their own history: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sara, Joseph, Moses—“a cloud of witnesses” that God’s promises are real and worth waiting for (see Hebrews 11; 12:1). This tradition is yours too. It’s a heritage of faith shared by all those who look “unto Jesus [as] the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). Because of Him, whenever adversity makes us want to “draw back,” we can instead “draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:22, 38). For us, as for the ancient Saints, Jesus Christ is our “high priest of good things to come” (Hebrews 9:11).

The video of the week   describes spiritual whirlwinds. Don’t let the whirlwinds drag you down. These are your days—to stand strong as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This week Sacrament meeting will focus on the Priesthood. Elder Ryker Gurr will talk about the Priesthood. Bishop Kelly will speak on Priesthood Blessings and miracles. President Nelson stated "Because the Melchizedek Priesthood has been restored, both covenant-keeping women and men have access to “all the spiritual blessings of the church” or, we might say, to all the spiritual treasures the Lord has for His children. President Oaks has indicated "If fathers would magnify their priesthood in their own family, it would further the mission of the Church as much as anything else they might do. Fathers who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood should exercise their authority “by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned” (Doctrine and Covenants 121:41)." We are truely blessed to have the Priesthood restored to us. The power to act on behalf of God is a blessing that keeps on giving. 

Tithing declaration has formally concluded. What a blessing it is for me to meet with incredible faith filled members and feel of your goodness, testimonies, examples, talents.  If you would like to meet with Bishop Kelly and declare tithing status then you may contact Brother Richard Sellers (435-287-5607) for an appointment. 

Congratulations to Elder Ryker Gurr who began his Service Mission this week. He has prepared well to serve others. We are looking forward to following your service along your journey. 

Please add to your prayer list Mitchell Rory Hokanson (Jordan Hokanseon brother) involved in a serious accident. 


Nov 12th Ryker Gurr farewell

Dec 3: 6:00 pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Dec 9th: Ward Christmas Party: Stay tuned. Exciting events planned for all day: Primary and youth breakfast. Adult only dinner. 

December 16th Youth fireside and dance: See flyer

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only. Come feel the Spirit of Christ through Song and talk. 

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. Food and inspiration. 

Book of Mormon Institute class: Thursday nights beginning Nov 2 at 6:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward Bldg

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Ryker Gurr, Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Smurthwaite & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. Benson and Mikela McConkie, Mitchell Rory Hokanson

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi All, 

November is rushing in with excitement! November turns our hearts to gratitude. I am grateful for all of you. Thank you for all that you do for the Spring Creek Ward and for others. We enjoy a sense of community and love. I love the Primary Song "I'm thankful to be me." 

     At night when I am alone in bed

     I close my eyes and see.

     The many things I'm thankful for

     That God has given to me. 

     I see my friends and teachers too. 

     And others who love me

     These many blessings make me feel so thankful to be me. 

Did you see that The Church of Jesus Christ is adding 36 new missions across the world by next Summer. To accommodate rising numbers of missionaries (now at more than 72,000), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will open 36 new missions on July 1, 2024. This puts the total number of missions at 450 — the highest number in Church history. Watch Elder Cook,  Elder Rashband, and Sister Wright talk about this historic annoucement

The Come Follow me lesson teahes us how Jesus Christ is the author of our Salvation. Each of us has to give up something in order to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ—bad habits, incorrect beliefs, unwholesome associations, or something else. For Gentiles in the early Christian Church, conversion often meant abandoning false gods. For the Hebrews (or Jews), conversion proved to be, if not more difficult, a little more complicated. After all, their cherished beliefs and traditions were rooted in the worship of the true God and the teachings of His prophets, extending back thousands of years. Yet the Apostles taught that the law of Moses had been fulfilled in Jesus Christ and that a higher law was now the standard for believers. Would accepting Christianity mean that the Hebrews must give up their earlier beliefs and history? The Epistle to the Hebrews sought to help settle such questions by teaching that the law of Moses, the prophets, and the ordinances are all important, but Jesus Christ is greater (see Hebrews 1:1–4; 3:1–6; 7:23–28). In fact, all these things point to and testify of Christ as the Son of God and the promised Messiah the Jews had been waiting for.

The video of the week  is rather a "listen of the week." A contemporary Christian ballad with a pop beat is performed by singer-songwriter Nik Day. He sings about Christ’s love and ability to save, love, and mend every broken heart through prayer.

Tithing declaration is ending this week. Please sign up online. You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward home-page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We can accommodate an online session if needed. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

 Congratulations to Elder Ryker Gurr who will begin his Service Mission this next week. He has prepared well to serve others. We are looking forward to following your service along your journey. 


Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration. We have a special gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Nov 12th Ryker Gurr farewell

Dec 3: 6:00 pm First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Dec 9th: Ward Christmas Party: Stay tuned. Exciting events planned for all day

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only. Come feel the Spirit of Christ through Song and talk. 

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. Food and inspiration. 

Book of Mormon Institute class: Thursday nights beginning Nov 2 at 6:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward Bldg

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Ryker Gurr

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. Benson McConkie

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. Snow capped the mountains this week. Remember when it was 100 degrees a couple months ago and people were complaining? What a dramatic change in a few short months.  Seasons change quickly. 

It is interesting to note about "seasons." In a recent address to Snow College students Elder Bednar shared that while he was in Rexburg, he sat by President Gordon B. Hinckley at a dinner one evening. President Hinckley said to him emphatically, “’David, this is the greatest season in the history of the restored Church.’ Then, he continued, not speaking about me individually, but about our generation, ‘I only have one regret. I will not be here to see it. But you will.” Elder Bednar said that a part of the season President Hinckley was referring to is the “time in which we now live” — when the Church has 335 temples in operation, under construction or announced — including one in Ephraim. “Do we appreciate the season in which we live,” he asked, inviting the students to press forward with faith and the companionship of the Holy Ghost in this “remarkable and marvelous season.” I believe we are in a tremendous "season" of blessings. I urge you to count your blessings and name them one by one!. 

The Come Follow me lesson advocates being an example. In the epistles Paul wrote to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, we get a glimpse into the heart of a servant of the Lord. Unlike Paul’s other epistles to entire congregations, these were written to individuals—Paul’s close friends and associates in God’s work—and reading them is like listening in on a conversation. We see Paul encouraging Timothy and Titus, two leaders of congregations, in their Church service. We see him entreating his friend Philemon to reconcile with a fellow Saint and treat him like a brother in the gospel. Paul’s words were not addressed to us directly, and he may never have expected that so many people would one day read them. Yet we find in these epistles counsel and encouragement for us, whatever our personal ministry in the service of Christ might be.

The video of the week  focuses on "Belief." Ellie Barry sings a contemporary Christian pop song with an upbeat dance rhythm and a message of miracles, grace, and moving mountains.

Did you see the new theme for youth was annouced? “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ” (3 Nephi 5:13). Isn’t that a great statement of identity and purpose? So many labels in the world don’t really matter, but this one totally does! Take a look at the picture that goes along with theme

Tithing declaration has started. Please sign up online. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign-up tab will be locked). You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward home-page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We can accommodate an online session if needed. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

October is our turn again to clean the Spring Creek Ward building. Please look at the assigned list at our Spring Creek Ward website and plan accordingly. Please show up at the church at 8:00 am near the janitor’s closet. Here is a list of who is assigned to clean Saturday Oct 28st:

Thatcher, Linda

Thatcher, Steve & Mira

Thompson, Vickie

Tippetts, Brooklyn

Turpin, Bret & Jane

Turpin, Emma

Tuttle, McKay & Tess Ranae

Wade, Whitney

Walker, Jared & Nicole

Watts, Preston & Katrina

Weaver, Tyson & Samantha Jo

Weight, Ryan & Christina

Werner, Robert & Linda Caroline

Wessman, Corbin & Kaitlin Taylor



Oct 29th: Primary Program: 9:00 am Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth at Mendon Stake Center

Oct 29th at 6:00pm: USU spectrum: Elder Ulysses Soares of the Council of the Twelve will be here to address the young adults (single and married) and high school seniors at the Valley-wide Young Adult Devotional on Sunday, October 29, in the USU Spectrum.  Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. with the Devotional beginning at 6:00 p.m. See attached flyer

Oct 31st: Trunk or Treat at the church 5:30-6:30 pm

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration (Oct 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a special gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Dec 9th: Ward Christmas Party: 

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. food and inspiration. 

Book of Mormon Institute class: Thursday nights beginning Nov 2 at 6:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward Bldg

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Ryker Gurr

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. Benson McConkie

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hello Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

I appreciate how so many of you fulfill you callings and minister. Thank you for watching out for each other. Thank you for loving our Primary children, our youth, and adults. Thank you for pondering/praying how to help each other. There are many, many great things happening in our Spring Creek Ward, and we think celestial most of the time. President Nelson has said "We learn from the Book of Mormon prophet Jacob that “to be spiritually-minded is life eternal.Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the things of greatest eternal import. Far too many people live as though this life is all there is." Thank you Spring Creek Ward for thinking spiritually minded. 

The Come Follow me encourages us to continue to improve daily. In Thessalonica, Paul and Silas were accused of having “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Their preaching angered certain leaders among the Jews, and these leaders stirred the people into an uproar (see Acts 17:1–10). As a result, Paul and Silas were advised to leave Thessalonica. Paul worried about the new Thessalonian converts and the persecution they were facing, but he was unable to return to visit them. “When I could no longer forbear,” he wrote, “I sent to know your faith.” In response, Paul’s assistant Timothy, who had been serving in Thessalonica, “brought us good tidings of your faith and charity” (1 Thessalonians 3:5–6). In fact, the Thessalonian Saints were known as examples “to all that believe” (1 Thessalonians 1:7), and news of their faith spread to cities abroad. Imagine Paul’s joy and relief to hear that his work among them “was not in vain” (1 Thessalonians 2:1). But Paul knew that faithfulness in the past is not sufficient for spiritual survival in the future, and he was wary of the influence of false teachers among the Saints (see 2 Thessalonians 2:2–3). His message to them, and to us, is to continue to “perfect that which is lacking in [our] faith” and to “increase more and more” in love (see 1 Thessalonians 3:10; 4:10). 

This Sunday Sacrament meeting we will hear from Brother Brad and Sister Michelle Tolman. They will speak on missionary work. Elder Rasband gave a wonderful talk this past General conference on Senior missionary service. Elder Rasband stated “As I have visited missions around the world, I have seen the remarkable service of our legion of senior missionaries. It is clear they are happy doing “the will of the Lord” and being about “the Lord’s business.” I know there are many, many, many blessings from helping gather Zion.  

The video of the week  focuses on Jesus Christ. The world is full of wars and disasters. But we shouldn’t give up on the idea of peace. How can you actively invite peace into your life and the lives of those around you? By following the Savior, of course! He is the source of lasting peace—even while the world in general is a hot mess.

Tithing declaration has started. Please sign up online. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign-up tab will be locked). You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward home-page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We can accommodate an online session if needed. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

October will is our turn again to clean the Spring Creek Ward building. Please look at the assigned list at our Spring Creek Ward website and plan accordingly. Please show up at the church at 8:00 am near the janitor’s closet. Here is a list of who is assigned to clean Saturday Oct 21st: 

Spackman, Kyle & Amanda Michelle

Sproul, Andrew & Deanna

Steffanic, Sam & Jessica Lynn

Stencil, Blaine Mitchell & Racheal Nikole

Stracke, Gerhard & Stephanie

Strong, Kaden & Janet Joy

Stuart, Kole & Kylie Sue

Swan, Kameron & Angela

Taylor, Shawn & Mickelle

Templeton, Ethan & Savannah



Oct 20th 5:00 pm Spring Creek Ward fall party: Chili Cookoff, food, activities (9 square, pickleball, train, corn hole). Bring your best chili and get to know good people. 

Oct 22: 7:00 pm Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg. see flyer

Oct 29th: Primary Program: 9:00 am Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth at Mendon Stake Center

Oct 29th at 6:00pm: USU spectrum: Elder Ulysses Soares of the Council of the Twelve will be here to address the young adults (single and married) and high school seniors at the Valley-wide Young Adult Devotional on Sunday, October 29, in the USU Spectrum.  Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. with the Devotional beginning at 6:00 p.m. See attached flyer

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration (Oct 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a special gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Dec 9th: Ward Christmas Party

Dec 24th Sacrament meeting only

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. food and inspiration. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Ryker Gurr

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. Dan Jensen, Benson McConkie

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 



Hello everyone

I hope this email finds you well. There is a crispness in the air and this week hinted a bit toward winter. I hope we can enjoy Fall a bit longer. The leaves have been spectacular. I have the opportunity to drive through Sardine Canyon frequently and it has been inspirational (Alma 30:44 all things denote there is a God) to seeing the brightness of Fall colors. 

It has been sad to see the destruction/war in the Middle East this week. The First Presidency issued a statement that included "As servants of God, we affirm that He calls upon all of us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and we pray for a peaceful resolution of all conflicts." Can we pray for this region in our Spring Creek Ward prayer list? 

The Come Follow me emphasizes Christ can help us in any situation. Paul wrote his epistles to the Philippians and Colossians while he was a prisoner in Rome. But these letters don’t have the tone you might expect from someone in prison. Paul spoke more about joy, rejoicing, and thanksgiving than he did about afflictions and trials: “Christ is preached,” he said, “and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice” (Philippians 1:18). And “though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding … the steadfastness of your faith in Christ” (Colossians 2:5). Certainly, “the peace of God” that Paul experienced in his difficult circumstances “passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4:7), but it was nonetheless a reality. In our own trials, we can feel this same peace and “rejoice in the Lord alway” (Philippians 4:4). We can, as Paul did, rely completely upon Jesus Christ, “in whom we have redemption” (Colossians 1:14). We can say, as did Paul, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13; see also Colossians 1:11).


This Sunday Sacrament meeting we will hear from Sister Sara Sorensen returning from Winipeg, Canada Mission. She will focus her remarks on Elder Uchtdorf talk "Grateful in any circumstances." Elder Uchtdorf states "It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding." How has being grateful helped you in your life.? I know that that the Grace of Jesus Christ is a healing balm and gives peace. 

The video of the week  returns us to the youth album for this year. This music video contemplates the life and direction of young people. It presents realities of an imperfect world with individuals who seek heaven and those with a willing heart wanting to serve God.

The youth and parents had the opportunity this week to attend a devotional with Elder Christofferson and others to describe the "Utah Education Initiative." This program is targeted to the youth and anyone wanting to further their education and improve their situations. You can watch this program again, or if you missed it. Elder Christofferson emphasized that "education is a spiritual matter." You can develop a plan here. You can contact Sister Corbridge for more information if you are interested

Tithing declaration has started. Please sign up online. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign-up tab will be locked). You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward home-page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We can accommodate an online session if needed. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

October will be our turn again to clean the Spring Creek Ward building. Please look at the assigned list at our Spring Creek Ward website and plan accordingly. Please show up at the church at 8:00 am near the janitors closet. Here is a list of who is assigned to clean Saturday Oct 15th: 

Skidmore, Jerry Wayne & Kimberly

Skidmore, Joel Jerry & Jaylynn

Smith, Tate & Briana

Sorensen, Chris & Lisa

Sorensen, Dennis Eldon & Leona

Sorensen, Steven Clyde & Angela

Sorenson, Kade & Courtney Rachael

Sorenson, Thomas Kelly & Eyra Vanessa

Congratulations to Jaxon Simmons (Son of Conner and Megan Simmons) on being baptized Saturday at 12:30 pm at the Mendon Stake Center. 

Welcome Home Sister Sarah Sorensen. Well done thou faithful servant! We will hear from Sister Sorensen report of her mission Oct 15th. 


Oct 20th 5:00 pm Spring Creek Ward fall party: Chili Cookoff, food, activities (9 square, pickleball, train, corn hole). Bring your best chilli and get to know good people. 

Oct 22: 7:00 pm Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg. see flyer

Oct 29th: Primary Program: 9:00 am Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth at Mendon Stake Center

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration (Oct 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a special gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Mission Preparation at 2:30 pm for High School seniors/juniors every week except fast Sunday's. food and inspiration. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Ryker Gurr

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. Dan Jensen, Benson McConkie

Middle East: bring peace to the region and "victims of atrocity.


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

P.S. We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

General Conference was great! You can find a summary of talks and download a pdf here. Which talk was your favorite? Which talk touched your heart? I loved President Nelson's words “I have learned that Heavenly Father’s plan for us is fabulous, that what we do in this life really matters, and that the Savior’s Atonement is what makes our Father’s plan possible.” I also loved his emphasis on "Think Celestial." “When you are confronted with a dilemma, think celestial!” he said. “When tested by temptation, think celestial! When life or loved ones let you down, think celestial! When someone dies prematurely, think celestial. When someone lingers with a devastating illness, think celestial. When the pressures of life crowd in upon you, think celestial! As you recover from an accident or injury, as I am doing now, think celestial!

I recently traveled to New York with Stacey, my Son and Daughter-in-law. My son served a mission in Rochester, NY. It was a true pilgramage for me to travel to the very origins of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I walked where Joseph Smith walked (Smith home, Hill Cummorah, Sacred Grove, Grindin Printing Press, Fayette, Peter Witmer farm, etc.). I stood in the same vicinity as where Moroni visited Joseph Smith and also God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. What a privelage, honor, humbling and uplifting experience to visit these places. My faith and testimony have been strengthened. I bear witness that The Church of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth through Joseph Smith. What miracles occured, and I am blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

The Come Follow me focuses on "perfection of the Saints." When the gospel began to spread in Ephesus, it caused “no small stir” (Acts 19:23) among the Ephesians. Local craftsmen who produced shrines to a pagan goddess saw Christianity as a threat to their livelihood, and soon “they were full of wrath, … and the whole city was filled with confusion” (see Acts 19:27–29). Imagine being a new convert to the gospel in such a setting. Many Ephesians did accept and live the gospel amid this “uproar” (Acts 19:40), and Paul assured them that “Christ … is our peace” (Ephesians 2:13–14). These words, along with his invitation to “let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away” (Ephesians 4:31), seem as timely and comforting now as they were then. For the Ephesians, as for each of us, the strength to face adversity comes “in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (see Ephesians 6:10–13).


This Sunday Sacrament meeting with be our Fast and Testimony meeting. I look forward to hearing your testimonies on how General Conference touched your lives. I look forward to hearing your testimony of the Savior. 

The video of the week is a family movie called "The Fighting Preacher." This family was called on a mission to live in the Joseph Smith House in New York and build community relationships. It depicts the struggles they faced. 

Tithing declaration has started. Please sign up online. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign-up tab will be locked). You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward home-page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We can accommodate an online session if needed. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

October will be our turn again to clean the Spring Creek Ward building. Please look at the assigned list at our Spring Creek Ward website and plan accordingly. Please show up at the church at 8:00 am near the janitors closet. Here is a list of who is assigned to clean Saturday Oct 7th: 

Riggs, Paul & Kaylee

Riggs, Tayson

Roylance, Scott & Bryanna 

Ryan, Janet

Sam, Janessa

Schaffner, Clay & Abbey 

Schultz, Kamilla

Scott, Nathan & Kaia

Sellers, Richard Alton & Micayla 

Short, Isaac & Alyssa

Simmons, Conner & Megan

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

Welcome Home Sister Sarah Sorensen. Well done thou faithful servant! We will hear from Sister Sorensen report of her mission Oct 15th. 


Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 7:00 pm Oct 11th (Wednesday) Devotional with Elder Christofferson, Elder Pearson, Elder Gilbert, Sister Freeman on the Utah Educational Inititive. Please see the flyer for details. We have had an adult combined session in the Spring Creek Ward and a Youth session on the Utah Educational Initiative. This devotional provides an opportunity to learn how the Church of Jesus Christ can help with education. 

Oct 22: 7:00 pm Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration (Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a special gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Ryker Gurr

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. Dan Jensen


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

I am excited for this weekend for two big reasons. General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is an obvious one on Saturday and Sunday. The other reason is that I get to go to the Palmyra, NY temple and also go to the Sacred Grove. This journey will fulfill a life long dream to walk in Joseph Smith’s footsteps. It will be humbling to see the grove where the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ began. The visitation of the Angel Moroni to Joseph celebrated an 200th anniversary last week. Moroni’s message to Joseph involved more than the assignment to recover the gold plates. Moroni quoted from Malachi, Isaiah, Joel, and Acts, as well as “many other passages of scripture” (see Joseph Smith—History 1:36–41); and he explained many of the prophecies to Joseph.

Did you see that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is opening a Family Search Center in Logan? The gathering of Israel continues. The new FamilySearch Center will feature 13 discovery stations, including the following:

The Come Follow me   lesson this week focused on "freedom from spiritual bondage." The gospel of Jesus Christ offers freedom from spiritual bondage. But sometimes people who have experienced the freedom of the gospel turn away from it and “desire again to be in bondage” (Galatians 4:9). This is what some Galatian Saints were doing—they were turning away from the liberty Christ had offered them (see Galatians 1:6). Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, then, was an urgent call to come back to “the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free” (Galatians 5:1). This call is one we also need to hear and heed because while circumstances change, the struggle between freedom and bondage is constant. As Paul taught, it’s not enough to be “called unto liberty” (Galatians 5:13); we must also “stand fast” in it (Galatians 5:1) by relying on Christ.


This weekend is General Conference that will take the place of our Sacrament meeting. Oct 8th will be Fast and Testimony meeting.

The video of the week focuses on General Conference. Why do you watch general conference? Think about the blessings you want your friends to have and then share those when you talk with them or post on social media. They may find it interesting we have a living prophet, but follow it up with why it’s important and how it will benefit them

Tithing declaration has started. Please sign up online. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign-up tab will be locked). You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward home-page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We can accommodate an online session if needed. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

General Conference is Sept 30 and Oct 1st. Are you excited? How will you prepare? Here are some suggestions to prepare you and your family for General Conference. Here are some activities from LDS Living to help families stay engaged during General Conference. 

October will be our turn again to clean the Spring Creek Ward building. Please look at the assigned list at our Spring Creek Ward website and plan accordingly. Our first assigned day will be Oct 7th.

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 


Sept 30, Oct 1: General Conference

Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 7:00 pm Oct 11th (Wednesday) Devotional with Elder Christofferson, Elder Pearson, Elder Gilbert, Sister Freeman on the Utah Educational Inititive. Please see the flyer for details. We have had an adult combined session in the Spring Creek Ward and a Youth session on the Utah Educational Initiative. This devotional provides an opportunity to learn how the Church of Jesus Christ can help with education. 

Oct 22: 7:00 pm Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration (Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a special gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Ryker Gurr

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. Dan Jensen


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor



Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. 

The Mendon Stake Conference was great last weekend for many reasons. President Osborne has a follow up invitation for us. How can you make the Sacrament meeting and the Sacrament more holy, more meaningful, more sacred, and more reverent? Could you please ponder this individually and also please discuss this with your family and come up with a couple of action items. Could you arrive earlier and listen to the prelude music and prepare for the service? Could you utilize the sacrament more meaningful in your life? How can you apply the sacrament more into your daily life? How can you contribute to the reverence of the meeting? 

Did you celebrate yesterday (September 21st)? It has been 200 years since the first vision to Joseph Smith. In honor of the 200th anniversary of the angel Moroni’s first appearance to Joseph Smith on Sept. 21-22, the Church News has compiled testimonies of the Book of Mormon given by each member of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, as well as the general presidents of the Relief Society, Young Women and Primary organizations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can find their testimonies about the Book of Mormon here

The Come Follow me   lesson focused being a cheerful giver. What would you do if you heard that a congregation of Saints in another area was struggling in poverty? This was the situation that Paul described to the Corinthian Saints in 2 Corinthians 8–9. He hoped to persuade the Corinthian Saints to donate some of their abundance to Saints in need. But beyond a request for donations, Paul’s words also contain profound truths about giving: “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). In our day, there are still Saints throughout the world who are in need of help. Sometimes the most we can do for them is to fast and donate fast offerings. In other cases, our giving can be more direct and personal. Whatever forms our sacrifices take, it’s worth examining our motivations for giving. Are our sacrifices expressions of love? After all, it’s love that makes a giver cheerful.

This week our Sacrament meeting will focus on Tithing and  Fast Offerings. Elder Oaks indicated "President Lorenzo Snow taught that “the law of tithing is one of the most important ever revealed to man” (quoted in Le Roi C. Snow, “The Lord’s Way Out of Bondage,” Improvement Era, July 1938, p. 442). Faithful adherence to this law opens the windows of heaven for blessings temporal and spiritual. As a lifelong recipient of those blessings, I testify to the goodness of our God and his bounteous blessings to his children." 

The video of the week  focuses on feelings of self-worth. Wanda courageously confronts her prolonged and belittling personal view of herself. Join Wanda as she shares her journey of battling low self-esteem and the constant anxiety of feeling incomplete.

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

Tithing declaration will soon begin. Please sign up online. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign up tab will be locked). You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for  specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward home-page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We can accommodate an online session if needed. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

General Conference is coming Sept 30 and Oct 1st. Are you excited? How will you prepare? Here are some suggestions to prepare you and your family for General Conference. Here are some activities from LDS Living to help families stay engaged during General Conference. 

October will be our turn again to clean the Spring Creek Ward building. Please look at the assigned list at our Spring Creek Ward website and plan accordingly. Our first assigned day will be Oct 7th.


Sept 30, Oct 1: General Conference

Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 7:00 pm Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: 7:00 pm Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration begins (Sept 24, Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a special gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Ryker Gurr

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. Dan Jensen


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. There is now a chill in the air every morning and Fall is rushing in. 

I am excited for "Conferences" in the coming days and weeks. Our Mendon Stake (see flyer for schedule) conference is this weekend and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General Conference  is coming up in a couple of weeks. Both of these conferences allow for tremendous growth. I love this description about General Conference, that also applies to our Mendon Stake Conference,  at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website: "Engaging with this religious broadcast helps individuals learn about Jesus Christ, strengthen their personal relationships with the Savior, and experience the peace, hope, and joy that come through following Him." I know our Leaders have spent many hours planning and praying about messages/doctrine to share with us. 

The Come Follow me   lesson focused christlike attributes of compasiopn, humility, forgiveness, patience, and understanding. Sometimes, being a Church leader means having to say some difficult things. This was true in Paul’s day just as it is today. Apparently a previous letter from Paul to the Corinthian Saints included chastening and caused hurt feelings. In the letter that became 2 Corinthians, he tried to explain what had motivated his harsh words: “Out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears; not that ye should be grieved, but that ye might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you” (2 Corinthians 2:4). When you’re on the receiving end of some correction from a leader, it definitely helps to know that it is inspired by Christlike love. And even in those cases where it is not, if we’re willing to see others with the kind of love Paul felt, it’s easier to respond appropriately to any offenses. As Elder Jeffrey R. Holland counseled, “Be kind regarding human frailty—your own as well as that of those who serve with you in a Church led by volunteer, mortal men and women. Except in the case of His only perfect Begotten Son, imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with” (“Lord, I Believe,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 94).

This weekend is the Mendon Stake Conference. Elder Hancock, an Area Seventy, will be visiting our Mendon Stake Conference meetings. Please see the attached flyer for the specific schedule. The youth and parents are invited Sunday morning at 7:00 am to a devotional with Elder Hancock. The Saturday evening session and Sunday morning sessions will be broadcast to our Spring Creek Ward bldg. If you need a link to watch online please contact Bishop Kelly. President Osborne emphasized "conferences are opportunities to come and be taught from on High.  We promise as you humbly come seeking to be taught by the spirit each of these conferences can be spiritual feasts." 

The video of the week  discusses putting faith to the test. Following Jesus's example, Dax seeks out individuals in need, witnessing firsthand how good deeds have a ripple effect in all aspects of life

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

Tithing declaration will soon begin. Please sign up online. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign up tab will be locked).  We will leave September 24th sign ups online until next week due to Stake Conference this weekend. You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for  specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward home-page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We can accomadate an online session if needed. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

Many of you have participated in at least one of the Self-Reliance courses that have been made available by our stake.  We will continue to provide opportunities for those who have participated in the past and, of course, for those who have yet to participate.  The Wellsville Stake has invited us to participate in some of their upcoming self-reliance courses as well.  These courses will begin the week of September 10.  Please feel free to register for one of their courses if you'd like, by clicking the links below to register. Emotional Resilience – Finding Strength in the Lord.  https://quickreg.englishconnect.org/group-details/6326/358/46054 Personal Finances for Self-Reliance. https://quickreg.englishconnect.org/group-details/6326/341/46055 Strengthening the Family. https://quickreg.englishconnect.org/group-details/3706/367/46058  This is a new course we have yet to offer in our stake.

October will be our turn again to clean the Spring Creek Ward building. Please look at the assigned list at our Spring Creek Ward website and plan accordingly. 

Congratulations to Ryker Gurr on recieving his missionary call. He will be serving as a service missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints begining mid-October. 


Sept 16 and 17th: Stake Conference (see flyer for schedule). Note leadership meetings. Note Youth and Parent meeting Sept 17th at 7:30 am at Stake Center. 

Sept 30, Oct 1: General Conference

Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 7:00 pm Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: 7:00 pm Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration begins (Sept 24, Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a speacil gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Preparing to serve: Ryker Gurr

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. 


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hello Everyone

I hope this finds you well and smiling. 

I am blessed to witness God's love in many ways in my calling. I marvel at the ways in which His hand guides and directs His children. Sister Porter gave some great insight I have been pondering lately "Brothers and sisters, do you know how completely God, our Heavenly Father, loves you? Have you felt His love deep in your soul?When you know and understand how completely you are loved as a child of God, it changes everything. It changes the way you feel about yourself when you make mistakes. It changes how you feel when difficult things happen. It changes your view of God’s commandments. It changes your view of others and of your capacity to make a difference.

The Come Follow me   lesson focused on Christ as an author of peace. Because the Church and its doctrines were relatively new in Corinth, it’s understandable that Corinthian Saints encountered confusion. Paul had previously taught them the fundamental truth of the gospel: “That Christ died for our sins … and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4). But some members soon began teaching that “there is no resurrection of the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:12). Paul implored them to “keep in memory” the truths they had been taught (1 Corinthians 15:2). When we encounter conflicting opinions about gospel truths, it is good to remember that “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33). Listening to the Lord’s appointed servants and holding to the simple truths they repeatedly teach can help us find peace and “stand fast in the faith” (1 Corinthians 16:13).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be a speacil Patriotic celebration of our divine nation. Under the direction of the Utah Area First Presidency, we have been assigned to celebrate our great Nation. We will celebrate through talks and music. Elder Oaks gave an doctrinal talk on the Constituition in a conference talk. He stated "Our belief in divine inspiration gives Latter-day Saints a unique responsibility to uphold and defend the United States Constitution and principles of constitutionalism wherever we live. We should trust in the Lord and be positive about this nation’s future.

The video of the week  discusses putting faith to the test. In her quest to invite Jesus Christ into her life, Amy, embarked on a 30-day challenge to monitor her responses and improve her relationship interactions with greater personal intention. She turned to prayer and sought a closer connection with God. After several weeks of dedicated effort, Amy experienced a profound transformation within herself. She describes her quick temper and anger being replaced with love and a joyful calm through her sustained relationship with the Savior, Jesus Christ. The challenge became an opportunity for personal growth and a deeper understanding of faith.

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

Tithing declaration will soon begin. Please sign up online if you can. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign up tab will be locked). You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for those specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward front page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 

Many of you have participated in at least one of the Self-Reliance courses that have been made available by our stake.  We will continue to provide opportunities for those who have participated in the past and, of course, for those who have yet to participate.  The Wellsville Stake has invited us to participate in some of their upcoming self-reliance courses as well.  These courses will begin the week of September 10.  Please feel free to register for one of their courses if you'd like, by clicking the links below to register. Emotional Resilience – Finding Strength in the Lord.  https://quickreg.englishconnect.org/group-details/6326/358/46054 Personal Finances for Self-Reliance. https://quickreg.englishconnect.org/group-details/6326/341/46055 Strengthening the Family. https://quickreg.englishconnect.org/group-details/3706/367/46058  This is a new course we have yet to offer in our stake.


Sept 10th Patriotic Sacrament meeting: The Utah Area Presidency invites us to celebrate our great nation in song and talks. 

Sept 10th - Mission and temple prep begins weekly (except fast Sunday) for 16-18 year old at 2:30 pm: Food every week.

Sept 16 and 17th: Stake Conference (see flyer for schedule). Note leadership meetings. Note Youth and Parent meeting Sept 17th at 7:30 am at Stake Center. 

Sept 30, Oct 1: General Conference

Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration begins (Sept 24, Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a speacil gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. 


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. 

And Just like that it is September 1. Here comes Fall rushing in. We are finishing up the Book of Mormon challenge. I finished awhile ago and about 1/3 into the Book of Mormon again. I am continually amazed at the power of the Book of Mormon. I am humbled how it teaches of Jesus Christ and how many times it testifies about our Savior (2 Nephi 25:23-26). I am inspired by the many stories of hope, faith, repentance, endurance (doctrine of Christ). I am also saddened by the falling away of people. I am amazed at the relavance to our day. I look forward to seeing Moroni in the future and thanking him (Moroni 10: 27). I love, love, love his last words and testimony of Christ (Moroni 10: 27-34). I testify that the Book of Mormon is true. I love it, I treasure it, I try to live by its teachings. It testifies of Christ and our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. 

The Come Follow me   lesson this week focuses on becoming one in Christ and the Church. In Paul’s time, Corinth was a wealthy trade center with residents from all over the Roman Empire. With so many different cultures and religions in the city, Church members in Corinth struggled to maintain unity, so Paul sought to help them find unity in their belief in Christ. This unity was to be more than just peaceful coexistence; Paul wasn’t asking them merely to tolerate each other’s differences. Rather, he taught that when you join the Church of Jesus Christ, you are “baptized into one body,” and every body part is needed (1 Corinthians 12:13). When one member is lost, it’s like losing a limb, and the body is weaker as a result. When one member suffers, we should all feel it and do our part to relieve it. In this kind of unity, differences are not just acknowledged but cherished, because without members of diverse gifts and abilities, the body would be limited. So whether you feel like you’ve always been at home in the Church or find yourself wondering if you truly belong, Paul’s message to you is that unity is not sameness. You need your fellow Saints, and your fellow Saints need you.

This week's Sacrament meeting will be Fast and Testimony Meeting. A testimony is a spiritual witness given by the Holy Ghost. The foundation of a testimony is the knowledge that Heavenly Father lives and loves His children; that Jesus Christ lives, that He is the Son of God, and that He carried out the infinite Atonement; that Joseph Smith is the prophet of God who was called to restore the gospel; that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Savior’s true Church on the earth; and that the Church is led by a living prophet today. With this foundation, a testimony grows to include all principles of the gospel.

The video of the week  discusses challenges we may face in life. Some of our challenges—especially physical ones—won’t be fixed in this life. But with God’s help, we can have joy in spite of our challenges, even if they don’t go away. We might even find that our challenges are a source of incredible blessings. Just ask Aaron “Wheelz” Fotheringham, who was born with spina bifida. When life gave him a wheelchair, he found a skate park!

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Moroni 7 by Sunday to be on track. We are finishing up our reading of the Book of Mormon for the Summer. We pray you have had a great experience and fulfilled all, or some of the challenges (see attached flyer). The last book in the Book of Mormon, Moroni, is a powerful testimony. It contains key doctrines and testifies of Christ. It also challenges us to find out the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. President Nelson gave a faith promoting talk on "A testimony of the Book of Mormon." I leave his testimony with you: Each individual who prayerfully studies the Book of Mormon can also receive a testimony of its divinity. In addition, this book can help with personal problems in a very real way. Do you want to get rid of a bad habit? Do you want to improve relationships in your family? Do you want to increase your spiritual capacity? Read the Book of Mormon! It will bring you closer to the Lord and His loving power. He who fed a multitude with five loaves and two fishes—He who helped the blind to see and the lame to walk—can also bless you! He has promised that those who live by the precepts of this book “shall receive a crown of eternal life. The Book of Mormon is true! I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

Tithing declaration will soon begin. Please sign up online if you can. We will close sign-ups online 1-2 weeks prior to the specific scheduled date (the sign up tab will be locked). You may then sign up at the Bishop's office door for those specific dates. You may sign up for two slots if you have a bigger family or want more time to spend with the Bishop. Please see our Spring Creek Ward front page at the bottom for specific tithing declaration directions. We will have a special gift for you and a challenge that will carry over into next year. 


Sept 10th Patriotic Sacrament meeting: The Utah Area Presidency invites us to celebrate our great nation in song and talks. 

Sept 10th - Mission and temple prep begins weekly (except fast Sunday) for 16-18 year old at 2:30 pm: Food every week.

Sept 16 and 17th: Stake Conference (see flyer for schedule). Note leadership meetings. Note Youth and Parent meeting Sept 17th at 7:30 am at Stake Center. 

Sept 30, Oct 1: General Conference

Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting

Oct 29th @ 2:30 pm - Stake Book of Mormon Devotional for youth

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration begins (Sept 24, Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a speacil gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up. Please review your contact/church records. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Salisbury & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. 


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. It is back to school time and routines to become in the forefront again. Can Fall be right around the corner? 

I have been pondering this verse lately 1 Corinthians 3:10–11: According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed howhe buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. . How are you building your foundation? What do you do daily to develop your faith? What are you reading daily to develop your faith?  I pay attention to the music I listen to and the things I read.  Our beloved Prophet, Russel M. Nelson, has counseled "We cultivate faith in Jesus Christ by repenting daily and keeping covenants that endow us with power. We stay on the covenant path and are blessed with spiritual strength, personal revelation, increasing faith, and the ministering of angels. Living the doctrine of Christ can produce the most powerful virtuous cycle, creating spiritual momentum in our lives.

The Come Follow me   lesson focuses on evaulating our own spirituality.  During the months that Paul spent in Corinth, “many of the Corinthians hearing [him] believed, and were baptized” (Acts 18:8). So it must have been heartbreaking for Paul to hear, just a few years later, that there were “divisions” and “contentions” among the Corinthian Saints and that in his absence they began to heed the “wisdom of this world” (1 Corinthians 1:10–11, 20). In response, Paul wrote the letter we now call 1 Corinthians. It is full of profound doctrine, and yet at the same time, Paul seemed disappointed that the Saints were not ready to receive all the doctrine he wanted to give them. “I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual,” he lamented, “for ye are yet carnal” (1 Corinthians 3:1–3). It might be helpful to examine our own readiness to receive truth—including our willingness to heed the Spirit and strive for unity within our families, with our fellow Saints, and with God.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Helaman 5:12 from our Stake Leaders. Elder Wiford Anderson gave a great talk with examples of faith in Christ. He stated "Faith in the Savior requires more than mere belief. The Apostle James taught that even the devils believe and tremble. But true faith requires work. The difference between the devils and the faithful members of this Church is not belief but work. Faith grows by keeping the commandments. We must work at keeping the commandments. From the Bible Dictionary we read that “miracles do not produce faith but strong faith is developed by obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ; in other words, faith comes by righteousness.”

The video of the week  discusses faith. Try Faith: A 30-Day Challenge,” documents the growth of seven individuals as they apply recent teachings of living prophets, apostles and Church leaders. Amy is a busy mom. While dealing with two sons, she found she was often quick to anger. Following the talk by President Russell M. Nelson, “Peacemakers Needed,” she sought to pray at the first sign of anger.

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Ether 1 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. This week so the pivotal chapters in the Book of Mormon with Christ visiting America. Watch this video showing Jesus Christ praying for his people. I promise he also prays for you!. 

 There is a new self-reliance class entitled, Strengthening Marriage that will begin on August 31 at our stake center at 7:00 p.m.  It will meet each Thursday evening for 6 weeks.  Sister Michelle Hunsaker will be the facilitator for this class.  If you would like to register for this class go to our stake's www.mendonarearesources.org or click this link . We feel that the discussions that will occur in this course could bless and enrich any marriage in our stake and would like to invite you to consider participating in this class. The following topics will be addressed, applying gospel principles, communicating with love, fostering equality and unity, resolving conflict and enriching marriage. (Mendon Stake Presidency)

The Spring Creek Ward is a large Ward and we welcome everyone to worship. In the last month alone we have gained 25 remarkable new members move into our flock. We are very good at welcoming and including everyone. I am asking us to look around and love everyone. Include newcomers and oldcomers in your service, your neighborhood parties, your household activities. Sister Tracy Browning, of the Relief Society General Board, wrote and important article discussing including everyone. She lists some important quetions to ask ourselves. 

There is so much to learn from others as we get to know them.

I invite you to look around you, seek out, and extend a warm hand of friendship. Invite them to participate with you. Become their friend, and you will make a difference and bless their lives for generations to come." I know this takes effort. Please refrain from saying "I don't know anyone in the Ward." Rather, Turn it around and say "How can I meet everyone in the Ward?" 


Aug 26: Multi-stake youth devotional and dance: see flyer

August 26: 11:00 am:  Seethaler's move some things from one storage unit to another. Meeting point would be at Extra Space Storage 3939 S 1200 W Nibley. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kzGhbJ6PGl5Rg-5oWhe1pakYvlH4BMYtUzpBBc-bD8w/edit?usp=sharing

Sept 10th Patriotic Sacrament meeting: The Utah Area Presidency invites us to celebrate our great nation in song and talks. 

August 30th: Wednesday August 30th. 7:00AM session: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/schedule/appointment?lang=eng&templeOrgId=3

Sept 16 and 17th: Stake Conference

Sept 30, Oct 1: General Conference

Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting

Sept 24th-Nov 5th: Tithing Declaration begins (Sept 24, Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a speacil gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up in the coming weeks. Please review your contact/church records. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKenna & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Gurr Family, Maw Family,  Malmberg family, Peggy Jenson. 


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hello Everyone

While attending the temple this week I was reminded of the talk by Elder Uchtdorf: Grateful in any Circumstance. In a World full of troubles and trajedies it may be easy to succumb to pessimission. We certainly marvel at the fires in Maui, and wonder about some politics that are going on. Elder Uchtdorf states "It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding." We live in a blessed valley with beautiful scenary surrounded by great people. Each individual has their own trials, but we can rest assured that Jesus Christ Grace is sufficient (Ether 12:27). I am grateful for you and all you do for the Spring Creek Ward. We are blessed to live in a Ward that cares and nurtures one another. 

The Come Follow me   lesson focuses on overcoming evil with good.  As he opened his epistle to the Romans, Paul greeted Church members by calling them “beloved of God” who were “called to be saints.” He remarked that their “faith [was] spoken of throughout the whole world” (Romans 1:7–8). Even though Paul spent much of his epistle correcting false ideas and flawed behaviors, it seems he also wanted to assure these new Christian converts that they truly were Saints who were beloved of God. His tender counsel blesses all of us who struggle to feel God’s love and for whom becoming a Saint may feel out of reach. With humble empathy, Paul acknowledged that he had felt like a “wretched man” at times (Romans 7:24), but the gospel of Jesus Christ had given him power to overcome sin (see Joseph Smith Translation, Romans 7:22–27 [in the Bible appendix]). With that power, the Savior’s redeeming power, we can “overcome evil”—both evil in the world and evil in ourselves—“with good” (Romans 12:21).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on the Plan of Happiness. We have a very unique opportunity to welcome home a missionary and send a missionary out into the field. Even more rare are these two Elders are brothers. Elder Tate Godfrey will report his mission and Elder Trent Godfrey will be reporting to Boston on his mission soon. The Plan of Happiness is simple but true. Elder Oaks talk was awesome on the topic. "I pray that we will not let the challenges and temporary diversions of mortality cause us to forget our covenants and lose sight of our eternal destiny. We who know God’s plan for his children, we who have covenanted to participate, have a clear responsibility. We must desire to do what is right, and we must do all that we can in our own circumstances in mortality." Elder Richard G Scott also gave a wonderful talk on The plan of Happiness. 

The video of the week  discusses faith. Try Faith: A 30-Day Challenge,” documents the growth of seven individuals as they apply recent teachings of living prophets, apostles and Church leaders. Viewers are invited to follow along with a 30-day goal of their own that will help them apply these teachings to grow closer to Jesus Christ, connect with others and live their faith.

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through 3 Nephi 21 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. This week so the pivotal chapters in the Book of Mormon with Christ visiting America. Watch this video on the events that transpired. I always love to read about Jesus Christ spending one on one time with each of the Nephites and showing them he was their Savior. We have a Book of Mormon Fireside Scheduled for Aug 20th at 6:00 pm in the Chapel with President Brad Tolman and Sister Michelle Tolman who recently returned from a mission in Argentina, Salta. They will share their experiences on how the Book of Mormon helped in their mission. 

 There is a new self-reliance class entitled, Strengthening Marriage that will begin on August 31 at our stake center at 7:00 p.m.  It will meet each Thursday evening for 6 weeks.  Sister Michelle Hunsaker will be the facilitator for this class.  If you would like to register for this class go to our stake's www.mendonarearesources.org or click this link . We feel that the discussions that will occur in this course could bless and enrich any marriage in our stake and would like to invite you to consider participating in this class. The following topics will be addressed, applying gospel principles, communicating with love, fostering equality and unity, resolving conflict and enriching marriage. (Mendon Stake Presidency)

The Spring Creek Ward is a large Ward and we welcome everyone to worship. In the last month alone we have gained 25 remarkable new members move into our flock. We are very good at welcoming and including everyone. I am asking us to look around and love everyone. Include newcomers and oldcomers in your service, your neighborhood parties, your household activities. Sister Tracy Browning, of the Relief Society General Board, wrote and important article discussing including everyone. She lists some important quetions to ask ourselves. 

There is so much to learn from others as we get to know them.

I invite you to look around you, seek out, and extend a warm hand of friendship. Invite them to participate with you. Become their friend, and you will make a difference and bless their lives for generations to come." I know this takes effort. Please refrain from saying "I don't know anyone in the Ward." Rather, Turn it around and say "How can I meet everyone in the Ward?" 


Aug 20th Book of Mormon Fireside: 6:00 pm; President Tolman and Sister Michelle Tolman:Mission President in Argentina, Salta Mission. Nursey provided. Treats

Aug 26: Multi-stake youth devotional and dance: see flyer

Sept 10th Patriotic Sacrament meeting: The Utah Area Presidency invites us to celebrate our great nation in song and talks. 

Sept 16 and 17th: Stake Conference

Sept 30, Oct 1: General Conference

Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony: At Spring Creek Ward bldg

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting

Sept 24th: Tithing Declaration begins (Sept 24, Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5). We have a speacil gift and assignment for you this year surrounding the Book of Mormon. Please sign up in the coming weeks. Please review your contact/church records. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Trent Godfrey, Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKenna & Sister Tanner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Bruce and Pam Malmberg,  Peggy Jenson. 


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All, 

I hope this email finds you well. I attended the Cache County Rodeo with my family this week. They honored Brother Sam Jones, who passed away recently. It was humbling to see a Spring Creek Ward member honored for his service in the community. Sam was a FFA leader and helped countless youth with their livestock projects. I miss Brother Jones, but I know he is working on the other side of the veil. 

The Come Follow me    lesson confirms true power is found within the gospel.   By the time Paul wrote his epistle to Roman Church members, who were a diverse group of Jews and Gentiles, the Church of Jesus Christ had grown far beyond a small band of believers from Galilee. About 20 years after the Savior’s Resurrection, there were congregations of Christians almost everywhere the Apostles could reasonably travel—including Rome, the capital of a powerful empire. Still, compared to the vastness of the Roman empire, the Church was small and often the object of persecution. In such conditions, some might feel “ashamed of the gospel of Christ”—but, of course, not Paul. He knew and testified that true power, “the power of God unto salvation,” is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Grace. This has become one of my favorite topics about Christ that directly applies to me. Here are some great resources to study: Grace”; see also 2 Nephi 25:23; Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Gift of Grace,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 107–10; Brad Wilcox, “His Grace Is Sufficient,”

The video of the week  discusses thorns and roses. Elder Gary Stevenson expounds upon our adversities and significance they make in our lives. I loved his words, "it may be hard today, tommorrow, and maybe next week, but it not be hard all the time. Be of good cheer, for I am with thee." 

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through 3 Nephi 6 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. I have always loved the picture by Arnold Friberg of Samuel preaching on the wall. It packs a visual galage of God's power. Here is a video about Samuel. We have a Book of Mormon Fireside Scheduled for Aug 20th at 6:00 pm in the Chapel with President Brad Tolman and Sister Michelle Tolman who recently returned from a mission in South America. They will share their experiences on how the Book of Mormon helped in their mission. 

 There is a new self-reliance class called, Strengthening Marriage that will begin on August 31 at our stake center at 7:00 p.m.  It will meet each Thursday evening for 6 weeks.  Sister Michelle Hunsaker will be the facilitator for this class.  If you would like to register for this class go to our stake's www.mendonarearesources.org or click this link . We feel that the discussions that will occur in this course could bless and enrich any marriage in our stake and would like to invite you to consider participating in this class. The following topics will be addressed, applying gospel principles, communicating with love, fostering equality and unity, resolving conflict and enriching marriage. (Mendon Stake Presidency)

We are a large Ward but welcome everyone to worship. In the last 6 months alone we have gained 47 remarkable new members move into our flock. We are very good at welcoming and including everyone. I am asking us to look around and love everyone. Include newcomers and oldcomers in your service, your neighborhood parties, your household activities. Sister Tracy Browning, of the Relief Society General Board, wrote and important article discussing including everyone. She lists some important quetions to ask ourselves. 

There is so much to learn from others as we get to know them.

I invite you to look around you, seek out, and extend a warm hand of friendship. Invite them to participate with you. Become their friend, and you will make a difference and bless their lives for generations to come." I know this takes effort. Please refrain from saying "I don't know anyone in the Ward." Rather, Turn it around and say "How can I meet everyone in the Ward?" 


Aug 15th Youth Temple trip: 6:00 am: meet at the church

Aug 20th Book of Mormon Fireside: 6:00 pm; President Tolman and Sister Michelle Tolman. Nursey provided. Treats

Aug 26: Multi-stake youth devotional and dance

Sept 10th Patriotic Sacrament meeting

Sept 16 and 17th: Stake Conference

Sept 30, Oct 1: General Conference

Oct 8th Fast Sunday;

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony

Oct 29th: Primary Program: Sacrament meeting


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. 


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. We are thankful for the rain and change in heat for a few days. 

Did you see the social media post from President Nelson on 6 ways to disagree in a Christlike way. He wrote “Differences of opinion are part of life.” “Over the last five years of working together, we haven’t always agreed,” President Nelson wrote. “Still, they know I want to hear their honest feelings about everything we discuss — especially sensitive issues.”From their examples, President Nelson said he has learned six ways to disagree:

“Express feelings with love.

“Don’t think you know best.

“Don’t compete.

“Don’t rigorously defend your position.

“Let the Spirit guide your conversations.

“Be filled with charity, the pure love of Christ.”

The Come Follow me    assures us that God loves and supports us.   “When we are on the Lord’s errand,” President Thomas S. Monson promised, “we are entitled to the Lord’s help” (“To Learn, to Do, to Be,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 62). We are not entitled, however, to a smooth road and an endless stream of successes. For proof of this, we need look no further than Paul the Apostle. His errand from the Savior was “to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15). In chapters 22–28 of Acts, we see Paul fulfilling this errand and facing great opposition—chains, imprisonment, physical abuse, a shipwreck, and even a snake attack. But we also see that Jesus “stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul” (Acts 23:11). Paul’s experiences are an inspiring reminder that the Lord’s call to “declare [His] gospel with the sound of rejoicing” comes with this promise: “Lift up your hearts and be glad, for I am in your midst” (Doctrine and Covenants 29:4–5; see also Matthew 28:19–20).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be Testimony meeting. Have you heard the hymn "Testimony?" I love the lyrics from v 3: "My eyes are wet, my heart is full. The Spirity speaks today. O'Lord wilt thou my life renew, and in my bosom stay." 

The video of the week  celebrates the Joseph Smith papers.  On the 179th anniversary of the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, the Church Historian’s Press is releasing the final print volume of “The Joseph Smith Papers.” A news event was held at the Church History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, to mark the completion of the project on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. The project includes the foundational documents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Helaman 6 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. I love the story of Nephi and Lehi (Helamn 5)  being imprissioned and the people tried to burn them by fire. The Lord protects those who serve him. 

We are a large Ward but welcome everyone to worship. In the last 6 months alone we have gained 47 remarkable new members move into our flock. We are very good at welcoming and including everyone. I am asking us to look around  and love everyone. Include them in your service, your neighborhood parties, your household activities. I love the talk by Elder Ned Roueche' on Fellowshipping. He states: I know what it means to have a friend, a responsibility, and to be nurtured by the good word of God. There are many that do not understand what is missing in their lives and hunger for those tender feelings that come from knowing the love of our Savior. They are good people who lie dormant, as it were, awaiting the awakening of their soul by those who bring the “good news.” There are others who watch us, observe our examples, and say, “I like what I see; how can I become a part of it?”

I invite you to look around you, seek out, and extend a warm hand of friendship. Invite them to participate with you. Become their friend, and you will make a difference and bless their lives for generations to come." I know this takes effort. Please refrain from saying "I don't know anyone in the Ward." Rather, Turn it around and say "How can I meet everyone in the Ward?" 

Welcome home Elder Tate Godfrey. Well done thou faithful servant. 

Congratulations to Jordan and Madison Cox on the birth of twins (you do realize the Bishopric are human. Please extend to us some compassion if we mess up ie. miss an important event). 


Aug 5th: Elders Ride to Old Ephraim grave. 9:00 am meet at church

Aug 8th: Carpet cleaning: No activities in the church

Aug 22cnd Youth Temple trip: 6:00 am

Aug 26: Multi-stake youth devotional and dance

Oct 10 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Sister Emma Turpin, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. 


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. The Summer heat is on! I hope you are finding ways to stay cool. 

I was saddend to hear of the passing of Sister Patricia Holland. I loved this quote from her “You can’t get these blessings by chasing them,” she concluded. “Please stop running to the point of exhaustion. Be quiet. Be still. Simplify. Be meek and lowly of heart and pray. I testify that miracles will come when we slow down, when we calm down and when we kneel down. All that the Father has can one day be yours. What a truly hopeful way to face your future.”

The Come Follow me    lesson this week encourages us to share the gospelAmong the Lord’s final words to His Apostles was the commandment “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20). While the Apostles didn’t quite make it to all nations, Acts 16–21 does show that Paul and his companions did make remarkable progress in establishing the Church. They taught, baptized, and conferred the gift of the Holy Ghost. They performed miracles, even raising a man from the dead, and foretold the Great Apostasy (Acts 20:7–12, 28–31). And the work they started continues with living Apostles today, along with devoted disciples like you, who are helping fulfill the Savior’s commission in ways Paul never could have imagined.

This week's Sacrament meeting we will focus on Missionary Work. Here are some key resources: Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart,”, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2022/04/43stevenson?lang=eng


 Missionary work can be natural and easy. The 25 tips on love, share, invite are great to ponder and implement. 

The video of the week  is a lesson on the Sabbath Day.  Young Latter-day Saint Miguel receives a birthday pool-party invitation on the Sabbath. Miguel decides to attend the party and, later, has an important experience of not feeling the Spirit.

We have an app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Alma 55 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. together Alma 48:7–9; 49:1–9; and 50:1–6 cause us to think about our need for spiritual defenses against sin. What are some things you do to build spiritual defenses for yourslef and your families? 

Youth Conference will be July 29th 8:30-2:00pm. Our theme will be the youth theme for this year "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."  Saturday July 29th at 8:30 am we will meet at the church parking lot. We will be going to the USU challenge course for lots of fun. Please fill out the Utah State Waiver: Online waivers link: https://usu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6DzakWciVIwpSqG . Please complete ASAP. Please wear closed toed shoes. We will eat lunch in the church (thank you airconditioning) and then have a great devotional.  Please fill out the Medical and Permission form to particpate in Youth Conference. We need a count of youth attending by 7/21. 

The Temple and Family History Committee reminds us to set aside July as a month of temple service, following in the footsteps of the pioneers who made sacrifices in the building of temples so that we may enjoy the blessings. Please attend the temple as often as you can. 

It is our turn to clean the church in July. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  Please take a look at people assigned for July 29th at our web page

Peterson, Brad & Lori

Peterson, Cayden & Kaylee Jansy

Peterson, Rory & Melanie

Phippen, Daniel & Annie Morgan

Phister, Bradley & Kalli McKell

Poulsen, Chase Patrick & McKenzie

Pugmire, Samuel & Madeleine Melissa

Rarick, Pamela

Richards, Austin & Rebecca Elise

Ricks, Edward Scott & Mickey Jen Zilles

Ricks, Robert Allen & Ashley Brooke

Rigby, Brad & Sydney

Riggs, Dallin Lance & Jelisa


July 29th Youth conference 8:30 am -2:00 pm. USU ropes course, lunch, I can do hard things devotional. 

Aug 5th: Elders Ride to Old Ephraim grave. 

Aug 8th: Carpet cleaning: No activities in the church

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Sister Emma Turpin, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. 


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


HI Everyone from Alaska

This week has been a week filled with earth's beauty. It reminds me of the song "For the beauty of the Earth......Lord of all, to thee we raise, This our hymn of grateful praise." We are blessed to live where we do. We are blessed to be friends. We are blessed to serve together. We are blessed to be member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints. 

The Come Follow me  shows us the early growth of the church.  During His mortal ministry, Jesus Christ often challenged people’s long-held traditions and beliefs. This didn’t stop after He ascended into heaven, as He continued to guide His Church by revelation. For example, during Jesus’s life His disciples preached the gospel only to fellow Jews. But soon after the Savior died and Peter became the leader of the Church on earth, Jesus Christ revealed to Peter that the time was right for the gospel to be preached to non-Jews. The idea of sharing the gospel with Gentiles doesn’t seem surprising today, so what’s the lesson in this account for us? Perhaps one lesson is that in both the ancient and modern Church, a loving Savior guides His chosen leaders (see Amos 3:7; Doctrine and Covenants 1:38). Continuing revelation is a vital sign of the true and living Church of Jesus Christ. Like Peter, we must be willing to accept continuing revelation and live “by every word of God” (Luke 4:4), including “all that [He] has revealed, all that He does now reveal,” and the “many great and important things” He will yet reveal “pertaining to the Kingdom of God” (Articles of Faith 1:9).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will focus on Covenants. President Nelson gave a great talk on Covenants.  He stated "One of the most important concepts of revealed religion is that of a sacred covenant. In legal language, a covenant generally denotes an agreement between two or more parties. But in a religious context, a covenant is much more significant. It is a sacred promise with God. He fixes the terms. Each person may choose to accept those terms. If one accepts the terms of the covenant and obeys God’s law, he or she receives the blessings associated with the covenant."

The video of the week  is a missionary vidoe.  Each of us is a beloved child of God. You can draw closer to your Heavenly Father through prayer and learn to recognize His loving guidance in your life.

We the app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Alma 33 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. Al 32 is the famous chapter on faith. As a father, Alma, taught his son about faith and belief. 

Youth Conference will be July 29th 8:30-2:00pm. Our theme will be the youth theme for this year "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."  Saturday July 29th at 8:30 am we will meet at the church parking lot. We will be going to the USU challenge course for lots of fun. We will eat lunch back at the church Pavilion and then have a great devotional.  Please fill out the Medical and Permission form to particpate in Youth Conference. We need a count of youth attending by 7/21. 

The Temple and Family History Committee reminds us to set aside July as a month of temple service, following in the footsteps of the pioneers who made sacrifices in the building of temples so that we may enjoy the blessings. Please attend the temple as often as you can. 

It is our turn to clean the church in July. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  Please take a look at people assigned for July 8th at our web page

McClellan, Cody & Katherine

McGuire, Dillon & Alexa Marie

Muir, Marc & Emily

Nelson, Lanae

Nieves, Pablo & Michelle

Olsen, Brian & Molly

Olsen, Hal & Cindy

Olsen, Jared Wood

Olsen, Kelly

Olsen, Kent Lovenus & Margaret 

Osterlin, Richard & Annette

Packer, David & Sarah Diane

Henderson, Justin & Jodee

Perry, Adam & Angela


July 29th Youth conference 8:30 am -2:00 pm. USU ropes course, lunch, I can do hard things devotional. 

Aug 5th: Elders Ride to Old Ephraim grave. 

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Sister Emma Turpin, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. Harmony Davis


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

I hope this finds you well. 

This past week or so I was reminded how much good the church does locally and globally. Check out these recent articles that cover only about 1.5 weeks. Church donates thousands of eyeglasses.  Church eases suffering in Indonosia earthquarke.  Church donates 1 million dollars to Montreal Emergency Shelter. Church supports vocational work for Congolese women. I am thankful that I belong to a generous, charitable church that gives freely. 

The Come Follow me lesson shows us God's love for us individually and confidence in us.  If anyone seemed like an unlikely candidate for conversion, it was probably Saul—a Pharisee who had a reputation for persecuting Christians. So when the Lord told a disciple named Ananias to seek out Saul and offer him a blessing, Ananias was understandably hesitant. “Lord,” he said, “I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints” (Acts 9:13). But the Lord knew Saul’s heart and his potential, and He had a mission in mind for Saul: “He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15). So Ananias obeyed, and when he found this former persecutor, he called him “Brother Saul” (Acts 9:17). If Saul could change so completely and Ananias could welcome him so freely, then should we ever consider anyone an unlikely candidate for change—including ourselves?

This week's Sacrament meeting we will focus on Councils. Ask yourself "Why utilizing councils connects us to our Savior?" Elder Ballard gave a great talk on Family Councils. He states "A family council, when conducted with love and with Christlike attributes, will counter the impact of modern technology that often distracts us from spending quality time with each other and also tends to bring evil right into our homes."

The video of the week :  A girl meets with Sara the chalk artist. They draw a picture of Simon Peter and Andrew on their boat trying to catch fish all night. Jesus’s miracle filled their net and they became “fishers of men.”

We the app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Alma 25 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. I love the story of Ammon and his brothers going to the Lamenites on their mission. Talk about trials and faith!

Youth Conference will be July 29th 8:30-2:00pm. Our theme will be the youth theme for this year "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."  Saturday July 29th at 8:30 am we will meet at the church parking lot. We will be going to the USU challenge course for lots of fun. We will eat lunch back at the church Pavilion and then have a great devotional.  Please fill out the Medical and Permission form to particpate in Youth Conference. We need a count of youth attending by 7/21. 

The Temple and Family History Committee reminds us to set aside July as a month of temple service, following in the footsteps of the pioneers who made sacrifices in the building of temples so that we may enjoy the blessings. Please attend the temple as often as you can. 

It is our turn to clean the church in July. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  Please take a look at people assigned for July 8th at our web page

Jensen, Darrell & Heather

Jensen, Michael & Emily

Jenson, Bret & Skie

Jenson, Doug & Peggy

Jenson, Ed & Arvona

Jenson, Eldon & Norma

Jones, Carolyn

Jones, Marilyn

Kendall, Tyler & Samantha

Knowles, Spencer & McKenzie Lee

Leishman, Gay

Leishman, Paul Matthew & Kesa

Lewis, Haigen Jo

Lewis, Kelly Don & Britany Dawn

Lunceford, Rocky & Alexis Rose

Malmberg, Bruce & Pam


July 29th Youth conference 8:30 am -2:00 pm. USU ropes course, lunch, I can do hard things devotional. 

Aug 5th: Elders Ride to Old Ephraim grave. 

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Sister Emma Turpin, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. Harmony Davis


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. Our July 4th celebration was great. Thank you to everyone who organized and participated. 

The Come Follow me lesson helps us understand how to witness of Jesus Chirst. Have you ever wondered what Peter might have been thinking and feeling when he, with the other Apostles, “looked steadfastly toward heaven” as Jesus ascended to His Father? (Acts 1:10). The Church that was founded by the Son of God was now in Peter’s care. The task of leading the effort to “teach all nations” now rested on him (Matthew 28:19). But if he felt inadequate or afraid, we don’t find any evidence of that in the book of Acts. What we do find are examples of fearless testimony and conversion, miraculous healings, spiritual manifestations, and significant growth for the Church. This was still the Savior’s Church, still led by Him. In fact, the book Acts of the Apostles could also be called the Acts of Jesus Christ through His Apostles. Guided by an outpouring of the Spirit, Peter was no longer the unlearned fisherman Jesus found on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Nor was he the distraught man who only weeks earlier was weeping bitterly because he had denied that he even knew Jesus of Nazareth.

This week's Sacrament meeting we will focus "becoming a disciple of Christ." Elder Hales  and Elder Messimo De Feo gave powerful talks on this topic. Elder Messimo De Feo states "True disciples love the Lord more than the world and are steadfast and immovable in their faith. They stay strong and firm in a changing and confusing world. True disciples love to listen to the voice of the Spirit and of the prophets and are not confused by the voices of the world. True disciples love to “stand in holy places”4 and love to make holy the places where they stand." 

The video of the week President Russell M. Nelson and Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society General President, discuss the translation of the Book of Mormon at the site in Pennsylvania where Joseph Smith translated it. 

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Alma 10 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. Alma 5 is a powerful chapter that helps give a self inventory. Each verse asks you to ponder a question. Alma 5:14 14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye aspiritually been bborn of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty cchange in your hearts? I hope you treasure the words of this chapter and ponder your status. 

Youth Conference will be July 29th 8:30-2:00pm. Our theme will be the youth theme for this year "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."  Saturday July 29th at 8:30 am we will meet at the church parking lot. We will be going to the USU challenge course for lots of fun. We will eat lunch back at the church Pavilion and then have a great devotional.  Please fill out the Medical and Permission form to particpate in Youth Conference. We need a count of youth attending by 7/21. 

The Temple and Family History Committee reminds us to set aside July as a month of temple service, following in the footsteps of the pioneers who made sacrifices in the building of temples so that we may enjoy the blessings. Please attend the temple as often as you can. 

It is our turn to clean the church in July. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  Please take a look at people assigned for July 8th at our web page

Hansen, Trevor

Hardman, Paul & Janee Katherine

Hess, Kyle Terry & Marea Katherine

Hinton, Garrett & Stephanie

Hokanson, Jordan Spencer & Haley

Hugie, Brent & Julie

Hugie, Kaden & Haylee Lynne

Israelsen, Benson & Brittany Morgan

Israelsen, Clark & Marsha

Israelsen, Ross & Rebekka Lyn

Israelsen, Victor & Jill

Jacobsen, Kyle

Jacobsen, Randy & Maleesa

Jensen, Dan & Laurel

We have two baptisms this Saturday. Lily Ewing will be baptized at 11:00 am at the Stake Center. We also have a convert baptism of Sadie McCulley at 1:30 pm at the Stake Center. Please come support. 


July 9th: 6:00 pm Stake General Priesthood meeting

July 29th Youth conference 9:00 am -2:00 pm. USU ropes course, lunch, I can do hard things devotional. 

Aug 5th: Elders Ride to Old Ephraim grave. 

Oct 11 Youth devotional: Elder Christopherson

Oct 22: Youth Day of Testimony


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Sister Emma Turpin, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. Harmony Davis


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi All

I hope this finds you well. We have had great weather that now will turn up the heat a bit. This past week was the 179th anniversary of the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. The Prophet and his brother were killed by a mob in Carthage, Illinois, on June 27, 1844. However, the Restoration is about more than the deaths of Joseph and Hyrum. President Ballard recounted that Joseph translated the Book of Mormon, received priesthood keys, reinstituted ordinances, organized The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, called missionaries, built temples, and taught “principles that are necessary to prepare a people for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The Come Follow Me reveals the true nature of resurrection. To many observers, the death of Jesus of Nazareth may have seemed like an ironic end to a remarkable life. Wasn’t this the man who raised Lazarus from the dead? Hadn’t He withstood the murderous threats from the Pharisees time after time? He had demonstrated power to heal blindness, leprosy, and palsy. The very winds and the seas obeyed Him. And yet here He was, hanging from a cross, declaring, “It is finished” (John 19:30). There may have been some sincere surprise in the mocking words “He saved others; himself he cannot save” (Matthew 27:42). But we know that Jesus’s death was not the end of the story. We know that the silence of the tomb was temporary and that Christ’s saving work was just beginning. He is found today not “among the dead” but among the living (Luke 24:5). His teachings would not be silenced, for His loyal disciples would preach the gospel in “all nations,” trusting His promise that He would be “with [them] alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:19–20).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will focus Fast and Testimony meeting. This is an opportunity to give your testimony of God the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ, Plan of Salvation, Restoration of the Gospel, truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, etc. 

The video of the week  comes from the 2023 youth album song called "I choose You."  

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Mosiah 25 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. I love the book of Mosiah. I love the story of the Sons of Mosiah and their missionary lives. They give us great examples of trusting in the Lord with all your heart, might, mind and then the Lord blessed them. Trials and Tribulations are common in this life, but best experienced living the gospel than without it. 

It is our turn to clean the church in July. Please arrive to clean the church on the assigned Saturday at 8:00 am. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another  family during the time you. Cleaning the Church building is a Blessing. Please meet at the cleaning closet across from the library.. You can pick an assignment and get to work.  Please take a look at people assigned for July 1st at our web page

Fredrickson, Brent & Marianne

Fullmer, Tad & Kylee

Garfield, Taylor & Jaime

Garner, Dave & Jamie

Gerke, Alex & Liz

Godfrey, James & Paula

Gualtier, John & Natalie

Gurr, Matt & Paula

Hall, Reed & Nadine

Hansen, Bentley & Valerie

Hansen, Brian & Shauna


July 4th  8:00 am: breakfast, flag ceremony, parade

July 9th: 6:00 pm Stake General Priesthood meeting

July 29th Youth conference 9:00 am -2:00 pm. USU ropes course, lunch, I can do hard things devotional. 



Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Sister Emma Turpin, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. Harmony Davis


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. 

Did you see the second edition of Preach my Gospel has been released. You can find it in LDS tools also. President Russell M. Nelson announced the second edition at the Church’s seminar for new mission leaders on June 22, 2023. “This new edition comes at a time when the world is rapidly changing,” he said. “[It] reflects a sensitivity to many of those changes. It contains some of the best instruction I have ever seen to help people accept the Lord’s invitation to come unto Him.”

The Come Follow Me reveals Christ love for each of us. In every word and deed, Jesus Christ exemplified pure love—what the Apostle Paul called charity (see 1 Corinthians 13). At no time was this more evident than during the final hours of the Savior’s mortal life. His dignified silence in the face of false accusations demonstrated that He “is not easily provoked” (1 Corinthians 13:5). His willingness to submit to scourging, mocking, and crucifixion—while restraining His power to end His torments—showed that He “suffereth long” and “beareth all things” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 7). His compassion toward His mother and His mercy toward His crucifiers—even during His own incomparable suffering—revealed that He “seeketh not [His] own” (1 Corinthians 13:5). In His final moments on earth, Jesus was doing what He had done throughout His mortal ministry—teaching us by showing us. Indeed, charity is “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will focus on the Sabath Day. Brother Gualtier and Sister Daugs will remind us about honoring the Sabbath. Remember President Nelson's talk regarding "The Sabbath is a Delight." President Nelson taught. "Not pursuing your “own pleasure” on the Sabbath requires self-discipline. You may have to deny yourself of something you might like. If you choose to delight yourself in the Lord, you will not permit yourself to treat it as any other day. Routine and recreational activities can be done some other time. Elder Peter Meurs also gave a wonderful talk helping us on the Sabbath. He encourage members to 1. Prepare in advance for Sacrament meeting. 2. Arrive early to Sacrament meeting. 3. Sing the hymns. 4. Spiritually participate in the Sacrament prayers. 5. Ponder and remember him as the Sacrament is passed. 

The video of the week  discusses self worth and divine nature. 

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through Mosiah 7 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. I love the book of Mosiah. I love the testimony regarding Christ in Mosiah 2-5. The results is what counts. In Mosiah 5:2 the people responded to speech by saying " a mighty change in us or in our hearts that we have no more dispenosition to do evil but to do good continually." What a profound testimony of the gospel. The times I feel this way are an incredibly boost. 

Our turn to clean the church will be in July. Please take a look at people assigned for July 1st at our web page

Fredrickson, Brent & Marianne

Fullmer, Tad & Kylee

Garfield, Taylor & Jaime

Garner, Dave & Jamie

Gerke, Alex & Liz

Godfrey, James & Paula

Gualtier, John & Natalie

Gurr, Matt & Paula

Hall, Reed & Nadine

Hansen, Bentley & Valerie

Hansen, Brian & Shauna


July 4th  8:00 am: breakfast, flag ceremony, parade

July 29th Youth conference 9:00 am -2:00 pm



Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Sister Emma Turpin, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. Harmony Davis


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. June is officially here. Let the Summer good times roll. I hope in all your travels this Summer that ‘family’ is a central part. Reunions, vacations, excursions, should draw families together.

The Come Follow Me   recounts details of the Last Supper.  Today we call it the “Last Supper,” but we don’t know if Jesus’s disciples fully realized, when they gathered for the annual Passover feast, that this would be their last meal with their Master before His death. Jesus, however, “knew that his hour was come” (John 13:1). He would soon face the suffering of Gethsemane, the betrayal and denial of His closest friends, and an agonizing death on the cross. Yet even with all of this looming before Him, Jesus’s focus was not on Himself but on His disciples. What would they need to know in the days and years ahead? Jesus’s tender teachings in John 14–17 reveal how He feels about His disciples, then and now. Among the many comforting truths He shared was the reassurance that, in one sense, He will never leave us. “If ye keep my commandments,” He promised, “ye shall abide in my love” (John 15:10).

This week's Sacrament meeting we welcome home Elder Riley Sorensen and Elder Josh Skidmore. They will speak on the ordinance of the Sacrament. Elder Oaks gave a profound talk on the Sacrament entitled Sacrament meeting and the Sacrament. I loved these words “The ordinance of the sacrament makes the sacrament meeting the most sacred and important meeting in the Church. It is the only Sabbath meeting the entire family can attend together. Its content in addition to the sacrament should always be planned and presented to focus our attention on the Atonement and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The video of the week  interviews primary kids on their view of the Sacrament. They asked kids to tell us the story of the Last Supper in their own words and to explain why it matters for our lives today.

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through 2 Nephi 12 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. We hit some Isaiah chapters this week. We also read one of my favorite chapters 2 Nephi 2. What a beautiful chapter on the Plan of Happiness.  I also loved 2 Nephi 9 on the atonement of Christ. Verse 9 states “Wherefore, it must needs be an ainfinite batonement—save it should be an infinite atonement this corruption could not put on incorruption. Wherefore, the cfirst judgment which came upon man must needs have dremained to an endless duration. And if so, this flesh must have laid down to rot and to crumble to its mother earth, to rise no more.”


May 29-September 11th Book of Mormon Challenge: See flyer for details

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

July 29th Youth conference 9:00 am -2:00 pm

July 4th Breakfast: Come celebrate July 4th with breakfast 7-9:00 am, Flag ceremony at 8:00 am and parade to follow. 


Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Sister Emma Turpin, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. Rallin Anderson family


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi All

I hope this email finds you well! I hope memorial day was memorable for you. It is great to celebrate our military and also our heritage. 

The Come Follow Me   teaches us the importance of the Last Supper.  The day before He died, Jesus gave His disciples something to remember Him by. He “took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood” (Matthew 26:26–28).That happened about 2,000 years ago, in a place most of us will never see, in a language few of us can understand. But now, every Sunday in our own meeting places, priesthood holders, authorized to act in the name of Jesus Christ, do what He once did. They take bread and water, bless it, and give it to each of us, His disciples. It’s a simple act—can there be anything simpler, more fundamental, than eating bread and drinking water? But that bread and water are sacred to us because they help us remember Him. They’re our way of saying, “I’ll never forget Him”—not just, “I’ll never forget what I’ve read about His teachings and His life.” Rather, we are saying, “I’ll never forget what He did for me.” “I’ll never forget how He rescued me when I cried out for help.” And “I’ll never forget His commitment to me and my commitment to Him—the covenant we have made.”

This week's Sacrament meeting is fast and testimony meeting. We look forward to hearing your testimonies. Elder Samuelson, of the Seventy has stated "A testimony is similar to a living organism that grows and develops when treated properly. It needs constant nourishment, care, and protection to thrive and prosper. Likewise, neglect or deviance from the pattern of living that a testimony clarifies can lead to its loss or diminishment."

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

The video of the week  teaches about Jesus Christ. "Hand art imagery follows Elder Gilbert’s Parable of the Slope, which teaches that our direction we are headed and our slope matter far more than our starting point or struggles.Read Elder Gilbert's talk at: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/s..."

How was your Book of Mormon reading this week? You should be through 1 Nephi 17 by Sunday to be on track. Make sure to access all kinds of resources at our Spring Creek Ward Book of Mormon site.  The page has schedules, conference talks on the Book of Mormon, quotes on readings, ideas for families studying the Book of Mormon, etc.). Please see the attached flyer for the 3 challenges. 

Our sincere condolences go out to the Andersen family. Rallin Andersen passed away this week. His obituary can be found on the Allen Mortuary website. Funeral services will be held Monday June 5 at 11:00am at Allen-Hall Mortuary; 34 East Center Street Logan, Utah. A viewing will be held prior to the service from 9:30-10:45. An additional viewing will be held on Sunday, June 4 from 6:00-8:00pm at Allen-Hall Mortuary. Interment will be at Hyrum Cemetery.


May 29-September 11th Book of Mormon Challenge: See flyer for details

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

July 29th Youth conference 9:00 am -2:00 pm

July 4th Breakfast: Come celebrate July 4th with breakast 7-9:00 am, Flag ceremony at 8:00 am and parade to follow. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Sister Emma Turpin, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Leaving soon: Trent Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson. Rallin Anderson family


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All, 

I hope this email finds you well. We continue to be blessed with intermittent rain and sunny days. I have been encouraged by President Oaks recent words. President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints urged young adults worldwide to keep an eternal perspective as they navigate today’s “stressful times.”Despite the challenges young adults endure, the Apostle said, they can “be of good cheer” because Jesus Christ “has overcome the world” and “we can too.” “Remember,” President Oaks added, “our Father’s plan is a plan of happiness.” Our Heavenly Father's plan is a redemptive plan that includes many, many, many, people. It is a successful plan. It is a happy plan. 

The Come Follow Me   shows us the prophecies of Jesus. .  Jesus’s disciples must have found His prophecy startling: the mighty temple of Jerusalem, the spiritual and cultural center of the Jewish people, would be destroyed so utterly that “there [would] not be left … one stone upon another.” Naturally the disciples wanted to know more. “When shall these things be?” they asked. “And what is the sign of thy coming?” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:2–4). The Savior’s answers revealed that the great destruction coming to Jerusalem—a prophecy fulfilled in AD 70—would be relatively small compared to the signs of His coming in the last days. Things that seem even more stable than the temple in Jerusalem will prove to be temporary—the sun, the moon, the stars, the nations, and the sea. Even “the powers of heaven shall be shaken” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:33). If we are spiritually aware, this commotion can teach us to put our trust in something truly permanent. As Jesus promised, “Heaven and earth shall pass away; yet my words shall not pass away. … And whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:35, 37).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will focus on the Scripture, particularly The Book of Mormon. Sister Emma Turpin will begin her mission May 29th to serve in the Argentina Salta Mission. She will discuss the importance of the Book of Mormon. Bishop Kelly will introduce the Summer challenge for the Book of Mormon. I love the words of Elder Hales; "For when we want to speak to God, we pray. And when we want Him to speak to us, we search the scriptures; for His words are spoken through His prophets. He will then teach us as we listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

The video of the week  teaches about Jesus blessing the children. 

It is time to kick off our Book of Mormon Challenge. From Memorial Day to Labor Day we challenge you to read the Book of Mormon individually and as a family. Please see the 3 challenges listed on the flyer attached. The challenges include reading the Book of Mormon Cover to Cover, reading a conference talk on obtaining answers through the scriptures, and "STOMP; Saints taking on Moroni's Promise. Please remember all the resources on our Spring Creek Web page under the Book of Mormon page. It has a calendar, resources, and weekly inspirations.  The Mendon Stake is also challenging us to read the Book of Mormon this Summer

Congratulations to the Aaron and Nicole Briggs and Dallin and Jelisa Riggs on new babies. 

It is interesting to note we have two missionaries returning home very soon. Well done Elder Riley Sorensen and Elder Josh Skidmore. If anyone saw pictures of Elder Sorensen hugging his family you immediately felt a deep love. They will both report their missions June 11th. 


May 29-September 11th Book of Mormon Challenge: See flyer for details

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

July 29th Youth conference 9:00 am -2:00 pm

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson.  


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. The temperatures are climbing and we have enjoyed some nice days. We had two good activities recently. Our Father's and Sons campout was fun at Maple Rise campground. President Godfrey gave a great message on Priesthood in our lives for the fireside and there were some bellies full of pancakes the following morning cooked by the Bishopric (and others). We also had a community cleanup last Tuesday. It is always great to get out and clean the roads and make our community better. Thank you for all who particpated in these two activities. I would encourage all to support activities as they build fellowship, friendships, and provide service opportunities, and draw us closer as a Ward. 

The Come Follow Me   emphasizes the two greates commandment. .  The Savior was hungry after traveling from Bethany to Jerusalem, and a fig tree in the distance looked like a source of food. But as Jesus approached the tree, He found that it bore no fruit (see Matthew 21:17–20; Mark 11:12–14, 20). In a way, the fig tree was like the hypocritical religious leaders in Jerusalem: their empty teachings and outward demonstrations of holiness gave no spiritual nourishment. The Pharisees and scribes appeared to keep many commandments yet missed the two greatest commandments: to love God and to love thy neighbor as thyself (see Matthew 22:34–40; 23:23). In contrast, many people had begun to recognize good fruit in Jesus’s teachings. When He arrived at Jerusalem, they welcomed Him with branches cut from trees to pave His path, rejoicing that at long last, as ancient prophecy said, “Thy King cometh” (Zechariah 9:9). As you read this week, think about the fruits of the Savior’s teachings and atoning sacrifice in your life and how you can bring “forth much fruit” (John 12:24).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will hear from some of our High School Seniors graduating next week. They will talk about Heavenly Father in their lives and Seminary experiences. 

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

The video of the week  discusses: Good, Better, Best. Elder Oakes helps us understand choices and balance. Some of our most important choices include family activities. 

It is time to kick off our Book of Mormon Challenge. From Memorial Day to Labor Day we challenge you to read the Book of Mormon individually and as a family. Please see the 3 challenges listed on the flyer attached. The challenges include reading the Book of Mormon Cover to Cover, reading a conference talk on obtaining answers through the scriptures, and "STOMP; Saints taking on Moroni's Promise. Please remember all the resources on our Spring Creek Web page under the Book of Mormon page. It has a calendar, resources, and weekly inspirations.  


May 21 Seminary Graduation 4-5:00 pm at Mendon Stake Center

May 29-September 11th Book of Mormon Challenge

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

July 29th Youth conference 9:00 am -2:00 pm

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson.  


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. I have been amazed at temples lately. From attending, to seeing construction, to watching dedications they have been on my mind. A recent article by Tad Welch opened my eyes how the Church of Jesus Christ has focused on the temple in the last decade. So, how has the church increased transparency about temple worship?

The Come Follow Me   encourages an inward evaluation of our lives.  If you had the opportunity to ask the Savior a question, what would it be? When a certain rich young man met the Savior for the first time, he asked, “What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” (Matthew 19:16). The Savior’s response showed both appreciation for the good things the young man had already done and loving encouragement to do more. When we ponder the possibility of eternal life, we may similarly wonder if there’s more we should be doing. When we ask, in our own way, “What lack I yet?” (Matthew 19:20), the Lord can give us answers that are just as personal as His response to the rich young man. Whatever the Lord asks us to do, acting on His answer will always require that we trust Him more than our own righteousness (see Luke 18:9–14) and that we “receive the kingdom of God as a little child” (Luke 18:17; see also 3 Nephi 9:22).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will focus on Mothers. Multiple Young Men will speak about mothers in the scriptures and their own mothers. Brother Benson Israelsen will also speak about the importance of mothers. Elder Holland gave a powerful talk entitled "Behold Thy Mother." He stated in this talk: "Today I declare from this pulpit what has been said here before: that no love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child." 

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

The video of the week  tells how President Uchtdorf was a young child, he learned that his mother was a great example of how hope and faith can overcome fear. Mothers can be a powerful influence for good. We celebrate mothers this week. I also recognize this can be a controversial topic. Here is a collection of videos displaying the joy and hope of working mothers, single mothers, and mothers of special needs children in their unique and traditional roles of motherhood.

Our Father's and Son's camp out is coming up May 12-13th at Maple Rise camp ground. This will be a fun time for males 0-99 years old. Please see the flyer for details. Please bring a tin foil dinner to cook Friday night at 6:00 pm (You may set up camp from 4:30 pm on). We will celebrate the Priesthood Commemeration on Friday night by a campfire. The Bishopric will feed you breakfast on Saturday morning. Pull out your camping gear, it is time to share some time together. 

Please help us clean up the neighborhoos Tuesday 5/16 at 6:00 pm This is an annual Spring Creek Tradition that directly helps our neighbors. Meet at the church for an assignment, clean up your area, then come back to the church for a treat and socialize. 


May 12-13 Father/Son Campout: Maple Rise campground

May 16th Ward Clean up 6:00 pm. Come help clean up our neighborhoods. 

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Fetokai & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Doug and Peggy Jenson.  


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. I have been pondering Sister Bonnie Cordon's words in the last Liahona magazine lately. "Have you ever sat under a shelter during a rainstorm? As the water comes down, it pounds against the roof and drowns out other sounds. How can you stay dry in the middle of the storm? Our Savior’s power and presence are like that shelter. Jesus Christ brings peace in life’s storms. We can’t avoid trials and challenges. But just as a shelter keeps us dry in the rain, as we invite Jesus Christ to come with us on our journey. It is a blessing to know Jesus Christ can shelter us from the storm's of life. 

The Come Follow Me lesson demonstrates the loving nature of our Savior.  In most situations, 99 out of 100 would be considered excellent—but not when such numbers stand for beloved children of God (see Doctrine and Covenants 18:10). In that case, even one soul merits a thorough, desperate search “until [we] find it” (Luke 15:4), as the Savior taught in the parable of the lost sheep. Then the rejoicing can begin, for “joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7). If that seems unfair, it’s helpful to remember that, in truth, there are none who “need no repentance.” We all need rescuing. And we all can participate in the rescue, rejoicing together over every soul who is saved (see Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–16).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be Fast and Testimony meeting. A testimony is a spiritual witness given by the Holy Ghost. The foundation of a testimony is the knowledge that Heavenly Father lives and loves His children; that Jesus Christ lives, that He is the Son of God, and that He carried out the infinite Atonement; that Joseph Smith is the prophet of God who was called to restore the gospel; that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Savior’s true Church on the earth; and that the Church is led by a living prophet today. With this foundation, a testimony grows to include all principles of the gospel.

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. We will be tracking this use of this app over time to see if it is being utilized. 

The video of the week tells the story of the prodigal son. I love this story as it is a real life type of story. It has all the roller coaster feel to it. I imagine a loving Heavenly Father watching constantly for the return of his son (you). I really love the words "And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him." 

Our Father's and Son's camp out is coming up May 12-13th at Maple Rise camp ground. This will be a fun time for males 0-99 years old. Please see the flyer for details. Please bring a tin foil dinner to cook Friday night at 6:00 pm. We will celebrate the Priesthood Commemeration on Friday night by a campfire. The Bishopric will feed you breakfast on Saturday morning. Pull out your camping gear, it is time to share some time together. 

The young men/young women have a softball tournament this Saturday. Please see the revised schedule attached (the other schedule I sent out this week is wrong). Please show up 15 minutes early to the games. 

Congratulations to anyone graduating. I know there are some individuals graduating from USU and BYU Idaho this week. Great job. 


May 12-13 Father/Son Campout: Maple Rise campground

May 16th Ward Clean up 6:00 pm. Come help clean up our neighborhoods. 

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Peggy Jenson.  


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. 

I have been watching Elder Utchdorf travels this past week through many places that included Jerusalem. Elder Uchtdorf speach at a devotional triggered some thoughts. He stated "“Discipleship is a state of being,” he said, “so please be that person who is a disciple, who bears witness through your life, through your actions, through your words.” That state of being should be on a daily basis and intertwined within us. There are so many great people in the Spring Creek Ward, Mendon Stake, and throughout the church that exemplify Jesus Christ Disciplship. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week focuses on Jesus Christ as our "Shepard." Although Jesus Christ came to bring “peace [and] good will toward men” (Luke 2:14), there was “a division among the people because of him” (John 7:43). People who witnessed the same events came to very different conclusions about who Jesus was. Some concluded, “He is a good man,” while others said, “He deceiveth the people” (John 7:12). When He healed a blind man on the Sabbath, some insisted, “This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day,” while others asked, “How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles?” (John 9:16). Yet despite all the confusion, those who searched for truth recognized the power in His words, for “never man spake like this man” (John 7:46). When the Jews asked Jesus to “tell us plainly” whether he was the Christ, He revealed a principle that can help us distinguish truth from error: “My sheep hear my voice,” He said, “and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:24, 27).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on the temple. We are blessed with a temple on our doorstep, one in Brigham City, and one being built in Smithfield. I loved the talk by President Eyring on the temple.

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. 

The video of the week returns us back to the Youth Theme for 2023 "I can do all things." This past week the youth had an incredible fireside with Jerica Jamison, who was the singer on this album. What a powerful experience. What powerful words to live by and embrace. 

Thank you for your support of the recent youth fundraiser. The youth worked hard cleaning all your trashcans. We did in in record time. We are now funded for camps and activities for the rest of the year without worries. 

It is our turn to clean the church for April. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on April 30 at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. The following families are invited to help April 30 2023: 

Evanson, Brad & Jessica 

Ewing, Robert & Sharrah 

Fackrell, Doug & Andrea

Falslev, Benjamin & Tracey

Ferreira Poblete, Franco & Hannah 

Feuz, Dillon  & Christine

Fielding, Bret & Annette

Fillmore, Jaxon & Hanna 


April 28th, 29th: YW retreat in Paradise. 

May 12-13 Father/Son Campout: Maple Rise campground

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Peggy Jenson.  


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. I think spring is here? There are many great things happening in our Spring Creek Ward. This is a pivotal week for the youth fundraiser on Saturday. Thank you for supporting them. We had a trial run cleaning some garbage cans on Tuesday night and hopefully have it down. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week asks the question "what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"  When you ask the Lord a question, you might receive an answer you did not expect. Who is my neighbor? Anyone who needs your help and love. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? A child. Is it enough to forgive an offender seven times? No, you should forgive seventy times seven. (See Luke 10:29–37; Matthew 18:4, 21–22.) Unexpected answers from the Lord can invite us to change the way we think, feel, and act. If you are seeking the Lord’s will because you really want to learn from Him, the Lord will teach you how to live in a way that leads to eternal life with Him..

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on "Faith in the Savior." Our High Council representatives Kelly Barrett and Russell Brown will be the speakers. Elder Bednar gave a great talk about building faith in our Savior. Elder Bednar states "A grand objective of mortality is not merely learning about the Only Begotten of the Father but also striving to know Him. Four essential steps that can help us come to know the Lord are exercising faith in Him, following Him, serving Him, and believing Him." These four steps include 1. Having faith in Him 2. Following Him 3. Serving Him 4. Believing Him. 

We would like to introduce a new app for the Spring Creek Ward Bulletin. You can download the app from Digital Sacrament Meeting Programs / Ward Bulletins (www.wardbullet.com). Allow the app to locate your position and it will fill in Wards near you. You can pick the Spring Creek Ward. This app will provide a quick bulletin at your fingertips. We will continue to print Spring Creek Ward Bulletins. 

The video of the week  focuses on David Alexander who searched for a true church for 47 years. He is a former pastor and believed that the "Mormon Church" was a cult. David opens his heart and teaches us some vital lessons about letting go and letting God prevail. 

 The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trash cans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will cut off orders the week of April 22 to organize. We will pick up your trash cans at 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNGrOaW-rKCKTpFX3KMDSaBdoEP27nK0-4VxL9D_Jh1rgMkQ/viewform. You can also pay on a tithing slip and indicate in the "other" category "youth fundraiser." Please specify order details. All youth will need to help/participate

Please continue to pray for the Gurr, Maw, Jones, Malmberg, and Glen Ray Zilles Families. 

Congratulations to Trent Godfrey on his mission call to Boston Massachusetts leaving Aug 14th 

It is our turn to clean the church for April.  From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on April 23 at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. The following families are invited to help April 23 2023: 

Daugs, Nathan Roger & Christy Jill

Daugs, Rachel

De Vries, Jodi

Durrant, Bradley & Monica

Eager, Jim

Eames, Andrew Thomas & Kiley

Edwards, Nathan John & Shelley

Elder, Michael Lawrence & Sarah

Evans, Curtis & Shelby


April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trash cans/recycling cans. You know your trash can needs to be cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com). Place trash can at curbside by 8:00 am. 

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 12-13 Father/Son Campout: Maple Rise campground

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles and family, Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Peggy Jenson.  


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. Our Prophet is an ambassador to the World. Did you see the Dignitaries/Leaders he hosted this past week? In addition to the King of Ghana attending general conference, government leaders from Armenia, Belgium and Finland met with the First Presidency, members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and other leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this week. They discussed common interests and key issues in today's world. 

Please support the youth in their fundraiser (described below). If you have questions please contact a member of the Bishopric for clarification or help. The money goes to camps and activities that build testimonies. Sign up for the trash can cleaning has been slow, please help them. We are coming down to the deadline. 

We are concerned about flooding this spring. Please begin now to prepare for the possibility of flooding. Do you have a sump pump? Will you need sandbags? Do you need to clear a drain for debris or ice? Do you have a plan of action? Please do not get caught off-guard, but rather make plans now. The Utah Area Presidency provided these handouts on flooding.

The Come Follow Me emphasizes that Jesus is the Christ. Isn’t it strange that the Pharisees and Sadducees would demand that Jesus show them “a sign from heaven”? Weren’t His many well-known miracles enough? What about His powerful teachings or the multiple ways He had fulfilled ancient prophecies? Their demand was prompted not by a lack of signs but by an unwillingness to “discern the signs” and accept them. (See Matthew 16:1–4.) Peter, like the Pharisees and Sadducees, witnessed the Savior’s miracles and heard His teachings. But Peter’s definitive testimony, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God,” did not come through his physical senses—his “flesh and blood.” His testimony was revealed to him by our “Father which is in heaven.” Revelation is the rock upon which the Savior built His Church then and now—revelation from heaven to His servants. And this is the rock upon which we can build our discipleship—revelation that Jesus is the Christ and that His servants hold “the keys of the kingdom.” When we are built upon this foundation, “the gates of hell shall not prevail against [us]” (Matthew 16:15–19).

This week is Fast and Testimony meeting on Sunday. We would encourage you to focus on the Savior. How has his atonement helped you this past week? What Christlike attributes are you striving for?

The video of the week  explains baptism and covenants made. Sophia learns how best to explain to her friend Ava the importance of the two-way promise she'll make with Heavenly Father during her baptism. These promises are called covenants.

We have two baptisms to celebrate this Saturday. Halle Olsen and Bridget Spackman will be baptized and become the newest members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Spring Creek Ward. 

 The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trash cans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will cut off orders the week of April 22 to organize. We will pick up your trash cans around 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNGrOaW-rKCKTpFX3KMDSaBdoEP27nK0-4VxL9D_Jh1rgMkQ/viewform. You can also pay on a tithing slip and indicate in the "other" category "youth fundraiser." Please specify order details. All youth will need to help/participate

Please continue to pray for the Gurr, Maw, and Glen Ray Zilles Family. 

Tim Malmberg, son of Bruce and Pam Malmberg, Celebration of Life will be this Friday 11:00-12:30 pm at our church 2394 W 2200 S College Ward, Utah. Here is a link to Tim's obituary: https://www.cvmortuary.com/obituaries/Timothy-Malmberg/#!/Obituary There will be opportunities to share stories about Tim at the celebration. There will also be a short service for Family and Friends right after the celebration in the Relief Society room. Tim will be buried in the Clarkston cemetery. 

Brother Sam Jones' viewing will be at White Pine Mortuary (753 S 100 E Logan, UT 84321) on Friday night 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. His funeral will be on Saturday. 11:00 am with a viewing at the Spring Creek Ward church (2394 W 2200 S, College Ward, Utah) 9:30-10:30 am. You can find Sam's obituary at White Pine Mortuary website. Brother Jones will be buried in the Mendon cemetery. 

It is our turn to clean the church for April.  From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on April 15th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. The following families are invited to help April 15 2023: 

Christensen, Krista Lynne

Christensen, Sara

Clark, Jeremy Keith & Makinzie

Clark, Kerry & Rosalie

Cook, Cody

Cook, Randall & Dawna

Corbridge, Brian & Melissa

Cotner, Kacey D & Gilmara Santos Ferreira Da

Cox, Jordan & Madysen

Crockett, Casey Larry & Heather Lane

Dalebout, Kyle & Molly

Daugherty, Jeffrey & Grace Lynne

Daugs, Ammon & Alison


April 16th: Fast Sunday

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trash cans/recycling cans. You know your trash can needs to be cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com)

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 12-13 Father/Son Campout: Maple Rise campground

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles and family, Bruce and Pam Malmberg.  


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi All

I loved Conference. I loved the talks and messages. Here is a pdf summaries of the talks. We missed Elder Holland but enjoyed all the inspirational messages. Here is what the Prophet taught us during conference.  

Please support the youth in their fundraiser (described below). If you have questions please contact a member of the Bishopric for clarification or help. The money goes to camps and activities that build testimonies. Sign up for the trash can cleaning has been slow, please help them. 

We are concerned about flooding this spring. Please begin now to prepare for the possibility of flooding. Do you have a sump pump? Will you need sandbags? Do you need to clear a drain for debris or ice? Do you have a plan of action? Please do not get caught off-guard, but rather make plans now. The Utah Area Presidency provided these handouts on flooding.

The Come Follow Me   focuses on Easter. During the last week of the Savior’s life, many Jews around Him were participating in the traditions of Passover. They prepared meals, sang songs, and gathered together to remember the deliverance of the house of Israel from slavery to the Egyptians. Families listened to the story of the destroying angel passing over the homes of their ancestors who had marked their doors with lamb’s blood. Amid all these celebrations so rich with the symbolism of deliverance, relatively few were aware that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, was about to deliver them from the slavery of sin and death—through His suffering, His death, and His Resurrection. Even so, there were those who recognized Jesus as their promised Messiah, their eternal Deliverer. From that time onward, disciples of Jesus Christ have borne witness to all the world “that Christ died for our sins … ; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4).

This week is our Easter Sacrament meeting that will focus on Jesus Christ through music and testimonies. We highly encourage you to invite neighbors and friends. See the flyer attached.

The video of the week  asks the question “what if there were no Christ?” Without Christ, there would be no hope, no relief, no deliverance. But there is a Christ, and He offers us healing, mercy, and forgiveness.

 The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trash cans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will cut off orders the week of April 22 to organize. We will pick up your trash cans around 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNGrOaW-rKCKTpFX3KMDSaBdoEP27nK0-4VxL9D_Jh1rgMkQ/viewform. You can also pay on a tithing slip and indicate in the "other" category "youth fundraiser." Please specify order details. All youth will need to help/participate

Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family and Glen Ray Zilles family. 

We are asking for extra prayers and love for Bruce and Pam Malmberg this week. Their son Tim Malmberg passed away this week. Please consider putting their names in the temple, going to the temple on their behalf, saying individual prayers, and family prayers for them.

It is our turn to clean the church for April.  From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 24th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. The following families are invited to help April 8 2023: 

Balls, Jeff

Barker, Keith & Cassie

Beckstrand, Tyler & Danelle

Bevan, Don & Marilyn

Bitters, Mark Alan

Bradshaw, Laurie

Browning, Mark & Beckie Clara

Buck, Ryan & Jennifer Melissa

Christensen, Cole Weber

Christensen, Jay Francis & Lisa


April 9th: Easter Sunday: Sacrament meeting only: please invite your friends for a special Easter Sacrament meeting that is Christ Centered. (see flyer)

April 16th: Fast Sunday

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com)

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 12-13 Father/Son Campout: Maple Rise campground

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles and family, Bruce and Pam Malmberg.  


Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.



Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church



Hi Everyone. 

I hope this emails finds you well. This is a great time of year with multiple changes that occur. This time of year begins a renewal process. The First Presidency released their Easter message this past week. The three paragraphs pack a wealth of doctrine that gives us hope. We will have a special Easter Sacrament meeting next week (no other meetings that day). Please invite everyone to come and participate (see flyer attached). 

Please support the youth in their fundraiser (described below). If you have questions please contact a member of the Bishopric for clarification or help. The money goes to camps and activities that build testimonies. Sign up for the trash can cleaning has been slow, please help them. 

We are concerned about flooding this spring. Please begin now to prepare for the possibility of flooding. Do you have a sump pump? Will you need sandbags? Do you need to clear a drain for debris or ice? Do you have a plan of action? Please do not get caught off-guard, but rather make plans now. The Utah Area Presidency provided these handouts on flooding.

The Come Follow Me   lesson gave us insights into Faith.  What could have inspired Peter to leave the safety of his boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee during a boisterous storm? What led him to believe that if Jesus could walk on water, he could too? We can’t know for certain, but perhaps Peter understood that the Son of God came not just to do wonderful things for the people but to empower people like Peter to do wonderful things too. Jesus’s invitation, after all, was “Come, follow me” (Luke 18:22). Peter had accepted this invitation once, and he was willing to accept it again, even if it meant facing his fears and doing something that seemed impossible. Perhaps the Lord will not ask us to step out of a boat in the middle of a storm or contribute our meager supply of bread when thousands need to eat, but He may ask us to accept directions even when we don’t fully understand them. Whatever His invitations to us may be, they may sometimes seem surprising or even frightening. But miracles can happen if we, like Peter, will set aside our fears, our doubts, and our limited understanding and follow Him in faith.

It is General Conference time. I look forward to the doctrine that will be taught. Here are some great ideas for learning and teaching from General conference. Here are ideas  for children to have fun with (includes link to coloring pages and activities). 

The video of the week  celebrates Jesus Christ and His resurrection. Because of the Resurrection, Jesus Christ lives. Because of Him, we can overcome sin, see our loved ones again after death, and experience everlasting joy. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, the Great Jehovah, the Son of God.

The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trash cans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will cut off orders the week of April 22 to organize. We will pick up your trash cans around 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNGrOaW-rKCKTpFX3KMDSaBdoEP27nK0-4VxL9D_Jh1rgMkQ/viewform. You can also pay on a tithing slip and indicate in the "other" category "youth fundraiser." Please specify order details. All youth will need to help/participate

Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family and Glen Ray Zilles family. 

It is our turn to clean the church for April.  From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 24th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. The following families are invited to help April 1 2023: 

Ahlemann, Daniel and Alexis

Allen, Brett & Rachelle 

Alldredge, Brennan and Alecia

Allton, Marcus & Lauren Rae

Andersen, Rallin & Jean

Anderson, Casey James & Tanya 

Anderson, Matthew David & Rebecca

Arroyo, Richard & Jessica

Ashcraft, Alex

Atkin, Will & Cindy

Congratulations to the Phippen's (Annie and Dan), and Sorensen's (Kyler and Audrey) on their new babies. BTW: apologies if we ever miss a new baby or pivotal life event. 


April 1-2 General Conference

April 9th: Easter Sunday: Sacrament meeting only: please invite your friends for a special Easter Sacrament meeting that is Christ Centered. (see flyer)

April 16th: Fast Sunday

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com)

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 12-13 Father/Son Campout: Maple Rise campground

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles and family. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

I hope you are well. I won't mention the weather this week (sorry, I just did).

Did you see The Church of Jesus of Christ report on how the church cared for those in needs?   The Church’s new 2022 annual report on caring for those in need shows that this work included more than $1 billion in expenditures, 6.3 million hours volunteered and 3,692 humanitarian projects in 190 countries and territories. What a blessing to belong to a church that helps those in need. 

We are concerned about flooding this spring. Please begin now to prepare for the possibility of flooding. Do you have a sump pump? Will you need sandbags? Do you need to clear a drain for debris or ice? Do you have a plan of action? Please do not get caught off-guard, but rather make plans now. The Utah Area Presidency provided these handouts on flooding.

The Come Follow Me introduces us to Jesus' parables. Some of the Savior’s most memorable teachings were in the form of simple stories called parables. These were more than just interesting anecdotes about ordinary objects or events. They contained profound truths about the kingdom of God for those who were spiritually prepared. One of the first parables recorded in the New Testament—the parable of the sower (see Matthew 13:3–23)—invites us to examine our readiness to receive God’s word. “For whosoever receiveth,” Jesus declared, “to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance” (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 13:10 [in Matthew 13:12, footnote a]). So as we prepare to study the Savior’s parables—or any of His teachings—a good place to start is to examine our hearts and determine whether we are giving the word of God “good ground” (Matthew 13:8) in which to grow, blossom, flourish, and produce fruit that will bless us and our families in abundance.

This week Sacrament meeting will focus on Prayer. Here are some good resources on prayer: President Nelson “Sweet hour of Prayer” , Elder Ballard “Watch ye therefore and pray always How are your prayers? Are you stuck in a rut or same old ritual? Think about how you approach our Heavenly Father.

Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family and Glen Ray Zilles family. 

The video of the week  follows our Sacrament meeting theme. How does God talk to you? Think of the varies ways he speaks to you (directly, through friends, neighbors, ministers, etc,) After a car crash, Jennica felt alone as she dealt with severe, chronic pain. As she prayed to God, asking Him to show her He was there, she saw how God was speaking to her through a friend. She realized that God loves each of us and knows how best to communicate with us.

Our Focus on "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trash cans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will cut off orders the week of April 22 to organize. We will pick up your trash cans around 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNGrOaW-rKCKTpFX3KMDSaBdoEP27nK0-4VxL9D_Jh1rgMkQ/viewform. You can also pay on a tithing slip and indicate in the "other" category "youth fundraiser." Please specify order details. All youth will need to help/participate

The Temple and Family History Committee have an important emphasis/goal for March. Please spend as much time in the temple as you can this month (baptisms, initiatory, endowments, sealings, etc.) in preparation for Stake Conference and General Conference. President Nelson has said "I promise that increase time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can...may you focus on the temple in ways you never have before." Make sure to make an appointment to assure your seat. 


March 25: Stake Women's conference (see flyer)

April 1-2 General Conference

April 9th: Easter Sunday: Sacrament meeting only: please invite your friends for a special Easter Sacrament meeting that is Christ Centered. (see flyer)

April 16th: Fast Sunday

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com)

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 12-13 Father/Son Campout: Maple Rise campground

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles and family. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone. I hope this email finds you well. Happy St. Patricks day! Can you believe spring official begins this week? There are signs everyone it is coming (we hope). I heard a robin singing yesterday and I ran to find where it was located in the tree.

We are concerned about flooding this spring. Please begin now to prepare for the possibility of flooding. Do you have a sump pump? Will you need sandbags? Do you need to clear a drain for debris or ice? Do you have a plan of action? Please do not get caught off-guard, but rather make plans now. 

The Come Follow Me gives us the source of "peace and rest." In many ways, the Pharisees and scribes had made worshipping Jehovah burdensome. They often emphasized strict rules over eternal truths. Rules about the Sabbath day, which was meant to be a day of rest, were themselves a heavy burden. And then, Jehovah Himself came among His people. He taught them that the true purpose of religion is not to create burdens but to relieve them. He taught that God gives us commandments, including the one to honor the Sabbath, not to oppress us but to bless us. Yes, the way to God is strait and narrow, but the Lord came to announce that we need not walk it alone. “Come unto me,” He pleaded. His invitation, to all who feel “heavy laden” for any reason, is to stand beside Him, to bind ourselves to Him, and to let Him share our burdens. His promise is “Ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Compared to the alternatives—trying to carry on alone or relying on mortal solutions—His “yoke is easy, and [His] burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28–30.)

This week is the Mendon Stake Conference. Please see the flyer for meeting schedules. There will be a broadcast to our building for the Sunday morning session at 10:00 am. See you there. 

Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family and Glen Ray Zilles family. 

The video of the week  is a good one. Different challenges - loneliness, depression, confrontation, and others - are presented with the background the song “A Child’s Prayer.” Answers to heartfelt prayers are depicted as people feel peace through Jesus Christ.

Our Focus on "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trashcans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will cut off orders the week of April 22 to organize. We will pick up your trashcans around 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNGrOaW-rKCKTpFX3KMDSaBdoEP27nK0-4VxL9D_Jh1rgMkQ/viewform. You can also pay on a tithing slip and indicate in the "other" category "youth fundraiser." Please specify order details. All youth will need to help/participate

The Temple and Family History Committee have an important emphasis/goal for March. Please spend as much time in the temple as you can this month (baptisms, initiatory, endowments, sealings, etc.) in preparation for Stake Conference and General Conference. President Nelson has said "I promise that increase time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can...may you focus on the temple in ways you never have before." Make sure to make an appointment to assure your seat. 

Congratulations to the Wessman and Yates family on blessing their babies this past week. 


March 18-19: Mendon Stake Conference: Saturday 7:00 pm Adult Session, 7:00 am Leadership meeting, 10:00 am General Session. see flyer

March 18th: 11:00 am Mendon Stake Emergency preparedness fair (see flyer)

March 19th  6:00 pm YSA fireside. Elder Cook from Seventies Presidency (see flyer)

March 25: Stake Women's conference (see flyer)

April 1-2 General Conference

April 9th: Easter Sunday: Sacrament meeting only: please invite your friends for a special Easter Sacrament meeting that is Christ Centered. (see flyer)

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com)

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles and family. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church



I hope this email finds you well. Remember it is daylight savings time this weekend. It is time to spring forward. 

We are concerned about flooding this spring. Please begin now to prepare for the possibility of flooding. Do you have a sump pump? Will you need sandbags? Do you need to clear a drain for debris or ice? Do you have a plan of action? Please do not get caught off-guard, but rather make plans now. 

The Come Follow Me  lesson this week continues to focus on miracles of Jesus and teachings. Word of Jesus’s healing miracles was spreading quickly. Multitudes followed Him, hoping for relief from their sicknesses. But when the Savior looked upon the multitudes, He saw more than their physical ailments. Filled with compassion, He saw “sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). “The harvest truly is plenteous,” He observed, “but the labourers are few” (Matthew 9:37). So He called twelve Apostles, “gave them power,” and sent them to teach and minister “to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:1, 6). Today the need for more laborers to serve Heavenly Father’s children is just as great. There are still twelve Apostles, but there are more disciples of Jesus Christ than ever before—people who can declare to all the world, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 10:7).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be Stake Leaders talking about "Roles of the Spirit." Gary E. Stevenson, “How Does the Holy Ghost Help You? is also a great resource to study this important topic.

Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family and Glen Ray Zilles family. 

The video of the week  tells an important story about Carlos joining the church. Have you ever felt like you don't belong? Carlos A. Godoy shares his struggles as a newly baptized 16-year-old in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the angels who helped him feel welcome and strengthened his faith.

Our Focus on "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trashcans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will cut off orders the week of April 22 to organize. We will pick up your trashcans around 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNGrOaW-rKCKTpFX3KMDSaBdoEP27nK0-4VxL9D_Jh1rgMkQ/viewform. All youth will need to help/participate

The Temple and Family History Committee have an important emphasis/goal for March. Please spend as much time in the temple as you can this month (baptisms, initiatory, endowments, sealings, etc.) in preparation for Stake Conference and General Conference. President Nelson has said "I promise that increase time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can...may you focus on the temple in ways you never have before." Make sure to make an appointment to assure your seat. 


March 11: Priest retreat: Mendon Stake Center. Missionary dress. Meet at 8:30 am for Breakfast. 

March 18-19: Mendon Stake Conference: see flyer

March 18th: 11:00 am Mendon Stake Emergency preparedness fair (see flyer)

March 19th  6:00 pm YSA fireside. Elder Cook from Seventies Presidency (see flyer)

March 25: Stake Women's conference (see flyer)

April 1-2 General Conference

April 9th: Easter Sunday: Sacrament meeting only: please invite your friends for a special Easter Sacrament meeting that is Christ Centered. (see flyer)

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com)

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles and family. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. Roots Tech is in full motion. Elder Gong will be a keynote speaker on Saturday at 1:30 pm. I hope you are excited about family history and participating in gathering of Zion.

Did you see The General Presidents of the Relief Society and Young Women organizations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are in eastern and central Africa to meet with Latter-day Saints, government leaders and to visit humanitarian sites this week. Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson and Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon began their nine-day ministry tour in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday, February 25, 2023. The video will warm your heart.

The Come Follow Me  lesson this week focuses on faith in our Savior. One of the clearest messages in the New Testament is that Jesus Christ is a healer. Accounts of the Savior healing the sick and afflicted are many—from a woman with a fever to a widow’s son who had died. Why the emphasis on physical healing? What messages might there be for us in these miracles? Certainly one obvious message is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, with power over all things, including our physical pains and imperfections. But another meaning is found in His words to the skeptical scribes: “That ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins” (Mark 2:10). So when you read about a blind person or a leper being healed, you might think of the healing—both spiritual and physical—that you can receive from the Savior and hear Him say to you, “Thy faith hath saved thee” (Luke 7:50).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be fast and testimony meeting. We welcome your faith based testimonies on important subjects like God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Book of Mormon, etc. Elder Quentin Cook gave a great talk on Testimony in the last conference. President Russell M. Nelson has said: “I plead with you to take charge of your testimony of Jesus Christ. Work for it. Own it. Care for it. Nurture it so that it will grow. Then watch for miracles to happen in your life.”

Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family and Glen Ray Zilles family. 

The video of the week comes from the 2023 youth album. "Witness" is a beautiful song about witnessing and testifying of the gospel. I liked the chorus:

I will try to be like Him, 

Shine a light in the darkness.

I’ll be a witness 

And live the way He lived 

At all times and all places.

Whatever happens, I’ll be 

A witness of all His love,

A witness of what He’s done.

I’ll stand and tell everyone 

In all times and all places.

I’ll be a witness.

We are having a powerful tri-ward (Spring Creek, Young Ward, College Ward) fireside for Adults on Wednesday March 8th at 7:00 pm focusing on taking care of ourselves. The Cache County Victims Advocacy Agency will present multiple Mental Health topics. Please see the attached flyer. A nursery will be available. Refreshments will be served. We invite you to put this on your calendars now and make it a priority. You are welcome to submit any questions for the speakers to answer: https://forms.gle/eVd5YZW2YbRqvsC28

Our Focus on "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trashcans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will cut off orders the week of April 22 to organize. We will pick up your trashcans around 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNGrOaW-rKCKTpFX3KMDSaBdoEP27nK0-4VxL9D_Jh1rgMkQ/viewform. All youth will need to help/participate


March 2-3: Roots Tech

March 8: 7:00 pm: "I am Well" Adult fireside. See flyer attached. Nursery provided. 

March 10-11: Priest retreat: Mendon Stake Center

March 18-19: Mendon Stake Conference

March 18th: 11:00 am Mendon Stake Emergency preparedness fair (see flyer)

March 19th  6:00 pm YSA fireside. Elder Cook from Seventies Presidency (see flyer)

April 1-2 General Conference

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com)

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles and family. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. We continue to add to our snowpack. Some people find beauty, fun, and play in the snow while others may grumble and can't wait until Summer heat. 

The Come Follow Me  continues our focus on the Savior. The Sermon on the Mount is one of the best-known discourses in Christianity. The Savior taught with rich images, such as a city set on a hill, lilies of the field, and wolves disguised as sheep. But the Sermon on the Mount is far more than a beautiful speech. The power of the Savior’s teachings to His disciples can change our lives, especially when we live by them. Then His words become more than words; they become a sure foundation for life that, like the wise man’s house, can withstand the world’s winds and floods (see Matthew 7:24–25).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on change/repentance. President Nelson has encouraged us to change daily and become a little bit more like Jesus Christ. We can do better and be better . Elder Ballard gave a powerful talk on repentance that is worth reading. 

Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family. Thank you to everyone who are helping with the Maw house renovation.  President Glen Ray Zilles is recovering well.

The video of the week is a shoutout to our Primary age kids and standing for what is right. Sophia rides a school bus with Tyler and endures his bad words. Sophia stands up for what’s right. She doesn’t respond to Tyler’s taunting and offers to share music showing him she can be his friend. Sophia reminded me of the scripture found in Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

We are having a powerful fireside for adults on March 8th at 7:00 pm focusing on taking care of ourselves. Please see the attached flyer. A nursery will be available. Refreshments will be served. We invite you to put this on your calendars now and make it a priority. You are welcome to submit any questions for the speakers to answer: https://forms.gle/eVd5YZW2YbRqvsC28

Our Focus on "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

The Spring Creek Youth will be doing an important fundraiser cleaning trashcans on April 22cnd. We are now set up to take your orders online with payment in advance. We will pick up your trashcans around 8:00 am and clean them. You can also have your address stenciled on your can. Please support the youth in this fundraiser that covers camps and activities. Please see the flyer for details. You can access the registration/payment page here: Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com). All youth will need to help/participate


Feb 13-27th Logan Temple closed

March 1st: 6:30 pm: Youth baptisms for Dead.

March 2-3: Roots Tech

March 8: 7:00 pm: "I am Well" Adult fireside. See flyer attached. Nursery provided. 

March 10-11: Priest retreat: Mendon Stake Center

March 18-19: Mendon Stake Conference

March 18th: 11:00 am Mendon Stake Emergency preparedness fair (see flyer)

March 19th  6:00 pm YSA fireside. Elder Cook from Seventies Presidency (see flyer)

April 1-2 General Conference

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. Spring Creek Youth 2023 Fundraiser (google.com)

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hello Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. Are you surviving the cold? 

Did you see that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is using augmented reality technology to bring to life key events in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ in the Holy Land through related videos, articles, scriptures and images. It is fun and interactive. It is best viewed on your phone: 

The Come Follow Me lesson was inspirational and full of doctrine.  By this point in His ministry, it was clear that Jesus’s teachings would be unlike what the people of His time were used to hearing. The poor will receive the kingdom of God? The meek will inherit the earth? Blessed are the persecuted? The scribes and Pharisees were not teaching such things. And yet those who truly understood God’s law recognized truth in the Savior’s words. “An eye for an eye” and “hate thine enemy” were lesser laws (Matthew 5:38, 43). But Jesus Christ had come to teach a higher law (see 3 Nephi 15:2–10), designed to help us one day become “perfect, even as [our] Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be the Mendon Stake High Council speaking. 

Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family. Thank you to everyone who are helping with the Maw house renovation. It has been amazing to see the charity given to these two families that we love and support with all our hearts.

The video of the week is powerful.  Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf and Church members compare drifting in life to the circles walked by test participants in a dense forest. Shadows creep in off the path, but we can chase away darkness and come back.

We are having a powerful fireside for adults on March 8th at 7:00 pm focusing on taking care of ourselves. Please see the attached flyer. A nursery will be available. Refreshments will be served. We invite you to put this on your calendars now and make it a priority. You are welcome to submit any questions for the speakers to answer: https://forms.gle/eVd5YZW2YbRqvsC28

I wanted to share with everyone an important resource that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provides. Under the Libraries tab there is a section called "Life Help." This section has many resources to help with different challenges. The webpage states "Everyone needs help sometimes. Life is like that. In fact, God planned it to be that way. Mortality presents each of us with a wide variety of experiences, and some are easier to manage than others. No matter the experience, there is always help/hope. That’s part of God’s plan too. " One section discusses Mental Health. Please know that there is help for you if you are going through difficult times that include a mental health problem. I, (Bishop Kelly), can help you sort through things and help provide resources that may include professional counselors. Take a moment and read over the Mental Health section. President Godfrey shared an important insight with me this week. If you had a flat tire and stranded on the side of the road who would you call? The analogy is the same for rough times we may be going through. Please identify 3 individuals you can reach out to in time of need. Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, Crisis Text Line (USA), text HOME to 741741 or call 988.

Our Focus on "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

Congratulations to the McGuire's and Templeton's on the arrival of their babies. 


Feb 13-27th Logan Temple closed

March 1st: 6:30 pm: Youth baptisms for Dead.

March 2-3: Roots Tech

March 8: 7:00 pm: "I am Well" Adult fireside. See flyer attached. Nursery provided. 

March 10-11: Priest retreat: Mendon Stake Center

March 18-19: Mendon Stake Conference

March 18th: 11:00 am Mendon Stake Emergency preparedness fair (see flyer)

April 1-2 General Conference

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. You will be able to sign up online and pay for service. 

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. Glen Ray Zilles. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Bradley Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone,

I hope this email finds you well. This week I was able to attend the temple. What a blessing we have in our backyard! I strongly encourage you to attend the temple soon (make an appointment). There have been some recent updates/changes that are testimony strengthening. I loved this description of the Endowment from the Church of Jesus Christ website: The word endowment means “a gift.” In this context, the temple endowment is a gift of sacred blessings from God to each of us. The endowment can only be received in His way and in His holy temple. Some of the gifts you receive through the temple endowment include:

The Come Follow Me lesson was 'miraculous.' haha....  At a marriage feast in Cana, Christ changed water into wine—an event John called the “beginning of miracles” (John 2:11). That’s true in more than one sense. While this was the first miracle Jesus performed publicly, it can also symbolize another miraculous beginning—the process of our hearts being transformed as we become ever more like our Savior. This miracle of a lifetime begins with the decision to follow Jesus Christ, to change and live a better life through Him. This miracle can be so life-changing that being “born again” is one of the best ways to describe it (John 3:7). But rebirth is just the beginning of the path of discipleship. Christ’s words to the Samaritan woman at the well remind us that if we continue on this path, eventually the gospel will become “a well of water” inside us, “springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on personal revelation. Sister Ada Daugs will report her missionary experience from serving in the Orlando, Florida mission. Elder Renlund encourages us to seek personal revelation stating; "The promise of personal revelation through the Holy Ghost is awe-inspiring, much like an airplane in flight. And like airplane pilots, we need to understand the framework within which the Holy Ghost functions to provide personal revelation. When we operate within the framework, the Holy Ghost can unleash astonishing insight, direction, and comfort. Outside of that framework, no matter our brilliance or talent, we can be deceived and crash and burn."

Ryker Gurr continues to progress daily at home . It was great to see him at Church last week. He had eye surgery this week to help improve his vision that went well. Please continue to pray for the Gurr family and for the Maw family. Thank you to everyone who are helping with the Maw house renovation. It has been amazing to see the charity given to these two families that we love and support with all our hearts.

The video of the week encourages us to engage in self-care. Prioritizing self-care isn’t selfish and doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your life. You can engage in self-care by doing tiny things that can have a big impact on every aspect of your well-being—spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual. We are having a powerful fireside for adults on March 8th at 7:00 pm focusing on taking care of ourselves. Please see the attached flyer. A nursery will be available. Refreshments will be served. We invite you to put this on your calendars now and make it a priority.

I wanted to share with everyone an important resource that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provides. Under the Libraries tab there is a section called "Life Help." This section has many resources to help with different challenges. The webpage states "Everyone needs help sometimes. Life is like that. In fact, God planned it to be that way. Mortality presents each of us with a wide variety of experiences, and some are easier to manage than others. No matter the experience, there is always help/hope. That’s part of God’s plan too. " One section discusses Mental Health. Please know that there is help for you if you are going through difficult times that include a mental health problem. I, (Bishop Kelly), can help you sort through things and help provide resources that may include professional counselors. Take a moment and read over the Mental Health section. President Godfrey shared an important insight with me this week. If you had a flat tire and stranded on the side of the road who would you call? The analogy is the same for rough times we may be going through. Please identify 3 individuals you can reach out to in time of need. Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, Crisis Text Line (USA), text HOME to 741741 or call 988.

Our Focus on "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

It is Valentine party time! I am excited for the Valentine Party Saturday night (see attached flyer). It will be a great time to eat, mingle, and to celebrate your spouse. 


Feb 11: Valentines Party: 6:00 pm: Please see the flyer attached

March 1st: 6:30 pm: Youth baptisms for Dead.

March 2-3: Roots Tech

March 8: 7:00 pm: "I am Well" fireside. See flyer attached. Nursery provided. 

March 10-11: Priest retreat: Mendon Stake Center

March 18-19: Mendon Stake Conference

April 1-2 General Conference

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans/recycling cans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth.

April 28-29th: YW Retreat for YW 16 years and older

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Werner (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brad Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone. 

I hope this email finds you well. This weekend is Fast and Testimony meeting. In your prayers, could you thank our Heavenly Father for all the moisture we have received. Brother Brent Fredrickson pointed this out to me and we have been blessed beyond measure so far this winter with a snowpack that will fill reservoirs and streams. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was full of powerful doctrine. From His youth, Jesus seemed to be aware that He had a unique, sacred mission. But as Jesus prepared to begin His earthly ministry, the adversary sought to plant doubt in the Savior’s mind. “If thou be the Son of God,” Satan said (Luke 4:3, italics added). But the Savior had communed with His Father in Heaven. He knew the scriptures, and He knew who He was. To Him, Satan’s offer—“All this power will I give thee” (Luke 4:6)—was a hollow one, for the Savior’s lifelong preparation allowed Him to receive “the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14). So despite temptation, trials, and rejection, Jesus Christ never wavered from His appointed work: “I must preach the kingdom of God … for therefore am I sent” (Luke 4:43).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be our Fast and Testimony meeting. Do you have a specific thing you are fasting for? I look forward to hearing hearing your testimonies Sunday. I loved this definition on bearing testimony: A testimony is a spiritual witness, given by the Holy Ghost, of the truthfulness of the gospel. When we bear testimony, we declare to others what we know to be true by the power of the Spirit. The foundation of a testimony is the knowledge that Heavenly Father lives and loves us, that Jesus Christ is our Savior, that His gospel has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Savior’s true Church.

Ryker Gurr continues to progress daily at home . He continues speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and other therapies. He is getting stronger. Ryker doesn't like loud noises or chaotic environments. If you would like to visit please text Matt or Paula of a good time to visit. I continue to marvel and recognize the miracles that occur daily. Please continue to also pray for the Maw family as healing takes place over time. Thank you to everyone who is helping with the Maw house renovation. It has been amazing to see the charity given to these two families that we love and support with all our hearts.

The video of the week shows how The Church of Jesus Christ tithing and humanitarian donations are put to use. Thousands of new and expectant mothers in Kenya are benefiting from the World Food Programme’s (WFP) super cereal and other supplements that provide calories, proteins and vitamins. These provide critical boosts to the immune system and protective walls against anemia.

I wanted to share with everyone an important resource that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provides. Under the Libraries tab there is a section called "Life Help." This section has many resources to help with different challenges. The webpage states "Everyone needs help sometimes. Life is like that. In fact, God planned it to be that way. Mortality presents each of us with a wide variety of experiences, and some are easier to manage than others. No matter the experience, there is always help/hope. That’s part of God’s plan too. " One section discusses Mental Health. Please know that there is help for you if you are going through difficult times that include a mental health problem. I, (Bishop Kelly), can help you sort through things and help provide resources that may include professional counselors. Take a moment and read over the Mental Health section. President Godfrey shared an important insight with me this week. If you had a flat tire and stranded on the side of the road who would you call? The analogy is the same for rough times we may be going through. Please identify 3 individuals you can reach out to in time of need. Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, Crisis Text Line (USA), text HOME to 741741 or call 988.

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

FYI: We are to begin our second hour meetings with a prayer now. January 1st all second hour meetings should begin with a prayer prior to class beginning.

The Temple and Family History need some help filling spots for sealings today and Saturday. Please click on the link and get to the temple.

Congratulations to Emma Turpin on her call to the Argentina Salta Mission leaving May 29th.

Congratulations to Sister Ada Daugs returning from the Florida, Orlando mission today. Well done thou faithful servant.....

Congratulations to Isaac and Alyssa short on the arrival of their new baby.


Feb 4th: Temple and Family History activity: Sealings. Please sign up.

Feb 11: Valentines Party: 6:00 pm: Please see the flyer attached

March 1st: 6:30 pm: Youth baptisms for Dead.

March 2-3: Roots Tech

March 10-11: Priest retreat: Mendon Stake Center

March 18-19: Mendon Stake Conference

April 1-2 General Conference

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth.

April 28-29th: YW Retreat

May 21 Seminary Graduation

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood, Sister Carson (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brad Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Jon Kelly, whose calling is Bishop. 


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. Our water year continues to be a gangbuster. Did you see the update on the Salt Lake Temple this week? It will take another 2 years to complete all the work necessary to renovations. 

The Come Follow Me lesson encourages us to change. Jesus Christ and His gospel can change you. Luke quoted an ancient prophecy of Isaiah that described the effect that the Savior’s coming would have: “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth” (Luke 3:5; see also Isaiah 40:4). This is a message for all of us, including those who think they cannot change. If something as permanent as a mountain can be flattened, then surely the Lord can help us straighten our own crooked paths (see Luke 3:4–5). As we accept John the Baptist’s invitation to repent and change, we prepare our minds and hearts to receive Jesus Christ so that we too can “see the salvation of God” (Luke 3:6).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on change/repentance. We will focus on this gracious gift. Please read Russell M. Nelson; We Can Do Better and Be Better,”  and Dallin H. Oaks; “Cleansed by Repentance." This week is also the 5th Sunday in January. The Relief Society and Elders will meet together and discuss Elder Renlund's talk "A framework for Revelation."

Ryker Gurr continues to progress daily . He continues speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and other therapies. He is getting stronger. Ryker doesn't like loud noises or chaotic environments. If you would like to visit please text Matt or Paula of a good time to visit. I continue to marvel and recognize the miracles that occur daily. Please continue to also pray for the Maw family as healing takes place over time. Thank you to everyone who is helping with the Maw house renovation. It has been amazing to see the charity given to these two families that we love and support with all our hearts.

The video of the week consists of President Nelson's talk from last conference on "Overcoming the World." I have read/watched this talk numerous times and continue to learn from it. It has so many powerful doctrines within it. He states "we are presently living in what surely is a most complicated time in the history of the world. The complexities and challenges leave many people feeling overwhelmed and exhausted." Yet President Nelson gives us hope in this complex world; " so many wonderful things are ahead. In coming days, we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen. Between now and the time He returns “with power and great glory,”1 He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful.

I wanted to share with everyone an important resource that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provides. Under the Libraries tab there is a section called "Life Help." This section has many resources to help with different challenges. The webpage states "Everyone needs help sometimes. Life is like that. In fact, God planned it to be that way. Mortality presents each of us with a wide variety of experiences, and some are easier to manage than others. No matter the experience, there is always help/hope. That’s part of God’s plan too. " One section discusses Mental Health. Please know that there is help for you if you are going through difficult times that include a mental health problem. I, (Bishop Kelly), can help you sort through things and help provide resources that may include professional counselors. Take a moment and read over the Mental Health section. President Godfrey shared an important insight with me this week. If you had a flat tire and stranded on the side of the road who would you call? The analogy is the same for rough times we may be going through. Please identify 3 individuals you can reach out to in time of need. Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, Crisis Text Line (USA), text HOME to 741741

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Your tax documents for donations to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are now available. You may sign into your account and choose "Donations" from the drop down menu on the right hand side. You then choose "Donor Statement" where you can print your official tax document.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 24th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. The following families are invited to help January 28th, 2023:

Taylor, Shawn & Mickelle

Thatcher, Steve & Mira

Turpin, Bret & Jane

Tuttle, McKay & Tess Ranae

Villalobos, Kimberly Anne

Watts, Preston & Katrina

Weaver, Tyson & Samantha Jo

Weight, Ryan & Christina

Wessman, Corbin & Kaitlin Taylor

Winger, Michael & Vanessa Salvatierra

Yates, Bridger Skye & Baylie Nicole

Zilles, Glen Ray & Jolene

Zilles, Kelly Deloy

Zilles, Ricky Kent & Linnea

Zilles, Rodney Jens & Kimberly

Zilles, Terry Lee & Laurie

FYI: We are to begin our second hour meetings with a prayer now. January 1st all second hour meetings should begin with a prayer prior to class beginning.


January 29th: 4:00 pm Elder Gong devotional for youth

Feb 1st: Carpet Cleaning: No activities in the church

Feb 4th: Temple and Family History activity: Sealings. Please sign up. 

Feb 11: Valentines Party: 6:00 pm: Please see the flyer attached

March 1st: 6:30 pm: Youth baptisms for Dead.

March 18-19: Mendon Stake Conference

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth.

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood, Sister Taylor (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brad Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hello Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. Our Spring Creek Ward is remembering Marty Maw and praying for Cortnie, Ellia, and Luke. Please see below details of services for Marty.  Death often causes self reflection. President Nelson has taught: “Death is a necessary component of our eternal existence. No one knows when it will come, but it is essential to God’s great plan of happiness. Thanks to the Atonement of the Lord, eventual resurrection is a reality and eternal life is a possibility for all humankind.

The Come Follow Me lesson was insightful this week. Do you know the Savior? Have you ever wondered whether you would have recognized Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God if you had been alive during His mortal ministry? For years, faithful Israelites, including Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael, had waited and prayed for the coming of the promised Messiah. When they met Him, how did they know that He was the One they had been seeking? The same way all of us come to know the Savior—by accepting the invitation to “come and see” for ourselves (John 1:39). We read about Him in the scriptures. We hear His doctrine. We observe His way of living. We feel His Spirit. Along the way, we discover, as Nathanael did, that the Savior knows us and loves us and wants to prepare us to receive “greater things” (John 1:50).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Christ. It is the Spring Creek Ward Conference. Bishop Kelly and President Osborne will speak. Ponder the question "Why do we need a Christ?"

Ryker Gurr is home today! He will continue his rehabilitation therapy, but he is home today!. What a miracle! How exciting is this news? He will have many more milestones to accomplish, but he is on the right path. He will face more surgery and rehabilitation. Thank you for your prayers that have helped in so many different ways. Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The video of the week depicts various artwork of Christ. I love the hymn "I know my Savior lives." I recommend going full screen, turn up the volume and feel the peace from this video. This video shows traditional and modern artwork of Christ. Jesus Christ is always the answer. His grace get's me through difficult times.

I wanted to share with everyone an important resource that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provides. Under the Libraries tab there is a section called "Life Help." This section has many resources to help with different challenges. The webpage states "Everyone needs help sometimes. Life is like that. In fact, God planned it to be that way. Mortality presents each of us with a wide variety of experiences, and some are easier to manage than others. No matter the experience, there is always help. That’s part of God’s plan too. " One section discusses Mental Health. Please know that there is help for you if you are going through difficult times that include a mental health problem. I, (Bishop Kelly), can help you sort through things and help provide resources that may include professional counselors. Take a moment and read over the Mental Health section.

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

It is our privilege to clean the Church in January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 24th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. The following families are invited to help January 21stt, 2023:

Short, Isaac & Alyssa

Simmons, Conner & Megan Verona

Skidmore, Jerry Wayne & Kimberly

Skidmore, Joel Jerry & Jaylynn

Smith, Tate & Briana

Sorensen, Chris & Lisa

Sorensen, Dennis Eldon & Leona

Sorensen, Steven Clyde & Angela

Sorenson, Kade & Courtney Rachael

Spackman, Kyle & Amanda Michelle

Steffanic, Sam & Jessica Lynn

Stracke, Gerhard & Stephanie

We are praying for the Maw family. Cortnie, Ellia, and Luke appreciate your love and support. Marty Maw passed away last Sunday morning. Please continue to respect their privacy and grieving. His obituary can be found here. An Open House Memorial will take place on Friday, January 20, 2023 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Spring Creek Ward, 2394 West 2200 South, College Ward. A funeral will be held on Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 12:00 PM, with a viewing from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, also at the church. Interment at the Wellsville Cemetery.

FYI: We are to begin our second hour meetings with a prayer now. January 1st all second hour meetings should begin with a prayer prior to class beginning.


January 22cnd: Spring Creek Ward Conference. Focusing on Christ

January 22: 2:30 pm Youth fireside at Mendon Stake Center. Please see the flyer attached. Parents invited to watch online.

January 29th: 4:00 pm Elder Gong devotional for youth

Feb 1st: Carpet Cleaning: No activities in the church

Feb 11: Valentines Party

March 1st: 6:30 pm: Youth baptisms for Dead.

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth.

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood, Sister Taylor (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family, Maw Family, Pam Rarick. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brad Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. We continue to be blessed with moisture, but can we have just a small break? We will celebrate President Nelson on January 16th. He has bee our beloved prophet for 5 wonderful years. Take a look back at what he has done and said in the past 5 years.

The Come Follow Me lesson was powerful this week. I learned so much from chapters I have read before, over and over. From a mortal perspective, it was impossible. A virgin could not conceive—nor could a barren woman who was well past childbearing years. But God had a plan for the birth of His Son and the birth of John the Baptist, so both Mary and Elisabeth, against all earthly odds, became mothers. It can be helpful to remember their miraculous experiences whenever we face something that seems impossible. Can we overcome our weaknesses? Can we touch the heart of an unresponsive family member? Gabriel could easily have been speaking to us when he reminded Mary, “With God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). And Mary’s response can also be ours when God reveals His will: “Be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38).

This week's Sacrament meeting will highlight our Mendon Stake High Councilmen. They will discuss  "How does a correct understanding of the Savior’s ”character, perfections, and attributes” enable us to exercise more faith in joyfully living His gospel?  President Nelson studied Jesus Christ's characteristics for 6 weeks and these are some of the things he learned.

Ryker Gurr continues his journey back to health. He has been moved to rehabilitation. Thank you for your prayers that helped him become medically stable to transfer to the rehabilitation unit. He is working hard in physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. He is tired when done!  He is walking up/down stairs and taking small adventurous trips around the hospital. Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am reemphasizing the video from last week. The video of the week introduces us to the new 2023 Youth theme "I can do all things through Christ. (Philippians 4:13)" What a great message for everyone to learn/follow. The new youth album is powerful and for everyone. You can find the music here and download. 

We have a great combined youth activity this coming January 17th, Tuesday at 6:00 pm for the youth that will introduce the youth theme for 2023. The youth will be snowshoeing to individual stations and learning how the scripture (Philippians 4:13) applies to their lives. We will have a big bonfire and talk about what they learned from the stations. Please have your youth dress warm and meet at Bishop Kelly's house at 6:00 pm (2775 W 1800 S). Yes, there is food involved (of course!). Please see the flyer attached.

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

It is our privilege to clean the Church in January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 24th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. January 14th, 2023

Phippen, Daniel & Annie

Poulsen, Chase  & McKenzie

Pugmire, Samuel & Madeleine

Rarick, Pamela

Richards, Austin & Rebecca

Ricks, Robert Allen & Ashley

Rigby, Brad & Sydney

Riggs, Dallin  & Jelisa

Riggs, Paul & Kaylee

Ryan, Janet

Schaffner, Clay & Abbey

Schultz, Kamilla

Seethaler, Karl  & Elizabeth

Sellers, Richard  & Micayla

FYI: We are to begin our second hour meetings with a prayer now. January 1st all second hour meetings should begin with a prayer prior to class beginning.


January 17th Youth activity 6:00  pm "I can do all things through Christ." meet at Bishop Kelly's house (2775 W 1800 S)

January 22cnd: Spring Creek Ward Conference. Focusing on Christ

January 22: 2:30 pm Youth fireside at Mendon Stake Center. Please see the flyer attached. Parents invited to watch online. 

January 29th: 4:00 pm Elder Gong devotional for youth

Feb 1st: Carpet Cleaning: No activities in the church

Feb 11: Valentines Party

March 1st: 6:30 pm: Youth baptisms for Dead. 

April 22cnd: Youth fundraiser: Cleaning your trashcans. You know your trashcan needs cleaned! Please support the youth. 

June 14th-17th Young Men's camp

June 20-24: Young Women's camp

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood, Sister Taylor  (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brad Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

The snow continues to dump on us. It is great for our water year! I love to watch the snow storm and how white it makes everything appear.

The Come Follow Me lesson begins our journey in the New Testament. From a mortal perspective, it was impossible. A virgin could not conceive—nor could a barren woman who was well past childbearing years. But God had a plan for the birth of His Son and the birth of John the Baptist, so both Mary and Elisabeth, against all earthly odds, became mothers. It can be helpful to remember their miraculous experiences whenever we face something that seems impossible. Can we overcome our weaknesses? Can we touch the heart of an unresponsive family member? Gabriel could easily have been speaking to us when he reminded Mary, “With God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). And Mary’s response can also be ours when God reveals His will: “Be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38).

It is Fast and Testimony focus this week for our Sacrament. Elder Gary Stevenson gave a great talk on "testimony" that I have been pondering lately. He invites us to ask the following questions: Do I know and understand what a testimony is? Do I know how to bear my testimony? What are the obstacles in sharing my testimony? How do I keep my testimony? These are great questions to contemplate. 

Ryker Gurr is slowly progressing. It is 2 steps forward and one step back. He continues to battle some infections. He is getting stronger and more interactive. He is working hard in physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. He is tired when done! We have a special request for specific prayers. Please pray for Ryker to increase his physical strength so he can transfer to the Rehabilitation floor. This floor is one step closer to coming home. Please also pray for his comfort at night. Please also pray for Ryker's mental recovery. Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The video of the week introduces us to the new 2023 Youth theme "I can do all things through Christ. (Philippians 4:13)" What a great message for everyone to learn/follow. The new youth album is powerful and for everyone. You can find the music here and download. We will doing a special youth activity January 17th to introduce the theme to the Youth. If you are a parent of youth please encourage them to attend. 

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

It is our privilege to clean the Church in December / January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 24th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. January 7th, 2022

McGuire, Dillon & Alexa

Miner, Dallin

Muir, Marc & Emily

Nelson, Lanae

Nieves, Pablo & Michelle

Olsen, Brian & Molly

Olsen, Hal & Cindy

Olsen, Jared Wood

Olsen, Kelly

Olsen, Kent  & Margaret Wood

Osterlin, Richard & Annette

Packer, David & Sarah

Perry, Adam & Angela

Peterson, Brad & Lori

Peterson, Cayden & Kaylee

FYI: We are to begin our second hour meetings with a prayer now. January 1st all second hour meetings should begin with a prayer prior to class beginning.


January 8th: Fast Sunday

January 8th: Elder and Sister Holland YSA devotional

January 17th Youth activity 5:30 pm "I can do all things through Christ." 

January 22cnd: Spring Creek Ward Conference

January 29th: 4:00 pm Elder Gong devotional for youth 

Feb 1st: Carpet Cleaning: No activities in the church

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Brad Durrant

Brother Richard Sellers

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone, 

Happy New Year! This time of year we see to have new opportunities and new beginnings. Here are some quotes that may inspire you to jump start the new year. 

I am excited to begin studying the New Testament. The Come Follow Me lesson this week focuses on Jesus Christ. “What seek ye?” Jesus asked the disciples of John the Baptist (John 1:38). You might ask yourself the same question—for what you find in the New Testament this year will greatly depend on what you seek. “Seek, and ye shall find” is the Savior’s promise (Matthew 7:7). So ask the questions that come to your mind as you study, and then seek diligently for answers. In the New Testament you will read about the powerful spiritual experiences of disciples of Jesus Christ. As a faithful disciple of the Savior, you can have your own powerful spiritual experiences as you accept the Savior’s invitation, found throughout this sacred volume, “Come, follow me” (Luke 18:22).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on the Utah Area Goals/Vision. The Relief Society Presidency will teach us about Making and keeping Covenants, Helping gather Israel on both sides of the veil, and Becoming a True Disciple. I have attached the Utah Area Goal sheet for you to discuss as families. Please plan your spiritual goals now. Here is a video clip of President Kimble discussing the importance of setting goals.

Ryker Gurr continues to work on his rehabilitation. He is working hard in physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. He is tired when done! We have a special request for specific prayers. Please pray for Ryker to increase his physical strength so he can transfer to the Rehabilitation floor. This floor is one step closer to coming home. Please also pray for his comfort at night. Please also pray for Ryker's mental recovery. Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The video of the week considers personal revelations. Sometimes when we pray, it can be hard to know what Heavenly Father is trying to tell us. Ashlee must learn the difference between her own feelings and the peace that comes from the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ promises us peace to guide us through life.

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

It is our privilege to clean the Church in December / January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 24th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. December 31, 2022

Jones, Carolyn

Jones, Sam & Marilyn

Kelly, Jon & Stacey

Knowles, Spencer & McKenzie Lee

Leishman, Gay

Leishman, Paul Matthew & Kesa

Lewis, Kelly Don & Britany Dawn

Lunceford, Rocky & Alexis Rose

Malmberg, Bruce & Pam

Maw, Marty & Cortnie

McClellan, Cody & Katherine

FYI: We are to begin our second hour meetings with a prayer now. January 1st all second hour meetings should begin with a prayer prior to class beginning.

Congratulations to Tyler and Danelle Beckstrand on the addition of Riley to their family. Blessings upon Blessings.


January 1st: Regular meetings

January 8th: Fast Sunday

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates, Kent Allen. Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hello Everyone

Merry Christmas! I hope this weekend is full of happiness, hope, excitement, rest, peace, family, and Christ. I hope you are able to watch the The Nativity Scene with your family. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week focuses on Jesus Christ. The Old Testament carries a spirit of eager anticipation. In that way, it’s a little bit like the Christmas season. Beginning with Adam and Eve, Old Testament patriarchs, prophets, poets, and people looked forward to better days, filled with hope for renewal and deliverance by the Messiah. And the Israelites were frequently in need of that hope—whether they were in captivity in Egypt or Babylon or held captive by their own sin or rebellion. Through it all, prophets reminded them that a Messiah, a Deliverer, would come “to proclaim liberty to the captives” (Isaiah 61:1).That hope began to be realized when Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. The mighty Deliverer of Israel was born in a stable and laid in a manger (see Luke 2:7). But He wasn’t just the Deliverer of the ancient Israelites. He came to deliver you—to bear your grief, to carry your sorrows, to be bruised for your iniquities, so that with His stripes you can be healed (see Isaiah 53:4–5). This is why Christmas is so full of joyful anticipation even today. The Messiah came over 2,000 years ago, and He continues to come into our lives whenever we seek Him.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Jesus Christ. Please join us for special musical numbers and message. Please see the flyer attached to invite your friends and neighbors to our Sacrament meeting.

Ryker Gurr continues make progress. He had some medical issues/set backs this week. He is working hard in physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. He is tired when done! We have a special request for specific prayers. Please pray for Ryker to increase his physical strength so he can transfer to the Rehabilitation floor. This floor is one step closer to coming home. Please also pray for his comfort at night. Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. A go-fund-me page has also been set up at https://gofund.me/14df0754. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The video of the week discusses the Light of Jesus Christ. President Nelson teaches us important doctrine on how Jesus Christ light helps us. Today, the world needs the light of Jesus Christ more than ever. Watch a special Christmas message from President Russell M. Nelson, and think of ways you can let your light shine as you show Christlike love to others this Christmas season.

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

It is our privilege to clean the Church in December / January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 24th at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. December 24th, 2022

Hugie, Brent & Julie

Hugie, Kaden & Haylee Lynne

Israelsen, Benson & Brittany Morgan

Israelsen, Clark & Marsha

Israelsen, Ross & Rebekka Lyn

Israelsen, Victor & Jill

Jacobsen, Randy & Maleesa

Jensen, Dan & Laurel

Jensen, Darrell & Heather

Jenson, Bret & Skie

Jenson, Doug & Peggy

Jenson, Ed & Arvona

FYI: We are to begin our second hour meetings with a prayer now. January 1st all second hour meetings should begin with a prayer prior to class beginning.


December: Light the World

Dec 25th: Christmas Sacrament meeting only at 12:00 pm

January 1st: Regular meetings

January 8th: Fast Sunday

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates, Kent Allen. Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

How are you? I hope this email finds you in the Christmas spirit. It is great to see most people in a good mood this time of year and smiling. What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions? Do you link them to Christ? Here is a great article on Christmas traditions and symbols that include Christmas tree, Christmas lights, stars, wreaths, baked treats, and candy canes. 

The Come Follow Me  this week teaches us about "messages" from the Lord. Malachi's name means "messages." “I have loved you,” the Lord told His people through the prophet Malachi. But the Israelites, who had suffered generations of affliction and captivity, asked the Lord, “Wherein hast thou loved us?” (Malachi 1:2). After all Israel had been through, they may have wondered whether the history of ancient Israel is really a story of God’s love for His covenant people. It’s easy to see many examples of human weakness and rebellion. Yet throughout all of that, God never stopped reaching out in love. When the sons of Jacob mistreated their brother Joseph, the Lord still prepared a way to save them from famine (see Genesis 45:4–8). When Israel murmured in the wilderness, God fed them with manna (see Exodus 16:1–4). Even when Israel abandoned Him, turned to other gods, and were scattered, God never fully abandoned them but promised that if they repented, He would gather and redeem them “with great mercies” (see Isaiah 54:7).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Jesus Christ is the Comforter. The scriptures speak of two Comforters. The first is the Holy Ghost (John 14:26–27; Moro. 8:26; D&C 21:9; 42:17; 90:11). The Second Comforter is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:18, 21, 23). When someone obtains the Second Comforter, Jesus Christ will appear to him from time to time, will reveal the Father, and will teach him face to face (D&C 130:3). Henry B Eyring gave a great talk differentiating between the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ in their comforting roles.

Ryker Gurr continues to make milestones in improvement. Daily miracles continue to abound. Ryker remains at Primary Children's Hospital and was moved to a regular room. He is actively participating in physical therapy and cruising the hallways in a wheelchair with mom/dad. Please continue to pray for them. Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. A go-fund-me page has also been set up at https://gofund.me/14df0754. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The video of the week surrounds gratitude. Do you remember two years ago when our beloved prophet, President Nelson, lifted the World with his devotional message on gratitude? President Nelson stated “Gratitude provides us with a greater perspective on the very purpose and joy of life.” He also challenged us at that time to 1) Turn social media into your own gratitude journal. 2) Say a prayer of gratitude. 3) Build your relationship with Jesus Christ. By counting our blessings, we can more fully appreciate and enjoy our lives as we work toward greater unity, kindness, honesty, and tolerance.

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Choir practice at the Weight's home (2029 S 2400 W ) at 10:30 am on Sunday's. Thank you Choir for your hard work. We get to hear your angelic voices this week in Sacrament meeting.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in December / January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 3rd at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. December 17th, 2022

Jenson, Cherylynn

Garner, Dave & Jamie

Gerke, Alex & Liz

Godfrey, James & Paula

Gualtier, John & Natalie

Gurr, Matt & Paula

Hall, Reed & Nadine

Hansen, Bentley & Valerie

Hansen, Brian & Shauna

Hansen, Marvin & Judy

Hardman, Paul & Janee Katherine

Hess, Kyle Terry & Marea Katherine

Hinton, Garrett & Stephanie

Congratulations to Corbin and Kaitlin Wessman on the arrival of their newborn baby.


December: Light the World

Dec 25th: Christmas Sacrament meeting only at 12:00 pm

January 1st: Regular meetings

January 8th: Fast Sunday

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates, Kent Allen. Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone. I hope this email finds you well. It looks like winter is here to stay. Were able to see the First Presidency devotional last Sunday evening? Here is a link to review it. “Christmas is a time to eliminate arrogance and provocation, to subdue criticism, to practice patience, and to de-emphasize differences among people,” President Oaks continued. “We have the incentive to extend sincere fellowship to all persons, those who are and those who are not of our faith.”

Ryker Gurr is improving every day. Daily miracles continue to abound. He responds and interacts with everyone. Ryker remains at Primary Children's Hospital and was moved back into ICU after a couple of surgeries and for medical reasons. Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. A go-fund-me page has also been set up at https://gofund.me/14df0754. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week shows us the importance of revelation and being receptive to promptings. After decades of captivity, a group of Israelites, probably including the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, were allowed to return to Jerusalem. Some in this group remembered what Jerusalem looked like before it was destroyed. Imagine their feelings as they saw the rubble that had once been their homes, their places of worship, and their temple. To those who wondered whether the temple would ever again resemble the Lord’s “house in her first glory” (Haggai 2:3), the prophet Haggai spoke the Lord’s words of encouragement: “Be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the Lord, and work: for I am with you, … fear ye not.” “I will fill this house with glory, … and in this place will I give peace.” (Haggai 2:4–5, 7, 9.). But it wasn’t just the holy temple that needed rebuilding. In many ways, God’s people were spiritually in ruins. And rebuilding a holy people takes more than hewing stones and aligning them to build a temple wall. Today, temples bear the inscription “Holiness to the Lord,” and those words apply not just to a building but to a way of life. Engraving these words on “the bells of the horses” and “every pot in Jerusalem” (Zechariah 14:20–21) is helpful only if they are also engraved on every heart. True holiness requires that the Lord’s words and laws “take hold” (Zechariah 1:6) in us, allowing His power to change our natures so that we become holy like Him (see Leviticus 19:2).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Jesus Christ atonement. The gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides us at all times and at all places with the blessings of repentance and forgiveness.

Our Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party is on Saturday at 4:00 pm (December 10). We will begin with a devotional in the Chapel. We will then move to the gym for food and snacks. This format allows all of us to be together at the same time. We encourage you to invite everyone (friends, neighbors, ministering families). You are welcome to dress up like Jesus's time period. We are focusing on Christ with music, messages, and food.

The video of the week is called "The Christ Child. A Nativity Story" This new depiction of the Nativity story recounts in beautiful detail the sacred events found in the Bible about Jesus's birth over 2,000 years ago. Visit https://bit.ly/3ihUasL to learn more about the significance of this special first Christmas. Journey with Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Witness the awe of the shepherds in the plains of Judea. Feel the joy of the wise men as they kneel before the Light of the World – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our Focus on For the Strength of Youth pamphlet continues. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Choir practice at the Weight's home (2029 S 2400 W ) at 10:30 am on Sunday's.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in December / January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 3rd at 8:00 am. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. December 10th, 2022

De Vries, Jodi

Durrant, Bradley & Monica

Eames, Andrew & Kiley

Edwards, Nathan John & Shelley

Elder, Michael & Sarah

Evans, Curtis & Shelby

Evanson, Brad & Jessica Ann

Ewing, Robert & Sharrah Nicole

Fackrell, Doug

Falslev, Benjamin & Tracey

Feuz, Dillon & Christine

Fielding, Bret & Annette

Fredrickson, Brent & Marianne

Fullmer, Tad & Kylee


December: Light the World

Dec 10: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Activity. 4:00 pm Christmas program. Come enjoy a return to Bethlehem and focus on Jesus Christ. We will mix and mingle eating food from Jesus's time period in the gym after the program. Feel free to dress up like the people of Bethlehem during Christ's time period. Please see the attached flyer

Dec 25th: Christmas Sacrament meeting only at 12:00 pm

January 1st: Regular meetings

January 8th: Fast Sunday;

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates, Kent Allen. Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PS. In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone. 

I hope this email finds you well. December and snow have rolled in with a flurry. Are you ready for Christmas? What Christmas traditions do you treasure and continue to practice. How do you seek Christ in your Christmas traditions

Ryker Gurr is improving every day. Daily miracles abound. He responds and interacts with everyone. Ryker remains at Primary Children's Hospital and has moved out of ICU.  Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. A go-fund-me page has also been set up at https://gofund.me/14df0754. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week is really a metaphor for our lives. Reading the Old Testament often means reading prophecies about destruction. The Lord frequently called prophets to warn the wicked that His judgments were upon them. The ministries of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah are good examples. In dreadful detail, these prophets foretold the downfall of cities that, at the time, seemed strong and powerful—Nineveh, Babylon, and even Jerusalem. But that was thousands of years ago. Why is it valuable to read these prophecies today? In today’s world, we can sometimes feel surrounded by the evils that were condemned by the ancient prophets. We may even detect traces of them in our own hearts. These Old Testament prophecies reveal how the Lord feels about pride and wickedness, and they teach that we can turn away from these evils. Perhaps that’s one reason we still read these ancient prophecies today. Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and the others weren’t just prophets of doom—they were prophets of deliverance. The descriptions of destruction are tempered by invitations to come unto Christ and receive His mercy: “Seek ye the Lord … ; seek righteousness, seek meekness” (Zephaniah 2:3). This was the Lord’s way anciently, and it is His way today. “His ways are everlasting” (Habakkuk 3:6).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on the Fast and Testimony meeting.

The video of the week is the 2022 Christmas broadcast on Temple Square. This hour long program is full of music, stories, and inspiration.

We are excited to begin a new focus for our beloved youth, but really for everyone, in the Spring Creek Ward. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later (at home).

Choir practice at the Weight's home (2029 S 2400 W ) at 10:30 am on Sunday's.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in December / January. From the Church of Jesus Christ leadership handbook: We clean the church to: Preserve the building’s sacred nature as a place where the Spirit can be present, Encourage reverence, Present an image of dignity and respect, Extend the building’s useful life. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on December 3rd at 8:00 am.  Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. December 3rd, 2022

Bumgarner Quinn and Miracle

Christensen, Jay Francis & Lisa

Clark, Jeremy Keith & Makinzie

Clark, Kerry & Rosalie

Corbridge, Brian & Melissa

Cox, Jordan & Madysen

Crockett, Casey Larry & Heather Lane

Dalebout, Kyle & Molly

Daugherty, Jeffrey & Grace Lynne

Daugs, Ammon & Alison

Daugs, Nathan Roger & Christy Jill

Daugs, Rachel


December: Light the World:

Dec 4th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional 6:00pm

Dec 10: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Activity. 4:00 pm Christmas program. Come enjoy a return to Bethlehem and focus on Jesus Christ. We will mix and mingle eating food from Jesus's time period in the gym after the program. Feel free to dress up like the people of Bethlehem during Christ's time period. Please see the attached flyer

Dec 25th: Christmas Sacrament meeting only at 12:00 pm

January 1st: Regular meetings

January 8th: Fast Sunday;

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall, Elder Steve and Mira Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates, Kent Allen. Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PS. In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hello Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the Holliday. The weather is nice but has a chill to it. Please enjoy your family, friends, and neighbors. I love this quote by Fred Rogers. "I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending."

As you know we had a tragedy this past week in the Spring Creek Ward. I assure you the week has been full of miracles. Thank you for supporting the Gurr Family. Matt and Paula wanted me to express their sincere gratitude for your goodness and support. Ryker is improving. He is making purposeful movements now. Ryker remains at Primary Children's Hospital in the ICU.  This is a day by day process and will be a long haul. Paula and Matt both have Facebook accounts that you can follow for progress. A go-fund-me page has also been set up at https://gofund.me/14df0754. I know Christ's love is always there as Paul testified (Romans 8:33-34) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week is really a metaphor for our lives. Are you "Jonah" at times? Jonah was on a ship headed for Tarshish. There’s nothing wrong with sailing to Tarshish, except that it is far away from Nineveh, where Jonah was supposed to go to deliver God’s message. So when the ship encountered a great storm, Jonah knew it was because of his disobedience. At Jonah’s insistence, his fellow mariners cast him into the depths of the sea to stop the storm. It looked like the end of Jonah and his ministry. But the Lord hadn’t given up on Jonah—just as He hadn’t given up on the people of Nineveh and just as He doesn’t give up on any of us. As Micah taught, the Lord does not delight in condemning us, but “he delighteth in mercy.” When we turn to Him, “he will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and [He will] cast all [our] sins into the depths of the sea” (Micah 7:18–19).

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on the Gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful tool in any circumstance. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for blessings or benefits we have received. As we cultivate a grateful attitude, we are more likely to be happy and spiritually strong. Here are tow great talks that may be referenced (Grateful in any circumstances,  Ucthdorf; Thanks be to God, President Nelson)

The video of the week shows us what people are grateful for. Random people on the streets of New York City share a variety of grateful responses to one simple question: What are you thankful for? This video helped remind me of simple things I am thankful for.

We are excited to begin a new focus for our beloved youth, but really for everyone, in the Spring Creek Ward. All classes in the second hour will discuss the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later.

Choir practice at the Weight's home (2029 S 2400 W ) at 10:30 am on Sunday's.


Oct 16th-Nov 27th: Tithing Declarations. Please see our Spring Creek Web page (at the bottom of the main page) for directions. You can also sign up online.

Dec 4th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional 6:00pm

Dec 10: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Activity. 4:00 pm Christmas program. Come enjoy a return to Bethlehem and focus on Jesus Christ. We will mix and mingle eating food from Jesus's time period in the gym after the program. Feel free to dress up like the people of Bethlehem during Christ's time period. Please see the attached flyer

Dec 25th: Sacrament meeting only at 12:00 pm

January 1st: Regular meetings

January 8th: Fast Sunday;

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Taylor & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates, Kent Allen. Ryker Gurr, Gurr Family. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PS. In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church

11/18/22 Updates

Spring Creek Ward

Hello Everyone,

I hope this finds you well and smiling. The cold has settled into the Cache Valley. There has been multiple sickness going around. Let us know if we can help in any way. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week reveals the plan of Salvation and God's communication to us. God chose Abraham’s seed to be His covenant people so that they would “be a blessing” to all people (see Genesis 12:2–3). But instead, by the time of Amos’s ministry, many of the covenant people were oppressing the poor and ignoring the prophets, making their acts of worship empty and meaningless (see Amos 2:6–16). True, the nations surrounding them were also guilty of great sins (see Amos 1; 2:1–5), but that has never been an excuse for God’s people (see Amos 3:2). So God sent a herdsman from Judah named Amos to preach repentance to the Kingdom of Israel. Later, God also declared through the prophet Obadiah that although the Kingdom of Judah had been destroyed, the Lord would gather and bless His people again. The covenant people had strayed from the Lord, both prophets testified, but they would not be cast off forever. When God reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets (see Amos 3:7), we can take it as a sign that He still wants to help us live up to the covenants we made with Him.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on the Priesthood. How can we enjoy the power of the Priesthood in our Lives? Here is a great article discussing Women's blessings from the Power of the Priesthood by Sister Gardner. President Nelson also gave a wonderful talk on The Price of Priesthood Power in 2016.

The video of the week shows us one individual's journey through a devastation and trusting in the Lord. This one will take you on an emotional roller coaster. Jennie Taylor is a mother of seven who suffered a devastating loss when her husband, Brent Russell Taylor, was killed overseas during a military deployment. Colliding into a mountain range of heartache and despair, Jennie shares the most searing parts of her journey to reclaim life, hope, and her family, and how hearing God’s voice distinctly reached her through the shattered pieces. Also read or watch Elder Dale G. Renlund’s talk “Infuriating Unfariness” https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/s...

Tithing Declaration is ongoing. There are only two more schedule weeks to complete. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? Please read Elder David Bednar's talk "The Windows of Heaven." Discuss this talk as a family and be prepared to share with the Bishop your insights. After November 27th Tithing Declaration will be by appointments.

We are excited to begin a new focus for our beloved youth, but really for everyone in the Spring Creek Ward. Beginning November 20th all classes will begin discussing the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later.

Choir practice at the Weight's home (2029 S 2400 W ) at 10:30 am on Sunday's.


Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations. Please see our Spring Creek Web page (at the bottom of the main page) for directions. You can also sign up online.

Dec 4th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional 6:00pm

Dec 10: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Activity. 4:00 pm Christmas program. Come enjoy a return to Bethlehem and focus on Jesus Christ. We will mix and mingle eating food from Jesus's time period in the gym after the program. Feel free to dress up like the people of Bethlehem during Christ's time period. Please see the attached flyer

Dec 25th: Sacrament meeting only at 12:00 pm

January 1st: Regular meetings

January 8th: Fast Sunday; 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates, Kent Allen. 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Alldredge for details.

PS. In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks

PPS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. Were you excited to see the snow this week? Do you miss those hot July days yet? 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week shows us God's love for us. Israel’s covenant with the Lord was meant to be so deep and meaningful that the Lord compared it to a marriage. The covenant, like a marriage, included eternal commitment, shared experiences, building a life together, exclusive loyalty, and most of all, wholehearted love. This kind of devotion came with high expectations—and tragic consequences for infidelity. Through the prophet Hosea, God described some of the consequences the Israelites faced for breaking their covenant. And yet His message was not “I will reject you forever for being unfaithful.” Instead it was “I will invite you back” (see Hosea 2:14–15). “I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness,” the Lord declared (Hosea 2:19). “I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely” (Hosea 14:4). This is the same message He gives us today as we seek to live our covenants with love and devotion.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Revelation. President Nelson gave two wonderful talks on revelation: Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives. We will also hear a report about Sister Ada Daugs serving in Orlando, Florida.

The video of the week follows Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles continuing his ministry in Hannover, Germany, meeting with refugees. “I’m moved to tears by their faith and by the goodness of these German Saints who’ve taken [refugees] into their homes and clothed them and fed them and given them a new opportunity,” the Apostle said as he and his wife, Patricia, met with a small group of Latter-day Saint refugees. I hope we continue to pray for our Brother's and Sister's torn by War.

Tithing Declaration in ongoing. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? Please read Elder David Bednar's talk "The Windows of Heaven." Discuss this talk as a family and be prepared to share with the Bishop your insights.

We are excited to begin a new focus for our beloved youth, but really for everyone in the Spring Creek Ward. Beginning November 20th all classes will begin discussing the For the Strength of Youth new pamphlet. All organizations and classes can access resources and a schedule at our Spring Creek Ward website under the For the Strength of Youth page. You will discuss a concept from the pamphlet at the beginning of class and then talk about it as families later.

In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks

Congratulations to Mia Gaultier and Dallin Miner on their Marriage in the Logan temple on Friday.

Choir practice at the Weight's home (2029 S 2400 W )  at 11:00 am on Sunday's.


Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations. Please see our Spring Creek Web page (at the bottom of the main page) for directions. You can also sign up online.

Nov 5 : Cache Food Pantry Drive. Please place your donated food items on your porch for pick up. Pick up at 10 am.

Nov 12th: Elder's Quorum Turkey shoot. Come have fun shooting trap. Ammon Daug's house (2496 W 1800 S). 

Dec 4th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional 6:00pm

Dec 10: Spring Creek Christmas Activity. 4:00 pm Christmas program. Come enjoy a return to Bethlehem and focus on Jesus Christ.  We will mix and mingle eating food from Jesus's time period in the gym after the program. Feel free to dress up like the people of Bethlehem during Christ's time period. 

Dec 25th: Sacrament meeting only at 12:00 pm

January 1st: Fast Sunday; Regular meetings. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hello Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and things are going great. November has blasted through the door with chilling drama. Have you considered what you are thankful for recently? November provides a great time to stop/ponder/reflect/ and pray about what is most important in our lives and how blessed we are. Psalm 100:44 states "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name." I am going to try to be grateful for each thing that comes my way. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week is inspirational. Most likely no one will ever threaten to throw you into a fiery furnace or a den of lions because of your faith in Jesus Christ. But none of us get through this life without a trial of faith. We can all benefit from the example of people like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who were taken captive as young men by the mighty Babylonian Empire (see 2 Kings 24:10–16). These young people were surrounded by an unfamiliar culture with different values, and they faced great temptations to abandon their beliefs and righteous traditions. Yet they remained true to their covenants. Like Joseph in Egypt and Esther in Persia, Daniel and his friends in Babylon kept their faith in God, and God worked miracles that still inspire believers to this day.

This week's Sacrament meeting will be Fast and Testimony meeting. Elder Stevenson gave a insightful talk on testimonies covering four questions.  Do I know and understand what a testimony is? Do I know how to bear my testimony?  What are the obstacles in sharing my testimony? How do I keep my testimony?

The video of the week follows the Come Follow Me lesson, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego would not worship the king’s statue. The king was angry and threw them into a fire. But they were not hurt. They obeyed God, even when their lives were in danger.

Tithing Declaration in ongoing. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? Please read Elder David Bednar's talk "The Windows of Heaven." Discuss this talk as a family and be prepared to share with the Bishop your insights.

In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks


Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations. Please see our Spring Creek Web page (at the bottom of the main page) for directions. You can also sign up online.

Nov 5th: Spring Creek Ward Primary party.

Nov 5 : Cache Food Pantry Drive. Please place your donated food items on your porch for pick up. Pick up at 10 am. 

Nov 12th: Elder's Quorum Turkey shoot. Come have fun shooting trap.

Dec 4th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional

Dec 10: Spring Creek Christmas Activity. Come enjoy a return to Bethlehem and focus on Jesus Christ.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone. 

I hope this finds you well. This time of year dictates great change. It is colder, darker, and nature is dramatically changing. I hope we are all flexible to changes that are needed, yet firm in our testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ. I think Alma 5:14–33 helps put things into perspective and what is important in life. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week is inspirational. Ezekiel was a prophet in exile. Along with other Israelites, he had been captured and sent to Babylon several years before Jerusalem was finally destroyed. In Jerusalem, Ezekiel would have been a priest serving in the temple. In Babylon, he was among “them of the captivity,” and he “sat where they sat” (Ezekiel 3:15), hundreds of miles from the temple and with little hope of returning to the beloved house of God. Then one day Ezekiel had a vision. He saw “the glory of the Lord” (Ezekiel 1:28)—not back in the temple at Jerusalem but there in Babylon among the exiles. The wickedness in Jerusalem, he learned, had become so severe that God’s presence was no longer there (see Ezekiel 8–11; 33:21).

One of Ezekiel’s tasks was to warn the Israelites about the consequences of their rebellion—a warning that largely went unheeded. But there was more to Ezekiel’s message: he prophesied that, despite how bad things became, there was a way back. If God’s people would accept the invitation to “hear the word of the Lord” (Ezekiel 37:4), what was once dead could be revived. A “stony heart” could be replaced with “a new heart” (Ezekiel 36:26). “[I] shall put my spirit in you,” the Lord told them, “and ye shall live” (Ezekiel 37:14). And in the last days, the Lord would establish a new temple and a new Jerusalem, “and the name of the city from that day shall be, The Lord is there” (Ezekiel 48:35).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will hear from our youth and Bishop Kelly. President Nelson gave a wonderful talk on "Overcoming the World and Find Rest," that has direct application to the Sacrament meeting topics. If the Prophet is talking about it, then it is a great topic to address/study. Too many of us feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Do we really "worship" in Sacrament meeting. Does reading the Scriptures bring us closer to our Heavenly Father or just is it one item to check off on our list? 

The video of the week highly educational. This animated short shows the difficulties of young Travis, who is stressed out over his science project and missing out in other areas. His dad intervenes and explains key aspects of balanced living. This topic has direct relevance to our Sacrament meeting talks this week. 

Tithing Declaration in ongoing. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? Please read Elder David Bednar's talk "The Windows of Heaven." Discuss this talk as a family and be prepared to share with the Bishop your insights.

In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks


Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations. Please see our Spring Creek Web page (at the bottom of the main page) for directions. You can also sign up online.

Nov 5th: Spring Creek Ward Primary party. 

Nov 5 : Cache Food Pantry Drive. Please place your donated food items on your porch for pick up.

Nov 12th: Elder's Quorum Turkey shoot. Come have fun shooting trap. 

Dec 10: Spring Creek Christmas Activity. Come enjoy a return to Bethlehem and focus on Jesus Christ.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson, Elder Reed and Sister Nadine Hall

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Bailey Yates

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All, 

I hope this finds you well and smiling. Did you see President Nelson spoke to Saints in Canada recently? President Nelson offered six steps to help one progress from being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ: First, he advised those listening to increase their capacity to receive revelation. Second, President Nelson counselled the Saints to fill their lives with truth. He also taught that people need to be more discerning about how and where they look for truth. The third step is to refuse to let opposition to truth weaken one’s testimony. President Nelson said opposition can come in challenging ways. Fourth, he encouraged the members to serve and worship in the temples of the Lord Jesus Christ. With 169 operating temples and 131 more in design or under construction, President Nelson said, “We are promised that when we emerge from the temple, we are endowed with the Lord’s power!” The fifth step to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ, President Nelson told the members, is to realize “how vital [they] are to the gathering of Israel. ”The sixth and final step is to expect joy. President Nelson said, “True joy comes by living in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was full of great gospel doctrine. When the Lord first called Jeremiah to be a prophet, He told him that his mission would be “to root out, and to pull down” (Jeremiah 1:10)—and in Jerusalem, there was plenty of wickedness to root out and pull down. But this was only part of Jeremiah’s mission—he was also called “to build, and to plant” (Jeremiah 1:10). What could be built or planted in the desolate ruins left by Israel’s rebellion? Similarly, when sin or adversity have left our lives in ruins, how can we rebuild and plant again? The answer lies in “the Branch of righteousness” (Jeremiah 33:15), the promised Messiah. The Messiah brings “a new covenant” (Jeremiah 31:31)—one that requires more than a superficial commitment or the outward appearance of devotion. His law must be “in [our] inward parts,” written “in [our] hearts.” That is what it really means for the Lord to “be [our] God” and for us to “be [His] people” (Jeremiah 31:33). It’s a lifelong process, and we will still make mistakes and have cause to mourn from time to time. But when we do, we have this promise from the Lord: “I will turn their mourning into joy” (Jeremiah 31:13).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will hear from our Stake representatives on tithing. The law of tithing is simple, eloquent, and full of blessings. Remember tithing declaration is now ongoing and I have challenged you to read Elder David Bednar's talk on "The Windows of Heaven." Want to see tithing funds in action? The Church of Jesus Christ recently donated $32 million to combat World wide hunger.

The video of the week will lift your soul. No matter what situation in life we are in, Jesus Christ always invites you with open arms. We can follow his example by loving those around us.

Tithing Declaration in ongoing. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? Please read Elder David Bednar's talk "The Windows of Heaven." Discuss this talk as a family and be prepared to share with the Bishop your insights.

The Temple and Family History committee has organized times for the Spring Creek Ward to fill the temple Friday, Oct 21st and Saturday, Oct 22nd - Sign up to do sealings! Pick a time that will work for you and please arrive 30 minutes before your sealing session. Tell the officiator at the recommend desk you are with the person whose name is bolded in your group, as they are the one with the reservation. Please bring family names to do if you have some. Here is the link to sign up . The temple will be closed 10/3-10/15.

In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks


Oct 21-22: Temple Sealings or other Temple attendance

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations. Please see our Spring Creek Web page (at the bottom of the main page) for directions. You can also sign up online.

Nov 5 : Cache Food Pantry Drive. Please place your donated food items on your porch for pick up.

Dec 10: Spring Creek Christmas Activity

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. I have been traveling this week and learned many lessons. 1. We are all God's children. 2. The goodness of people. 3. The beauty of the earth. 3. The blessing of a family. 4. The Worldliness of the World. 5. The importance daily keeping covenants, as well as many other lessons. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was uplifting. Jeremiah’s story is also our story. God knew us, too, before we were born and prepared us to do His work on the earth. Among other things, that work includes something Jeremiah foresaw: gathering God’s people, one by one, to “bring [them] to Zion” (Jeremiah 3:14). And even if we don’t know exactly what to do or say, we should “be not afraid … ; for I am with thee, saith the Lord” (Jeremiah 1:8, 19).

This week's Sacrament meeting we will hear from Elder and Sister Israelsen who recently returned from Jamaica on a service mission. They will be talking about the Importance of the scriptures in our lives. My soul delighted in the Scriptures; Living by Scriptural guidance.  

The video of the week shows the forces that cause migrating species to return home. How do we know where to go in life? WE have the light of Christ, that motivates us to seek our Heavenly home.  

Tithing Declaration begins Oct 16. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? Please read Elder David Bednar's talk "The Windows of Heaven." Discuss this talk as a family and be prepared to share with the Bishop your insights.

The Temple and Family History committee has organized times for the Spring Creek Ward to fill the temple Friday, Oct 21st and Saturday, Oct 22nd - Sign up to do sealings! Pick a time that will work for you and please arrive 30 minutes before your sealing session. Tell the officiator at the recommend desk you are with the person whose name is bolded in your group, as they are the one with the reservation. Please bring family names to do if you have some. Here is the link to sign up . The temple will be closed 10/3-10/15.

In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks


October 6-May 11: Institute classes “Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel” Classes held each Thursday, beginning October 6 10:00 am or 7:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward building or Mendon Stake Center. Please see the attached flyer and schedule.

Oct 21-22: Temple Sealings

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations begin. Please see our Spring Creek Web page (at the bottom of the main page) for directions. You can also sign up online.:

Nov 5 : Cache Food Pantry Drive. Please place your donated food items on your porch for pick up. 

Dec 10: Spring Creek Christmas Activity

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi All

We have had two inspiring weeks of Stake Conference and General Conference. I look forward to gathering with you again to worship (Mosiah 18:25, Alma 6:6). 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week continued to testify of Jesus Christ. It has been uplifting to study Isaiah. Early in His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ visited a synagogue in Nazareth, the village where He was raised. There He stood to read from the scriptures, opened the book of Isaiah, and read what we now know as Isaiah 61:1–2. He then announced, “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.” This was one of the Savior’s most straightforward declarations that He was the Anointed One, who would “heal the brokenhearted” and “preach deliverance to the captives” (see Luke 4:16–21). This scripture was indeed fulfilled on that day. And, like many other prophecies of Isaiah, it continues to be fulfilled in our day. The Savior continues to heal all the brokenhearted who come unto Him. There are yet many captives to whom deliverance must be preached. And there is a glorious future to prepare for—a time when the Lord will “create new heavens and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:17) and “cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations” (Isaiah 61:11). Reading Isaiah opens our eyes to what the Lord has already done, what He is doing, and what He will yet do for His people.

General Conference was great and a spiritual feast. Which talk was your favorite. I loved President Nelson's talk on "Overcome the World and find rest." Our Sacrament meeting on Oct 30th will focus on this topic. I loved his testimony of the Savior and things to come: "But, my dear brothers and sisters, so many wonderful things are ahead. In coming days, we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen. Between now and the time He returns “with power and great glory,” He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful. This week's Sacrament meeting will be Fast and Testimony meeting.

The video of the week focuses on the Book of Mormon video series and Jesus Christ. This video was shown in General Conference in President Nelson's talk. It focuses on Jesus Christ appearing to the Nephites in ancient America. The personal nature and love of Jesus Christ is inspiring.

Tithing Declaration begins Oct 16. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? Please read Elder David Bednar's talk "The Windows of Heaven." Discuss this talk as a family and be prepared to share with the Bishop your insights.

The Temple and Family History committee has organized times for the Spring Creek Ward to fill the temple Friday, Oct 21st and Saturday, Oct 22nd - Sign up to do sealings! Pick a time that will work for you and please arrive 30 minutes before your sealing session. Tell the officiator at the recommend desk you are with the person whose name is bolded in your group, as they are the one with the reservation. Please bring family names to do if you have some. Here is the link to sign up . The temple will be closed 10/3-10/15.

In order for us to continue to broadcast our Sacrament meeting we will need to make some adjustments. Please get with the Bishopric for permission to watch the Broadcast. Please type in your full correct name when logging into the Sacrament link (zoom). Please list who is watching with you so we can be aware of who is participating in our meeting. You can rename yourself by clicking the participant tab and then clicking on the 3 dot menu. The meeting online will be paused during the Sacrament. The meeting will resume when the Sacrament has been administered. Please contact the Bishop for permission about the Sacrament administration. You will run the risk of being removed from the meeting if you do not provide this basic information. Thanks


October 6-May 11: Institute classes “Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel” Classes held each Thursday, beginning October 6 10:00 am or 7:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward building or Mendon Stake Center. Please see the attached flyer and schedule.

October 8th: Spring Creek Ward Pumpkin Launch. 12:00 pm. See attached flyer. This is an annual favorite family activity. You and your family will love this one.

Oct 9th: Fast and Testimony Meeting

Oct 21-22: Temple Sealings 

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations begin. Please see our Spring Creek Web page (at the bottom of the main page) for directions. You can also sign up online. 

Dec 10: Spring Creek Christmas Activity

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Shane Thorpe

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

Fall is upon us and changes are apparent. It is interesting to see the dramatic changes this time of year. Are we as readily compliant to change. It has been a stressful week for Florida. We are thankful Sister Daugs is safe in Orlando. Please continue to pray for all our missionaries and others on our prayer list. 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was truly Messianic. What a testimony of Jesus Christ. Throughout his ministry, Isaiah spoke of a mighty deliverer (see, for example, Isaiah 9:3–7). These prophecies would have been especially precious to the Israelites centuries later when they were in captivity in Babylon. Someone who could topple the walls of Babylon would be a mighty conqueror indeed. But that isn’t the kind of Messiah that Isaiah described in chapters 52–53: “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him. … We did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted” (Isaiah 53:3–4). By sending such an unexpected deliverer, God taught us about true deliverance. To save us from oppression and affliction, God sent One who Himself “was oppressed, and … afflicted.” Where some expected a lion, He sent a lamb (see Isaiah 53:7). Surely, God’s ways are not our ways (see Isaiah 55:8–9). Jesus Christ frees us not by just opening the prison but by taking our place there. He relieves us from our chains of grief and sorrow by bearing them Himself (see Isaiah 53:4–5, 12). He does not save us from a distance. He suffers with us, in an act of “everlasting kindness” that “shall not depart from thee” (Isaiah 54:8, 10).

Stake Conference this past weekend was spiritually uplifting. There were so many great talks over the weekend. President Osborne taught us the importance of Repentance with 4 important points (1. stopping doing something is not repentance. 2. As we repent we move closer to God. 3. There are Sins of Commission and Sins of Omission. He challenged us all to be better ministers. 4. Allow the Savior to help in the process and the Sacrament.). Elder McKay is a true spiritual leader. I had the opportunity to be in 5 different meetings that he spoke, and I was taught something new each time. I have attached a story Elder McKay told about Nephite Warriors protecting the Salt Lake City temple. 

The video of the week gives a report of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This is a great family home evening video to show how much the Church of Jesus Christ does in the World. It is also a good teaching tool at times to show how tithing funds are utilized. 

Tithing Declaration begins Oct 16. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? Please read Elder David Bednar's talk "The Windows of Heaven." Discuss this talk as a family and be prepared to share with the Bishop your insights. 

General Conference is this weekend. As we participate in General Conference remember Doctrine and Covenants 84:36  For he that receiveth my servants receiveth me.  The Articles of Faith also come to mind especially 5,6,7,& 9. We encourage you to prepare for General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ. Here is a great resource for you and families to stay engaged during the sessions. Here are some other resources to help engage everyone in Conference. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave a wonderful talk on Prophets, Seers, and Revelators that may also help prepare you. I love all the invitations President Nelson has given since he became prophet. I look forward to a spiritual feast. 


October 1-2: General Conference

October 6-May 11: Institute classes “Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel” Classes held each Thursday, beginning October 6 10:00 am or 7:00 pm at Spring Creek Ward building or Mendon Stake Center. Please see the attached flyer and schedule.  

October 8th: Spring Creek Ward Pumpkin Launch. 12:00 pm. See attached flyer. This is an annual favorite activity. You and your family will love this one. 

Oct 9th: Fast and Testimony Meeting

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations begin. Please see our Spring Creek Web page for directions.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Shane Thorpe

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

I hope this email finds you smiling and doing well. The Fall equinox has arrived/past and we are definitely headed into Fall with the overnight temperatures becoming significantly cooler and days getting shorter. The changing of Fall leaves will be right around the corner (already happening in some areas). 

The Come Follow Me lesson this week brought comfort to my soul. “Comfort” is the first word of Isaiah chapter 40. It marks the beginning of a different tone, a different emphasis in the prophet’s message. Where Isaiah’s earlier writings warned Israel and Judah about destruction and captivity that would come because of their sins, these later prophecies were meant to comfort the Jews over 150 years in the future—after Jerusalem was destroyed, the temple was desecrated, and the people were taken captive by Babylon. But these prophecies reach even further into the future than to the defeated, disheartened Israelites. They speak to us, who also sometimes feel defeated, disheartened, and even lost. Isaiah’s message to them and to us is simple: “Fear not” (Isaiah 43:1). All is not lost. The Lord has not forgotten you, and He has power over situations that seem out of your control. Isn’t the Lord “he that created the heavens, and … he that spread forth the earth, and … he that giveth breath unto the people upon it”? (Isaiah 42:5). Isn’t He more powerful than Babylon, than sin, than whatever is holding you captive? “Return unto me,” He pleads, “for I have redeemed thee” (Isaiah 44:22). He can heal, restore, strengthen, forgive, and comfort—whatever is needed for you, in your case, to be redeemed.

The video of the week will help you feel the spirit immediately. Vocalist Evie Clair sings the Primary song “I Feel My Savior’s Love,” while Primary-age children from around the world individually share how each feels the Savior’s love.

Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting. Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome! This week will be the Mendon Stake Conference with a visiting General Authority: Elder Kyle McKay (Kyle S. McKay (churchofjesuschrist.org). His last conference talk in 2009 was wonderful: The Immediate Goodness of God (churchofjesuschrist.org. Please see the schedule of meetings below. As we begin to  participate in Stake Conference and General Conference remember Doctrine and Covenants 84:36  For he that receiveth my servants areceiveth me.  The Articles of Faith also come to mind especially 5,6,7,& 9. 

Tithing Declaration begins Oct 16. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year?

Please see the Young Women flyer attached offering to babysit on September 27th for parents who want to go to the temple.

General Conference is coming soon. We encourage you to prepare for General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ. Here is a great resource for you and families to stay engaged during the sessions. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave a wonderful talk on Prophets, Seers, and Revelators that may also help prepare you.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in September. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on September 24. Everyone are always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. Here are the people assigned for Saturday September 24 at 8:00 am.

Alldredge, Brennan & Alecia

Allen, Brett & Rachelle 

Allton, Marcus & Lauren Rae

Anderson, Casey James & Tanya Joy

Arroyo, Richard & Jessica

Ashcraft, Alex & Hannah

Atkin, Will & Cindy

Barker, Keith & Cassie

Beckstrand, Tyler & Danelle

Bevan, Don Ellsworth & Marilyn

Congratulations to Jessica and Sam Staffanic on the birth of their daughter on 9/22/22


August -September: Traveling Tabernacle (www.tabernacle2022.com)

September 24-25: Stake Conference: 9/24 4:00 pm Leadership Session (Stake and Ward Councils), 7:00 pm Adult Session. 9/25 10:00 am General Session at Mendon Stake Center (Broadcast to Spring Creek Ward bldg.). We will have a General Authority Seventy visiting (Elder Kyle McKay (Kyle S. McKay (churchofjesuschrist.org)).

September 20-24: Ward Temple attendance. Attend as many times as you can. Invite someone to go with you. This is in preparation for Stake Conference and General Conference to be taught from on High.

September 27th: Young Women babysit for Spring Creek Ward members who want to go to temple.

October 1-2: General Conference

Oct 9th: Fast and Testimony Meeting

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations begin. Please see our Spring Creek Web page for directions.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Shane Thorpe, Conner Simmons

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. The past few weeks has been extremely busy. How do you find balance and do what is best for you and your family? I have been pondering Elder Oakes timeless talk lately and encourage you to read, ponder, and sit down with your families and discuss. I love this quote that puts things into perspective; "As we consider various choices, we should remember that it is not enough that something is good. Other choices are better, and still others are best. Even though a particular choice is more costly, its far greater value may make it the best choice of all." The video of the week ties nicely with this quote.

The Come Follow Me lesson was restorative.  One of the things the Lord asks prophets to do is to warn about the consequences of sin. In the case of Old Testament prophets, this often meant telling the powerful rulers of mighty kingdoms that they must repent or be destroyed. It was a dangerous task, but Isaiah was fearless, and his warnings to the kingdoms of his day—including Israel, Judah, and surrounding nations—were bold (see Isaiah 13–23).However, Isaiah also had a message of hope. Even though the prophesied destructions eventually did come upon these kingdoms, Isaiah foresaw a chance for restoration and renewal. The Lord would invite His people to return to Him. He would make “the parched ground … become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water” (Isaiah 35:7). He would perform “a marvelous work and a wonder” (Isaiah 29:14), restoring to Israel the blessings He had promised them. Neither Isaiah nor anyone else alive at that time lived to see this marvelous work. But we are seeing its ultimate fulfillment today. In fact, we are part of it!

The video of the week invites us to contemplate how we love Jesus Christ. Elder M. Russell Ballard reflects on the Biblical story of Jesus asking Peter if he loves Him. Elder Ballard likens this question to our own lives and knowing peace, love, and service amid uncertainty.

The Mendon Stake members volunteered this past week (September 14th) at the traveling Tabernacle (www.tabernacle2022.com). It was a wonderful experience to serve. Please make time to tour the traveling Tabernacle. It will uplift and inspire you.

Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting. Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome! This week is our Primary Program. This Sacrament meeting is one of the most loved of the year. Children are especially loved of Jesus Christ (see 3 Nephi 26: 13-14)

Tithing Declaration begins Oct 16. You may sign up at this link or on a sign up sheet on the Bishop's door. Please see the Spring Creek Ward web main page at the bottom of the page for instructions. How has obeying the Law of Tithing impacted your life this past year? 

Please see the Young Women flyer attached offering to babysit on September 27th for parents who want to go to the temple.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in September. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on September 3. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. Here are the people assigned for Saturday September 18 at 8:00 am.

Weight, Ryan and Christina 

Wessman, Corbin and Kaitlin

Winger, Michael & Vanessa Salvatierra

Yates, Bridger Skye & Baylie Nicole

Zilles, Glen Ray & Jolene

Zilles, Kelly Deloy

Zilles, Ricky Kent & Linnea

Zilles, Rodney Jens & Kimberly

Zilles, Terry Lee & Laurie

Ahlemann, Daniel Andrew & Alexis Marie


September 24-25: Stake Conference: 9/24 4:00 pm Leadership Session (Stake and Ward Councils), 7:00 pm Adult Session. 9/25 10:00 am General Session at Mendon Stake Center (Broadcast to Spring Creek Ward bldg.). We will have a General Authority Seventy visiting (Elder Benjamin De Hojos).

September 20-24: Ward Temple attendance. Attend as many times as you can. Invite someone to go with you. This is in preparation for Stake Conference and General Conference to be taught from on High.

September 27th: Young Women babysit for Spring Creek Ward members who want to go to temple. 

October 1-2: General Conference

Oct 9th: Fast and Testimony Sunday

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations begin. Please see our Spring Creek Web page for directions.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Kyran Leishman, Shane Thorpe, Conner Simmons

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone. Have we broken the heat wave? The nights are getting cooler. 

The First Presidency invited everyone to conference in a couple of weeks.  The Saturday night session will be a general session for everyone. Here are some great resources to prepare for General Conference. I will have tickets for a session of General Conference if you are interested in going. 

We are finished reading the Book of Mormon. Great job everyone. I hope you benefited from your reading this Summer. Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. I liked this quote relating to Moroni 10:“To meet the difficulties that are coming, it will be necessary for you to have a knowledge of the truth of this work for yourselves. The difficulties will be of such a character that the man or woman who does not possess this personal knowledge or witness will fall. If you have not got the testimony, live right and call upon the Lord and cease not till you obtain it...The time will come when no man nor woman will be able to endure on borrowed light. Each will have to be guided by the light within himself. If you do not have it, how can you stand?”~ Elder Heber C. Kimball

As you complete the Book of Mormon and finish the three challenges (see attached flyer) please complete the Book of Mormon survey. We would love to hear back from your experiences. We will share some of these experiences at our FHE on September 12. The Survey is closing on Sunday 9/10.

Have you heard about the Traveling Tabernacle coming? (www.Tabernacle2022.com.). This life size replica of the ancient tabernacle will be on display Aug-Sept at 1550N 400 E. Logan. Please find attached separate web links to sign up for Tabernacle tours tickets/timeslots and sign up as Tour Volunteers during the Mendon Utah Stake’s scheduled assignment of Wednesday September 14th 2022. We need the Spring Creek Ward members to sign up on this day to serve as tour volunteers. Please note that Mendon Stake Youth have been given priority assignments to serve as volunteers in 8 tour stations around the Tabernacle. (There are many other tour and Visitor Center volunteer opportunities for all members of the Stake who would like to serve during this Tabernacle Event). Please sign up with the QR code to volunteer. There are two codes, one to schedule a tour and one to sign up to serve at the Tabernacle.

The Come Follow Me lesson was insightful. Even if this is your first time reading the book of Isaiah, you might find passages that sound familiar. That’s because, of all Old Testament prophets, Isaiah is the one most often quoted in other books of scripture, including by the Savior Himself. Isaiah’s words also appear often in hymns and other sacred music. Why is Isaiah quoted so often? Surely part of the reason is that Isaiah had a gift for expressing the word of God in vivid, memorable language. But it’s more than that. Isaiah has inspired prophets for generations because the truths he taught transcended his own generation—the Israelites living between 740 and 701 BC. His role was to open our eyes to God’s great work of redemption, which is much bigger than one nation or one time period. From Isaiah, Nephi learned that he and his people, though separated from the rest of Israel, were still part of God’s covenant people. In Isaiah, New Testament writers found prophecies about the Messiah that were being fulfilled right before their eyes. And in Isaiah, Joseph Smith found inspiration for the latter-day work of gathering Israel and building Zion.

The video of the week asks an important question. What do you do with all the time that you do not go to church? This video shows us how two men look for ways to serve and be true Christians.

Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting. Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome! This week we will focus on a Christ Center life. Sister Sharon Eubank and Elder Richard Maynes gave incredible insights into this topic. Elder and Sister Israelsen will not be speaking this Sunday due to illness. Please remember Reverence during our Sacrament meeting. Help children understand the importance of this meeting. It is a Covenant room and the Sacred ordinance of the Sacrament is administered weekly.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in September. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on September 3. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. Here are the people assigned for Saturday September 10 at 8:00 am.

Weight, Ryan and Christina 

Wessman, Corbin and Kaitlin

Winger, Michael & Vanessa Salvatierra

Yates, Bridger Skye & Baylie Nicole

Zilles, Glen Ray & Jolene

Zilles, Kelly Deloy

Zilles, Ricky Kent & Linnea

Zilles, Rodney Jens & Kimberly

Zilles, Terry Lee & Laurie

Ahlemann, Daniel Andrew & Alexis Marie


September 10th: National Day of Service

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Desserts, inspirational messages.

September 14th: Traveling Tabernacle (www.Tabernacle2022.com.) 1550N 400 E. Logan. Please sign up. Sign up now. See attached flyer for details.

September 24-25: Stake Conference: 9/24 4:00 pm Leadership Session (Stake and Ward councils), 7:00 pm Adult Session. 9/25 10:00 am General Session at Mendon Stake Center (Broadcast to Spring Creek Ward bldg). We will have a General Authority Seventy visiting (Elder Benjamin De Hojos).

September 20-24: Ward Temple attendance. Attend as many times as you can. Invite someone to go with you. This is in preparation for Stake Conference and General Conference to be taught from on High.

October 1-2: General Conference

Oct 9th: Fast and Testimony Sunday

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations begin. Please see our Spring Creek Web page for directions.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Kyran Leishman

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. The Heat is on! Where is our late Summer cool down? 

Did you see President Nelson this week dedicate the grounds at the Ephraim temple grounds. What an inspiration. I love to see President Nelson in whatever he is doing. President Nelson has announced 100 new temples since he became the prophet of the Church in 2018. Worldwide, the Church now has 282 total temples in operation, under construction or renovation, or announced, including 28 temples in Utah.

Are you looking opportunities for you and your family to serve? President Lisa Christensen, from the Mendon Stake Relief Society recently reminded the Ward council of the powerful app Just Serve. There was a great article on how this app helped identify service on the Church news this week. 

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through Ether 14 by the end of the week. I liked this quote relating to Ether 8:“The Book of Mormon is Christ-centered. That is its essential feature, and that is the reason we are commanded to study it continually. We must use the Book of Mormon to bring us to Christ.”~ Elder Dallin H. Oaks

As you complete the Book of Mormon and finish the three challenges (see attached flyer) this Summer please complete the Book of Mormon survey. We would love to hear back from your experiences. We will share some of these experiences at our FHE on September 12.

Have you heard about the Traveling Tabernacle coming? (www.Tabernacle2022.com.). This life size replica of the ancient tabernacle will be on display Aug-Sept at 1550N 400 E. Logan. Please find attached separate web links to sign up for Tabernacle tours tickets/timeslots and sign up as Tour Volunteers during the Mendon Utah Stake’s scheduled assignment of Wednesday September 14th 2022. We encourage ward members to sign up on this day for tours and to serve as tour volunteers. Please note that Mendon Stake Youth and YSAs have been given priority assignments to serve as volunteers in 8 tour stations around the Tabernacle. (There are many other tour and Visitor Center volunteer opportunities for all members of the Stake who would like to serve during this Tabernacle Event). Please sign up with the QR code to volunteer. There are two codes, one to schedule a tour and one to sign up to serve at the Tabernacle.

The Come Follow Me lesson was educational. In the first chapter of the book of Proverbs, we find these words: “My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother” (Proverbs 1:8). Proverbs can be seen as a collection of wise sayings from a loving parent, whose main message is that blessings of peace and prosperity come to those who seek wisdom—particularly the kind of wisdom God offers. But Proverbs is followed by the book of Ecclesiastes, which seems to say, “It’s not that simple.” The Preacher quoted in Ecclesiastes observed that he “gave [his] heart to know wisdom” but still found “vexation of spirit” and “much grief” (Ecclesiastes 1:17–18). In a variety of ways, the book asks, “Can there be real meaning in a world where everything seems vain, temporary, and uncertain?”

The video of the week focuses on self-care. Prioritizing self-care isn’t selfish and doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your life. You can engage in self-care by doing tiny things that can have a big impact on every aspect of your well-being—spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual.

Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting. Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome! This week is Fast and Testimony meeting. We have listed a Sacrament meeting schedule and topics on our Spring Creek Web page under the Meetings page. Take a look!. Please remember Reverence during our Sacrament meeting. Help children understand the importance of this meeting. It is a Covenant room and the Sacred ordinance of the Sacrament is administered weekly.

Our Quarter No. 3 goals, for the Spring Creek Ward, are in progress. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in September. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on September 3. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month. Here are the people assigned for Saturday September 3rd at 8:00 am.  

Tate and Brianna Smith

Sorensen, Chris & Lisa

Sorensen, Dennis Eldon & Leona

Sorensen, Steven Clyde & Angela

Sorenson, Kade & Courtney Rachael

Spackman, Kyle & Amanda Michelle

Steffanic, Sam & Jessica Lynn

Stracke, Gerhard & Stephanie

Stuart, Kole & Kylie Sue

Swan, Kameron & Angela

Welcome home Elder and Sister Israelsen. Well done on your mission to Jamaica. 

Don Jones has moved from our ward. We wish him well. He has been an inspiration to many.


September 10th: National Day of Service

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

September 14th: Traveling Tabernacle (www.Tabernacle2022.com.) 1550N 400 E. Logan. Please sign up. Sign up now. See attached flyer for details.

September 24-25: Stake Conference. We will have a General Authority Seventy visiting.

September 20-24: Ward Temple attendance. Attend as many times as you can. Invite someone to go with you. This is in preparation for Stake Conference and General Conference to be taught from on High. 

October 1-2: General Conference

Oct 9th: Fast and Testimony Sunday

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations begin. Please see our Spring Creek Web page for directions. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Tolentino & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Skie Jenson, Kyran Leishman

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hello Everyone

I hope this finds you well. Have you counted your blessings lately? We are blessed abundantly daily and I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father that knows me personally. 

Today we have our Harvest activity at 6:00 pm at the Church Pavilion. Come help us can some corn and learn about other canning techniques. Come meet someone new and mingle with everyone. 

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through Ether 1 by the end of the week. I liked this quote relating to Mormon 9:“The Lord will never forsake or abandon anyone. You may abandon him, but he will never abandon you. You never need to feel that you are alone.”~ Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

As you complete the Book of Mormon and finish the three challenges (see attached flyer) this Summer please complete the Book of Mormon survey. We would love to hear back from your experiences. We will share some of these experiences at our FHE on September 12.

Have you heard about the Traveling Tabernacle coming? (www.Tabernacle2022.com.). This life size replica of the ancient tabernacle will be on display Aug-Sept at 1550N 400 E. Logan. Please find attached separate web links to sign up for Tabernacle tours tickets/timeslots and sign up as Tour Volunteers during the Mendon Utah Stake’s scheduled assignment of Wednesday September 14th 2022. We encourage ward members to sign up on this day for tours and to serve as tour volunteers. Please note that Mendon Stake Youth and YSAs have been given priority assignments to serve as volunteers in 8 tour stations around the Tabernacle. (There are many other tour and Visitor Center volunteer opportunities for all members of the Stake who would like to serve during this Tabernacle Event). Please sign up with the QR code to volunteer. There are two codes, one to schedule a tour and one to sign up to serve at the Tabernacle.

The Come Follow Me lesson was uplifting/inspirational/praiseworthy. I follow a Come Follow me program by Hank Smith and John Bytheway. Does God need our praise? @Michael McLean explores how worship and music enrich our lives and how the Psalms enrich our lives and lead to a deeper relationship with the Lord. You can view Part I and Part II of this commentary. Michael McLean was my Sunday School teacher, and it brought back so many memories how powerful his songs/psalms are. His music is filled with the spirit. We can truly sing our Praises unto the Lord.

The video of the week focuses on Sister Bonnie Cordon, Young Women General President, and how she #Hear Him. Hearing Him is one thing, but then trusting what I am hearing and acting upon it—that makes all the difference. Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting. Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome! This week will focus on the Priesthood The Importance of Priesthood Blessings, Priesthood Blessings   A new School year has begun. This is a wonderful time to give a Father's blessing.  Elder Oakes has said: In a priesthood blessing a servant of the Lord exercises the priesthood, as moved upon by the Holy Ghost, to call upon the powers of heaven for the benefit of the person being blessed. Such blessings are conferred by holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood, which has the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the Church (see D&C 107:18, 67).

We have listed Sacrament meeting schedule and topics on our Spring Creek Web page under the Meetings page. Take a look!. Please remember Reverence during our Sacrament meeting. Help children understand the importance of this meeting. It is a Covenant room and a Sacred ordinance.

Our Quarter No. 3 goals, for the Spring Creek Ward, are in progress. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment.

It is our privilege to clean the Church in September. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on September 3. Everyone is always welcome to come help. If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month.

Congratulations to Sister Marianne Fredrickson as she begins a Family History Service mission serving from home. 


August 26th 6:00 pm. Spring Creek Ward harvesting activity. Come learn/help/share canning techniques. We will be doing corn and also display many other canning processes. Please see the flyer.

Aug 31st: 7:00 pm RS activity. Campfire Smores. See flyer

September 10th: National Day of Service

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

September 14th: Traveling Tabernacle (www.Tabernacle2022.com.) 1550N 400 E. Logan. Please sign up. See attached flyer for details.

September 24-25: Stake Conference. We will have a General Authority Seventy visiting. 

October 1-2: General Conference

Oct 9th: Fast and Testimony Sunday

Oct 16th-Nov 20th: Tithing Declarations begin. Please 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder and Sister Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen, Sister Marianne Fredrickson

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Pettitt & Sister Greenwood, Sister Workman (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Hal Olsen,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi All

I hope this email finds you well. There are many great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward. August and September are busy months for everyone. As children head back to school have you thought about Father's Blessings? Our Sacrament meeting on 8/28/22 will focus on Priesthood Blessings. 

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through 3 Nephi 21 by the end of the week. I liked this quote relating to 3 Nephi 18:“We are commanded to repent of our sins and to come to the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and partake of the sacrament in compliance with its covenants. When we renew our baptismal covenants in this way, the Lord renews the cleansing effect of our baptism. In this way we are made clean and can always have His Spirit to be with us. The importance of this is evident in the Lord’s commandment that we partake of the sacrament each week.” ~ Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Have you heard about the Traveling Tabernacle coming? (www.Tabernacle2022.com.). This life size replica of the ancient tabernacle will be on display Aug-Sept. Please find attached separate web links to sign up for Tabernacle tours tickets/timeslots and sign up as Tour Volunteers during the Mendon Utah Stake’s scheduled assignment of Wednesday September 14th 2022. We encourage ward members to sign up on this day for tours and to serve as tour volunteers. Please note that Stake Youth and YSAs have been given priority assignments to serve as volunteers in 8 tour stations around the Tabernacle. (There are many other tour and Visitor Center volunteer opportunities for all members of the Stake who would like to serve during this Tabernacle Event). This Wednesday (8/24) at 7:00 pm the youth will have a special activity at the Mendon Stake center related to the Traveling Tabernacle.

The Come Follow Me lesson was great. The writers of the Psalms shared deeply personal feelings in their poetry. They wrote about feeling discouraged, afraid, and remorseful. At times, they even seemed to feel abandoned by God, and some psalms carry a tone of frustration or desperation. If you’ve ever had feelings like these, reading the Psalms can help you know that you aren’t the only one. But you’ll also find psalms that can encourage you when you’re having such feelings, because the psalmists also praised the Lord for His goodness, marveled at His power, and rejoiced in His mercy. They knew that the world is burdened by evil and sin but that the Lord is “good, and ready to forgive” (Psalm 86:5). They understood that having faith in the Lord doesn’t mean that you’ll never struggle with anxiety, sin, or fear. It means that you know Who to turn to when you do.

The video of the week teaches us important doctrine. Elder Gong relates how a Cathedral’s stain glass tells the stories of Adam and Eve, the Good Samaritan, and the Second Coming of Christ, and how each relates our rescue from our life’s travails.

Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting? Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome! This week will focus on the topic asking How can we better align our will with the Savior's through prayer. Elder Neal A. Maxwell gave a great talk on this topic. He states: "To the extent that we are not willing to be led by the Lord, we will be driven by our appetites, or we will be greatly preoccupied with the lesser things of the day. The remedy is implicit in the marvelous lamentation of King Benjamin: “For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?” (Mosiah 5:13). For many moderns, sad to say, the query “What think ye of Christ?” (Matt. 22:42) would be answered, “I really don’t think of Him at all!”

We have listed Sacrament meeting schedule and topics for the next little while on our Spring Creek Web page under the Meetings page. Take a look!. 

Our Quarter No. 3 goals, for the Spring Creek Ward, are in progress. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment.

As you complete the Book of Mormon and finish the three challenges (see attached flyer) this Summer please complete the Book of Mormon survey. We would love to hear back from your experiences. We will share some of these experiences at our FHE on September 12. 

It is our privilege to clean the Church in September. Please visit our webpage to see who is cleaning the building on September 3. Everyone is always welcome to come help.  If you are not able to fulfill your assignment please trade with another family during the month.


August 24th: Elder's Quorum cook out at the "Tree House." (where the pumpkin launch occurs). See attached map 6:00 pm. Bring a chair

August 26th 6:00 pm. Spring Creek Ward harvesting activity. Come learn/help/share canning techniques. We will be doing corn and also display many other canning processes. Please see the flyer.

Aug 31st: 7:00 pm RS activity. Campfire Smores. See flyer

September 10th: National Day of Service

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

September 14th: Traveling Tabernacle (www.Tabernacle2022.com.)

September 24-25: Stake Conference (visiting authority)

October 1-2: General Conference

Oct 9th: Fast Sunday

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder and Sister Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Pettitt & Sister Greenwood, Sister Workman (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Hal Olsen, 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi All

I hope this finds you well and smiling. We have many great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward. 

Did you see the list of 20 Easy ways to Love, Share, Invite. “We must love, share and invite. [God] will prompt us to share our experience, activities and what we are doing. And He will inspire us to invite others to come and see, to come and help, and to come and belong.” —President M. Russell Ballard

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through 3 Nephi 6 by the end of the week. I liked this quote relating to Helaman 14: “Spiritual maturity is understanding that we cannot blame anybody else for our actions. Some factors may make it harder for us to perform according to God’s plan for us, but being accountable for how we use our agency means being answerable for our own behavior.”~ Sister Elaine Cannon

Have you heard about the Traveling Tabernacle coming?  (www.Tabernacle2022.com.). This life size replica of the ancient tabernacle will be on display Aug-Sept. Please find attached separate web links to sign up for Tabernacle tours tickets/timeslots and sign up as Tour Volunteers during the Mendon Utah Stake’s scheduled assignment of Wednesday September 14th 2022. We encourage ward members to sign up on this day for tours and to serve as tour volunteers.  Please note that Stake Youth and YSAs have been given priority assignments to serve as volunteers in 8 tour stations around the Tabernacle.  (There are many other tour and Visitor Center volunteer opportunities for all members of the Stake who would like to serve during this Tabernacle Event).

The Come Follow Me lesson was great. We don’t know for certain who wrote the Psalms. Some have been attributed to King David, but for most of them, the writers remain anonymous. Yet after reading the Psalms, we may feel as if we know the hearts of the Psalmists, even if we don’t know their names. What we do know is that the Psalms were an important part of worship among the Israelites, and we know that the Savior quoted them often. In the Psalms, we get a window into the soul of God’s ancient people. We see how they felt about God, what they worried about, and how they found peace. As believers today, all over the world, we still use these words in our worship of God. The writers of the Psalms seem to have had a window into our souls and seem to have found a way to express how we feel about God, what we worry about, and how we find peace.

The video of the week explains the book of Psalms and provides good insights into these ancient hymns and poetry. 

Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting? Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome! This week we welcome home Sister Ashlyn Hansen. She will be speaking about becoming like God and drawing closer to God. President Eyring gave a great talk on this subject entitled "Holiness to the Lord.

Our Quarter No. 3 goals, for the Spring Creek Ward, are in progress. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment.


August 24th: Elder's Quorum cook out at the "Tree House." (where the pumpkin launch occurs). See attached map 6:00 pm. Bring a chair

August 26th 6:00 pm. Spring Creek Ward can can. Come learn/help/share canning techniques. We will be doing corn and also display many other canning processes. Please see the flyer. 

Aug 31st: 7:00 pm RS activity. Campfire Smores. See flyer

September 10th: National Day of Service

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

September 14th: Traveling Tabernacle (www.Tabernacle2022.com.)

September 24-25: Stake Conference (visiting authority)

October 1-2: General Conference

Oct 9th: Fast Sunday

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder and Sister Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Pettitt & Sister Greenwood, Sister Workman (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Hal Olsen, Kyran Leishman

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hello Everyone.

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. Did you see the new Book of Mormon app? I downloaded it this week and it is amazing. You can read, watch videos, listen, and share the Book of Mormon with another person all within the app. Check it out. Did you also see you can find The Church of Jesus Christ music on spotify, pandora, aaple music, amazon music. What a great way stay in tune with the spirit through music.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through Helaman 6 the end of the week. “He whose name this church bears has promised that He will be in our midst, lead us along, go before us, and even fight our

battles. He has further counseled, ‘Be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart ... that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy’ (D&C 98:14).” ~ Elder Neal A. Maxwell

The Come Follow Me lesson was inspiring. I'm sure at different times in our lives we have all questioned why we have trials. How could God allow this to happen? It’s natural to wonder why bad things happen to good people—or for that matter, why good things happen to bad people. Why would God, who is just, allow that? Questions like these are explored through the experience of Job, one of those good people to whom bad things happened. Because of Job’s trials, his friends wondered if he was really good after all. Job asserted his own righteousness and wondered if God is really just after all. But despite his suffering and wondering, Job maintained his integrity and faith in Jesus Christ. In the book of Job, faith is questioned and tested but never completely abandoned. That doesn’t mean that all of the questions are answered. But the book of Job teaches that until they are answered, questions and faith can coexist, and regardless of what happens in the meantime, we can say of our Lord, “Yet will I trust in Him” (Job 13:15). This lesson reminded me of Elder Renlund talk on Infuriating Unfairness.

The video of the week is by Elder Anderson discusses how we should respond to the trials in our life. Don’t let the whirlwinds drag you down. These are your days—to stand strong as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This week is Fast and Testimony meeting. Here is a great article to ponder on How Do You Bear a Testimony.

Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting? Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome!

Our Quarter No. 3 goals, for the Spring Creek Ward, are in progress. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment.


August 24th: Elder's Quorum cook out at the "Tree House." (where the pumpkin launch occurs). See attached map 6:00 pm. Bring chair

August 26th 6:00 pm. Spring Creek Ward can can. Come learn/help/share canning techniques. We will be doing corn and also display many other canning processes.

September 10th: National Day of Service

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

September 24-25: Stake Conference (visiting authority)

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder and Sister Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Pettitt & Sister Greenwood, Sister Workman (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Hal Olsen, 

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi everyone

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. 

The video of the week is short excerpt from a talk by Sister Sheri Dew. She shares a story about losing her briefcase which is found thanks to her temple recommend and ponders on what it means to be recommended to the Lord.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through Alma 55 by the end of the week. I loved the quote relating to Alma 48 this week: “Be true to your own convictions. You know what is right, and you know what is wrong. You know when you are doing the proper thing... We need not fear as long as we have in our lives the power that comes from righteously living by the truth.” ~ President Gordon B. Hinckley

The Come Follow Me lesson was great. Many events in the book of Esther might seem like luck or coincidence. How else do you explain how an orphaned Jewish girl became the queen of Persia at just the right time to save her people from being slaughtered? What are the chances that Esther’s cousin Mordecai would just happen to overhear a plot to assassinate the king? Were these coincidences, or were they part of a divine plan? Elder Ronald A. Rasband noted: “What may appear to be a random chance is, in fact, overseen by a loving Father in Heaven. … The Lord is in the small details of our lives” (“By Divine Design,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 56). We may not always recognize the Lord’s influence in these “small details.” But we learn from Esther’s experience that He can guide our path and prepare us “for such a time” (Esther 4:14) when we can be instruments in His hands to fulfill His purposes.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Divine Design We are welcoming back Elder Paul Kelly who will discuss this doctrine. God is intricately helping you in your life whether you recognize it or not. Remember his work: Moses 1:39. Elder Wolfgang Paul also discussed this doctrine: God's Guiding Hand.

Could you invite your neighbor to Sacrament meeting? Could you invite your ministering families/individuals to Sacrament meeting? Do they have a ride? We need everyone and all are welcome!

Our Quarter No. 3 goals, for the Spring Creek Ward, are in progress. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment.


July 31st Linger Longer: 2:05 pm; Come Linger Longer after church and get to know each other. Goal: Find two people who you do not know and get to know them.

August 4th: Blood drive. Please sign up https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive for a time. Mendon Utah Stake 20 North 100 West, Mendon Utah.

August 24th: Elder's Quorum cook out at the "Tree House." (where the pumpkin launch occurs). See attached map 6:00 pm. Bring chair

August 26th 6:00 pm. Spring Creek Ward can can. Come learn/help/share canning techniques. We will be doing corn and also display many other canning processes.

September 10th: National Day of Service

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

September 24-25: Stake Conference (visiting authority)

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Pettitt & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Kenley Hugie

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well and smiling. Happy Pioneer Day on Saturday. I am thankful for Pioneers who laid a foundation for us to benefit. 

The video of the week is a follow up to our Sunday School lesson a couple of weeks ago. We can learn a lot from this story. What sins are you addicted to?  Based on a powerful, true story. For 30 long years, a man struggled with a difficult weakness, only to ultimately realize that God still loves and values him, and is still by his side, ready to help. Just like the man, many of us feel shame because we don’t believe we’re as good as we think God wants us to be. But as we surrender ourselves to God, and let Him guide us, rather than doing everything our way, He will direct us to the very best outcomes.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through Alma 40 by the end of the week. I loved a quote that referred to Alma 30. “Korihor’s arguments sound very contemporary to the modern reader, but Alma used a timeless and ultimately undeniable weapon in response—the power of a personal testimony.”~ Elder Jeffrey R. Holland~ Elder Marion D. Hanks

The Come Follow Me lesson was educational this week. The Jewish people had been held captive in Babylonia for about 70 years. They had lost Jerusalem and the temple, and many had forgotten their commitment to God’s law. But God had not forgotten them. In fact, He had declared through His prophet, “I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return” (Jeremiah 29:10). True to this prophecy, the Lord did make a way for the Jews to return, and He raised up servants who accomplished “a great work” for His people (Nehemiah 6:3). These servants included a governor named Zerubbabel, who oversaw the rebuilding of the house of the Lord; Ezra, a priest and scribe who turned the hearts of the people back to the Lord’s law; and Nehemiah, a later governor of Judah who led the work of rebuilding the protective walls around Jerusalem. They met opposition, of course, but also received assistance from unexpected sources. Their experiences can inform and inspire ours, because we too are doing a great work. And like theirs, our work has much to do with the house of the Lord, the law of the Lord, and the spiritual protection we find in Him.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on pioneers.  We are thankful for our historical pioneers that traveled to Utah to settle the area. We are also all Pioneers in some way or fashion. We pave the way for our future generations in so many ways. Elder Dallin H. Oakes stated: "Many of our challenges are different from those faced by former pioneers but perhaps just as dangerous and surely as significant to our own salvation and the salvation of those who follow us."

Our Quarter No. 3 goals, for the Spring Creek Ward, are in progress. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment.


July 31st Linger Longer: 2:05 pm; Come Linger Longer after church and get to know each other.

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

August 26th 6:00 pm. Spring Creek Ward can can. Come learn/help/share canning techniques. We will be doing corn and also display many other canning processes. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Pettitt & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Richard Osterlin

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

How are you beating the heat? I hope you are finding ways to cool off. 

The video of the week surrounds "serving in the Saviors way." When Matt and Miguel learn that their friend Hatsu is going through a tough time, they must find a way to help her feel the Savior's love. Learn how Heavenly Father can bless others through our actions when we follow the example of Jesus Christ.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? Please see the attachment for the 3 challenges. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through Alma 25 by the end of the week. I loved a quote that referred to Alma 14. “The right question to ask is not why good people have trials, but how shall good people respond when they are tried?”~ Elder Marion D. Hanks

The Come Follow Me lesson was educational this week. Despite the prophet Elisha’s impressive ministry, the spirituality of the Northern Kingdom of Israel kept declining. Wicked kings promoted idolatry, and war and apostasy abounded. Finally the Assyrian Empire conquered and scattered the ten tribes of Israel. Meanwhile, the Southern Kingdom of Judah wasn’t doing much better; idolatry was also widespread there. But amid all this spiritual decay, the scriptural accounts mention two righteous kings who, for a time, turned their people back to the Lord. One was Hezekiah. During his reign, the Assyrians, fresh from their victory in the north, conquered much of the south. But Hezekiah and his people showed faith in the Lord, who delivered Jerusalem in a miraculous way. Later, after another period of apostasy, Josiah began to reign. Inspired in part by a rediscovery of the book of the law, Josiah brought reforms that revived the religious life of many of his people.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on ministering. How can we realize the Lord's vision for ministering in the gospel of Jesus Christ and make it part of our nature? The video of the week (above) provides a great example of ministering in action. Sister Jean B. Bingham said, “Sometimes we think we have to do something grand and heroic to ‘count’ as serving our neighbors. Yet simple acts of service can have profound effects on others—as well as on ourselves.” In our ministering efforts, we can take advantage of the many tools at our disposal. As Elder D. Todd Christofferson said, “We have many means of contacting people to look after their welfare and help them on this path of returning to their Father in Heaven. … What works? What’s needed?” I have attached a list of possible ways to minister. I hope you prayerfully consider how to help.

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

We are happy to release our Quarter No. 3 goals for the Spring Creek Ward. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment.


July 31st Linger Longer: 2:05 pm; Come Linger Longer after church and get to know each other.

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Pettitt & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Richard Osterlin

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone

I hope you are well. We had a great July 4th celebration with many pancakes consumed. Many a thank you to everyone that helped. I am thankful to be a citizen of the United States of America. We enjoy many freedoms by Divine design.  Elder Uchtdorf emphasized an even higher aspiration; “Citizenship in the kingdom of Almighty God is open to all. It makes all of us better citizens in our own nation. It makes us better neighbors and friends, locally and globally. It fosters peace, understanding, cooperation and prosperity,” 

The video of the week surrounds us focusing on Christ. Elder Ulisses Soares compares temptation to a magnet by noting how the invisible force weakens with distance. Temptation loses power as we seek Christ in every thought.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going? We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a reward if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through Alma 10 by the end of the week. I loved the quote by Elder Holland that relates to Alma 7: “To succor means to ‘run to.’ I testify that in my fears and in my infirmities the Savior has surely run to me. I will never be able to thank Him enough for such personal kindness and such loving care.”

The Come Follow Me lesson was inspiring this week (There is a prophet in Israel).A prophet’s main mission is to teach and testify of the Savior Jesus Christ. Our record of the prophet Elisha, however, doesn’t include much of his teaching or testifying. What the record does include is the miracles Elisha performed, including raising a child from the dead (see 2 Kings 4:18–37), feeding a multitude with a small quantity of food (see 2 Kings 4:42–44), and healing a leper (see 2 Kings 5:1–14). So while we don’t have Elisha’s words bearing witness of Christ, we do have, throughout Elisha’s ministry, powerful manifestations of the Lord’s life-giving, nourishing, and healing power. Such manifestations are more plentiful in our lives than we sometimes realize. To see them, we need to seek the miracle Elisha sought when he prayed on behalf of his fearful young servant, “Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see” (2 Kings 6:17).

This week we will focus on sacrifice and consecration as topics in Sacrament meeting. Do you know the difference and significance in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Elder Bruce R McConkie gave a fundamental talk on this topic. Joseph Smith said, “A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary [to lead] unto life and salvation.” (Lectures on Faith, p. 58.)

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

We are happy to release our Quarter No. 3 goals for the Spring Creek Ward. How can you help each organization with their emphasis? Please see the attachment. 


July 10th Stake Priesthood General meeting: 6:00 pm at the Stake Center.

July 11-16: Youth to FSY (U of U campus)

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages.

July 31st Linger Longer: 2:05 pm; Come Linger Longer after church and get to know each other. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson, Richard Osterlin

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Hi Everyone,

Happy 4th of July (Monday). Please remember to come celebrate our nation with us at a Breakfast 7-9 am that morning (Monday, July 4th). A Flag ceremony, parade, musical number, etc. will help us remember how blessed we are to live in the United States of America. It should be a great time. We live in a blessed nation of freedom. I love Elder Oaks talk on the constitution. He outlined 5 important points about this vital document. "First is the principle that the source of government power is the people. A second inspired principle is the division of delegated power between the nation and its subsidiary states. Another inspired principle is the separation of powers. A fourth inspired principle is in the cluster of vital guarantees of individual rights and specific limits on government authority in the Bill of Rights, adopted by amendment just three years after the Constitution went into force. Fifth and finally, I see divine inspiration in the vital purpose of the entire Constitution. We are to be governed by law and not by individuals, and our loyalty is to the Constitution and its principles and processes, not to any office holder"

The video of the week surrounds #Hear Him. President Johnson, Primary General President, tells  how she hears God through others. What a powerful story. Have you had this experience of hearing our Heavenly Father through others?  

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. How is your challenge going. We can begin verifying your accomplishments. You will receive a small present if you can show a member of the Bishopric how you accomplished the challenge. You should be through Mosiah 20 by the end of the week. I loved the quote by Elder Bednar that relates to Mosiah 9:17: “The enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could

never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity. I testify and witness that the enabling power of the Savior’s Atonement is real.”

The Come Follow Me lesson was inspiring this week. The prophet Elijah was called to preach. The account of his ministry makes clear that personal faith in the Lord can thrive among the righteous even in a wicked environment. Sometimes the Lord responds to such faith with impressive, public miracles, like fire falling from heaven. But He also works quiet, private miracles, like meeting the personal needs of a faithful widow and her son. And most often His miracles are so individual that they are known only to you—for example, when the Lord reveals Himself and His will through “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12).

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

We are looking for help transporting youth to For the Strength of Youth on the University of Utah Campus July 11th (Monday) and picking them up on July 16th (Saturday). Please sign up if you are available on this google doc. This is an incredible opportunity for our youth. 


July 4th: Breakfast at the Church Pavilion. 7:00-9:00 am Yum, Yum! Flag Ceremony, Parade, Musical number, etc. See the attached flyer

July 10th Stake Priesthood General meeting: 6:00 pm at the Stake Center. 

July 11-16: Youth to FSY (U of U campus)

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm. Dutch Oven Cobbler, Ice cream, inspirational messages. 

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Elder Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone.

I hope you are well. Summer is official this past week. I am sure the heat is to follow.

The video of the week is inspirational. Overcoming obstacles after significant trials can be very difficult. A 15-year-old track star and his family describe the ordeal of losing his foot to a recreational accident. His rescue, amputation, and recovery changed his life while overcoming adversity. Do you insert Christ in the middle of your trials?

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. You should be through Mosiah 7 this week. I loved the quote this week that related to Mosiah 2 “Our focus should be on righteousness, not recognition; on service, not status. The faithful visiting teacher, who quietly goes about her work month after month, is just as important to the work of the Lord as those who occupy what some see as more prominent positions in the Church. Visibility does not equate to value...When we understand why we serve we will not worry about where we serve.”~ President Howard W. Hunter. Thank you Spring Creek Ward members for all your service and all that you do.

The Come Follow Me lesson helps us examine our own spiritual strength. Perhaps one lesson is that regardless of our past experiences, our spiritual strength depends on the choices we make today. We can also see in these accounts that it isn’t our own strength or courage or wisdom that will save us—it is the Lord’s. These stories show us that Israel’s true hope—and ours—is not in David, Solomon, or any other mortal king, but in another “son of David”: Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1), the Eternal King who will “forgive the sin of [His] people” if we “turn again to [Him]” (1 Kings 8:33–34). The lesson reminded me of President Nelson's talk on Spiritual momentum. We need to work daily on being righteous. It takes effort.

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

The Temple and Family History committee are encouraging all of us to sign up for a temple session. Here are the links to the temple endowment sessions we will be doing as a ward. June 24th at 6:30 PM:https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/schedule/appointment/share?lang=eng&appointmentTimeId=62847412&templeOrgId=3&appointmentTypeId=5 June 25th at 9:30AM: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/schedule/appointment/share?lang=eng&appointmentTimeId=62837932&templeOrgId=3&appointmentTypeId=5 . There will be changes coming soon on scheduling for the temple

It will be our turn to clean the Church Building in June. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. Meet at the janitor closet and grab an assignment. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church. The families/individuals scheduled for June 25th, 2022

Congratulations to Cody Toale and Julia Israelsen on their marriage this weekend.

This week's Sacrament meeting will be focusing on Agency and making right. Marshal Hansen begins his missionary service next week.


June 25 Hal Olsen service project 7:00 am. 7:00 am at 2300 W 1800 S. Bring Gloves and tools

July 4th: Breakfast at the Pavilion. 7:00-9:00 am Yum, Yum! See the attached flyer

July 11-15: Youth to FSY (U of U campus)

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher

Called to Serve Missions:, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and loving life.Summer is upon us and the heat is not far behind. It has been beautiful.

The video of the week is a wonderful example of service. Jesus Christ set the ultimate example of selfless service. In this original short film, we meet people discovering the power of living that simple principle.

The Come Follow Me lesson was enlightening this week. Sometimes we imagine that our lives should follow a clear path from beginning to end. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, after all. And yet life is often full of delays and detours that take us in unexpected directions. We may find that our lives are quite different from what we thought they should be. Ruth and Hannah surely understood this. Ruth was not an Israelite, but she married one, and when her husband died, she had a choice to make. Would she return to her family and her old, familiar life, or would she embrace the Israelite faith and a new home with her mother-in-law? (see Ruth 1:4–18). Hannah’s plan for her life was to bear children, and her inability to do so left her “in bitterness of soul” (see 1 Samuel 1:1–10).  Throughout their trials and surprises between here and your eternal destination, you can learn to say with Hannah, “My heart rejoiceth in the Lord” (1 Samuel 2:1).

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. You should be through 2 Nephi 12 his week (Sunday) to stay on schedule. A great way to keep on track is to listen to the Book of Mormon on audio. I loved the reference to 2 Nephi 2-3  by the Prophet Joseph Smith  “Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.” How are you/family on the Book of Mormon challenge (see flyer).

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

Take a look at our Spring Creek Ward goals attached for the second quarter. How can you help us succeed? Have you reviewed with your family the Area Presidency goals?

The Temple and Family History committee are encouraging all of us to sign up for a temple session. Here are the links to the temple endowment sessions we will be doing as a ward. June 24th at 6:30 PM:https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/schedule/appointment/share?lang=eng&appointmentTimeId=62847412&templeOrgId=3&appointmentTypeId=5 June 25th at 9:30AM: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples/schedule/appointment/share?lang=eng&appointmentTimeId=62837932&templeOrgId=3&appointmentTypeId=5  . There will be changes coming soon on scheduling for the temple

It will be our turn to clean the Church Building in June. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. Meet at the janitor closet and grab an assignment. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church. The families/individuals scheduled for June 11th are:

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Reverence and also the Sacrament. The Utah Area Presidency has requested we focus on these topics. We urge you to ponder Reverence and the Sacrament and their importance and meaning in your life, especially as we worship in our Sacrament meeting each week.


June 6/06-10 and 6/20-24 Parking lot paving and sealing. No parking in parking lot

June 11: Elders outing to Old Ephraim Grave. Meet at the church 8:15 am. RSVP Form Link: https://forms.gle/k2zz5LLuKMCWKpCWA

June 12: Elder Uchtdorf: Teaching in the Saviors Way

June 14-18: YM camp

June 18th Mendon Stake Emergency Preparedness Fair. 11:00 am. See attached flyer

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

July 4th: Breakfast at the Pavilion. 7:00-9:00 am Yum, Yum!

September 12th: Book of Mormon Family Home Evening night 7:00 pm

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher

Called to Serve Missions:, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments.



Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. The Spring weather has been awesome.

The video of the week tugs at your hearts and shows how ministering is vital. Wow! Fair warning here? Watch only if you want to feel the spirit and prepare to shed a tear. #inspirational. Troy and Deedra Russell were devastated after the death of their son. Their story shows how one person can make a difference during the grieving process. Christ is always the answer to healing. Reach out to your ministering families and become close friends.

The Come Follow Me lesson was insightful this week and points us to listening to our Heavenly Father.  We all know what it’s like to make a mistake, feel bad about it, and then repent and resolve to change our ways. But in some cases we forget our earlier resolve, and, when we face temptation, we may find ourselves making the mistake again. This tragic pattern is typical of the Israelites’ experiences described in the book of Judges. Influenced by the beliefs and worship practices of the Canaanites—whom they were supposed to drive out of the land—the Israelites broke their covenants with the Lord and turned away from worshiping Him. As a result, they lost His protection and fell into captivity. And yet each time this happened, the Lord gave them the chance to repent and raised up a deliverer, a military leader called a “judge.” These stories remind us that no matter what has led us away from Jesus Christ, He is the Redeemer of Israel and is always willing to deliver us and welcome us back to Him.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? You can find a reading schedule on our Book of Mormon page. We are reading the Book of Mormon during the 100 days of Summer. I uploaded the 21 questions the Book of Mormon answers to the site this week. You should be through 1 Nephi 17 this week  (Sunday) to stay on schedule. A great way to keep on track is to listen to the Book of Mormon on audio. I loved the reference to 1 Nephi 1:20 by Elder Bednar "“The Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ...The Lord’s tender mercies do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. Faithfulness, obedience, and humility invite tender mercies into our lives, and it is often the Lord’s timing that enables us to recognize and treasure these important blessings.” How are you/family on the Book of Mormon challenge (see flyer).

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

Take a look at our Spring Creek Ward goals attached for the second quarter. How can you help us succeed? Have you reviewed with your family the Area Presidency goals? We will begin another Summer Book of Mormon reading beginning June 1.

It will be our turn to clean the Church Building in June. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. Meet at the janitor closet and grab an assignment. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church. The families/individuals scheduled for June 4th are:

Congratulations to the Hinton's and the Packer's on the recent birth of their babies.


June 3: Primary activity: 6:30 pm. Free snow cones for kids under 12, train ride, chalk and bubbles. Rose Hill Pavilion

June 6/06-10 and 6/20-24 Parking lot paving and sealing. No parking in parking lot

June 11: Elders outing to Old Ephraim Grave

June 6-9: YW camp

June 14-18: YM camp

June 18th Mendon Stake Emergency Preparedness Fair. 11:00 am. See attached flyer

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

July 4th: Breakfast at the Pavilion. 7:00-9:00 am Yum, Yum!

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher

Called to Serve Missions:, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments.


Hi All

I hope all is well with you. It has been beautiful this week.

It is time to kick off our Book of Mormon reading for the Summer months. Please see the attached flyer for our challenge to memorize Moroni 10:4-5, Pray about the Book of Mormon's truthfulness, and watch a couple of animations on the Book of Mormon. I am excited to accept the challenge and read the Book of Mormon. Please look at the Book of Mormon webpage for our Spring Creek Ward that has been updated with resources (challenge, schedules, links, talks, family resources, etc.). We will begin May 30 and end September 6th (100 days). President Marion G. Romney testified "“I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase, mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity – the pure love of Christ – will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness.”

The video of the week surrounds Family History. See how the Hurtado family has learned that temple and family history work is easier than they once thought as they discuss their efforts with Sister Camille S. Johnson and Sister Reyna I. Aburto. The second hour meetings this week will focus on fun ideas to help you with family history. I loved the talk by Elder Gong this past Conference that gave us specific promises; "Connecting with our ancestors can change our lives in surprising ways. From their trials and accomplishments, we gain faith and strength. From their love and sacrifices, we learn to forgive and move forward. Our children become resilient. We gain protection and power. Ties with ancestors increase family closeness, gratitude, miracles. Such ties can bring help from the other side of the veil."

The Come Follow Me lesson was encouraging. "Be Strong and of good courage" was the main theme that inspires me.  It had taken several generations, but the Lord’s promise was about to be fulfilled: the children of Israel were on the verge of inheriting the promised land. But in their way stood the Jordan River, the walls of Jericho, and a wicked but mighty people who had rejected the Lord (see 1 Nephi 17:35). On top of that, their beloved leader Moses was gone. The situation may have made some Israelites feel weak and fearful, but the Lord said, “Be strong and of a good courage.” Why should they feel this way? Not because of their own strength—or even Moses’s or Joshua’s—but because “the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest” (Joshua 1:9). When we have our own rivers to cross and walls to bring down, wonderful things can happen in our lives, because it is “the Lord [who] will do wonders among [us]” (Joshua 3:5).

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

Take a look at our Spring Creek Ward goals attached for the second quarter. How can you help us succeed? Have you reviewed with your family the Area Presidency goals? We will begin another Summer Book of Mormon reading beginning June 1.

It will be our turn to clean the Church Building in March. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. Meet at the janitor closet and grab an assignment. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church. The families/individuals scheduled for June 4th are:

Congratulations to Krew Hess and Beck Perry on their baptism this Saturday 5/28/22!


May 30th; Book of Mormon Kick off.

June 3: Primary activity

June 6/06-10 and 6/20-24 Parking lot paving and sealing. No parking in parking lot

June 11: Elders outing to Old Ephraim Grave

June 6-9: YW camp

June 14-18: YM camp

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

July 4th: Breakfast at the Pavilion

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher

Called to Serve Missions:, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Peggy Jenson

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Spring Creek Ward

Hi Everyone.

I hope all is well with you. I hope you were able to see our Prophet's message to the youth this past week. He focused on three doctrinal points: 1. Know who you are. 2. Know what Heavenly Father and His Son has offered you. 3. Know the truth related to your conversion. His message was inspiring and filled with hope.

The Come Follow Me lesson was insightful this week. Moses’s earthly ministry began on a mountain, when God spoke to him from a burning bush (see Exodus 3:1–10). It also ended on a mountain, more than 40 years later, when God gave Moses a glimpse of the promised land from the top of Mount Nebo (see Deuteronomy 34:1–4). Moses had spent his life preparing the children of Israel to enter that promised land, and the book of Deuteronomy records his final instructions, reminders, exhortations, and pleadings with the Israelites. Reading his words makes it clear that the real object of Moses’s ministry—the preparation the people needed—wasn’t about wilderness survival, conquering nations, or building a community. It was about learning to love God, obey Him, and remain loyal to Him. That’s the preparation we all need in order to enter the promised land of eternal life. So while Moses never set foot in the “land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8), because of his faith and faithfulness, he did enter the promised land that God has prepared for all those who follow Him.

The video of the week is called "Drawing upon the power of God in our lives." Elder Kelly R. Johnson, a member of the Seventy with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, reconstructs an experience with his children while they were all home working in the yard. His daughter went inside the house and used an empty microwave oven to time her 30-minute piano practice. But without anything inside the oven to absorb the high-powered energy of the operating microwave, a near crisis of a self-destructing appliance required the family to respond quickly to avert disaster. Elder Johnson compares this phenomenon to what can happen if we don’t have genuine substance within ourselves and neglect to utilize God’s power and be prepared for challenging times.

Our High School Seniors will speak this week in Sacrament meeting. We look forward to hearing from them and their testimonies. They will testify how Seminary has helped them in High School. President Eyring has said “There are three powerful things seminary can do. First, it puts young people together who share the same values. Youth like to be with others who share their faith and who love the scriptures. Second, it puts youth together with a teacher who has a testimony, and they can feel the fire of it when it is borne. Third, seminary gets young people into the scriptures.”

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

Take a look at our Spring Creek Ward goals attached for the second quarter. How can you help us succeed? Have you reviewed with your family the Area Presidency goals? We will begin another Summer Book of Mormon reading beginning June 1.

We will have a Spring Creek Ward Temple sealing activity May 21.There will be times in the morning and evening to sign up to do Sealings in the Temple. You may contact Brother Victor and Sister Jill Israelsen for more details.


May 16-21st Floors in the Gym refinished. No scheduled activities.

May 21st Ward Temple Day (Sealings). Please sign up. You can contact Brother and Sister Israelsen for details.

June 1st; Book of Mormon Kick off.

June 6-9: YW camp

June 14-18: YM camp

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher

Called to Serve Missions:, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Mark and Beckie Browning

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Hi All

I hope this finds you well. There are many great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward. Thank you for making the Spring Creek Ward a family. Thank you for all that you do. I am grateful to be a part of a wonderful Ward.

The video of the week surrounds temples. The Church of Jesus Christ has released a virtual tour of the Washington D.C temple. What a beautiful House of the Lord. “Jesus Christ is the central focus of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and our temples,” says Sister Stevenson in the video. “We regard the temple as ‘the house of the Lord.’

I learned a lot from this week's Come Follow Me lesson. It reminds me of a Family road trip and the kids saying "Are we there yet?" As human beings we are impatient and not dependent upon the Lord at all times. Even on foot, it wouldn’t normally take 40 years to travel from the wilderness of Sinai to the promised land in Canaan. But that’s how long the children of Israel needed, not to cover the geographical distance but to cover the spiritual distance: the distance between who they were and who the Lord needed them to become as His covenant people. I loved the quote in the lesson referring to Numbers 11:11–17, 24–29, "President Russell M. Nelson: “Does God really want to speak to you? Yes! … Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know” (“Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 95). We each have access to revelation via two lines. We have our personal line of revelation and a Priesthood line of Authority. Please read Elder Dallin H Oakes talk on "Two Lines of Communication,”

Today is the day! Fathers, are you planning on attending the Father and Son camp-out on May 13-14? If you are a Father, or you have a Father, then you are invited to attend. See the flyer below for details. Dinner at 6:00 pm (bring your tin foil dinner) and fireside with President Osborne at 7:00 pm. Come enjoy the beautiful surroundings and great people.

Make sure to mark your calendars for our youth fundraiser May 14th from 4:30-8:00 pm. The youth are planning a carnival that will be fun, fun, fun, fun for families (did I mention "fun"). There will be inflatables (bounce house), carnival booths, train rides, dunking booth (I may or may not be sitting on the platform to be dunked), food, face painting, baked goods, and a movie (The Lion King) (no charge). Popcorn and treats will also be available at the movie. Come support the youth in this event that helps pay for Summer camps. Cash or checks will be accepted (no venmo). I have attached prices of the activities for families to plan ahead.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Scripture study. This is a perfect topic since we will be beginning our Book of Mormon focus in a couple of weeks. How do you effectively study the scriptures. President Nelson gave a great talk on" Living by Scriptural Guidance" that is packed with ideas on how to study the scriptures to the fullest. 

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

Take a look at our Spring Creek Ward goals attached for the second quarter. How can you help us succeed? Have you reviewed with your family the Area Presidency goals? We will begin another Summer Book of Mormon reading beginning June 1.

We will have a Spring Creek Ward Temple sealing activity May 21.There will be times in the morning and evening to sign up to do Sealings in the Temple. You may also contact Brother Victor and Sister Jill Israelsen for more details.


May 13th Father & Son Priesthood Commemoration; Camp-out at the Zilles farm "Tree House" (see flyer). Friday night bring own tin foil dinner. Saturday morning Breakfast provided. President Osborne will speak on Friday night at 7:00 pm fireside on Priesthood Commemoration.

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival: 4:30-8:00 pm: Food, Fun, Inflatables, Games, Activities, Movie. This is a fundraiser for the youth that helps with their Summer camp costs. Please see the flyer.

May 15th: 6:00 pm YSA devotional with President Nelson and Sister Nelson

May 17th Ward Clean up 6:00 pm. Meet at the church for assignment. All families are invited to help clean up our Ward area.

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym refinished. No scheduled activities.

May 21st Ward Temple Day (Sealings). Please sign up. You can contact Brother and Sister Israelsen for details.

June 1st; Book of Mormon Kick off.

June 6-9: YW camp

June 14-18: YM camp

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen,

Sister Linda Thatcher

Called to Serve Missions:, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments



Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. Did you see the Prophet's message on the National Day of Pray (5/5/22)? Here is a part of it: "I invite you to consider how your thoughts and prayers can be a catalyst for God to inspire and direct you toward acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity. Imagine how much good you could do in the world—and in your own family, school, and workplace. As we seek to be His healing and helping hands, we surely will exalt the Lord." I love President Nelson and his kindness, compassion, service, inspiration, and example of Jesus Christ!

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was insightful/educational/uplifting. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. How awesome is it to know that ancient Israel had a temple. We have the same central focus in our temples today = Christ! God commanded his people: “Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy” (Leviticus 19:2). How did God seek to make His people holy when they had known nothing but captivity for generations? He commanded them to create a place of holiness to the Lord—a tabernacle in the wilderness. He gave them covenants and laws to guide their actions and, ultimately, to change their hearts. And when they fell short in their efforts to keep those laws, He commanded them to make animal sacrifices to symbolize atonement for their sins. All of this was meant to point their minds, their hearts, and their lives toward the Savior and the redemption He offers. He is the true path to holiness, for the Israelites and for us. We have all spent some time in the captivity of sin, and we are all invited to repent—to leave sin behind and follow Jesus Christ, who has promised, “I am able to make you holy” (Doctrine and Covenants 60:7).

The video of the week is called "My Calm in the Storm." A young single adult shares her perspective about her busy life and taking control of her peace and happiness. She explains how temple family and family history work is her calm in the storm.

Fathers, are you planning on attending the Father and Son camp-out on May 13-14? If you are a Father, or you have a Father, then you are invited to attend. See the flyer below for details.

Make sure to mark your calendars for our youth fundraiser May 14th from 5:00-8:00 pm. The youth are planning a carnival that will be fun, fun, fun, fun for families (did I mention "fun"). There will be inflatables (bounce house), carnival booths, train rides, dunking booth (I may or may not be sitting on the platform to be dunked), food, face painting, baked goods, and a movie (The Lion King). Popcorn and treats will also be available at the movie. Come support the youth in this event that helps pay for Summer camps. Cash or checks will be accepted (no venmo).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be Mother's Day. Here are 40 Inspiring quotes about motherhood. I love the talk by Elder Jeffrey Holland on Mothers.

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake .  The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

Take a look at our Spring Creek Ward goals attached for the second quarter. How can you help us succeed? Have you reviewed with your family the Area Presidency goals? We will begin another Summer Book of Mormon reading beginning June 1.

We will have a Spring Creek Ward Temple sealing activity May 21.There will be times in the morning and evening to sign up to do Sealings in the Temple. You may also contact Brother Victor and Sister Jill Israelsen for more details.


May 13th Father & Son Priesthood Commemoration; Camp-out at the Zilles farm "Tree House" (see flyer). Friday night bring own tin foil dinner. Saturday morning Breakfast provided. President Osborne will speak on Friday night at 7:00 pm fireside on Priesthood Commemoration.

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival: 4:30-8:00 pm: Food, Fun, Inflatables, Games, Activities, Movie. This is a fundraiser for the youth that helps with their Summer camp costs. Please see the flyer.

May 15th: 6:00 pm YSA devotional with President Nelson and Sister Nelson

May 17th Ward Clean up 6:00 pm. Meet at the church for assignment. All families are invited to help clean up our Ward area.

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym refinished. No scheduled activities.

May 21st Ward Temple Day (Sealings). Please sign up. You can contact Brother and Sister Israelsen for details.

June 1st; Book of Mormon Kick off.

June 6-9: YW camp

June 14-18: YM camp

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen,

Sister Linda Thatcher

Called to Serve Missions:, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Greenwood (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Skie Jenson, Kelly Zilles, Dennis Sorensen

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Hello Everyone,

I hope all is well with you. We continue the roller coaster spring weather pattern.

The talk of the week is from General Conference by President Nelson entitled "Spiritual Momentum." He states: "My dear brothers and sisters, with all the pleadings of my heart, I urge you to get on the covenant path and stay there. Experience the joy of repenting daily. Learn about God and how He works. Seek and expect miracles. Strive to end conflict in your life." His advice is straightforward and profound!

The Come Follow Me lesson this week represents typical human behavior of "forgetting what got us here." There was reason to be hopeful that the children of Israel would remain true to God after He revealed His law to them (see Exodus 20–23). Even though they had murmured and wavered in the past, when Moses read the law at the foot of Mount Sinai, they made this covenant: “All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient” (Exodus 24:7). God then called Moses onto the mountain, telling him to build a tabernacle so “that I may dwell among them” (Exodus 25:8; see chapters 25–30). But while Moses was at the top of the mountain learning how the Israelite's could have God’s presence among them, the Israelite's were at the bottom of the mountain making a golden idol to worship instead. They had just promised to “have no other gods,” yet they “turned aside quickly” from God’s commandments (Exodus 20:3; 32:8; see also Exodus 24:3). It was a surprising turn, but we know from experience that faith and commitment can sometimes be overcome by impatience, fear, or doubt. As we seek the Lord’s presence in our lives, it is encouraging to know that the Lord did not give up on ancient Israel and He will not give up on us—for He is “merciful and gracious, long suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth” (Exodus 34:6).

Fathers, are you planning on attending the Father and Son camp-out on May 13-14? If you are a Father, or you have a Father, then you are invited to attend. See the flyer below for details. The video of the week is called "campfire of faith." A campfire of faith in Jesus Christ can bring light and hope to our lives. Focusing on the light of faith causes darkness to lose its power and enables us to take action on the answers we receive.

Make sure to mark your calendars for our youth fundraiser May 14th from 5:00-8:00 pm. The youth are planning a carnival that will be fun, fun, fun, fun for families (did I mention "fun"). There will be inflatables (bounce house), carnival booths, train rides, dunking booth (I may or may not be sitting on the platform to be dunked), food, face painting, baked goods, and a movie (The Lion King). Popcorn and treats will also be available at the movie. Come support the youth in this event that helps pay for Summer camps. Cash or checks will be accepted.

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . Brother Ed Jensen (Stake Patriarch) is featured this week. The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

Take a look at our Spring Creek Ward goals attached for the second quarter. How can you help us succeed? Have you reviewed with your family the Area Presidency goals? We will begin another Summer Book of Mormon reading beginning June 1.

We will have a Spring Creek Ward Temple sealing activity May 21.There will be times in the morning and evening to sign up to do Sealings in the Temple. You may also contact Brother Victor and Sister Jill Israelsen for more details.


May 13th Father & Son Priesthood Commemoration; Camp-out at the Zilles farm "Tree House" (see flyer). Friday night bring own tin foil dinner. Saturday morning Breakfast provided. President Osborne will speak on Friday night at 7:00 pm fireside on Priesthood Commemoration.

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival: 4:30-8:00 pm: Food, Fun, Inflatables, Games, Activities, Movie. This is a fundraiser for the youth that helps with their Summer camp costs. Please see the flyer.

May 15th: 6:00 pm YSA devotional with President Nelson and Sister Nelson

May 17th Ward Clean up 6:00 pm. Meet at the church for assignment. All families are invited to help clean up our Ward area.

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym refinished. No scheduled activities.

May 21st Ward Temple Day (Sealings). Please sign up. You can contact Brother and Sister Israelsen for details.

June 1st; Book of Mormon Kick off.

June 6-9: YW camp

June 14-18: YM camp

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen,

Sister Linda Thatcher

Called to Serve Missions:, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Hello Everyone

I hope this finds you well and smiling. Easter was wonderful and our Sacrament meeting was inspirational. Thank you to all who participated.

The Come Follow Me lesson was great this week. Exodus 20:1–7  prompted me to think about the priorities in my life. What do I put first? Does work, activities, "life," come before God and his plan? What matters most? Do I live the gospel on a daily basis? Exodus 18 verse 21 Helped me realize how blessed we are in the Spring Creek Ward. Thank you for watching over and ministering to everyone. Thank you for your Christ like service. Mosiah 4:27 goes right along with this theme.

The video of the week is the World Report, a biannual compilation of news from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ does so much good around the World. Gather your family together and watch this report (rather than watching some TV program).

This week's Sacrament meeting will be a unique/special one. We have two missionaries leaving on missions. Sister Sarah Sorensen and Sister Linda Thatcher will speak. We are blessed as a Ward to have two missionaries leaving at the same time.

We will have a Spring Creek Ward Temple sealing activity May 21.There will be times in the morning and evening to sign up to do Sealings in the Temple.

Our condolences to the Epperson family. George Epperson lived in the Spring Creek Ward in the Rose Hill subdivision for many years. He moved to New Mexico to live with his son. His funeral will be April 23. There will be a gathering at the Church in the afternoon. Please see the details below of the arrangements.


April 23rd: Pre-FSY kick off at the Stake Center: Noon-10:00 pm. Please see the attached flyer

May 13th Father & Son Priesthood Commemoration; Camp-out at the Zilles farm "Tree House" (see flyer). Friday night bring own tin foil dinner. Saturday morning Breakfast provided. President Osborne will speak on Friday night at 7:00 pm fireside on Priesthood Commemoration.

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival: 5:00-8:00 pm: Food, Fun, Inflatables, Games, Activities, Movie. This is a fundraiser for the youth that helps with their Summer camp costs. Please see the flyer.

May 15th: 6:00 pm YSA devotional with President Nelson and Sister Nelson

May 17th Ward Clean up 6:00 pm. Meet at the church for assignment. All families are invited to help clean up.

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym  refinished. No scheduled activities.

May 21st Ward Temple Day (Sealings). Please sign up. You can contact Brother and Sister Israelsen for details.

June 1st; Book of Mormon Kick off.

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen, Sister Sarah Sorensen

Called to Serve Missions:Sister Linda Thatcher, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox, Brian Olsen

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.

George Epperson funeral information:

DATE: April 23rd

TIME: Funeral 11:00A with viewing 9:30-10:30A Graveside service immediately following funeral service Dayton Idaho Cemetery

LOCATION: Webb Funeral Home 1005S 800W Preston, ID 83263Dayton Cemetery W Idaho 36 Dayton ID 83232

FAMILY DINNER: 2:00P Spring Creek Ward Building 2394W 2200S College Ward, UT 84339

FAMILY & FRIENDS GATHERING: 3:00P to 7:00PSpring Creek Ward Building


Hi Everyone

What a snowy/rainy week it has been. You have to love living in Cache Valley!

Happy Easter weekend to you. What a glorious event to celebrate Jesus Christ. The Come Follow Me lesson focused upon Easter this week. The Savior’s life influences the eternal destiny of every human being who has ever lived or will ever live. You might also say that the life and mission of Jesus Christ, culminating in His Resurrection on that first Easter Sunday, connects all of God’s people throughout history: Those who were born before Christ looked forward to Him with faith (see Jacob 4:4), and those born after look back on Him with faith. As we read Old Testament accounts and prophecies, we don’t ever see the name Jesus Christ, but we do see the evidence of the ancient believers’ faith in and longing for their Messiah and Redeemer. So we who are invited to remember Him can feel a connection with those who looked forward to Him. For truly Jesus Christ has borne “the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6;), and “in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22;).

The video of the week is obviously an easy choice. The "Good News" brings hope to every human being.

This week is our Easter Sacrament meeting focusing on Jesus Christ. We invite you to prayerfully identify and invite friends  to attend with you on this Easter Sunday (April 17th) at noon. We will have a Christ centered Easter Sacrament service on  with inspirational music and faith based talks on our Savior and Redeemer. We encourage you to read the Living Christ before Easter. We urge you to study about Christ this Easter Season. In a world of turmoil and hardship, He is the Prince of Peace. Please watch President Nelson testimony on Jesus and read his talk on Christ is Risen. A flyer is attached for the Easter Sacrament Service.

The Spring Creek Ward Organizational goals are now released (see attachment). There are many exciting things to come in the next quarter. We will begin reading the Book of Mormon again this Summer (beginning in June) with specific challenges. We challenge you to help  the Spring Creek Ward achieve our goals and draw closer to God. We ask that you revisit your individual and family goals emphasized by the Area Presidency and Stake (see attached goal sheet).

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details. Our Spring Creek Book of Mormon youth read-a-thon is featured there.

 We will have a Spring Creek Ward Temple sealing activity May 21.There will be times in the morning and evening to sign up to do Sealings in the Temple.

Our condolences to the Epperson family. George Epperson lived in the Spring Creek Ward in the Rose Hill subdivision for many years. He moved to New Mexico to live with his son. His funeral will be April 23. There will be a gathering at the Church in the afternoon. Please see the details below of the arrangements.


April 17th: Easter Sacrament meeting:12:00 pm. Please invite friends and neighbors for a spiritual focus on Christ. please see attached flyer.

April 23rd: Pre-FSY kick off at the Stake Center: Noon-10:00 pm. Please see the attached flyer

May 13th Father & Son Priesthood Commemoration; Camp-out at the Zilles farm "Tree top" (see flyer). Friday night bring own tin foil dinner. Saturday morning Breakfast provided. President Osborne will speak on Friday night at 7:00 pm fireside on Priesthood Commemoration.

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival: 5:00-8:00 pm: Food, Fun, Inflatables, Games, Activities, Movie. This is a fundraiser for the youth that helps with their Summer camp costs. Please see the flyer.

May 15th: 6:00 pm YSA devotional with President Nelson and Sister Nelson

May 17th Ward Clean up 6:00 pm. Meet at the church for assignment. All families are invited to help clean up.

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

May 21st Ward Temple Day (Sealings). Please sign up. You can contact Brother and Sister Israelsen for details.

June 1st; Book of Mormon Kick off.

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Called to Serve Missions: Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.

George Epperson funeral information:

DATE: April 23rd

TIME: Funeral 11:00A with viewing 9:30-10:30A Graveside service immediately following funeral service Dayton Idaho Cemetery

LOCATION: Webb Funeral Home 1005S 800W Preston, ID 83263Dayton Cemetery W Idaho 36 Dayton ID 83232

FAMILY DINNER: 2:00P Spring Creek Ward Building 2394W 2200S College Ward, UT 84339

FAMILY & FRIENDS GATHERING: 3:00P to 7:00PSpring Creek Ward Building


Hi everyone,

I hope you are well. I hope you are smiling!

General Conference was awesome. You can download a pdf of a summary of each speaker here. Which talk was your favorite? We are encouraged to go back and read them again and again. I loved President Nelson's talks. The prophet’s Sunday morning address outlined five ways that Latter-day Saints can maintain positive spiritual momentum:

The Come Follow Me lesson was insightful this week. The Israelite's were trapped. The Red Sea was on one side, and the army of Pharaoh was advancing on the other. Their escape from Egypt, it seemed, would be short-lived. It must have been frightening for the Israelite's to see the Egyptian chariots ready to attack. But God had a message for the Israelite's that He wanted them to remember for generations: “Fear ye not. … The Lord shall fight for you” (Exodus 14:13–14). Isn't that scripture powerful? Nephi understood this profound doctrine (1 Nephi 4:2). I have felt "trapped" many times in my life.  I am thankful that I have the Lord on my side to help battle the daily "traps."

The video of the week is powerful. The events of the last week of the life of the Savior, Jesus Christ are the most significant in all of history. These eight days, from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday change everything. They give us hope. They show us that sin and death will never prevail. These eight days begin with Jesus coming to the beautiful city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festivals. As we better understand Passover and the spring Jewish Feasts, we can gain powerful insights into Holy Week, the atonement, and the ultimate triumph over all things by Christ, our Passover Lamb.

We have been invited by the Utah Area Presidency to: Invite ward members to focus April (10th) fast day on increasing faith, and then prayerfully identify and invite friends and returning members to attend on Easter Sunday (April 17th). We will have a Christ centered Easter Sacrament service on April 17th with inspirational music and faith based talks on our Savior and Redeemer. We encourage you to read the Living Christ before Easter. We urge you to study about Christ this Easter Season. In a world of turmoil and hardship, He is the Prince of Peace. Please watch President Nelson testimony on Jesus and read his talk on Christ is Risen. A flyer is attached for the Easter Sacrament Service. After your fasting and prayer, pondering, and family discussions please invite someone to attend the Service with you.

The Spring Creek Ward Organizational goals will be released next week for Quarter 2. There are lots of exciting things to come in the next quarter. We will begin reading the Book of Mormon again this Summer with a specific challenge.

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details. Our Spring Creek Book of Mormon youth read-a-thon is featured there.

Congratulations to Sam and Jessica Steffanic on being sealed in the Temple this week in San Diego! Look at their attached picture and see their joy! We will have a Spring Creek Ward Temple sealing activity in May. Stay tuned for details.

Our condolences to the Epperson family. George Epperson lived in the Spring Creek Ward in the Rose Hill subdivision for many years. He moved to New Mexico to live with his son. His funeral will be April 23. There will be a gathering at the Church in the afternoon. Please see the details below of the arrangements.


April 17th: Easter Sacrament meeting:12:00 pm. Please invite friends and neighbors for a spiritual focus on Christ. please see attached flyer

April 23rd: Pre-FSY kick off at the Stake Center: Noon-10:00 pm. 

May 13th Father & Son Priesthood Commemoration; Camp-out at the Zilles farm "Tree top" (see flyer). Friday night bring own tin foil dinner. Saturday morning Breakfast provided. President Osborne will speak on Friday night at a fireside on Priesthood Commemoration.

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival: 5:00-8:00 pm: Food, Fun, Inflatables, Games, Activities, Movie. This is a fundraiser for the youth that helps with their Summer camp costs.

May 15th: 6:00 pm YSA devotional with President Nelson and Sister Nelson

May 17th Ward Clean up 6:00 pm. Meet at the church for assignment. 

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

May 21st Ward Temple Day (Sealings)

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Called to Serve Missions: Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox, Tyler and Danelle Beckstrand

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.

George Epperson funeral information:

DATE: April 23rd

TIME: Funeral 11:00A with viewing 9:30-10:30A Graveside service immediately following funeral service Dayton Idaho Cemetery 

LOCATION: Webb Funeral Home 1005S 800W Preston, ID  83263Dayton Cemetery W Idaho 36 Dayton ID 83232

FAMILY DINNER: 2:00P Spring Creek Ward Building 2394W 2200S College Ward, UT 84339

FAMILY & FRIENDS GATHERING: 3:00P to  7:00PSpring Creek Ward Building


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. Spring is exciting and brings renewal. I love the song my mother used to sing to me as a child "My Heavenly Father loves me." It reminds me of Spring.

The Come Follow Me lesson was powerful. There were so many lessons demonstrated in this Old Testament story of humility, following the prophet, symbolism of Jesus Christ, God will prevail, covenants and promises fulfilled, and personal beliefs to name just a few. Plague after plague afflicted Egypt, but Pharaoh still refused to release the Israelite's. And yet God continued to demonstrate His power and give Pharaoh opportunities to accept “that I am the Lord” and “there is none like me in all the earth” (Exodus 7:5; 9:14). It was tragic that the firstborn of the Egyptians had to die. The Passover teaches us through symbols that just as the Lord delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt, He can also deliver us from the bondage of sin.

Are you excited for General Conference? The video of the week continues about General Conference. What questions are you anticipating being answered for you? I love, love, love General Conference. I look forward to hearing truth and doctrine taught from our Leaders. Here is a great link to keep everyone engaged during General Conference.  Here is a link to a family packet that is free that also helps keep everyone involved. I also love this resource for a General Conference notebook.

We have been invited by the Utah Area Presidency to: Invite ward members to focus April (10th) fast day on increasing faith, and then prayerfully identify and invite friends and returning members to attend on Easter Sunday (April 17th). We will have a Christ centered Easter Sacrament service on April 17th with inspirational music and faith based talks on our Savior and Redeemer. We encourage you to read the Living Christ before Easter. We urge you to study about Christ this Easter Season. In a world of turmoil and hardship, He is the Prince of Peace. Please watch President Nelson testimony on Jesus and read his talk on Christ is Risen. A flyer is attached for the Easter Sacrament Service. After your fasting and prayer, pondering, and family discussions please invite someone to attend the Service with you.

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

Congratulations to Madysen and Jordan Cox on being sealed in the Temple this week!


April 2-3: General Conference

April 17th: Easter Sacrament meeting:12:00 pm. Please invite friends and neighbors for a spiritual focus on Christ. please see attached flyer

May 13th Father & Son Priesthood Commemoration; Camp-out at the Zilles farm "Tree top" (see flyer). Friday night bring own tin foil dinner. Saturday morning Breakfast provided. President Osborne will speak on Friday night at a fireside on Priesthood Commemoration.

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival: 5:00-8:00 pm: Food, Fun, Inflatables, Games, Activities. This is a fundraiser for the youth that helps with their Summer camp costs.

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

June 22 Stake Primary day activity. See flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Called to Serve Missions: Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox, Tyler and Danelle Beckstrand

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. Spring is here officially! We are expected to hit record temperatures this weekend. You should have plenty of sunshine in your soul.

The video of the week surrounds General Conference. Prophets share counsel about the blessings individuals can receive through studying the messages of general conference. Are you excited for General Conference next weekend? What do you do as family traditions? What questions are you anticipating being answered for you? I love, love, love General Conference. Here is a great link to keep everyone engaged during General Conference.

The Come Follow Me lesson about Moses this week was revealing. Today we know Moses as a great prophet and leader. But Moses did not see himself that way when the Lord first called him. “Who am I,” Moses wondered, “that I should go unto Pharaoh?” (Exodus 3:11). The Lord, however, knew who Moses really was—and who he could become. Moses continually questioned his ability to succeed but the Lord, in His very loving way, continued to reassure Moses, and let him know He would be with him and He was in charge. Many times we allow obstacles to blur our vision to our true potential and possibilities. I love the analogy that "if Jesus Christ is able to part the Red Sea he can surely help you with your problems."

We have been invited by the Utah Area Presidency to: Invite ward members to focus April (10th) fast day on increasing faith, and then prayerfully identify and invite friends and returning members to attend on Easter Sunday (April 17th). We will have a Christ centered Easter Sacrament service on April 17th with inspirational music and faith based talks on our Savior and Redeemer. We encourage you to read the Living Christ before Easter. We urge you to study about Christ this Easter Season. In a world of turmoil and hardship, He is the Prince of Peace. Please watch President Nelson testimony on Jesus and read his talk on Christ is Risen. A flyer is attached for the Easter Sacrament Service. After your fasting and prayer, pondering, and family discussions please invite someone to attend the Service with you.

Here is the favorite Facebook posts from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details. Now, Elder Clark Israelsen, shares how he Hears Him. The McClellan Family also shared how they were blessed by their Heavenly Father & Christ.

It is our turn to clean the Spring Creek Ward Church Building in March. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church. Families assigned this Saturday are Brian and Shauna Hansen, Paul and Janee Hardman, Kyle and Marea Hess, Garrett and Stephanie Hinton, Brent and Julie Hugie, Kaden and Halyee Hugie, Benson and Brittany Israelsen, Ross and Rebekka Israelsen, Victor and Jill Israelsen, Randy and Maleesa Jacobsen. 

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on the Nature of God. God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. His greatest desire is for all His children to return to live with Him again. Elder Jeffery Holland gave a great talk on "The Grandeur of God." Andrew Skinner gave an in depth talk on "The Nature of God and Character of God." Please ponder your understanding and relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

Congratulations to Jeremy and Makinzie Clark on the birth of their daughter!


March 27th: Linger Longer at 2:00 pm. Come Linger Longer and get a treat

April 2-3: General Conference

April 17th: Easter Sacrament meeting:Please invite friends and neighbors for a spiritual focus on Christ. please see attached flyer

May 13th Father & Son Priesthood Commemoration; possible camp out or fireside at Church Pavilion

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival/Movie night fundraiser

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine and World (let's not forget our Russian Saints).

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Called to Serve Missions: Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.


Hi All

I hope this finds you well. The weather continues to be crazy . This time of year the saying about spring weather is very true..if you don't like the weather just wait 10 minutes and it will change...I watched a soccer game the other night that went from sunny and warm to raining and cold.

The video of the week highlights Elder Ulisses Soares and his wife, Rosana Soares, as they return to their beloved country of Brazil. Listen to them share the stories and traditions of their families. Elder and Sister Soares are great examples to everyone. I recently had the privilege of being in a meeting with Elder Soares that was inspirational. His testimony of the Prophet and our Savior was powerful.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was humbling. Genesis has shown the highlights and lowlights a family can have on people. I was amazed how many times a I counted that Joseph "wept" when interacting with his brothers and family. He could have chosen anger, resentment, and even revenge but he chose forgiveness and charity. he helped them see divine purpose in his suffering. “God meant it unto good” (Genesis 50:20), he told them, because it put him in a position to save “all his father’s household” (Genesis 47:12) from famine. In many ways, Joseph’s life parallels that of Jesus Christ. Even though our sins caused Him great suffering, the Savior offers forgiveness, delivering all of us from a fate far worse than famine. Whether we need to receive forgiveness or extend it—at some point we all need to do both—Joseph’s example points us to the Savior, the true source of healing and reconciliation.

We have been invited by the Utah Area Presidency to: Invite ward members to focus April (10th) fast day on increasing faith, and then prayerfully identify and invite friends and returning members to attend on Easter Sunday (April 17th). We will have a Christ centered Easter Sacrament service on April 17th with inspirational music and faith based talks on our Savior and Redeemer. We encourage you to read the Living Christ before Easter. We urge you to study about Christ this Easter Season. In a world of turmoil and hardship, He is the Prince of Peace. Please watch President Nelson testimony on Jesus and read his talk on Christ is Risen. A flyer is attached for the Easter Sacrament Service. After your fasting and prayer, pondering, and family discussions please invite someone to attend the Service with you.

Here is the favorite Facebook post from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week.https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake/videos/3065697653741761 . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details. Brother Brian Hansen shared a powerful story this week about trials and blessings.

It is our turn to clean the Spring Creek Ward Church Building in March. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church. Families assigned this Saturday are 1. Jaxon & Hanna Fillmore 2 Brent & Marianne Fredrickson 3. Tad and Kylee Fullmer 4. Dave and Jamie Garner 5. Alex and Liz Gerke 6. James and Paula Godrey 7. John & Natalie Gualtier 8. Matt & Paula Gurr 9. Reed & Nadine Hall 10. Valarie Hansen

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on ministering as Christ ministers. Thank you Spring Creek ward members for watching over your neighbors, friends, and Spring Creek Ward members. I urge you to ponder how you can serve those around you. A wonderful talk by Elder Derek Cuthbert outlines 10 blessings of Service that you can discuss as a family.

Congratulations to Marshall Hansen. He received his mission call to Atlanta, Georgia leaving June 24th. Way to go Marshall

We will be doing a Linger Longer again this month on March 27th. Come greet, meet, and eat at this short activity.


March 20th: 6:00 pm Youth Fireside with parents: "Your True Identity" Of course there are treats!

March 27th: Linger Longer at 2:00 pm. Come Linger Longer and get a treat

April 2-3: General Conference

April 17th: Easter Sacrament meeting:Please invite friends and neighbors for a spiritual focus on Christ. please see attached flyer

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival/Movie night fundraiser

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine.

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Called to Serve Missions: Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher, Marshall Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Workman & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox, Steve Winter

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.


Hello everyone,

I hope this finds you smiling and well.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week shows us how important to include God in trials. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Life teaches us that lesson clearly, and so does the life of Joseph, the son of Jacob. He was heir to the covenant God had made with his fathers, but he was hated by his brothers and sold into slavery. He refused to compromise his integrity when approached by Potiphar’s wife and so was cast into prison. It seemed that the more faithful he was, the more hardship he faced. But all this adversity was not a sign of God’s disapproval. In fact, through it all, “the Lord was with him” (Genesis 39:3). Joseph’s life was a manifestation of this important truth: God will not forsake us. “Following the Savior will not remove all of your trials,” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught. “However, it will remove the barriers between you and the help your Heavenly Father wants to give you. God will be with you” (“A Yearning for Home,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 22).

The video of the week highlights Feeling the Lord's Love during trials. When Darlyn learned of her illness, she feared she would not see her children grow up. But through her trial, she felt the Lord’s love and immense goodness. How does He comfort you in times of trial?

We have been invited by the Utah Area Presidency to: Invite ward members to focus April (10th) fast day on increasing faith, and then prayerfully identify and invite friends and returning members to attend on Easter Sunday (April 17th). We will have a Christ centered Easter Sacrament service on April 17th with inspirational music and faith based talks on our Savior and Redeemer. We encourage you to read the Living Christ before Easter. We urge you to study about Christ this Easter Season. In a world of turmoil and hardship, He is the Prince of Peace. Please watch President Nelson testimony on Jesus and read his talk on Christ is Risen. A flyer is attached for the Easter Sacrament Service. After your fasting and prayer, pondering, and family discussions please invite someone to attend the Service with you.

Here is the favorite Facebook post from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week. https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

It is our turn to clean the Spring Creek Ward Church Building in March. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church. Families assigned this Saturday are 1…….  Brian & Melissa Corbridge 2……. Jordan & Madyson Cox 3……. Ammon & Alison Daugs 4……. Nate & Christy Daugs 5……. Rachel Daugs6……. Jodi De Vries  7……. Brad & Monica Durrant 8……. Nate & Shelly Edwards 9……. Curtis & Shelby Evans 10…... Brad & Jessica Evanson


Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; 2cnd hour meetings at 1:10 pm.

March 12-13 Stake Conference.You can find the link to broadcast at the Spring Creek Ward website. It will also be broadcast to each building. Please come prepared to learn by the spirit from the speakers. You can find a schedule of meetings here.

March 17th RS birthday party. Please see the attached flyer.

March 20th: 6:00 pm Youth Fireside: "Your True Identity"

April 2-3: General Conference

April 17th: Easter Sacrament meeting:Please invite friends and neighbors for a spiritual focus on Christ. please see attached flyer

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival/Movie night fundraiser

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine.

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Called to Serve Missions: Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox, Steve Winter

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.


Hi Everyone

I hope all is well with you. The World around us can be crazy, but we can find steadiness/peace in the gospel.

The video of the week addresses "recognizing revelation." Sometimes when we pray, it can be hard to know what Heavenly Father is trying to tell us. Ashlee must learn the difference between her own feelings and the peace that comes from the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ promises us peace to guide us through life. Elder Bednar also describes ways to receive revelation in the video patterns of light."  I also encourage you to read Elder David Bednar's book called "The Spirit of Revelation."

The Come Follow Me lesson this week had many nuggets of inspiration and life lessons (family relationships, service, revelation, trials perseverance, obedience, forgiveness etc.) The story of Jacob and Rachel is a love story of service. Jacob loved Rachel from first sight (Genesis 29:10-11) and was willing to sacrifice and serve to marry her. Service changes us for the better. Elder Derek Cuthbert gave a wonderful talk in the 1990 General Conference on "The Spirituality of Service." He emphasizes that service establishes true values and priorities, helps us establish righteous traditions, helps us overcome selfishness and sin, recompense for sins, generate love and appreciation, shows gratitude to the Savior, promotes righteous activities, helps purify and sanctify us, do as the Savior would do, and helps us get to know the Savior. I think Jacob experienced many of these 10 characteristics of service.

Rootstech conference is here. It is virtual and free. The 2022 theme is “Choose Connection.” Family Search is encouraging participants “to #chooseconnection, whether it’s by learning about ancestors, traveling to homelands steeped in your heritage, or even discovering how you’re related to your friends, you can make powerful connections to the people and places that matter most to you.” Here are 6 reasons to sign up for Roots Tech

We have been invited by the Utah Area Presidency to: Invite ward members to focus March (6th) and April (10th) fast day on increasing faith, and then prayerfully identify and invite friends and returning members to attend on Easter Sunday (April 17th). We will have a Christ centered Easter Sacrament service on April 17th with inspirational music and faith based talks on our Savior and Redeemer. We encourage you to read the Living Christ before Easter. We urge you to study about Christ this Easter Season. In a world of turmoil and hardship, He is the Prince of Peace. Please watch President Nelson testimony on Jesus and read his talk on Christ is Risen. A flyer is attached for the Easter Sacrament Service. After your fasting and prayer, pondering, and family discussions please invite someone to attend the Service with you.

Here is the favorite Facebook post from the Mendon Utah Stake for the week. https://fb.watch/bvoZtC8ctq/ . The videos are powerful to watch. Perhaps you have a story to share. Contact our Ward Mission leader Brother Hall for details.

It is our turn to clean the Spring Creek Ward Church Building in March. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church. Families assigned this Saturday are 1. Daniel & Alexis Ahlemann 2……. Brett & Rachelle Allen 3……. Marcus & Lauren Allton 4……. Corey & Nicholle Andersen 5……. Richard & Jessica Arroyo  6……. Alex & Hannah Ashcraft 7……. Will & Cindy Atkin 8…….  Tyler & Danelle Beckstrand 9……. Jay & Lisa Christenson 10….. Jeremy & Makinzie Clark


Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; 2cnd hour meetings at 1:10 pm.

March 12-13 Stake Conference.You can find the link to broadcast at the Spring Creek Ward website. It will be broadcast to each building. Please come prepared to learn by the spirit from the speakers. Please see the flyer attached for schedules.

March 17th RS birthday party. Please see the attached flyer.

March 20th: 6:00 pm Youth Fireside: "Your True Identity"

April 2-3: General Conference

April 17th: Easter Sacrament meeting:Please invite friends and neighbors for a spiritual focus on Christ. please see attahed flyer

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival/Movie night fundraiser

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine.

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Called to Serve Missions: Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Rick family, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.


Hello Everyone

I hope this finds you well. Did Winter just return? Perhaps Spring will return next week as temperatures are expected to climb again.

The video of the week relates to the promised blessings of family history. Temple and family history work can provide you with purpose and strength as you selflessly engage in it. It can also help you understand that you are precious in the eyes of God. Roots Tech is coming soon. This is a great opportunity to turn our attention to this work.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was interesting. God’s covenant with Abraham included the promise that through Abraham and his posterity “shall all the families of the earth be blessed” (Abraham 2:11). That’s not a promise that could be fulfilled in one generation: in many ways, the Bible is the story of God’s ongoing fulfilment of His promise. And He began by renewing the covenant with the family of Isaac and Rebekah. Through their experiences, we learn something about being part of the covenant. Their examples teach us about kindness, patience, and trust in God’s promised blessings. And we learn that it’s well worth giving up any worldly “pottage” (Genesis 25:30) in order to secure God’s blessings for ourselves and our children for generations to come.

We are excited for everyone to get to know each other "better" on February 27th right after church. Come and mingle for a "linger longer" and eat a cookie.  Please see the flyer attached.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1. The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.

Rootstech conference is fast approaching (March 3-5). It is virtual and free. The 2022 theme is “Choose Connection.” Family Search is encouraging participants “to #chooseconnection, whether it’s by learning about ancestors, traveling to homelands steeped in your heritage, or even discovering how you’re related to your friends, you can make powerful connections to the people and places that matter most to you.” Here are 6 reasons to sign up for Roots Tech

It will be our turn to clean the Church Building in March. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building. Please check the list to see if your family is scheduled to clean the church.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Covenants. All the saving ordinances of the priesthood are accompanied by covenants. For example, we make a covenant when we are baptized, and we renew that covenant each time we partake of the sacrament (see Mosiah 18:8–10; Doctrine and Covenants 20:37, 77, 79). Those who have received the Melchizedek Priesthood have entered into the oath and covenant of the priesthood (see Doctrine and Covenants 84:33–44). The temple endowment and the sealing (marriage) ordinance also include sacred covenants. President Nelson gave a great talk on Covenants.

Our sincere condolences to the Rick Hill family on the passing of Carol Hill. You can find details to funeral arrangements and Carol's obituary at the Allen Mortuatry website. Carol's viewing will be held Friday at 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Allen Hall Mortuary, 34 East Center St. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 12:00pm at the Spring Creek Ward building. If you are unable to attend you can view the services online. Thank you to everyone helping with the funeral.

Congratulations to Curtis and Shelby Evans on the birth of their baby.

Congratulations to Sister Linda Thatcher on her mission call to "Church Headquarters" in SLC.


Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; 2cnd hour meetings at 1:10 pm.

February 26: 11:00 am Adult Conference at the Stake Center. Lunch and a speakers: "Principles for Becoming Better When We Experience the Bitter." Please see the attached flyer.

February 27: 2:00 pm Spring Creek Ward Linger Longer. Get to know everyone "better" in the Gym after the block for 30 minutes. Refreshments served! Please see the flyer attached

March 12-13 Stake Conference

March 20th: 6:00 pm Youth Fireside: "Your True Identity"

April 2-3: General Conference

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival/Movie night fundraiser

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

The People/Saints of Ukraine.

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Called to Serve Missions: Sister Sarah Sorensen, Sister Linda Thatcher

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Rick and Carol Hill family, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.


Hi Everyone

I hope everyone is well. I hope you have a safe and a fun President's Day weekend.

The video of the week shows how service can uplift us during down times. When she was grieving that a friend was about to return home, Miriam learned to minister to others, just as the Savior did when He was grieving. “I ask God, what can I do for someone else?” she says.

The Come Follow Me lesson was profound this week. Abraham’s life, filled with events both heartbreaking and heartwarming, is evidence of a truth Abraham learned in a vision—that we are on earth to be proven, “to see if [we] will do all things whatsoever the Lord [our] God shall command” (Abraham 3:25). Would Abraham himself prove faithful? Would he continue to have faith in God’s promise of a large posterity, even when he and Sarah were still childless in their old age? And once Isaac was born, would Abraham’s faith endure the unthinkable—a command to sacrifice the very son through whom God had promised to fulfill that covenant? Abraham did prove faithful. Abraham trusted God, and God trusted Abraham. In Genesis 18–23, we find stories from the lives of Abraham and others that can prompt us to think about our own ability to believe God’s promises, to flee wickedness and never look back, and to trust God regardless of the sacrifice.

We are excited for everyone to get to know each other "better" on February 27th right after church. Come and mingle for a "linger longer." Please see the flyer attached.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1. The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.

Rootstech conference is fast approaching (March 3-5). It is virtual and free. The 2022 theme is “Choose Connection.” Family Search is encouraging participants “to #chooseconnection, whether it’s by learning about ancestors, traveling to homelands steeped in your heritage, or even discovering how you’re related to your friends, you can make powerful connections to the people and places that matter most to you.”

It will be our turn to clean the Church Building in March. We will be inviting families to participate in cleaning the building on Saturday mornings at 08:00 am. If your family is unable to participate please switch with another family during the month. It is a blessing for us to be able to clean our building.


Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; 2cnd hour meetings at 1:10 pm.

February 26: 11:00 am Adult Conference at the Stake Center. Lunch and a speakers: "Principles for Becoming Better When We Experience the Bitter." Please see the attached flyer.

February 27: 2:00 pm Spring Creek Ward Linger Longer. Get to know everyone "better" in the Gym after the block for 30 minutes. Refreshments served! Please see the flyer attached

March 12-13 Stake Conference

March 20th: 7:00 pm Youth Fireside: "Our True Identity"

April 2-3: General Conference

May 14th: Ward Youth Carnival/Movie night fundraiser

May 16-21st Floors in the Gym will be refinished. No scheduled activities.

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.


Hi Everyone.

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. We are that we may have joy! I heard a bird singing this week multiple times in a tree. It gave me hope that spring is right around the corner. haha.

The video of the week relates to our trials. Our beloved Prophet's words are the central message about Jesus Christ. Life's trials stretch beyond the current pandemic. To endure, we must fill our personal storehouses with faith, truth, and testimony. When we seek to hear Him, we will be guided in any circumstance.

The Come Follow Me lesson was great. Because of the covenant God made with him, Abraham has been called “the father of the faithful” (Doctrine and Covenants 138:41) and “the Friend of God” (James 2:23). Millions today honor him as their direct ancestor, and others have been adopted into his family through conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet Abraham himself came from a troubled family—his father, who had abandoned the true worship of God, tried to have Abraham sacrificed to false gods. In spite of this, Abraham’s desire was “to be a greater follower of righteousness” (Abraham 1:2), and the account of his life shows that God honored his desire. Abraham’s life stands as a testimony that no matter what a person’s family history has been, the future can be filled with hope. I am thankful for the Abrahamic Covenant that blesses me daily.

How are you strengthening your marriage? As we celebrate Valentine Day please tell your significant other that you love them and appreciate them. President Nelson suggested three important ways to strengthen your marriage:  use three action verbs: to appreciate, to communicate, and to contemplate.

We are excited for everyone to get to know each other "better" on February 27th right after church. Come and mingle for a linger longer for a bit. Please see the flyer attached.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1. The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.

This Sunday will be Spring Creek Ward Conference. Our Stake leaders will be with us. I am excited to hear from President Osborne in Sacrament meeting. The adults will meet together and youth will meet together for the second hour meetings and be taught by stake leaders.

Congratulations to Michael and Vanessa Winger on the birth of their baby.


Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; 2cnd hour meetings at 1:10 pm

Feb 12th: Elder's Valentine Party: Dinner and activities.

February 13th: Ward Conference

February 26: 11:00 am Adult Conference at the Stake Center. Lunch and a speakers: "Principles for Becoming Better When We Experience the Bitter." Please see the attached flyer.

February 27: 2:00 pm Spring Creek Ward Linger Longer. Get to know everyone "better" in the Gym after the block for 30 minutes. Refreshments served! Please see the flyer attached

March 12-13 Stake Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

PSS: Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.


Hello Spring Creek Ward Members,

I hope this finds you well. It has been really, really cold lately. Here is an inspirational music video that was released this week for the youth that will warm your heart. It apears Covid numbers continue to plummet (yay!). We miss those individuals and families who are watching from home (remember to list who is watching with you in the comments). Please stay healthy!

The video of the week surrounds Mosiah 4:27: “And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.” Going full speed in every situation can really burn us out. Instead of trying to do everything at once, prioritizing what needs our attention most each day can help us function at optimal levels so we can operate at our best. There is great advice within this short video that I hope you ponder and internalize.

The Come Follow Me lesson was remarkable this week. It is amazing how the God is so forgiving and we can begin anew each day. These ancient accounts are valuable not just because they show us that wickedness repeats itself throughout history. More important, they teach us what to do about it. Noah “found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Moses 8:27) despite the wickedness around him. And the families of Jared and his brother turned to the Lord and were led away from the wickedness in Babel (see Ether 1:33–43). If we wonder how to keep ourselves and our families safe during our own time of corruption and violence, the familiar stories in these chapters have much to teach us.

Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section. If you would like a printout please ask Brother Taylor or a member of the Bishopric to print it out.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1. The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.


Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; Sunday School at 1:10 pm

Feb 12th: Elder's Valentine Party: Dinner and activities.

February 13th: Ward Conference

February 26: 11:00 am Adult Conference at the Stake Center. Lunch and a speakers: "Principles for Becoming Better When We Experience the Bitter." Please see the attached flyer. 

February 27: 2:00 pm Spring Creek Ward Linger Longer. Get to know everyone "better" in the Gym after the block for 30 minutes. Refreshments served! Please see the flyer attached

March 12-13 Stake Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Madysen and Jordan Cox

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Hi Everyone.

I hope this finds you well. Have we hit the peak of Omicron? I hope so!!!!. Remember you are welcome to watch Sacrament meeting online if you are concerned about your health. The administration of the Sacrament in homes need to be cleared with the Bishop. We are also happy to come administer the Sacrament to you.

The video of the week is all about balance. Teenager Olivia Moultrie talks of being the youngest-ever player in US women’s pro soccer, improving her game, and her life balance with prayer, gospel living, study, and being a daughter of God. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was once asked how to keep home life, work life, and family life in balance. His answer was probably unexpected. “You can’t,” he said. “So don’t worry about it.” “Balance is a false notion,” he taught. “You can only do one thing at one time.” He then compared balancing various areas of our lives to an acrobat’s spinning multiple plates on the ends of sticks. Each plate requires regular spinning so that it won’t wobble and fall.

The "Come Follow Me" lesson from Moses 7 was inspirational this week. Throughout history, people have tried to achieve what Enoch and his people accomplished: building an ideal society where there is no poverty or violence. As God’s people, we share this desire. We call it building Zion, and it includes—in addition to caring for the poor and promoting peace—making covenants, dwelling together in righteousness, and becoming one with each other and with Jesus Christ, “the King of Zion” (Moses 7:53). Because the work of establishing Zion continues in our day, it’s helpful to ask, How did Enoch and his people do it? How did they become “of one heart and one mind” (Moses 7:18) despite the wickedness around them? Among the many details Moses 7 gives us about Zion, a particularly valuable one for Latter-day Saints might be this: Zion is not just a city—it is a condition of the heart and spirit. Zion, as the Lord has taught, is “the pure in heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:21). So perhaps the best way to build Zion is to start in our own hearts and homes.

This week Sacrament meeting will focus on "How can we draw closer to the Savior." Sister Pingree gave some insightful suggestions that may help focus you for this Sunday.

Your tithing tax reports are ready to download and print. It can be viewed at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1. The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.


January Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; Sunday School at 1:10 pm

Feb 1st: Carpet cleaning. No activities in the building

Feb 12th: Elder's Valentine Party: Dinner and activities.

February 13th: Ward Conference

March 12-13 Stake Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Hi All

I hope this finds you well. The Omicron variant continues to rage through the population. Please let us know if you are sick and we can help in any way. We will continue to hold regular meetings. Please practice safe health practices as our Prophet has asked us to do. You are welcome to worship online if you feel like you need to do so. Please see the link on our Spring Creek Ward website under the meetings tab (please list how many people are watching in your home). The Sacrament still needs to be authorized to perform in your home by Bishop Kelly.

The video of the week emphasizes our true identity and goes along with this month's Come Follow Me lessons. We are children of our Heavenly Father! After a childhood of painful abuse and neglect, Rebekah felt worthless, disgusting, totally confused about her identity, and absolutely sure there was no God. In her many tears, she felt everyone was against her. In her despair, while contemplating ending her life, she felt to ask a friend about his faith. In his response she felt a love and warmth enter the room. Her relationship with God changed. She felt God’s grace. She now prizes her identity as a valued daughter of God. No matter what happens, she says, even if she changed her name, her relationship with God would remain the same. I am thankful to be be a Child of God.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was incredibly powerful. There were so many themes; feeling inadequate, Plan of Salvation, Prophets (seers), Atonement of Jesus Christ, Book of Remembrance (Family History), first principles of the Gospel, faith, repentance, baptism (including baptism of Adam), Gift of the Holy Ghost, teaching our children, parenting, enduring to the end, humility, and the Doctrine of Christ. We are so blessed to have Moses 6 that is so rich with doctrine. It is incredible to note that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Moses in his mid 20's.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1. The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.

Congratulations to Sarah Sorensen. She received her mission call and is going to Winnipeg, Canada  leaving April 18th.

This Sunday there will be a meeting for parents/youth (YM/YW age) for the second hour of our block. Please meet in the back of the gym to discuss FSY, summer camps, and YW/YM program. Sacrament meeting will focus on teaching our family and children the gospel.


January Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; Sunday School at 1:10 pm

January 22: Temple and Family History Fireside at 6:00 pm. Soups and devotional with Matt Maughn. Please bring a soup to share. We are joining with College Ward and Young Ward for this devotional.

Feb 1st: Carpet cleaning. No activities in the building

Feb 12th: Elder's Valentine Party: Dinner and activities.

February 13th: Ward Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Peggy Jenson. Skie Jenson, Ahlemann family.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Hi Everyone.

I hope this finds you doing well and healthy. The recent surge of Covid Omicron is concerning. We have many in our ward that are ill at this time. Please watch over your friends and neighbors. We will continue to hold regular meetings at this time. We encourage you to continue to follow the current guidelines for worship. If you are concerned about your health there is the option to view the services from home on our Spring Creek Ward website on the meeting's page.

Can you believe that President Nelson has been our Prophet for four years? Some of the highlights he has emphasized include: staying on the covenant path, increasing our spirituality to "Hear Him," gathering Israel and letting God prevail, giving thanks, increasing faith in Jesus Christ, and strengthening our spiritual foundation. I am incredibly thankful for a living prophet that actively leads, guides, and directs The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

The video of the week surrounds Drew's story of tapping into Jesus Christ's Grace. In his moment of greatest anguish, Drew felt heaven’s peace. He learned that God knew him. Drew was raised in a typical member home where he was taught to obey and serve. Despite separation anxiety as a child, he was strong and felt capable of serving a mission. But several weeks into his mission in the Baltic States he felt the terrible anxiety of perfectionism.“I felt that if I wasn’t doing something every second to serve the Lord—pushing myself to the breaking point—then I wasn’t deserving of His blessings,” he said. Our Savior's Grace is sufficient. My heart is filled with gratitude for Jesus Christ.

I loved the Come follow me lesson this week. The Plan of Salvation is real and the Fall was a vital/necessary step in the Fall. Adam and Eve's story is beautiful, and one that we all learn so much from. The Garden of Eden was beautiful. But Adam and Eve needed something more than beautiful surroundings. They needed—and we all need—an opportunity to grow. Leaving the Garden of Eden was the necessary first step toward returning to God and eventually becoming like Him. That meant facing opposition, making mistakes, learning to repent, and trusting the Savior, whose Atonement makes possible progression and “the joy of our redemption” (Moses 5:11). So when you read about the Fall of Adam and Eve, focus not on the seeming tragedy but on the possibilities—not on the paradise Adam and Eve lost but on the glory their choice allows us to receive.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1.  The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article this week talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.

Stake Conference has been cancelled on January 16th. We will have regular meetings on this Sunday. Rising Covid numbers has caused caution with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General Authorities traveling.


January Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; Sunday School at 1:10 pm

January 22: Temple and Family History Fireside at 6:00 pm. Soups and devotional with Matt Maughn. Please bring a soup to share. We are joining with College Ward and Young Ward for this devotional.

Feb 1st: Carpet cleaning. No activities in the building

Feb 11th: Elder's Valentine Party: Dinner and activities.

February 13th: Ward Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Peggy Jenson, Matt Gurr family, Edwards family, Hinton family, many others.

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well and smiling. I hope you are dodging the Omicron bullets that are flying. There are some in our Spring Creek Ward who are ill due to this Covid variant. Please reach out to your neighbors and help them if in need.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1. These goals will be discussed in Sacrament meeting this week. The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article this week talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week on the Creation this week was inspiring. Because the world around us is so beautiful and majestic, it is hard to imagine the earth when it was “without form, and void,” “empty and desolate” (Genesis 1:2; Abraham 4:2). One thing the Creation story teaches us is that God can make something magnificent out of something unorganized. That’s helpful to remember when life seems chaotic. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are Creators, and Their creative work with us is not finished. They can make light shine in dark moments in our lives. They can form solid ground in the midst of life’s stormy seas. They can command the elements, and if we obey Their word like the elements did, They can transform us into the beautiful creations we were meant to be. That’s part of what it means to be created in God’s image, after His likeness (see Genesis 1:26). We have the potential to become like Him: exalted, glorified, celestial beings.

The media selection of the week (instead of video, we are going with audio) is a shout out to the new youth album for 2022. The youth theme is Proverbs 3:5-6 (“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”). These songs are inspirational and great to listen to anytime. You can also see the songs on You Tube.

Stake Conference has been cancelled on January 16th. We will have regular meetings on this Sunday. Rising Covid numbers has caused caution with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General Authorities traveling.


January Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; Sunday School at 1:10 pm

January 9th: 2:30 pm. Youth Devotional for FSY (For the Strength of Youth) at the Mendon Stake Center. Our Ward has chosen July 11-15th at the University of Utah.

January 22: Temple and Family History Fireside at 6:00 pm. Soups and devotional with Matt Maughn.

Feb 1st: Carpet cleaning. No activities in the building

Feb 11th: Valentine Party

February 13th: Ward Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


Hi Everyone

Can you believe 2021 is soon out the door! Here comes 2022. We are excited to share with you in the near future our Q1 goals for our Spring Creek Ward. The Utah Area Presidency has given us four priorities to work on this next year. I hope that you can look at the goals and plan SMART goals individually, and as a family, to help build the kingdom.

Don't forget we chance meeting times this Sunday. We will begin Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm.

Did you see Elder Neil L Andersen's message on "How I hear Him!" He hears him when he is willing to change, sincere prayer and reflection, the influence of his wife, and through repentance and eternal progression.

The video of the week teaches us about Moses encounter with the Lord. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland recounts the story of Moses and his vision with the Lord on the mountain. Shortly after his vision, Moses is tempted by Satan. This video follows the Come Follow Me lesson for this week. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught, “Much of the confusion we experience in this life comes from simply not understanding who we are” (“The Reflection in the Water” [Church Educational System fireside for young adults, Nov. 1, 2009]. Heavenly Father knows this, and so does Satan. God’s first message to Moses included the truths “thou art my son” and “thou art in the similitude of mine Only Begotten” (Moses 1:4, 6). In contrast, Satan addressed Moses as just a “son of man” (Moses 1:12).  I am thankful for the knowledge I have that I am a beloved Son of God.

We will begin a Self Reliance course in our Spring Creek Ward emphasizing personal finance in January. Please let a member of the Bishopric know if you are interested in attending this course. You could also sign up for another Self-Reliance course organized by the Mendon Stake (Emotional Resilience, Starting and Growing my business, Find a better job, Education for better work). Check out our Self-Reliance page that will also link to the Mendon Utah Stake Self-Reliance page.

Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


January 2cnd: Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; Sunday School at 1:10 pm

January 9th: 2:30 pm. Youth Devotional for FSY (For the Strength of Youth) at the Mendon Stake Center. Our Ward has chosen July 11-15th at the University of Utah.

January 16: 10:30 am Stake Conference with a General Authority visiting our Stake. You can attend this conference at the Spring Creek Ward building.

February 13th: Ward Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website


Hi Everyone

Merry Christmas to All. I hope you have a great Holiday Season that is not stressful but peaceful.

How appropriate was it to have "The Living Christ" as our lesson this week for Come Follow Me? I hope you feel the spirit and power of this profound testimony of our Savior and Redeemer.  We are blessed by  powerful apostolic testimonies of Jesus Christ—at Christmastime and throughout the year. These are more than just stirring words of skilled writers or public speakers or insights from scriptural experts. They are the words of God’s chosen, called, and authorized “special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:23).

I am including the link to Christmas Media resources again. You may want to include some of these activities in your Christmas traditions. The video of the week has to be The Nativity. While Mary was pregnant, she and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem. In that city, Mary gave birth to Jesus, wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:4-7). Here is also a bonus video by the Piano Guys: O Come, Emmanuel that will immediately bring the spirit to where you are.

We will only have Sacrament meeting this Sunday. No second hour meetings. Our meeting will be filled with music for everyone. Come feel the spirit and help others feel the spirit by singing powerful hymns.

We will begin a Self Reliance course in our Spring Creek Ward emphasizing personal finance in January. Please let a member of the Bishopric know if you are interested in attending this course. You could also sign up for another Self-Reliance course organized by the Mendon Stake (Emotional Resilience, Starting and Growing my business, Find a better job, Education for better work). Check out our Self-Reliance page that will also link to the Mendon Utah Stake Self-Reliance page.

Have you considered helping our Missionaries, serving from our Spring Creek Ward, holidays special? Perhaps you could write them a letter during your family's FHE. You can find their address in the bulletin or on the Gospel Library App.

Update on two of our missionaries serving in the Orlando, Florida mission: What are the odds that two ward members would serve in the same mission. See the attached photo where they final met at a Christmas devotional. 

Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


December 26th: Sacrament meeting only

January 2cnd: Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm

January 16: Stake Conference with a General Authority visiting our Stake

February 13th: Ward Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

Were you able to see President Nelson's inspirational message on The Light of Christmas this week? He encouraged us to ponder the ways you can help someone else feel the light of the Savior this Christmas season.

I found this Christmas resource page this week that will help us celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Perhaps your family could use these resources instead of watching prime time TV, or playing mindless video games. There are countless inspirational videos and resources provided. I loved the link to Christmas music.

The video of the week gives an inspirational story about a pathway to conversion. Many of us have wondered if God knows us or if He even exists. Todd was someone who made fun of people who thought God was real, and he wasn’t surprised when he didn’t get an immediate answer to a prayer. But could God be giving us small but obvious answers? And how patient do we need to be to get those answers? Elder Holland gives a profound addition to this story about Jesus Christ understanding everyone. I am thankful for the Plan of Salvation and Christ's role in this plan.

The Come Follow Me lesson on the "The Family: A Proclamation To the World" was great!. There are so many beautiful doctrinal points in this inspired document. From God's love and identity to the importance of a family, the proclamation can lead us in our daily lives. President Henry B. Eyring taught, families “give God’s children the best chance to be welcomed to the world with the only love on earth that comes close to what we felt in heaven—parental love” (“Gathering the Family of God,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 20). Knowing that families are imperfect and subject to attacks from the adversary, God sent His Beloved Son to redeem us and heal our families. And He sent latter-day prophets with a proclamation to defend and strengthen families.

We will begin a Self Reliance course in our Spring Creek Ward emphasizing personal finance in January. Please let a member of the Bishopric know if you are interested in attending this course. You could also sign up for another Self-Reliance course organized by the Mendon Stake (Emotional Resilience, Starting and Growing my business, Find a better job, Education for better work). Check out our Self-Reliance page that will also link to the Mendon Utah Stake Self-Reliance page.

Have you considered helping our Missionaries, serving from our Spring Creek Ward, holidays special? Perhaps you could write them a letter during your family's  FHE. You can find their address in the bulletin or on the Gospel Library App.

Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments


December 26th: Sacrament meeting only

January 2cnd: Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm

January 16: Stake Conference with a General Authority visiting our Stake

February 13th: Ward Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi Everyone.

I hope you are well. Did you see the First Presidency Christmas Devotional last Sunday night? We are blessed to have prophets, seers, and revelators with us that lead, guide, direct our Church.

The video of the week shows us the power/comfort of prayer. Heavenly Father does not distant himself from us, but rather the opposite. After a time of deep anger and giving up on prayer for not getting what she desired, Kayla tells of the overwhelming peace and grace she felt when she poured out her feelings to God. Elder Uchtdorf stated "Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost, God’s love encompasses us completely. He loves us because He is filled with an infinite amount of holy, pure, and indescribable love. We are important to God because we are His children. He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed or awkward. God’s love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked (Ensign, September, 2014).

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was inspiring. There are things that don’t change—foundational, eternal truths. And sometimes the purpose of revelation is to cast additional light on these truths, helping us see them more clearly. The Articles of Faith—Joseph Smith’s 13 concise statements of what Latter-day Saints believe—seem to serve this clarifying purpose. Both types of revelation guide and bless the Church, a Church that is solidly founded on eternal truth yet capable of growth and change as the Lord increases our understanding to help us meet today’s challenges. In other words, “We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God” (Articles of Faith 1:9).

Our Spring Creek Ward Christmas party is this Saturday. Please see the attached flyer for a time your family to attend. It will be great! Great food, great program, great people to visit with. Please enter from the east side of the building to begin your experience. You will be greeted by the Bishopric and then experience Christmas scenes in rooms. You will then have dinner in the gym. A big shout out to the activities committee who have organized the dinner. Please bring a can of food for the food bank.

Today is the deadline for the giving tree. We are trying to get gifts to people early this year due to the potential shortages in stores. Please sign up at the Spring Creek Giving Tree Donations or grab an ornament from the tree in the east foyer.

This Sunday Sacrament meeting will be an inspirational one. The speakers will be focusing on music. I know you will feel the spirit during this Sacrament meeting. “Through music, man’s ability to express himself extends beyond the limits of the spoken language in both subtlety and power. Music can be used to both exalt and inspire or to carry messages of degradation and destruction” (Priesthood Bulletin, August 1973, page 3).

Have you considered helping our Missionaries, serving from our Spring Creek Ward, holidays special? Perhaps you could write them a letter from your family on FHE. You can find their address in the bulletin or on the Gospel Library App.

We have finished formal tithing settlement. Please schedule an appointment with Brother Austin Richards (801-663-6693) to meet with the Bishop if you have not had the opportunity to declare your tithes. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website, sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Brother Shawn Taylor (801-372-5322).

Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Electronic means is the best way to communicate (marshaisraelsen@gmail.com). Please do not send packages or mail.


December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal. Please see the time for your family to come to enjoy the event. Please bring a can a food for food donation. Please invite everyone in our community. See the attached flyer. Please sign up to help with a salad or desert:


December 26th: Sacrament meeting only

January 16: Stake Conference with a General Authority visiting our Stake

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. I love this exciting time of year. This is a great time of year to let your light shine. I know many of you are participating in Light the World program. What a great way to serve! I love Sister Cordon's (General Relief Society President) story about when L Tom Perry visited her home as a child and the importance of shining your light.

The video of the week focuses on Seeking the Savior daily! Yielding to temptation is like a magnet approaching a metal object, says Elder Ulisses Soares. As it draws closer, the magnet’s invisible force attracts the metal object and holds it tightly but loses power over the object when it is placed outside its power to attract.I know that by following Jesus example we will draw closer to our Heavenly Father and become like them.

Did you see the First Presidency Christmas message? The message helped me refocus on Jesus Christ. I am thankful for President Nelson, President Oaks, and President Eyring examples and testimonies.

When we sing “Silent Night,” we know the life of that Babe of Bethlehem did not begin there, nor did it end on Calvary. In a premortal realm, Jesus was foreordained by His Father to be the Messiah, the Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of all humankind. He was foreordained to atone for us. He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5). He came to make immortality a reality and eternal life a possibility for all who would ever live (see 1 Corinthians 15:20–22; 3 Nephi 27:13–14).

At this sacred Christmas season, we testify that our loving Heavenly Father “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Have you considered helping our Missionaries, serving from our Spring Creek Ward, holidays special? Perhaps you could write them a letter from your family on FHE. You can find their address in the bulletin or on the Gospel Library App.

We have finished formal tithing settlement. Please schedule an appointment with Brother Austin Richards (801-663-6693) to meet with the Bishop if you have not had the opportunity to declare your tithes. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website, sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Brother Shawn Taylor (801-372-322).

Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Electronic means is the best way to communicate (marshaisraelsen@gmail.com). Please do not send packages or mail.


December 5th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional: 6:00 pm

December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal. Please see the time for your family to come to enjoy the event. Please bring a can a food for food donation. Please invite everyone in our community. See the attached flyer. Please sign up to help with a salad or desert:


Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Shane Thorpe,  Brian Olsen,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope your holiday is great and continues to flow into the weekend. I am grateful for you and your goodness. Thank you for serving and being great people. We are blessed in the Spring Creek Ward. Here are some great references for gratitude:

The video of the week surrounds the topic of "Am I good enough?" If you will really try and will not rationalize or rebel—repenting often and pleading for grace—you positively are going to be “good enough.” I loved the statement at the end of the video:"God is not a heartless referee looking for any excuse to throw us out of the game. He is our perfectly loving Father who yearns more than anything else to have all of his children come back home to live with him."

Have you considered making our Missionaries, serving from our Spring Creek Ward, holidays special? Perhaps you could write them a letter from your family on FHE. You can find their address in the bulletin or on the Gospel Library App.

We have finished formal tithing settlement. Please schedule an appointment with Brother Austin Richards (801-663-6693) to meet with the Bishop if you have not had the opportunity to declare your tithes. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website, sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Brother Shawn Taylor (801-372-322).

Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

November is our turn to clean the building. Please sign up. We are in need of help.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Please see the attached goals and ponder how you can help us succeed.

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen:  Electronic means is the best way to communicate (marshaisraelsen@gmail.com). Please do not send packages or mail.


December 5th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional: 6:00 pm

December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal. Please see the time for your family to come to enjoy event. Please bring a can a food for food donation. Please invite everyone in our community. See the attached flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Shane Thorpe, Doug Jenson, Brian Olsen, Sam and Jessica Steffanic

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi All

I hope all is well with you. You can feel the Holiday Seasons bursting in. This is a great time of year to remember how Blessed we are to live in Cache Valley. Doctrine and Covenants 134 explains how blessed we are to have rights to worship.

The video of the week helps remind us of the Savior's Grace. When the Brussels international airport was bombed in 2016, missionary Richard Norby was terribly burned and injured by shrapnel. Yet in that moment, he knew the Savior was there for him and everything would be OK. The Savior is there for you, too. We have some members in our ward experiencing physical trials. Please pray for Brian Olsen in the ICU, and for Sam and Jessica Steffanic.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week was inspirational. Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants was meant to be the appendix to the Book of Commandments, like an exclamation point at the end of the Lord’s published revelations. It warns of a coming day of judgment and reechoes the call found throughout modern revelation: flee worldliness, as symbolized by Babylon; build Zion; prepare for the Second Coming; and spread this message “unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (verse 37).

We welcome Brother Austin Richards to the Bishopric as Executive Secretary and also Brother Shawn Taylor as Ward Clerk.

Have you considered making the Missionaries serving from our Spring Creek Ward Holiday's special? Perhaps you could write them a letter from your family. You can find their address in the bulletin or on the Gospel Libray App.

We will finish tithing settlement on November 21st. I love, love, love meeting with everyone. Please sign up on the Bishop's door for a time slot. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website, sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Brother Shawn Taylor. We are able to do virtual tithing settlement again, but prefer to meet face to face. You can find the virtual link on the main page of our Spring Creek Ward webpage with instructions.

Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

November is our turn to clean the building. Please sign up. We are in need of help.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Please see the attached goals and ponder how you can help us succeed.

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Our Mission President is asking that no families, friends, quorums etc. send snail mail (especially Christmas mail) to anyone in the Jamaica Kingston Mission. First its expensive. Second it takes forever to get here (it may not get here). Finally it's very time consuming for someone from the mission staff to stand in line at the Post Office to receive the mail. Electronic means is a much better way to communicate if needed.


November 21st: Last day of Tithing Settlement. Please contact a member of the Bishopric or Brother Austin Richards if you need an additional date for Tithing settlement.

December 5th: First Presidency Christmas Devotional: 6:00 pm

December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal. Please see the time for your family to come to the event. Please bring a can a food for food donation. See attached flyer

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Shane Thorpe, Doug Jenson, Brian Olsen, Sam and Jessica Steffanic

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor


Hi Everyone

I hope all is well on your side. I hope this update finds you smiling.

The video of the week surrounds perfectionism and not feeling worthy of God's love. Do you sometimes feel like you’re not good enough for God or anyone else? Chances are you’ve had a bout with perfectionism. Whether you know it or not, God’s Grace reaches everyone—including perfectionists. Elder Uchtdorf's talk on "The Love of God" includes these words of eternal wisdom: 'Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely." I know our Heavenly Father loves you unconditionally.

The Come Follow Me lesson (D&C 129-132) this week was great. Brigham Young once said of Joseph Smith, “He could reduce heavenly things to the understanding of the finite” (in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 499–500). This seems especially true of the Prophet’s teachings in Nauvoo in the 1840s, some of which are recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 129–32. What is the Savior like? “He is a man like ourselves.” What is heaven like? “That same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there” (Doctrine and Covenants 130:1–2), and our most cherished family relationships in this world, if sealed by the proper authority, “shall be of full force” in the next world (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19). Truths like these can make heaven feel less distant—glorious, yet reachable.

We are continuing tithing settlement. We will finish tithing settlement in November. I love, love, love meeting with everyone. We will conduct tithing settlement each Sunday afternoon. Please sign up on the Bishop's door for a time slot. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website, sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Jay Tovey. We are able to do virtual tithing settlement again, but prefer to meet face to face. You can find the virtual link on the main page of our Spring Creek Ward webpage with instructions.

Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Please see the attached goals and ponder how you can help us succeed.

November is our turn to clean the building. Please  sign up. We are in need of help.

Please read the Spring Creek Ward Spiritual thought. Brother Gurr gives great insight into "men are that they may have joy."

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Our Mission President is asking that no families, friends, quorums etc. send snail mail (especially Christmas mail) to anyone in the Jamaica Kingston Mission. First its expensive. Second it takes forever to get here (it may not get here). Finally it's very time consuming for someone from the mission staff to stand in line at the Post Office to receive the mail. Electronic means is a much better way to communicate if needed.

This Tuesday night at 7:00 pm come participate in our Spring Creek Ward missionary workshops. Love, Share, Invite are key concepts for helping gather Zion. This activity is for the entire Spring Creek Ward.


Oct 17th-November Tithing Settlement

November 13th Primary Program Practice at the church at 11:00 am

November 13th: Elders Quorum Turkey Shoot at 12:00 pm. Bring your own shells

November 14th: Primary Sacrament Meeting Program: 10:30 am

November 14th: Employment Resilience skills workshop at 7:00 pm. Please see the attached flyer

November 16th: Missionary Activity: 7:00 pm: All Ward members are invited to come participate in fun workshops.

December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Hal and Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill, Megan Simmons, Shane and Ashley Thorpe, Doug Jenson

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone,

I hope this finds you well. The chill is in the air, fall is fading, and winter is knocking.

The videos of the week follows Elder Ballard, Elder Holland, Elder Cook in England this past week. It has been fun to see them return to where they served their missions and reminisce.  Elder Bednar has been traveling in the Middle East. It is great to see Apostles of the Lord ministering worldwide.

The Come Follow Me lesson was inspirational this week. The doctrine of baptism for the dead thrilled the Saints; their thoughts turned immediately to deceased parents, grandparents, and other family members. Now there was hope for them! Joseph shared their joy, and he used joyful, enthusiastic language to express what the Lord taught him about the salvation of the dead: “Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King!” (Doctrine and Covenants 128:23).

We are continuing tithing settlement. We will finish tithing settlement in November. I love, love, love meeting with everyone. We will conduct tithing settlement each Sunday afternoon. Please sign up on the Bishop's door for a time slot. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website. Sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Jay Tovey. We are able to do virtual tithing settlement again, but prefer to meet face to face. You can find the virtual link on the main page of our Spring Creek Ward webpage with instructions.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Please see the attached goals and ponder how you can help us succeed.

Please sign up for the FHE dinner activity. This is a great way to get to know other people/families in the ward. This is a simple activity that will pay back many fold. See the sign up below.

November is our turn to clean the building. Please begin to sign up. We are in need of help.

Please read the Spring Creek Ward Spiritual thoughts.

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Our Mission President is asking that no families, friends, quorums etc. send snail mail (especially Christmas mail) to anyone in the Jamaica Kingston Mission. First its expensive. Second it takes forever to get here (it may not get here). Finally it's very time consuming for someone from the mission staff to stand in line at the Post Office to receive the mail. Electronic means is a much better way to communicate if needed.


Oct 17th-November Tithing Settlement

November 8th: FHE dinners. Sign up and get to know other families in the Ward. You can also find the sign up on the main Spring Creek Ward website

November 13th Primary Program Practice at the church at 11:00 am

November 13th: Elders Quorum Turkey Shoot at 12:00 pm. Bring your own shells

November 14th: Primary Sacrament Program.

November 14th: Employment Resilience skills workshop at 7:00 pm. Please see the attached flyer

November 16th: Missionary Activity: 7:00 pm: All Ward members invited to come participate in fun workshops.

December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Hal and Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Shane and Ashley Thorpe.

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi All

I hope all is well. I hope this finds you all smiling.

The come follow me lesson was thought provoking this week. Although several prominent leaders left the Church in the late 1830s, the vast majority of members remained faithful. These faithful Saints included those who had endured the trials of Missouri as well as those who had recently joined the Church. In Doctrine and Covenants 124:12–21, the Lord spoke highly of a few of them. Please read the Ward Spiritual thought for a continuation on this topic and walking a straight line.

On another topic, I have heard of three different suicides this week from different friends and families. My heart is broken for them and their families. This week's video surrounds JaQuavious who grew up in a humble family, but they felt rich when it came to faith in God. That faith has sustained JaQuavious in the darkest moments of his life.. I encourage us all to read/listen to Elder Kopeischke talk on Mental Health. He states: "we need to constantly watch over each other. We must love one another and be less judgmental—especially when our expectations are not immediately met. We should help our children and youth feel the love of Jesus Christ in their lives, even when they struggle to personally feel love for themselves." There are many resources to help with mental health. The Church of Jesus Christ has a great web page on some of these resources. I encourage you to also ponder the words of the hymn "How Firm a Foundation." The words bring great comfort to me knowing that my Savior walks side by side with me.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus our Heavenly Father's Love. The 5th Sunday lesson for Adult's will focus on Faith. Please ponder your level of faith at this time and how to increase it. Come to Sunday School with one goal in mind. The Youth will have an incredible guest speaker discussing ancient temple symbols and temple covenants. Ask them what they learned from it.

We are continuing tithing settlement. We will finish tithing settlement in November. I love, love, love meeting with everyone. We will conduct tithing settlement each Sunday afternoon. Please sign up on the Bishop's door for a time slot. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website. Sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Jay Tovey. We are able to do virtual tithing settlement again, but prefer to meet face to face. You can find the virtual link on the main page of our Spring Creek Ward webpage with instructions.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Please see the attached goals and ponder how you can help us succeed.

Please sign up for the FHE dinner activity. This is a great way to get to know other people/families in the ward. This is a simple activity that will pay back many fold. See the sign up below.

November is our turn to clean the building. Please begin to sign up.

Please read the Spring Creek Ward Spiritual thoughts.

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Our Mission President is asking that no families, friends, quorums etc. send snail mail (especially Christmas mail) to anyone in the Jamaica Kingston Mission. First its expensive. Second it takes forever to get here (it may not get here). Finally it's very time consuming for someone from the mission staff to stand in line at the Post Office to receive the mail. Electronic means is a much better way to communicate if needed.


Oct 17th-November Tithing Settlement

November 8th: FHE dinners. Sign up and get to know other families in the Ward. You can also find the sign up on the main Spring Creek Ward website

November 13th Primary Program Practice at the church at 11:00 am

November 14th: Primary Sacrament Program.

November 14th: Employment Resilience skills workshop at 7:00 pm. Please see the attached flyer

November 16th: Missionary Activity: 7:00 pm

December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Hal and Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Shane and Ashley Thorpe (Shane has made it home...hooray).

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hello Everyone. I hope all is well with you. We have a lot going on in our Ward. Make sure to look at the activities coming up.

The video of the week is from Elder Ronald Rasband who describes how he #HearsHim. He gives examples of how he "hears Him" in scriptures, purposeful direction, being responsive to promptings, through his mission call, and as a mission President.

The Come Follow Me lesson from D & C 121-123 is powerful this week. "The bottom level of the county jail in Liberty, Missouri, was known as the dungeon. The walls were thick, the stone floor was cold and filthy, the food—what there was of it—was rotten, and the only light came from two narrow, iron-barred windows near the ceiling. This dungeon is where Joseph Smith and a few of his brethren spent most of their imprisonment—four frigid months during the winter of 1838–39—awaiting trial for charges of treason against the state of Missouri. During this time, Joseph was constantly receiving news about the suffering of the Saints. The peace and optimism of Far West had lasted only a few months, and now the Saints were homeless once again, driven into the wilderness in search of yet another place to start over—this time with their Prophet in prison." It is humbling to witness the dramatic flow and change from D & C 121:1 where Joseph Smith asks "O God where are thou?" to D & C 123:17 we are encouraged to "do all things cheerfully." This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Trials in our life and how Christ helps.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Please see the attached goals and ponder how you can help us succeed.

We are continuing tithing settlement. We will finish tithing settlement in November. I love, love, love meeting with everyone. We will conduct tithing settlement each Sunday afternoon. Please sign up on the Bishop's door for a time slot. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website. Sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Jay Tovey. We are able to do virtual tithing settlement again, but prefer to meet face to face. You can find the virtual link on the main page of our Spring Creek Ward webpage with instructions.

Congratulations to Amanda and Kyle Spackman on their new baby.

November is our turn to clean the building. Please begin to sign up.

Please read the Spring Creek Ward Spiritual thoughts. Brother Jay Tovey gives some great insight this week. A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Our Mission President is asking that no families, friends, quorums etc. send snail mail (especially Christmas mail) to anyone in the Jamaica Kingston Mission. First its expensive. Second it takes forever to get here (it may not get here). Finally it's very time consuming for someone from the mission staff to stand in line at the Post Office to receive the mail. Electronic means is a much better way to communicate if needed.


Oct 17th-November Tithing Settlement

November 8th: FHE dinners. Sign up and get to know other families in the Ward. You can also find the sign up on the main Spring Creek Ward website

November 13th Primary Program Practice at the church at 11:00 am

November 14th: Primary Sacrament Program.

November 14th: Employment Resilience skills workshop at 7:00 pm. Please see the attached flyer

November 16th: Missionary Activity: 7:00 pm

December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Hal and Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Shane and Ashley Thorpe (Shane has made it home...hooray).

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hello Everyone

I hope this finds you well and smiling. What an impactful brush with winter this week. Are you prepared for the winter months? If your power went out, were you ready?

This week's video surrounds God's love. God loves His children, and that includes every person ever born. Each of us lived in the premortal world as a spirit before being born and gaining a physical body. Elder Christofferson said in this  past October General Conference "This divine love should give us abundant comfort and confidence as we pray to the Father in the name of Christ. Not one of us is a stranger to Them. We need not hesitate to call upon God, even when we feel unworthy. We can rely on the mercy and merits of Jesus Christ to be heard. As we abide in God’s love, we depend less and less on the approval of others to guide us."

We will begin tithing settlement on October 17th this year. We will finish tithing settlement in November. We will conduct tithing settlement each Sunday afternoon. Please sign up on the Bishop's door for a time slot. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website. Sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Jay Tovey. We are able to do virtual tithing settlement again, but prefer to meet face to face. You can find the virtual link on the main page of our Spring Creek Ward webpage with instructions.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Please see the attached goals and ponder how you can help us succeed.

Please read the Spring Creek Ward Spiritual thoughts.

The Family History class meets every 1st and 3rd Sundays in the Gym during Sunday School. Come get excited for Family History topics and participate in the Gathering of Israel.

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Our Mission President is asking that no families, friends, quorums etc. send snail mail (especially Christmas mail) to anyone in the Jamaica Kingston Mission. First its expensive. Second it takes forever to get here (it may not get here). Finally it's very time consuming for someone from the mission staff to stand in line at the Post Office to receive the mail. Electronic means is a much better way to communicate if needed.


Oct 17th-November Tithing Settlement

November 13th Primary Program Practice at the church at 11:00 am

November 14th: Primary Sacrament Program.

November 14th: Employment Resilience fireside at 7:00 pm

November 16th: Missionary Activity

December 11th: Spring Creek Ward Christmas Party: Come experience inspirational Christmas scenes and enjoy a meal.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Hal and Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Shane and Ashley Thorpe

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope all is well with you. I hope you are smiling and finding joy. Last weekend was pure joy listening to General Conference. What was your favorite talk? I have so many and I have the pleasure of going back and listening/studying them all. You can download a quick summary and overview of each talk here. What a blessing in our lives to have a living prophet. Did you know President Nelson has announced plans to construct 83 new temples in fewer than 4 years. The church now has a staggering 97 temples under construction (44) or announced (53). This is a direct tithing blessing.

We will begin tithing settlement on October 17th this year. We will finish tithing settlement in November. We will conduct tithing settlement each Sunday afternoon. Please sign up on the Bishop's door for a time slot. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website. Sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Jay Tovey. We are able to do virtual tithing settlement again, but prefer to meet face to face. You can find the virtual link on the main page of our Spring Creek Ward webpage with instructions.

The come follow me lesson this week was great. I can't begin to imagine the pressure/hardship/struggles the Prophet Joseph Smith endured. This was a time in The Church of Jesus Christ history of rebellion, hurt feelings, apostasy, financial turmoil. We can’t avoid trials, so how can we keep them from threatening our faith and testimony? Maybe part of the answer can be found in the Lord’s counsel in Doctrine and Covenants 112, given while adversity in Kirtland was swelling. The Lord said, “Purify your hearts before me” (verse 28), “Rebel not” (verse 15), “Gird up thy loins for the work” (verse 7), and “Be thou humble” (verse 10). As we follow this counsel, the Lord will “lead [us] by the hand” through adversity and into healing and peace (see verses 10, 13).

The video of the week surrounds two brothers attempt to climb a sheer canyon wall without any safety ropes or harnesses. Elder Holland gave this analogy of "where justice, love and mercy meet." I am thankful for a Savior and all that he has done for me. A central them of General Conference was Christ. All 15 of the Apostles bore powerful testimony of Jesus Christ.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Please see the attached goals and ponder how you can help us succeed.

A Note from Elder and Sister Israelsen: Our Mission President is asking that no families, friends, quorums etc. send snail mail (especially Christmas mail) to anyone in the Jamaica Kingston Mission.  First its expensive. Second it takes forever to get here (it may not get here).   Finally it's very time consuming for someone from the mission staff to stand in line at the Post Office to receive the mail.  Electronic means is a much better way to communicate if needed.


Oct 9th: 4:00 pm Primary Fall Harvest Activity at the church:

Oct 17th-November Tithing Settlement

November 13th Primary Program Practice at the church at 11:00 am

Important Church Dates  Oct 10th Fast and Testimony meeting.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Hal and Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Tyson and Samantha Weaver, Shane and Ashley Thorpe

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi There

Stake Conference was inspirational this past weekend. It was great to learn from all the speakers and have Brother Mella here as an Area Seventy. What was your favorite moment? Mine was the Question and Answer session with Elder Mella, President Osborne and the youth. My favorite speaker was President Osborne talk about Christ.

The Come follow Me lesson was inspirational this week. Did you know that the hymn "The spirit of god like a fire was written for the temple dedication and is now a part of every temple dedication? I love the blessings  of the temple promised in D&C 109.  Verses 5, 12–13 (see also Doctrine and Covenants 110:6–8): In the temple the Lord can manifest Himself to us and we can feel His power. Verses 9, 17–19, 26, 78–79: In the temple we take upon ourselves the Lord’s name. Verses 22–23: As we make and honor temple covenants, the Lord gives us power to do His work. Verses 24–33: As we attend the temple worthily, we can receive the Lord’s protection.

The video of the week surrounds "hope." Through trials, turmoil, and even when facing the most insurmountable odds, our spiritual longings can help us discover the miracle of hope that is found through the perfect brightness of the Savior’s love for each and every one of us. I love Elder Holland and his incredible messages.

We will begin tithing settlement on October 17th this year. We will finish tithing settlement in November. We will conduct tithing settlement each Sunday afternoon. Please sign up on the Bishop's door for a time slot. Please ponder a tithing blessing you have received this year. To view your donations for the year go to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website. Sign into your account on the right hand side of your screen. Click on "Donations" from the drop down menu. You can then Click on "Donation History" on the left side of the screen. This will give you a report of contributions you have given to the Church of Jesus Christ this year. If you would like a printed report please contact a member of the Bishopric or Jay Tovey. We are able to do virtual tithing settlement again, but prefer to meet face to face. You can find the virtual link on the main page of our Spring Creek Ward webpage with instructions. 

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Look for these goals to be released soon. We urge you to ponder how to make the Savior more of focal point in your life during this 4th quarter.

Are you preparing for General Conference? I am excited to hear our beloved leaders speak to us on important topics. Here are some ideas to help prepare for conference. Here are some ideas for children and youth to become engaged in General Conference. Here is a free downloadable General Conference packet.


Oct 9th: 4:00 pm Primary Fall Harvest Activity at the church:

Oct 17th-November Tithing Settlement

November 13th Primary Program Practice at the church at 11:00 am

Important Church Dates for the coming months: Oct 2-3rd General Conference, Oct 10th Fast and Testimony meeting.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries:  Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Hal and Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Emily Muir, Richard and Jessica Arroyo, Brian Olsen,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi everyone.

I hope this finds you smiling and doing well. This Saturday, at noon, is the pumpkin launch that is fun and exciting. You will not want to miss this activity. Come witness a pumpkin flying 1 mile through the air. Good food, good friends, good times!

Thank you for your fasting and praying this past Sunday, which helped immensely. Brother Arroyo returned home from the hospital (ICU to home) this week and doing better. Please continue to pray for people on the prayer list.

I encourage you to read/discuss with your families a recent article by Elder Brad Wilcox discussing the importance of "Finding Safety In the Church." He uses the profound example of the sinking Titanic. The solution is simple by 1.Believing in God; 2. Valuing Organized Religion; 3. Having faith in Jesus Christ. 4. Helping others find the Safety. This is a good time to review "am I within the safety of the Church?"

This week's video teaches us that we can turn to god in our times of trouble. For Hollis, losing his bid to become student body president by 3 votes was much more disappointing than if he’d lost by 500 votes. Losing when he was that close to winning was crushing. Just a little more effort, he thought—talking to or texting just three more people—and he could have won and been able to do so much good.

This week is Stake Conference. Please see the schedule of meetings below. The Sunday morning meeting is broadcast to our church building. We have visiting Area Seventy presiding at the Stake Conference. Please come and prepare to be taught/inspired.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Look for these goals to be released soon. We urge you to ponder how to make the Savior more of focal point in your life during this 4th quarter.

Are you preparing for General Conference? I am excited to hear our beloved leaders speak to us on important topics. Here are some ideas to help prepare for conference. Here are some ideas for children and youth to become engaged in General Conference.


September 25th: Pumpkin Launch: 12:00 pm Come see pumpkins launched from a cannon, eat, and be merry! Please see the attached flyer. You will not want to miss this activity. Boom!

September 25th: Stake Conference:

4:00pm – Leadership Session at the Stake Center. This is for Ward and Stake Council members along with their presidencies.

7:00pm – Adult Session at the Stake Center. This is for all members 18 and older

September 26th: Stake Conference:

8:00am – Youth Session at the Stake Center. This is for all youth and their parents. Youth leaders are also invited to attend.

10:00am – General Session. This will originate from the Stake Center and will be broadcast to the other two buildings.

Oct 9th: Primary Fall Harvest Activity:

Important Church Dates for the coming months: September 25th-26th: Stake Conference, Oct 2-3rd General Conference, Oct 10th Fast and Testimony meeting.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Dyer (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Hal and Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Emily Muir, Richard and Jessica Arroyo, Brian Olsen,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi All

I hope this email finds you well and smiling. Our Spring Creek Ward is going through some trials right now.  Thank you for your service to those in need. We are blessed with great members willing to bear one another's burdens. As we bear one another’s burdens and keep our covenants, we open the way for Jesus Christ to heal others. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “Considering the incomprehensible cost of the Crucifixion and Atonement, I promise you He is not going to turn His back on us now. When He says to the poor in spirit, ‘Come unto me,’ He means He knows the way out and He knows the way up. He knows it because He has walked it. He knows the way because He is the way.”

The "Come follow Me lesson" on Doctrine & Covenants 102-105 has been uplifting to study and reflect upon this week. In many ways, participating in Zion’s Camp was a trial of faith. The journey was long, the weather was hot, and food and water were sometimes scarce. And after all they endured, the Saints were still not able to return to their land.  Doctrine and Covenants 103:12–13 was comforting to know that after tribulations comes blessings. It is always difficult to pass through the tribulations and we ask many questions along the way. Elder Ucthdorf gave some profound insight into tribulations in his powerful talk "Grateful in any circumstances."

The Video of the week surrounds Elder Niel A Anderson: The Fruit that is most desirable. In His teachings, the Savior compared fruit with things of eternal worth, says Elder Neil L. Andersen. The fruit in Lehi’s dream symbolizes the blessings of the Savior’s Atonement, describing the fruit as “most desirable.”

The week's Sacrament meeting will focus on Revelation. Sister Ada Daugs will be leaving for the Orlando, Florida mission the first part of October. She will speak about "The Love of God" and revelation. The Stake High Councilors will also speak.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders have completed 4th quarter goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. Look for these goals to be released soon. We urge you to ponder how to make the Savior more of focal point in your life during this 4th quarter.

Are you preparing for General Conference? I am excited to hear our beloved leaders speak to us on important topics. Here are some ideas to help prepare for conference. Here are some ideas for children and youth to become engaged in General Conference.


September 25th: Pumpkin Launch: 12:00 pm Come see pumpkins launched from a cannon, eat, and be merry! Please see the attached flyer. You will not want to miss this activity. Boom!

September 25th: Stake Conference:

4:00pm – Leadership Session at the Stake Center.  This is for Ward and Stake Council members along with their presidencies.

7:00pm – Adult Session at the Stake Center.  This is for all members 18 and older

September 26th: Stake Conference:

8:00am – Youth Session at the Stake Center.  This is for all youth and their parents.  Youth leaders are also invited to attend.

10:00am – General Session. This will originate from the Stake Center and will be broadcast to the other two buildings.  

Oct 9th: Primary Fall Harvest Activity:

Important Church Dates for the coming months: September 25th-26th: Stake Conference, Oct 2-3rd General Conference, Oct 10th Fast and Testimony meeting.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Dyer (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Emily Muir, Richard and Jessica Arroyo, Brian Olsen, Hal Olsen,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey



Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. Did you see it was President Nelson's birthday this week (97 years old). He received some great tributes from senior leadership of the church. If I could turn back the clock, I would make him 60 years old so we could learn from him for another 40 years. We love you President Nelson.

The video of the week is profound. I think many individuals will relate to this message of finding God in their lives. Jennica was angry when God failed to answer her prayers even after she had done all she could to merit His love. She felt alone. “Then I’m not going to try anymore,” she told herself. Years later, in desperation, she finally prayed to know how He speaks to her. She discovered that “He cares, because He’s having others reach out to me.”

Congratulations on your 100 day challenge to read the Book of Mormon. If you read 1 chapter or finished the Book of Mormon I hope you were inspired. I loved this quote from the reading this week: “To meet the difficulties that are coming, it will be necessary for you to have a knowledge of the truth of this work for yourselves. The difficulties will be of such a character that the man or woman who does not possess this personal knowledge or witness will fall. If you have not got the testimony, live right and call upon the Lord and cease not till you obtain it…The time will come when no man nor woman will be able to endure on borrowed light. Each will have to be guided by the light within himself. If you do not have it, how can you stand?” ~ Elder Heber C. Kimball. We will focus on the Book of Mormon this week in Sacrament meeting and it's importance to build testimonies. I love, love, love how the Book of Mormon constantly points us to Christ. I hoped you learned to "Hear Him" more this summer. Take a look at how Elder D. Todd Christofferson Hears Him.

A Book of Mormon reading survey has been created for you to share feedback on your experiences with the Book of Mormon during the Summer months (100 days). You may participate in the survey multiple times. The link to the Book of Mormon survey can be found here:https://forms.gle/pgidQJCe592isdCu9 The survey will conclude September 10.

Did you see the new monthly article series released monthly to help women and hard questions? “We want every woman — whatever her circumstances — to feel God’s love and to know that she is a valued member of the Church and kingdom on earth.” —President Jean B. Bingham

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders are working on Quarter 4 goals. We will focus on Gathering Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter. If you have suggestions for our auxiliaries please contact them and give input.

Are you preparing for General Conference? I can't wait to hear our beloved leaders speak to us on important topics. Here are some ideas to help prepare for conference.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party. Please complete the Book of Mormon survey now: https://forms.gle/ZoK8Nfwb8Nd26PKy9

September 12: YSA fireside with Elder Bednar at 4:00 pm. This fireside can be viewed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website.

September 12: Combined Fireside with College Ward 7:00 pm: Temple and Family History fireside We are excited to have Brother and Sister Cherrington, our Logan Temple President and his lovely wife, speak to us. They will also address "Frequently Asked Questions" about returning to the Temple. We will include a brief demonstration on extracting family name cards.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!. Please see the flyer and invite everyone

September 25th: Pumpkin Launch: 12:00 pm Come see pumpkins launched from a cannon, eat, and be merry!

Oct 9th: Primary Fall Harvest Activity:

Important Church Dates for the coming months: September 25th (7pm)-26th: Stake Conference, Oct 2-3rd General Conference, Oct 10th Fast and Testimony meeting.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Dyer (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Carol and Rick Hill, Megan Simmons, Emily Muir

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone.

I hope this finds you well and smiling. Fall is sneaking in! I hope your Labor Day is fun and relaxing.

The video of the week gives us great perspective about God's blessings, love, and service. After suffering four brain injuries in one year and enduring excruciating pain and memory loss, Emily Farmer felt God’s grace as she shared her talents. “We are never abandoned,” she exclaimed. “God is there for us.”

Our Book of Mormon challenge is winding down. How has it gone for you? Congratulations to you if you have completed the challenge. I loved the quote by Elder Dallin H Oaks this week “The Book of Mormon is Christ-centered. That is its essential feature, and that is the reason we are commanded to study it continually. We must use the Book of Mormon to bring us to Christ.” I have been truly blessed to read the Book of Mormon this Summer. My testimony has grown. I know the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It has helped me draw closer to him. His atonement is real. I think my eyes have been opened more to see things as He sees.

A Book of Mormon reading survey has been created for you to share feedback on your experiences with the Book of Mormon during the Summer months (100 days). You may participate in the survey multiple times. The link to the Book of Mormon survey can be found here:https://forms.gle/pgidQJCe592isdCu9 The survey will conclude September 10.

Here is another encouragement for attending the temple. You do not need to do an endowment every time. It is easier to get an appointment for initiatory and sealings. Please go to Church of Jesus Christ website. Click on the "Service" tab then "Temples" then "Appointments." You can see/schedule appointments to the Logan Temple from there.

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders are working on Quarter 4 goals. We will focus on Gather Israel by belief, love, do. We will focus more intentionally on Jesus Christ for the fourth quarter.  If you have suggestions for our auxiliaries please contact them and give input.

Are you preparing for General Conference? I can't wait to hear our beloved leaders speak to us on important topics. Here are some ideas to help prepare for conference.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party. Please complete the Book of Mormon survey now: https://forms.gle/ZoK8Nfwb8Nd26PKy9

September 12: YSA fireside with Elder Bednar at 4:00 pm. This fireside can be viewed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website.

September 12: Combined Fireside with College Ward 7:00 pm: Temple and Family History fireside We are excited to have Brother and Sister Cherrington, our Logan Temple President and his lovely wife, speak to us. They will also address "Frequently Asked Questions" about returning to the Temple. We will include a brief demonstration on extracting family name cards.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!. Please see the flyer and invite everyone

September 25th: Pumpkin Launch: Come see pumpkins launched from a cannon, eat, and be merry!

Oct 9th: Primary Fall Harvest Activity:

Important Church Dates for the coming months: September 25th (7pm)-26th: Stake Conference, Oct 2-3rd General Conference, Oct 10th Fast and Testimony meeting.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Dyer (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Carol and Rick Hill

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. Did you see the powerful message by Elder Henry B Eyring on how he hears him. He hears him; "through the power of the restoration, by following the pattern of the first vision, through his mother, through the promise of the Holy Ghost, and by eliminating distractions. I can relate/embrace every way he hears him.

The video of the week is a powerful testimony builder! Danor acknowledges certain challenges of race and priesthood that young Black men (and others) face when joining the Church. In a private and personal way, he learned that not all past issues need justification if you know the reality of God. This is a incredible lesson on the love of God and how he can help us when we struggle with questions. Sister Michelle Craig of the Young Women General Presidency helps us understand how Jesus Christ see's us more deeply and we can also see more deeply.  I also loved the come follow me lesson this week and how the Savior gives us a perfect example and then warmly encourages that we can do as he has done. The take home message here is that God loves us perfectly and we can feel His love.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? We are so close to the end and our celebratory Family Home Evening on September 13th. I loved the quote by  President Harold B. Lee relating to 3 Nephi 27:9-12. “The most important of all the commandments of God is the one that you’re having the most difficulty keeping Today is the day for you to work…until you’ve been able to conquer that weakness. Then you start on the next one that’s most difficult for you to keep. That’s the way to sanctify yourselves by keeping the commandments of God.”

A Book of Mormon reading survey has been created for you to share feedback on your experience with the Book of Mormon during the Summer months (100 days). You may participate in the survey multiple times. The link to the Book of Mormon survey can be found here:https://forms.gle/pgidQJCe592isdCu9 The survey will conclude September 3rd.

Here is another encouragement for attending the temple. You do not need to do an endowment every time. It is easier to get an appointment for initiatory and sealings. Please go to Church of Jesus Christ website. Click on the "Service" tab then "Temples" then "Appointments." You can see/schedule appointments to the Logan Temple from there.

Thank you to all who participated in the Canning activity on Tuesday night. It was fun to can corn and visit with friends!

Your Spring Creek Ward Auxiliary Leaders are working on Quarter 4 goals. We will focus on Gather Israel by belief, love, do.  If you have suggestions for our auxiliaries please contact them and give input.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

September 12: YSA fireside with Elder Bednar at 4:00 pm. This fireside can be viewed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website.

September 12: Combined Fireside with College Ward: Temple and Family History fireside We are excited to have Brother and Sister Cherrington, our Logan Temple President and his lovely wife, speak to us. They will also address "Frequently Asked Questions" about returning to the Temple. We will include a brief demonstration on extracting family name cards.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!. Please see the flyer and invite everyone

Oct 9th: Primary Fall Harvest Activity

Important Church Dates for the coming months:  September 26th:  Stake Conference, Oct 2-3rd  General Conference, Oct 10th Fast and Testimony meeting.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Dyer (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Carol and Rick Hill

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone.

Don't you just love rainy days? We were blessed with rain this week. Roger Miller said "Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet." There are strong metaphors in this quote. It may be applied to adversity in our lives.

Thank you for responding positively to recent meeting adjustments due to COVID. The First Presidency released an important message for everyone related to COVID. The Mendon Stake/Spring Creek Ward letter is attached to this email. I am thankful for a Prophet of God to help lead and guide us during this time.

The video of the week surrounds Adam: Ever found yourself wondering what to believe or whether God is real? Have you been so focused on poking holes in your faith that you’ve started to disbelieve? Adam shares his story about how choosing to believe made a difference in his life.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? I really liked the quote by President Boyd K. Packer relating to 3 Nephi 9 “An atonement was made. Ever and always it offers amnesty from transgression and from death if we will but repent. Repentance is the escape clause in it all. Repentance is the key with which we can unlock the prison from inside. We hold that key within our hands… Humbly I lay claim upon the atonement of Christ. I find no shame in kneeling down in worship of our Father and His Son.” The end of our 100 days of reading the Book of Mormon is coming to an end soon. Keep up the great work! I know reading the Book of Mormon will bless your lives.

A survey has been created for you to share feedback from your reading the Book of Mormon during the Summer months (100 days). You may participate in the survey multiple times. The link to the Book of Mormon survey can be found here:https://forms.gle/pgidQJCe592isdCu9 The survey will conclude September 3rd. We will celebrate on Monday September 13th.

The Beginning of the school year presents new opportunities for growth. I encourage all Fathers to give a Father's blessing to their children. Father’s blessings and other priesthood blessings are given to provide direction and comfort as guided by the Spirit. If you need assistance please contact your ministers, the Elder's Quorum President, or a member of the Bishopric.

Here is another encouragement for attending the temple. You do not need to do an endowment every time. It is easier to get an appointment for initiatory and sealings. Please go to Church of Jesus Christ website. Click on the "Service" tab then "Temples" then "Appointments." You can see/schedule appointments to the Logan Temple from there.

All of our Spring Creek Ward organizations have formulated goals for the 3rd Quarter. Please see the attachment for each organizational goal. How can you actively help each organization succeed and "Gather Israel?"


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

August 21st Stake Youth Retreat 7:00 am-10:00 pm for all Junior and Seniors in High School. Come eat amazing food, have crazy fun, and have our testimony strengthened like never before.

August 24th 7:00 pm: Ward Harvest/Canning celebration: Come help can corn with us. Come visit with our Spring Creek Community members. If you would like to share vegetables bring them with you.

September 12: YSA fireside with Elder Bednar at 4:00 pm. This fireside can be viewed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!. Please see the flyer and invite everyone

Oct 9th: Primary Fall Harvest Activity

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Dyer (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi All

I hope this email/update finds you well. The cool evenings have been a welcome relief to our hot summers.

The video of the week surrounds Drew's perfectionism: In his moment of greatest anguish, Drew felt heaven’s peace. He learned that God knew him. Drew was raised in a typical member home where he was taught to obey and serve. Despite separation anxiety as a child, he was strong and felt capable of serving a mission. But several weeks into his mission in the Baltic States he felt the terrible anxiety of perfectionism.“I felt that if I wasn’t doing something every second to serve the Lord—pushing myself to the breaking point—then I wasn’t deserving of His blessings,” he said. Elder Oaks gave a great talk on "What has our Savior Done for us?" that relates.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? I loved the quote from Ezra Taft Benson relating to Helaman 8:4, 7-9: “How we respond to the words of a living prophet when he tells us what we need to know, but would rather not hear, is a test of our faithfulness.”. President Benson also gave a powerful speech entitled "14 Fundamentals in Following the Prophet."

A survey has been created for you to share feedback from your reading the Book of Mormon during the Summer months (100 days). You may participate in the survey multiple times. We are releasing the survey now so that you may ponder the questions and you may have time to compose your answers. The link to the Book of Mormon survey can be found here: https://forms.gle/ztBMk2sGuPyzH3KT8 The survey will conclude September 3rd.

I am sure we have all seen/heard the first Presidency message this week on combating the COVID-19 virus. Please be accepting of everyone and non-judgemental of all. Please extend your hand of love toward everyone. This reminds me of Elder Oaks talk on "Doctrine of Inclusion." Here is also an inspirational article on 12 stories about reaching across the lines. It is a wonderful example of Christ's grace and seeing individuals through our Heavenly Father's eye's. Our Spring Creek Ward will always be in alignment with the Leadership of the church.

Congratulations to all the individuals/families participating in the Cache County fair this week.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Sam and Marilyn Jones for growing corn for the our ward activity. It was unfortunate it matured too early. The Young Men were able to harvest much of the corn this week and deliver it to well over 30 families in the ward.

All our Spring Creek Ward organizations have formulated goals for the 3rd Quarter. Please see the attachment on each organizational goal. How can you actively help each organization succeed and "Gather Israel?"


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

August 21st Stake Youth Retreat 7:00 am-10:00 pm for all Junior and Seniors in High School. Come eat amazing food, have crazy fun, and have our testimony strengthened like never before.

August 24th 6:00 pm: Ward Harvest/Canning celebration: Come help can corn with us and see demonstrations on other canning techniques.

September 12: YSA fireside with Elder Bednar at 4:00 pm. This fireside can be viewed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!. Please see the flyer and invite everyone

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Dyer (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. Life is good. This week I loved reading for the Come Follow Me lesson in Doctrine and Covenants 87:8 "Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen." I hope your homes are holy places and you find peace within your walls. What are some "Holy Places" for you? I love this youth theme song from a couple of years ago.

How is your Book of Mormon reading program going? Remember to access resources at our website. I loved the quote relating to Alma 57-59 this week: "“He whose name this church bears has promised that He will be in our midst, lead us along, go before us, and even fight our battles. He has further counseled, ‘Be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart … that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy’ (D&C 98:14).” ~ Elder Neal A. Maxwell. I know Christ is in our midst helping us fight our battles. Afterall, he paid the price for all our hardships. His grace is sufficient.

The Book of Mormon read-a-thon was a powerful experience. Thank you to everyone who helped make this important event a success. I hope you saw the youth bear testimony of their experiences reading the Book of Mormon for 22 plus hours in last week's Sacrament meeting. I continue to be amazed how the Book of Mormon constantly points us to Christ. In its more than 6,000 verses, the Book of Mormon refers to Jesus Christ almost 4,000 times and by 100 different names: “Jehovah,” “Immanuel,” “Holy Messiah,” “Lamb of God,” “Redeemer of Israel,” and so on. I love the numerous scriptures ( Mosiah 3:17,Helaman 5:9, Mosiah 16:14, Alma 38:9)that testify only in and through Christ can we be saved.

The video of the week is a powerful testimony of forgiveness. Forgiveness is many times hard and encompasses complex emotions. Katie saw her father as a hero until he was arrested for misconduct as a teacher. She felt shocked and betrayed. The pain was deep. She was emotionally exhausted and couldn't face her responsibilities. "Forgiving him doesn't mean that you're OK with his actions," she said. "It means that you're not going to dwell on his actions."

I highly encourage you to attend the Stake Devotional tonight. You can watch it online. Brother Hunsaker is a great speaker.

Sam and Marilyn Jones have corn ready now. If you would like some contact them.

All our Spring Creek Ward organizations have formulated goals for the 3rd Quarter. Please see the attachment on each organizational goal. How can you actively help each organization succeed and "Gather Israel?"


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

August 6th at 7:30 pm: Mendon Stake Devotional: For He is Our Peace: A Doctrinal approach to Emotional Awareness Speaker Stephen Hunsaker You can also watch online at http://tiny.cc/heisourpeace

August 21st Stake Youth Retreat 7:00 am-10:00 pm for all Junior and Seniors in High School. Come eat amazing food, have crazy fun, and have our testimony strengthened like never before.

August 24th 6:00 pm: Ward Harvest/Canning celebration: Come can some corn with us and see demonstrations on other canning techniques.

September 12: YSA fireside with Elder Bednar at 4:00 pm. This fireside can be viewed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!. Please see the flyer and invite everyone

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Dyer (435-374-9635)

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. The rainstorms have been wonderful this week. Please continue to pray for rain to help the drought.

This week’s message surrounds Alma 37:6 “…by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.” President Oaks gave a great talk about Small and Simple things. This video epitomizes this principle in action: Clint tells how a single moment changed his life from being the fidgety classmate to discovering his talent because of one teacher who saw potential. Be the one to create moments of hope, he says. How do small and simple things impact your life?

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? Remember to use the resources at our Book of Mormon resource page.  I loved the quote that related to Alma 48:11-13 that stated “Be true to your own convictions. You know what is right, and you know what is wrong. You know when you are doing the proper thing... We need not fear as long as we have in our lives the power that comes from righteously living by the truth.” ~ President Gordon B. Hinckley. In this day and age it is vital we stand up for what we believe. I am blessed to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ.

Did you know the 4th season of the Book of Mormon video series has been released? We will begin a survey in August that you can participate in indicating how the Book of Mormon has helped you this summer. We will celebrate September 13th.

It is our turn in August to Clean the Church in August: Please sign up at our Spring Creek Ward Clean up page.

All our Spring Creek Ward organizations have formulated goals for the 3rd Quarter. Please see the attachment on each organizational goal. How can you actively help each organization succeed and "Gather Israel?"

Congratulations Elder Tate Godfrey. He began his missionary service this week.It is a great family activity to write the missionaries a letter and let them know of your support and prayers.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

July 30-31st Youth Conference: Book of Mormon read-o-thon. The youth will read the Book of Mormon in theses two days. Be to church Friday by 2:30 pm and Saturday at 6:00 am. All meals will be provided. This will be a powerful activity.

September 12: YSA fireside with Elder Bednar at 4:00 pm. This fireside can be viewed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!. Please see the flyer and invite everyone.

August 5th 1:00-9:00 pm: Stake Blood Drive at the Mendon 4/ Petersboro building

August 6th at 7:30 pm: Mendon Stake Devotional: For He is Our Peace: A Doctrinal approach to Emotional Awareness Speaker Stephen Hunsaker You can also watch online at http://tiny.cc/heisourpeace

August 21st Stake Youth Retreat 7:00 am-10:00 pm for all Junior and Seniors in High School. Come eat amazing food, have crazy fun, and have our testimony strengthened like never before.

August 24th Ward Harvest/Canning celebration: Come can some corn with us and see demonstrations on other canning techniques.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godrey

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Hunsaker

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Sam Jones, Norma and Eldon Jenson

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope all is well with you. We received a little bit of rain that was rejuvenating. I love the smell and sounds of rain.

Happy Pioneer Day. I am thankful for pioneer heritage. The Pioneers did hard things that remind me I can do hard things. You can also learn of pioneers in every land here. I loved the video about the Ghana Saints.

Have you seen the new gospel for kids app? Gospel for Kids, which consolidates three previous gospel-focused apps for kids, has four main sections: Scripture Stories, Coloring Books, Sing Along and More Activities.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? I hope you have been strengthened an know the vital importance of the Book of Mormon.  Make sure to put stickers on our Book of Mormon poster to celebrate your success. Please take advantage of the resources at our Book of Mormon page. I loved the quote by President Gordon B Hinckley this week relating to Alma 32: “Of all our needs, I think the greatest is an increase of faith.” This coming week the youth will participate in a Book of Mormon read-o-thon. What a powerful experience to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover in a short amount of time

All our Spring Creek Ward organizations have formulated goals for the 3rd Quarter. Please see the attachment on each organizational goal. How can you actively help each organization succeed and "Gather Israel?"


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

July 30-31st Youth Conference: Book of Mormon read-o-thon. The youth will read the Book of Mormon in theses two days. Be to church Friday by 2:30 pm and Saturday at 6:00 am. All meals will be provided. This will be a powerful activity.

September 12: YSA fireside with Elder Bednar at 4:00 pm. This fireside can be viewed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!. Please see the flyer and invite everyone.

August 5th 1:00-9:00 pm: Stake Blood Drive at the Mendon 4/ Petersboro building

August 21st Stake Youth Retreat 7:00 am-10:00 pm for all Junior and Seniors in High School. Come eat amazing food, have crazy fun, and have our testimony strengthened like never before.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Hunsaker

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon:Tate Godfrey, Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin,Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well and smiling. President Thomas S. Monson said: “Love is expressed in many recognizable ways: a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment. Other expressions may be more subtle, such as showing interest in another’s activities, teaching a principle with kindness and patience, visiting one who is ill or homebound. These words and actions and many others can communicate love” (“Love—the Essence of the Gospel,” April 2014 general conference).

How is your Book of Mormon reading program going? You can find resources at the Book of Mormon page. I have attached week 9 schedule and quotes. Can you believe we are on week 9? In August we will send a survey link to you to tell us how the Book of Mormon helped you this Summer. I really liked the quote supporting Alma 13:2-4: “God has saved for the final inning some of His strongest and most valiant children…Make no mistake about it – you are a marked generation. There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time than there is of us…The final outcome is certain – the forces of righteousness will finally win. But what remains to be seen is where each of us personally, now and in the future, will stand in this battle – and how tall we will stand. Will we be true to…our foreordained mission?" ~President Ezra Taft Benson.

The video of the week is a great one. How I hear him: Jamila is the only deaf person in her family. Using sign language, she shares her feelings and tells how her eyes have become ears to Hear Him. Serving others helps her see godly traits in herself.

All our Spring Creek Ward organizations have formulated goals for the 3rd Quarter. Please see the attachment on each organizational goal. How can you actively help each organization succeed and "Gather Israel?"


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

July 17th Primary Party 1:00-3:00 pm. Come have fun at the Church Pavilion.

July 18th Stake Priesthood meeting 6:00 pm at the Mendon Stake Building. You may also watch the meeting at http://tiny.cc/mendonpriesthood. Refreshments afterwards

July 30-31st Youth Conference: Book of Mormon read-o-thon. The youth will read the Book of Mormon in theses two days. Be to church Friday by 2:30 pm and Saturday at 6:00 am. All meals will be provided. This will be a powerful activity.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party 7:00pm: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon. Trivia fun, Survey results, Testimonies, Treats!.

August 5th 1:00-9:00 pm: Stake Blood Drive at the Mendon 4/ Petersboro building

August 21st Stake Youth Retreat 7:00 am-10:00 pm for all Junior and Seniors in High School. Come eat amazing food, have crazy fun, and have our testimony strengthened like never before.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Hunsaker

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon:Tate Godfrey, Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin,Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Tene Olsen, Elder Clark Israelsen,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well and cool? Wow, it is hot!

The inspirational video of the week tells a humbling story of a man struggling to find his way. He questioned "I wondered if God even cared?" We are all children of our Heavenly Father and he loves each one of us. Jesus Christ Grace is sufficient!

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? Our Book of Mormon tracking poster is filling up with stickers.  I love Mosiah and Alma. What powerful chapters in the Book of Mormon. I loved the quote this week relating to Alma 5:14 "“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.” ~President Ezra Taft Benson

This Sunday Sacrament meeting will focus on our great country and our heritage. We will focus on the foundational talk given by Elder Oaks this past General Conference. Our Pioneer heritage will also be discussed. Do you have Pioneers as relatives and/or are you a modern day Pioneer?

All the temples in the world are open in some phase now.  President Nelson said "with the temples open, our work for those on both sides of the veil can be resumed. To have all our temples reopened, at least to some degree, is a cause for rejoicing. I am grateful for the many scientists, health care workers, and leaders who have stemmed the tide of this virus such that we can now safely gather in larger numbers. And I thank you, my dear brothers and sisters, for your patience and worthiness to serve."

Do you know how to make an appointment to the temple? Log into your account at The Church of Jesus Christ. Then click on "serve." You can find the "temples" tab. Scroll down to appointments and select that tab. You can then find the Logan temple and make an appointment.

All our Spring Creek Ward organizations have formulated goals for the 3rd Quarter. Please see the attachment on each organizational goal. How can you actively help each organization succeed and "Gather Israel?"


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

July 11th: College Ward would like to invite your ward to our family history display. It is this Sunday, July 11 at 6 o’clock in the cultural hall at the church. It’s casual dress and we are displaying different ways to record family history; Books quilts, photographs, etc. There will also be a demonstration on how to do indexing. We would love to invite your award to walk through the display, and if anyone feels so inclined-  to bring their own display

July 30-31st Youth Conference: Book of Mormon read-o-thon. If you would like to volunteer to help the youth read the Book of Mormon let a member of the Bishopric know. You can act our a scene, memorize a section, or come read with them.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Cook & Sister Hunsaker

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon:Tate Godfrey, Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin,Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Tene Olsen, Elder Clark Israelsen,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope all is well on your side. Happy 4th of July coming up this weekend. I hope your celebrations are great.

The fireside with Dusty Smith was amazing/wonderful/inspirational/powerful. You can watch the fireside again and again at tiny.cc/trialoffaith. After 26 years of fighting against the church he now is passionately advocating for the church. I had the opportunity to spend an additional hour with him this past week and he would emphasize that gaining a testimony of the church is basic. There is a God who loves you. He called Joseph Smith as a Prophet. Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is true. The Church was restored to the Earth. We are imperfect people but belong to a church that has Priesthood Keys that help us return to live with Heavenly Father for eternity.

The video of the week deals with uncertainty. The gospel takes us out of the moment that we’re in and gives us a bigger picture of the purpose of life, of why we’re here, the bigger picture of immortality and eternity, and the bigger picture of relationships.”  Wendy Ulrich, a member of the Relief Society general advisory council, an author, and a psychologist brings her years of experience and various perspectives to discuss the topic of uncertainty.

This Sunday is Fast and Testimony meeting. I have been pondering the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith. President Nelson recently gave an incredible talk to mission president's about Joseph Smith . Joseph was killed June 27th, 1844 (177 years ago), but his legacy/influence lives on.  His contributions to the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ is immeasurable. I am grateful for his testimony/work/service/life.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? I have attached week 6 quotes to this email. Remember to access resources at our website. I enjoyed this past week reading in the book of Mosiah. There are countless doctrinal truths taught in Mosiah. I love President Monson's quote that related to Mosiah 23:21-22 that stated "“Life is full of difficulties, some minor and others of a more serious nature. There seems to be an unending supply of challenges for one and all. Our problem is that we often expect instantaneous solutions to such challenges, forgetting that frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required.”

Congratulations to Elder Riley Sorensen. He began his mission this week.

Remember the community breakfast on Saturday 7-9:00 am at the pavilion. A flyer is attached.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

July 3rd: 7:00-9:00 am Breakfast at the Spring Creek Ward Pavilion. Bring your friends and neighbors to celebrate July 4th.July 13-14th Young Women white pine backpacking trip.

July 30-31st Youth Conference: Book of Mormon read-a-thon. If you would like to volunteer to help the youth read the Book of Mormon let a member of the Bishopric know. You can act our a scene, memorize a section, or come read with them.

September 13: Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party: Come Celebrate completion of the Book of Mormon.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen

Utah Ogden Missionaries:  Sister Cook & Sister Hunsaker

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon:Tate Godfrey, Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Kelly Zilles, Tene Olsen, Elder Clark Israelsen, Brenna Sorensen

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

How are you? I hope this finds you well!. The Summer is rolling on.

Did you see Elder Quentin L Cook message on how he Hear's Him?

How is your Book of Mormon reading going individually and as families? You can find resources at our Book of Mormon page. I loved, loved, loved a couple of quotes this week relating to Jarom 1:5 "“We have become a nation of pleasure seeking sabbath breakers… What fits the purpose of the Sabbath? Activities that contribute to greater spirituality…I don’t believe that it is possible to keep our spirituality on a high plane by spending our Sabbaths on the beach, on the golf course…or in our own homes…looking at television.” ~ President Ezra Taft Benson.

I also loved the quote relating to Mosiah 4:30 "“Work at keeping your thoughts clean by thinking of something good. The mind can think of only one thing at a time. Use that fact to crowd out ugly thoughts. Above all, don’t feed thoughts by reading or watching things that are wrong. If you don’t control your thoughts, Satan will keep tempting you until you eventually act them out.” ~ Elder Richard G. Scott. I have attached a schedule with quotes for week 5 of our Book of Mormon Challenge.

This Sunday Sacrament meeting we will be sending another missionary into the field. Riley Sorensen (Montana) will be speaking and he will focus on the "Gathering of Israel." Remember the pivotal talk given by our Prophet Russell M Nelson on "Let God Prevail."

Please, please, please clear your schedules for Sunday night fireside with Dusty Smith. See the flyer that is attached. It will be a good one.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

June 27th Fireside: 7:00 pm Steve “Dusty” Smith: managing attorney, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, and a former City councilman. Join us to listen to a powerful journey as Brother Smith describes his journey of joining the Church, going on a mission, becoming an energetic anti-mormom, and his countless miracles to rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Ucthdorf gave a powerful story of Brother Smith in October 2016 General conference: Learn from Alma and Amulek. Brother Smith has been featured in LDS living magazine, Hi Five Live, Fair Latter Day Saints, Mormon Discussion podcast and is the author of Trial of Faith: Why a lawyer Abandoned His Mormon Faith.

July 3rd: 7:00-9:00 am Breakfast at the Spring Creek Ward Pavilion. Bring your friends and neighbors to celebrate July 4th.July 13-14th Young Women white pine backpacking trip.

July 30-31st Youth Conference: Book of Mormon read-a-thon. If you would like to volunteer to help the youth read the Book of Mormon let a member of the Bishopric know. You can act our a scene, memorize a section, or come read with them.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Cook

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey, Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Kelly Zilles, Sutton Family, Stephanie Stracke, Brenna Sorensen

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. I hope you are finding ways to stay cool.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? We are ending week 3 and headed into week 4 (see attachment for schedule and quotes). Remember to put a sticker on our Book of Mormon tracking poster (in the foyer) and access the resources at our website. I loved a couple of quotes this week relating to our scheduled reading sections. 2 Nephi 21:12 “The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.” ~ Joseph Smith.

2 Nephi 25:23, 26 “Literally, the Atonement means to be ‘at one’ with Him. The nature of the Atonement and its effects is so infinite, so unfathomable, and so profound that it lies beyond the knowledge and comprehension of mortal man. I am profoundly grateful for the principle of saving grace… The overwhelming message of the Atonement is the perfect love the Savior has for each and all of us. It is a love which is full of mercy, patience, grace, equity, long-suffering, and, above all, forgiving.” ~President James E. Faust

This Sunday is Father's Day. Sacrament meeting will focus on Father's and their role. Here is a wonderful article on Father's: A God Given Role. I loved this reflection of a Father remembering the Birth of his daughter. Here is a collection of videos on being a Father.

Congratulations to Elder Josh Skidmore. He began his service as a missionary this past week.

Please see the Elders Quorum Service Project below.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

June 19th: 7:00 am; Elders Service Project at Arcos (Ciprano and Nancy) home 1744 W 2200 S. Tearing down a shed and repairing a water leak. Bring gloves and something to pull nails with.

June 27th Fireside: 7:00 pm Steve “Dusty” Smith: managing attorney, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, and a former City councilman. Join us to listen to a powerful journey as Brother Smith describes his journey of joining the Church, going on a mission, becoming an energetic anti-mormom, and his countless miracles to rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Ucthdorf gave a powerful story of Brother Smith in October 2016 General conference: Learn from Alma and Amulek. Brother Smith has been featured in LDS living magazine, Hi Five Live, Fair Latter Day Saints, Mormon Discussion podcast and is the author of Trial of Faith: Why a lawyer Abandoned His Mormon Faith.

July 3rd: 7:00-9:00 am Breakfast at the Spring Creek Ward Pavilion. Bring your friends and neighbors to celebrate July 4th.July 13-14th Young Women white pine backpacking trip.

July 30-31st Youth Conference: Book of Mormon read-a-thon. If you would like to volunteer to help the youth read the Book of Mormon let a member of the Bishopric know. You can act our a scene, memorize a section, or come read with them.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Cook

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey, Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Kelly Zilles, Sutton Family, Stephanie Stracke, Brenna Sorensen

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope all is well with you. How is your Summer going? We have much to be grateful for. Our Young Men camp helped reinforce my gratitude this week. We have Great Leaders, Great Parents, and Great Youth! It was an incredible to camp in an area of pure beauty.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going? Remember to access the resources at our website on the Book of Mormon. Make sure to put your stickers on our Book of Mormon poster as you complete a Book. I loved two quotes from our daily reading schedule (see attached week 3). The first quote relates to 1 Nephi 22: 26. “If Satan could but capture our minds, he would have won the battle and the war. He can only do this if we let him. If we refuse to walk with him, he will have no power over us, for God gave us our free agency and Satan cannot take it away. So what I am suggesting is that we refuse to even walk on the same street with Satan. In other words, not only should we avoid evil, we should avoid the very appearance of evil.”~ Bishop Victor L. Brown.

The second quote relates to 2 Nephi 2:2-3. “Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.” ~ Joseph Smith

The video of the week is inspirational. When Richard went from a comfortable existence to living in a small apartment with his wife and young son, he realized he was a victim of his poor choices. He’s grateful for challenges that helped him grow and learn from the Lord.

This Sunday Sacrament Meeting we will focus on "How I hear Him," and "Gathering Israel". Congratulations to Josh Skidmore who will be entering the mission field this coming week.

Please see the Elders Quorum Service Project below.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As  families/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

June 15-16th Girls camp (June 15th Bear Lake, June 16 Park City). July 13-14th white pine backpacking trip. Please see the flyer attached

June 19th: 7:00 am; Elders Service Project at Siprano's home 2841 W 2200 S. Tearing down a shed and repairing a water leak. Bring gloves and something to pull nails with.

June 27th Fireside: 7:00 pm Steve “Dusty” Smith: managing attorney, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, and a former City councilman. Join us to listen to a powerful journey as Brother Smith describes his journey of joining the Church, going on a mission, becoming an energetic anti-mormom, and his countless miracles to rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Ucthdorf gave a powerful story of Brother Smith in October 2016 General conference: Learn from Alma and Amulek. Brother Smith has been featured in LDS living magazine, Hi Five Live, Fair Latter Day Saints, Mormon Discussion podcast and is the author of Trial of Faith: Why a lawyer Abandoned His Mormon Faith.

July 3rd: 7:00-9:00 am Breakfast at the Spring Creek Ward Pavilon. Bring your friends and neighbors to celebrate July 4th.

July 30-31st Youth Conference: Book of Mormon read-a-thon. If you would like to volunteer to help the youth read the Book of Mormon let a member of the Bishopric know. You can act our a scene, memorize a section, or come read with them.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Cook

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Josh Skidmore, Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey, Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Kelly Zilles, Sutton Family, Stephanie Stracke and Family, Kyler Hugie

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

How are you doing? I hope this email finds you well and smiling!

Have you seen the video of the week? Travis learned that the atoning grace of Jesus Christ and His consuming love vanquishes painful regrets that had seemed debilitating and without hope to resolve.

How is your Book of Mormon reading going. We are just about through with week 1. I have attached week 2 reading and quotes. You can find resources at the Book of Mormon page on our website. Are you ready to put stickers on the Ward tracking poster? Are the primary kids ready for their treat (if they have read)? See a member of the Bishopric for your treat.

I loved this week's quote related to 1 Nephi 1-2 by Elder Bednar: “The Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ...The Lord’s tender mercies do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. Faithfulness, obedience, and humility invite tender mercies into our

lives, and it is often the Lord’s timing that enables us to recognize and treasure these important blessings.”

Join us in a Mendon Stake Wide/State of Utah Fast this Sunday June 6th. We are in a drought. Please pray for moisture. Remember that an important part of the Fast is Fast Offerings. President Nelson, “Faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of all belief and the conduit of divine power……The Lord does not require perfect faith for us to have access to His perfect power. But He does ask us to believe……Through your faith, Jesus Christ will increase your ability to move the mountains in your life……Faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest power available to us in this life

Congratulations to Ada Daugs receiving her mission call to Orlando, Florida mission, Spanish speaking, and leaving in October.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As a family/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

June 7-9 YM camp: Lake Creek Camp in Heber City

June 15-16th Girls camp (June 15th Bear Lake, June 16 Park City). July 13-14th white pine backpacking trip. Please see the flyer attached

June 27th Fireside: 7:00 pm Steve “Dusty” Smith: managing attorney, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, and a former City councilman. Join us to listen to a powerful journey as Brother Smith describes his journey of joining the Church, going on a mission, becoming an energetic anti-mormom, and his countless miracles to rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Ucthdorf gave a powerful story of Brother Smith in October 2016 General conference: Learn from Alma and Amulek. Brother Smith has been featured in LDS living magazine, Hi Five Live, Fair Latter Day Saints, Mormon Discussion podcast and is the author of Trial of Faith: Why a lawyer Abandoned His Mormon Faith.

July 3rd Celebration. 7:00-9:00 am Breakfast at the Spring Creek Ward Pavilon. Bring your friends and neighbors to celebrate July 4th.

We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Cook

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Josh Skidmore, Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey, Ada Daugs

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Kelly Zilles, Sutton Family, Stephanie Stracke and Family

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hello Spring Creek Family

How are you? I hope everything is going well in your world.

Did you see Elder Soares testimony of how he "hears Him?" It was powerful. He hears him: I Hear Him by Aligning My Mind with Him,

I Hear Him through the Book of Mormon,

I Hear Him by Making Commitments to the Lord,

I Hear Him by Teaching the Gospel and Following the Spirit.

It is great/inspriational that Elder Soares "Hears Him" through the Book of Mormon. We will focus on the Book of Mormon in Sacrament meeting this week. Ponder this question: "What would my life be without the Book of Mormon?" We will also be kicking off our Book of Mormon Summer read-a-thon. We have many, many resources to help you succeed. Please refer to the Spring Creek Ward website Book of Mormon page for some resources. We encourage you to sit down with your family and make a plan on how to accomplish this important goal. I promise you, just like prophets have promised you, that you will have power in your life (President Ezra Taft Benson), strength in your life and increased testimony (President Gordon B Hinckley), and receive answers to your questions, immunized from the evils of this day (President Russell M Nelson).

It is our turn to clean the Church Building through the month of May. It is a blessing to clean the building and does not take long. Please sign your family up to clean on a Saturday at the Building Clean Up page on our Spring Creek Ward website


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As a family/individually read 6 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

June 7-9 YM camp

June 15-16th Girls camp (June 15th Bear Lake, June 16 Park City). July 13-14th white pine backpacking trip. Please see the flyer attached

June 27th Fireside: 7:00 pm Steve “Dusty” Smith: managing attorney, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, and a former City councilman. Join us to listen to a powerful journey as Brother Smith describes his journey of joining the Church, going on a mission, becoming an energetic anti-mormom, and his countless miracles to rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Ucthdorf gave a powerful story of Brother Smith in October 2016 General conference: Learn from Alma and Amulek. Brother Smith has been featured in LDS living magazine, Hi Five Live, Fair Latter Day Saints, Mormon Discussion podcast and is the author of Trial of Faith: Why a lawyer Abandoned His Mormon Faith.

July 3rd Celebration. 7:00-9:00 am Breakfast at the Spring Creek Ward Pavilon. Bring your friends and neighbors to celebrate July 4th.

We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Cook

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Josh Skidmore, Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Kelly Zilles, Sutton Family

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone.

I hope all is well with you. It is graduation time for many in our Spring Creek Ward Family. Congratulations Graduates. There are many youth graduating from High School. We wish them well. There are also many youth graduatinf from Seminary. Well done!. There are also some adults graduating from Higher Education. Well done! What an accomplishment.

Do you see things in black and white, good and bad? Julie tells her profound story of how these views failed her. I am profoundly grateful for her perspective of "Christ healed me,” she said. “His light and love have transformed me. From a girl who struggled to love herself, I’ve come to love others.” This video is worth watching multiple times

Did you read the great article on "The Heroic Influence of Righteous Women? Here are some powerful words from the article: "Most of the people who’ve changed my life aren’t social media moguls or billionaires or renowned experts. My heroes are people who have taken the time to show me Christlike love and help me understand who I truly am. Our power as righteous women comes from realizing our own importance, our divine identity, and our capacity for accomplishing many things. In turn, realizing our own worth allows us to help others understand their strengths and their infinite worth as well." My heart shouts for joy from this quote. Our potential is "Heavenly."

This week in Sacrament meeting we will focus on Tithing and also the Temple. These topics reflect one of the Bishopric goals for the 2cnd quarter (see the organizational goals attached). Our hope would be that your testimonies grow on both of these topics. I know tithing brings blessings without number and the Temple helps us make important covenants to return to our Heavenly Father.

It is our turn to clean the Church Building through the month of May. It is a blessing to clean the building and does not take long. Please sign your family up to clean on a Saturday at the Building Clean Up page on our Spring Creek Ward website


On May 22 the Spring Creek Ward Youth will have a "Family Carnival" for their fundraiser for summer camps. We will have inflatables for kids to play on, food to eat, games to play, face paintings, car wash, etc. Please support this youth fundraiser and bring your family out to have some fun. It will be located on the soccer field/parking lot/pavilion at the Church from 5:00-7:00 pm. Please see the flyer attached.

May 23rd Seminary Graduation 6:00 pm Mendon Stake Center

May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As a family/individually read 5.35 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

June 7-9 YM camp

June 15-16th Girls camp (June 15th Bear Lake, June 16 Park City). July 13-14th white pine backpacking trip. Please see the flyer attached

June 27th Fireside: 7:00 pm Steve “Dusty” Smith: managing attorney, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, and a former City councilman. Join us to listen to a powerful journey as Brother Smith describes his journey of joining the Church, going on a mission, becoming an energetic anti-mormom, and his countless miracles to rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Ucthdorf gave a powerful story of Brother Smith in October 2016 General conference: Learn from Alma and Amulek. Brother Smith has been featured in LDS living magazine, Hi Five Live, Fair Latter Day Saints, Mormon Discussion podcast and is the author of Trial of Faith: Why a lawyer Abandoned His Mormon Faith.

We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Cook

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Josh Skidmore, Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well.

Wow! Did you see the new video on "I Feel My Savior's Love?" This video shows children describing how they feel our Savior's love. What a powerful testimony!

This week I also loved the video "You are the Women He Foresaw."

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on receiving revelation. This article was a powerful testimony on receiving a prompting and acting on the prompting.

There are many great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward:

It is our turn to clean the Church Building through the month of May. It is a blessing to clean the building and does not take long. Please sign your family up to clean on a Saturday at the Building Clean Up page on our Spring Creek Ward website

The Elders Quorum will be handing out Giant pumpkin seeds for the giant pumpkin contest for the Fall pumpkin Launch (October). They also have Lumina seeds to grow for launching small pumpkins (10” round). Contact a member of the Elders Quorum presidency to get your seeds.

This Sunday at 3:00 pm there will be a Family History Workshop in the multipurpose room focusing on uploading pictures and memories. Please bring your phones and laptops to actively participate.


This Saturday May 15th there will be a Father and Son activity celebrating the Restoration of the Priesthood. President Osborne will be our guest and speak to us in the Relief Society Room at 6:00 pm. Cobbler and Ice cream will be consumed. Please see the attached flyer. Everyone Invited! Any Father or potential Father is invited. Any son may attend.

On May 22 the Spring Creek Ward Youth will have a "Family Carnival" for their fundraiser for summer camps. We will have inflatables for kids to play on, food to eat, games to play, face paintings, car wash, etc. Please support this youth fundraiser and bring your family out to have some fun. It will be located on the soccer field/parking lot/pavilion at the Church from 5:00-7:00 pm. Please see the flyer attached.

May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As a family/individually read 5.35 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.

June 7-9 YM camp

June 15-16th Girls camp (June 15th Bear Lake, June 16 Park City). July 13-14th white pine backpacking trip. Please see the flyer attached

June 27th Fireside: 7:00 pm Steve “Dusty” Smith: managing attorney, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, and a former City councilman. Join us to listen to a powerful journey as Brother Smith describes his journey of joining the Church, going on a mission, becoming an energetic anti-mormom, and his countless miracles to rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Ucthdorf gave a powerful story of Brother Smith in October 2016 General conference: Learn from Alma and Amulek. Brother Smith has been featured in LDS living magazine, Hi Five Live, Fair Latter Day Saints, Mormon Discussion podcast and is the author of Trial of Faith: Why a lawyer Abandoned His Mormon Faith.

We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Pellegrini

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Josh Skidmore, Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you well. I am loving all the flowers and trees blooming. I sang Popcorn Pooping on the Apricot Tree the other day in the car with my granddaughter.

There is no greater calling in the world or the Church than being a mother. This Sunday Sacrament meeting will focus on Mothers. I hope all Mothers, and potential Mothers, feel our love for them. Thank you for all that have done, do, and will do. Here is a wonderful resource page on Mothers

Great news. The State of Utah has achieved all recommended parameters for HB294 to take effect. Since that standard has been reached we feel it is appropriate to announce this Sunday that everyone only need to wear a mask to church if they desire to, otherwise we are not asking everyone to wear a mask at sacrament meeting, or other meetings beginning this Sunday. Please be respectful and understanding to those who chose to continue to wear their masks when they come to church.  Please show kindness. Those administering the Sacrament will continue to wear a mask

It is our turn to clean the Church Building through the month of May. It is a blessing to clean the building and does not take long. Please sign your family up to clean on a Saturday at the Building Clean Up page on our Spring Creek Ward website

The Elders Quorum will be handing out Giant pumpkin seeds for the giant pumpkin contest for the Fall pumpkin Launch (October). They also have Lumina seeds to grow for launching small pumpkins (10” round). Contact a member of the Elders Quorum presidency to get your seeds.


On May 15th there will be a Father and Son activity celebrating the Restoration of the Priesthood. President Osborne will be our guest and speak to us. Cobbler and Ice cream will be consumed. Please see the attached flyer. Any Father or potential Father is invited. Any son may attend.

On May 22 the Spring Creek Ward Youth will have a "Family Carnival" for their fundraiser for summer camps. We will have inflatables for kids to play on, food to eat, games to play, face paintings, car wash, etc. Please support this youth fundraiser and bring your family out to have some fun. It will be located on the soccer field/parking lot/pavilion at the Church. Please see the flyer attached.


May 30th-September 6th: “100 days of Summer. Avoiding Deception, Distraction, Discouragement.” The Spring Creek Ward family will read the Book of Mormon this summer. As a family/individually read 5.35 pages per day to achieve this wonderful goal. There will be many activities along our 100 day journey to track progress. We will celebrate on September 13th with a Family Home Evening Ice Cream Party.


June 27th Fireside: 7:00 pm

Steve “Dusty” Smith: managing attorney, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, and a former City councilman. Join us to listen to a powerful journey as Brother Smith describes his journey of joining the Church, going on a mission, becoming an energetic anti-mormom, and his countless miracles to rejoining the Church of Jesus Christ. Elder Ucthdorf gave a powerful story of Brother Smith in October 2016 General conference: Learn from Alma and Amulek

Brother Smith has been featured in LDS living magazine, Hi Five Live, Fair Latter Day Saints, Mormon Discussion podcast and is the author of Trial of Faith: Why a lawyer Abandoned His Mormon Faith.


We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Pellegrini

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Josh Skidmore, Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey



Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you smiling. The weather is cooperating lately and beautiful.

I loved the article in the Liahona this month entitled "Faithful Parenting in today's changing times." The author gives three insightful suggestions including "1. focusing on relationships, not just rules. 2. Have fun together. 3. Set a example of gospel living." Read the article for details on these inspirational tips.

The video of the week is called "Embrace the Hit." Learn to embrace the challenges of life the way a downhill skeleton racer hits a wall when out of control, says Courtney. Relax, embrace the hit. Don’t steer away from the pain. Listen to the Lord. What a powerful message! The Lord is aware of our trials and is there to help us.

We are all back together this Sunday for Fast and Testimony meeting, and also for second hour meetings (SS, Primary). Please remember it is according to your comfort levels. If you need assistance with the Sacrament let a member of the Bishopric know. Please sit where you are comfortable. Just an addendum to the guidelines for the Sacrament that were detailed in your letter. You may discard of your cups (bread and water cups) in the water tray if you would like. You may also discard of the cups in the trash after the meeting.

It is our turn to clean the Church Building through the month of May. It is a blessing to clean the building and does not take long. Please sign your family up to clean on a Saturday at the Building Clean Up page on our Spring Creek Ward website.


On May 15th there will be a Father and Son activity celebrating the Restoration of the Priesthood. President Osborne will be our guest and speak to us. Cobbler and Ice cream will be consumed. Please see the attached flyer. Any Father or potential Father is invited. Any son may attend.

On May 24th the Spring Creek Ward Youth will have a "Family Carnival" for their fundraiser for summer camps. We will have inflatables for kids to play on, food to eat, games to play, face paintings, car wash, etc. Please support this youth fundraiser and bring your family out to have some fun. It will be located on the soccer field/parking lot/pavilion at the Church.

We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Pellegrini

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Josh Skidmore, Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone,

I hope this finds you well and smiling. Spring is here. Have you seen any “Popcorn popping on the Apricot Tree?”

We will focus on kindness, inclusion, non-judgement in Sacrament meeting this week. There are so many ways to be kind. I love, love, love the Primary song “I’m trying to to be like Jesus.” The chorus says it all:

“Love one another as Jesus loves you.

Try to show kindness in all that you do.

Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,

For these are the things Jesus taught.”

The video of the week is powerful. I know that Christ was Resurrected for us and “Sunday Will Come.

Only one more week and we will all be back together for Sacrament meeting and 2cnd hour meetings. You should receive a letter in the mail from the Bishopric indicating some important considerations. The letter is also attached to this email.


The Spring Creek Community clean up will occur on Saturday April 24th. We will meet at the church for family assignments to clean up our community at 5:00 pm. Then, at 6:00 pm we will enjoy a meal at the Pavilion. We will play games on the big field. Sounds like great family fun. Please see the flyer attached

On May 15th there will be a Father and Son activity celebrating the Restoration of the Priesthood. President Osborne will be our guest and speak to us. Cobbler and Ice cream will be consumed. Please see the attached flyer. Any Father or potential Father is invited. Any son may attend.

On May 24th the Spring Creek Ward Youth will have a "Family Carnival" for their fundraiser for summer camps. We will have inflatables for kids to play on, food to eat, games to play, face paintings, car wash, etc. Please support this youth fundraiser and bring your family out to have some fun. It will be located on the soccer field/parking lot/pavilion at the Church.

We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Pellegrini

Missionaries called from our Ward leaving soon: Josh Skidmore, Riley Sorensen, Tate Godfrey

Members: Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you smiling and well. We are excited to announce a full return to services for our Spring Creek Ward on May 2. We invite everyone to come to Sacrament meeting (which will be Fast and Testimony meeting). We also invite everyone to attend second hour meetings (Sunday School, Relief Society, Elders Quorum, Primary, Young Men, Young Women). Please attend according to your comfort level and safety. We will have details coming forth in the coming weeks. It feels like a real "homecoming" for our Spring Creek Ward family to finally be together as one.

This week's Sacrament meeting will focus on the Sabbath. Remember President Nelson's great talk on "The Sabbath is a delight.?" Remember when he asked us "What sign will you give to the Lord to show your love for Him? Here is a powerful video helping remind us of the importance of the Sabbath, and a physical and spiritual renewal that draws us closer to God, and away from the frenetic pace of the world.

Congratulations to Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen on entering the mission field in Jamaica. We wish them well. Please pray for their success and Elder Kelly's success. 

There is a youth Bishopric fireside scheduled on April 18th (7:00 pm). The youth are welcome to ask questions that will be addressed at this fireside. Please see the flyer attached.

We are excited to highlight some of activities coming up. The Spring Creek Community clean up will occur April 24th. We will meet at the church for family assignments to clean up our community at 5:00 pm. Then, at 6:00 pm we will enjoy a meal at the Pavilion. We will play games on the big field. Sounds like great family fun. Please see the flyer attached

On May 15th there will be a Father and Son activity celebrating the Restoration of the Priesthood. President Osborne will be our guest and speak to us. Cobbler and Ice cream will be consumed. Please see the attached flyer. Any Father or potential Father is invited. Any son may attend.

On May 24th the Spring Creek Ward Youth will have a  "Family Carnival" for their fundraiser for summer camps. We will have inflatables for kids to play on, food to eat, games to play, face paintings, car wash, etc. Please support this youth fundraiser and bring your family out to have some fun. It will be located on the soccer field/parking lot/pavilion at the Church.

We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen

Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Pellegrini

Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hello Everyone

How awesome was conference? It was so great for me and my family. Each talk was a Wow moment! Here is a link to what the prophet taught at General Conference. You can download a summary of every talk from General Conference at this link. I can't wait to focus on some of the talks for Sacrament meetings during the next 6 months.

I loved this video about Jesus Christ and His Grace. Our faith may waiver and we may question at times. Jesus Christ is always there for us.

I know there is excitement in the air to return to "normal (remember what the President Nelson said about a new normal?)." There will be changes to Sacrament meeting in the coming weeks and possibly second hour meetings. Stay tuned and be sure to follow our Spring Creek Website. More details to follow soon. For now we are on regular schedule and protocols

We are looking forward to hearing from Sister Tristyn Godfrey this week in Sacrament meeting. She recently returned home from her mission in California.

Congratulations to Sam and Jessica Steffanic on the arrival of their new baby.

Congratulations to Kylea Weaver who is getting baptized on Saturday. Way to go Kyea!

Meet the Weight family at the Spring Creek Ward Video Page. Also watch the Easter Primary video created by the Primary Presidency. Well done!

We are excited to announce a couple of activities coming up. The Spring Creek Community clean up will occur April 24th. We will meet at the church for family assignments to clean up our community at 5:00 pm. Then, at 6:00 pm we will enjoy a meal at the Pavilion. We will play games on the big field. Sounds like great family fun. Please see the flyer attached

There is a youth Bishopric fireside scheduled on April 18th. The youth are welcome to ask questions that will be addressed at this fireside. Please see the flyer attached.

On May 15th there will be a Father and Son activity celebrating the Restoration of the Priesthood. President Osborne will be our guest and speak to us. Cobbler and Ice cream will be consumed. Please see the attached flyer.

We are also excited to share with you the Spring Creek Ward goals for the second quarter of this year. Please see the attached flyer of the goals of each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of "Gathering Israel" and the Ward focus of "One by One." Please look for the poster display as you enter the Chapel on the goals. We invite you to talk about these goals as families and help us succeed.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly,

Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Pellegrini

Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this message finds you bright with hope. It is Easter Season and a great time to be alive. A great way to celebrate Easter is to read "The Living Christ" as a family. Here is a powerful paragraph from this inspirational document: "He rose from the grave to “become the first fruits of them that slept” (1 Corinthians 15:20). As Risen Lord, He visited among those He had loved in life. He also ministered among His “other sheep” (John 10:16) in ancient America.In the modern world, He and His Father appeared to the boy Joseph Smith, ushering in the long-promised “dispensation of the fullness of times” (Ephesians 1:10)." I am grateful for everthing Jesus Christ has done for me and for you!

We have General Conference this weekend. Are you preparing to receive powerful messages from our General Authorities? Here are some great ideas for children and youth activities during conference. Elder Bednar gives a great pattern for studying General Conference talks: "

The pattern is (1) identifying the doctrine or principle being taught, (2) finding the invitations to act related to the doctrine or principle, and (3) recognizing the promised blessings that will come as one acts in accordance with the invitation."

We are excited to announce a couple of activities coming up. The Spring Creek Community clean up will occur April 24th. We will meet at the church for family assignments to clean up our community at 5:00 pm. Then, at 6:00 pm we will enjoy a meal at the Pavilion. We will play games on the big field. Sounds like great family fun. Please see the flyer attached

There is a youth Bishopric fireside scheduled on April 18th. The youth are welcome to ask questions that will be addressed at this fireside. Please see the flyer attached.

We are also excited to share with you goals for the second quarter of this year. Next week we will release the goals each organization is working on in alignment with the Stake Vision of Gathering Israel and the Ward focus of One by One. A flyer will be shared in emails and also look for the display as you enter the chapel for Sacrament meeting.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly,

Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Pellegrini

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well.

This Sunday will be Fast and Testimony meeting for groups C (P-Z) and A (A-G). We have General Conference coming up next weekend. Are you preparing to receive powerful messages from our General Authorities? Here are some great ideas for children and youth activities during conference.

I hope you have signed up to receive daily messages of hope about Easter and Jesus Christ. Today begins the first message. Tonight there is a special Handel's Messiah performance you can watch online at 7:00 pm.

Happy Birthday Relief Society. 179 years is a huge accomplishment. We love what you do for everyone. You are amazing Sisters in our Ward! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We are excited to announce a couple of activities coming up. Spring Creek Community clean up will occur April 24th. We will meet at the church for family assignments to clean up our community at 5:00 pm. Then, at 6:00 pm we will enjoy a meal at the Pavilion. We will play games on the big field. Sounds like great family fun. Look for a flyer soon.

There is a youth Bishopric fireside scheduled on April 18th. The youth are welcome to ask questions that will be addressed at this fireside. Please see the flyer attached.

Welcome home Sister Tristyn Godfrey. We look forward to hearing from you on April 11th in Sacrament meeting

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, 

Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Duane Cox family, Randy and Maleesa Jacobsen family,

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Your message has been sent.

Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. I hope you access the Church of Jesus Christ resource to receive texts/emails for the week of Easter. It will be an exciting General Conference to have over the Easter weekend. How are you preparing for General Conference? I am looking forward to to this special weekend.

The video of the week is about Calyann Barnett. Friends, fun, parties, and professional success—Calyann Barnett had it all! That was until Calyann discovered she lived in a prison of her own making. Through her willingness to put God’s promises to the test, she realized there was something in life she hadn’t yet experienced—the peace of knowing that Jesus Christ’s love is real and available to all. Everyone can find this peace if they’re willing to take the time to learn of Christ and listen to His words.

This Sunday is Stake Conference  (10:30 am). Please see the attached flyer for directions. The virtual link is in the flyer and also on our Spring Creek Ward website. Please see the meeting schedule for the next couple of weeks for clarification.

Congratulations to Tate Godfrey who received a mission call to San Antonio, Texas and will leave the end of July. We now have 3 Young Men called to serve missions beginning this Summer (Josh Skidmore: Villahermosa, Mexico, Riley Sorensen: Billings, Montana, Tate Godfrey: San Antonio, Texas)

Remember the food drive on Saturday (3/19). Leave your food items in a bag on your porch by 9:00 am. The Youth will be around to pick up your donations.

Brother Duane Cox Obituary and Funeral information can be found at: https://www.allenmortuaries.net/obituaries/Duane-Cox-6/#!/Obituary The viewing will be held at Allen-Hall Mortuary, 34 East Center Street in Logan, Friday March 19 from 6pm to 8pm and Saturday before the funeral from 10:30am to 11:30am. Funeral services for Saturday March 20, 2021 at 12:00pm at the College/Young Ward LDS Church. Following the services, the burial and grave dedication will be at the Providence Cemetery. A Zoom link of the funeral and graveside services will be available for those who wish to attend remotely which may be accessed at www.allenmortuaries.net

We are sending our prays out for the Cox Family and Randy and Maleesa (daughter) Jacobsen this week

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Linda Thatcher, Bret Jenson, Duane Cox family, Randy and Maleesa Jacobsen family, Richard and Jessica Arroyo family.

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone.

I hope all is well with you. Spring is upon us.hahaha. I love the Primary song "My Heavenly Father Loves Me." I always seem to think of this song this time of year.

I have enjoyed "Come Follow" me this week, especially since we are celebrating Women this month. Emma Smith was an amazing, inspiring, beautiful, strong, faith filled, talented, intelligent woman. I loved the word's of Joseph Smith about Emma, "“With what unspeakable delight, and what transports of joy swelled my bosom, when I took by the hand, on that night, my beloved Emma—she that was my wife, even the wife of my youth; and the choice of my heart. Many were the re-vibrations of my mind when I contemplated for a moment the many scenes we had been called to pass through. The fatigues, and the toils, the sorrows, and sufferings, and the joys and consolations from time to time had strewed our paths and crowned our board. Oh! what a co-mingling of thought filled my mind for the moment, Again she is here, even in the seventh trouble, undaunted, firm, and unwavering, unchangeable, affectionate Emma.” She played a central, important, crucial, sacrificing, supportive, role in the restoration.

Please read the Ward Spiritual Thought this week by Brother Hinton. Great message on testimony!

The Primary videos are a wonderful resource every week.

FYI for parents of youth: YM/YW combined activity will be on Wednesday night at 7:00 pm this week (not Tuesday night).

We have a Food Drive Saturday, March 20th: The youth will be around to pick up your donations on your doorstop before 9:00 am.

Stake Conference is March 21st: Please see the attached flyer for details. The broadcast will be virtual and the link can be found at our website. Fast and Testimony meeting will be March 28th due to General Conference on April 3rd and 4th. Are you  preparing for General Conference?

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Dennis Riggs, Linda Thatcher, Bret Jenson

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well and smiling. Spring seems to be frequently knocking at the door. I am happy to let it in.

Were you able to view/participate in RootsTech last week? There were some wonderful workshops and trainings. I loved Elder and Sister Holland session on their family.

Remember that we are continuing to open up our activities more and more. Cache County went to a "Moderate" level yesterday. This may mean more changes in the near future for our Sacrament Meetings and other meetings. Stay Tuned! It is exciting. You can always check the Meeting Schedule page to see the latest changes. The month of March will have two fast Sunday's and Stake Conference. The General Session of Stake Conference (March 21st at 10:00am) will be virtual. Please see the meeting page for the link. You can see the attached flyer for stake conference. The Mendon Stake also has a website.

Please read the Ward Spiritual Thought this week by Brother Gurr. Great message!

The Primary videos are a wonderful resource every week.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Dennis Riggs, Linda Thatcher, Dennis Riggs family. Bret Jenson

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone.

I hope this email finds you smiling and doing well. Do you sometimes feel like you’re not good enough for God or anyone else? Chances are you’ve had a bout with perfectionism. That downward spiral of thinking “If I’m not perfect, I must be bad” is painful. But whether you know it or not, God’s grace reaches everyone—including perfectionists.Watch the journey of

Olivia Ekberg as she explains her bout with perfectionism. I know that Christ makes up the differences of our weaknesses.

Remember that we have organized the ward into three groups now for in person Sacrament Meeting attendance. You can refer to the Spring Creek Ward website for meeting schedules

In-person Church: 10:30 am; Group A: Last Name A-G, Group B: Last Name H-O, Group C Last Name P-Z 

February 28 Groups C & A

March 7 Groups A & B Fast and Testimony Meeting

The Priest Quorum continues their Service project. Please bring cleaning supplies (cleaners, wipes, paper towels, etc.) and place them in the box in the foyers. The Priests will pick up cleaning supplies on March 2cnd around 7:00 pm. Please leave them on your doorstep. The supplies will be delivered to the local food pantry.

Roots Tech is February 25-27: Join the world’s largest family celebration for free to unlock your family’s history and learn how to preserve the stories of your life. Here are 4 ways to celebrate your heritage at rootstech.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Dennis Riggs, Linda Thatcher.

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well. The video/message of the week is incredible. Please watch "Your Great Adventure:Overcoming Life's Obstacles." When an experienced runner decides to train for a 100-mile ultramarathon in a hostile desert, he must face the daunting task of doing something that seems impossible. This is a wonderful metaphor for the plan of happiness and Jesus Christ love for us. I have been pondering this subject for awhile now and understand the difficulties life can throw at us. We can easily get distracted by "things," or become to busy in our lives, or become overwhelmed, or discouraged to feel the tender love of our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ. I know if we simplify and listen, God is there for you and I.

Great things are happening. We have great news. We would like to increase Sacrament meeting opportunities. We have split the Spring Creek Ward into 3 groups now. Please see below your group according to your last name. You may now attend Sacrament meeting 2 weeks in a row and then be off for 1 week according to the Schedule. Please see the meeting schedule at the website for the rest of the schedule. We can now have the opportunity to see more Spring Creek Ward members that you may not have seen for months. If it is your "off" week you may still continue to watch online.

In-person Church: 10:30 am

Group A: Last Name A-G

Group B: Last Name H-O

Group C Last Name P-Z     February 21 Groups    B & C

February 28 Groups    C & A

March 7 Groups     A &B  Fast and Testimony Meeting

Tune into the live Primary Broadcast on Saturday February 20th at 11:00 am for an inspirational program

The Priest Quorum continues their Service project. Please bring cleaning supplies (cleaners, wipes, paper towels, etc.) and place them in the box in the foyers. The supplies will be delivered to the local food pantry.

Roots Tech will be February 25-27: Join the world’s largest family celebration for free to unlock your family’s history and learn how to preserve the stories of your life.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Dennis Riggs, Linda Thatcher.

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well.

I hope you are finding hope in these times. Here is the video of the week. Notice the dramatic change from the beginning of the video to the end. When we place Christ at the center, peace comes. There is a great article this week entitled "Moving Forward with Hope During Unexpected Times" that states: "When dark clouds are around us and we feel fear and uncertainty about moving forward into these paths life takes us on, our hope and faith in Christ can light the way and enable us to take even just one small step forward. Because of Him, it is possible for us to have joy in the now even when our circumstances are not what we wanted or expected.

If you are finding yourself caught in between life transitions or things aren’t quite going the way you wanted them to, remember that Heavenly Father has a plan for you that you might not even be able to imagine. Even if He may seem silent at times, He is actively working in your life. He sees the end from the beginning. If you rely on Him and continue forward, doing the best you can with your current circumstances, your life will be infinitely better than you ever thought it could be."

We have good news on the COVID battle. We are making significant progress. Here are some guidelines that have been recently released from our Area Presidency and shared with President Osborne:

General guidance for all activities:

EQ/RS – All activities approved so long as they adhere to the general guidance. Activities are dictated by numbers that can attend "safely."

YM/YW – All activities approved so long as they adhere to the general guidance to include overnight camping. A small side note…if traveling in a car with non-family member youth we should have masks on.

Primary – All activities approved so long as they adhere to the general guidance. Weekly spiritual events should be provided for use by families (singing, videos, handouts…whatever)

Sunday Schedule

Please continue to follow updates/schedules at our Spring Creek Ward

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Dennis Riggs, Linda Thatcher Family.

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi All,

I hope this finds you well and smiling. There are many great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you feeling like you can't do it all? Do you sometimes feel like you gospel checklist is not being "checked off?" It is remarkable that the Prophet has not emphasized doing "more," but rather "hearing him." Sometimes we get too caught up in the river of life, or the river of the gospel to really understand that all we do should be to become like Christ and change. Sister Joy D Jones makes that very clear in her video about Christ's love and hearing him.

In your journey to feeling the Spirit, ask yourself these questions to understand your relationship with revelation:

Here we are in February. I hope you have captured the vision of the Relief Society and Elders Quorum by couples serving each other. Look for texts from them on ideas. If you are not receiving texts or emails from them contact the Relief Society President or Elders Quorum President.

1. The Primary continues to Shine Brightly. Their Come Follow me lessons for the Primary children are wonderful. Sister Atkin and Sister Feuz also do a great job with singing time.

2. Check out the Spring Creek Ward Spiritual thought by Brother Hinton this week.

3. This week is Fast and Testimony meeting. Please see the meeting schedule. We have had some very good news by the Area Presidency lately opening up meetings a bit more. We can now have 150 members attend sacrament meetings, Elders and Relief Society Activities, Activity Days in person. I hope we are beating COVID. Please continue to follow CDC guidelines when meeting.

4. Can you help Brother and Sister Clark with their ward missionary calling? Please sign up for them to help

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Dennis Riggs, Linda Thatcher Family.

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey

1/29/21 Updates

Hi Everyone.

I hope this finds you well and smiling.

I love this video by Elder Joseph B Wirthlin on "Come What May." The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life. It may not be easy all the time but putting our trust in the Lord will help us grow and feel joy.

There are many great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward:

1. This week is the Spring Creek Ward Conference. We welcome our Mendon Stake leaders and look forward to President Osborne speaking to us in Sacrament meeting. The theme is "Gathering Israel." You may find attached the Mendon stake theme to discuss with your families. You will also find a talk by Elder Bednar on "The Spirit and Purpose of Gathering." Adults will meet together for the 2cnd hour at 12:15. Please see the meeting schedule page for the link under the 5th Sunday area. The Youth will meet combined at 9:30 am. The Primary also has a special video from the stake you can view on the Primary page

2. The Ward Spiritual thought is posted. Thank Brother Gurr. I love the analogy of "Onward Christian Soldiers."

3. The Priests in the Ward are doing a service project for the next couple of weeks. Here is a message from them: "The young men are doing a service project for the food pantry and would appreciate and donations of CLEANING SUPPLIES. You can bring any donations to the church where there will be a box to drop the donations or you may leave them out on your porch on February 9th and the young men will pick them up. The young men will not knock on any doors due to COVID restrictions so please bring them to the church have them out before 7:00 pm on February 9th.

4. You can view Brother Sid Thatchers funeral (if you missed it) on the White Pine Funeral website. What a legacy. Thank you to everyone that helped the family this week.

5. The Primary continues to shine brightly. They are providing Come Follow me lessons for the primary children and also Singing Time. These are great resources for every family (young and old).

6. The Ward Video page is fun to get to know members of the Spring Creek Ward.

Prayer List:

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Dennis Riggs, Linda Thatcher Family.

Thank you for all you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you.

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey

1/22/21 Updates

Hi Everyone

I hope everyone is well. We are at the tail end of January. I hope your goals are going well. 

There was a powerful article in the Liahona this week on "Including Everyone." As we honor our baptismal covenants think about "for some, the journey to the chapel doors includes feeling vulnerable, anxious, or lonely. Their experiences, family realities, or circumstances may not reflect an imagined “ideal.” This often leads to feeling like they stand on the outside looking in, even when that “ideal” doesn’t represent reality for any of us." 

We might start by pondering the following questions:

Thanks for making everyone feel welcome in our Spring Creek Ward Family. Please reach out to those in need. 

There are lots of great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward

1. Ward Conference is coming up on January 31st. I have attached the Stake Vision. The theme is on Gathering Israel. The second-hour meetings will also follow this theme. The adults will be meeting together and the youth will meet together virtually. The discussion will center around Elder David Bednar's talk on The Spirit and Purposes of Gathering.

2. Get to know Spring Creek Ward members. We welcome the Evanson and Tuttle, families. Congratulations to Ashley and Shane Thorpe on their new baby. Congratulations to Taylor and Jamie Garfield on their new baby. You can also join our FaceBook page to follow updates

3. I hope you are taking advantage of the Primary resources. There are Come Follow Me lessons and Primary Singing time that are wonderful for families. 

4. It is RS/Elders/YM/YW this week for 2cnd hour meetings. 

5. There are many other great things to consider: Ward Spiritual thought, Family History

Prayer List: 

Praying for others: Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries: Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Cameron and Cierra Sutton/baby, Richard Osterlin, Doug Jensen, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Dennis Riggs

Thank you for all you do. 

We think of you, We pray for you. 

Bishop Kelly

Brother Jensen

Brother Gurr

Brother Hinton

Brother Tovey

01/15/2021 Updates

Hi Everyone,

I hope all is well with you.

Can you believe our beloved Prophet Russell M. Nelson has led us for 3 years? He has traveled extensively, changed Church organization, utilized technology, issued historic invitations and built bridges of understanding. I love that he is so optimistic about the future. I love the spirit he brings every time I see him.

There are great things happening in the Spring Creek Ward.

1. Congratulations to Tyler and Danelle Beckstrand and Logan on their sealing. What a incredible blessing for them. Take a look at their pictures attached and you can literally see a special glow of happiness.

2. This week will be Sunday School. Please see the meeting schedule for individual times.

3. There will be a special virtual workshop on Temple and Family History this Sunday (1/17/21) at 3:00 pm. You can find details and a link on the Family History Corner page

4. Have you seen the videos on some of our Spring Creek Ward Members? You can sign up to have the Brother and Sister Spackman come help introduce your family to the Ward.

5. The Primary is doing wonderful things. Please see the Primary page for details. Activity Days are happening. Some of the  Primary teachers are doing a great job making video lessons on Come Follow me. Singing Time is one of the highlights of my week.

6. There continues to be outbreaks of COVID within our Ward. Please be safe and follow CDC guidelines.

Please let us know if we can help in any way!

Thank you to everyone who makes our Spring Creek Ward great. Thank you for making our ward feel like a family.

Prayer list:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Sister Tristyn Godfrey. Utah Ogden missionaries:  Sister McKinley & Sister Iannang

Sutton's baby

Richard Osterlin

Doug Jensen

Cindy Olsen

We love you and pray for you.

Bishop Kelly

Brother Jensen

Brother Gurr

Brother Hinton

Brother Tovey

01/08/2021 Updates

Hi Everyone

I hope this email finds you smiling and doing well. As we enter January it is a symbol of new beginnings. January comes from Janus, a Roman god who stood for beginnings and transitions. We are able to look back on the past year and forward to the new year. I hope 2020 brought you closer to our Heavenly Father and strengthened families. I absolutely loved studying the Book of Mormon last year and I look forward to studying the Doctrine and Covenants this year. The ward spiritual thought this week reflects on resolutions.

Here are some updates for the Spring Creek Ward:

1. Make sure to refresh you bookmark for www.springcreekward.org. We had a glitch in the website this week and it will require you to re-link to the new address. You may type in at anytime www.springcreekward.org in any browser to see what is going on in the ward, but if you have bookmarked the page, you may need re-link it.

2. Check out the primary page. There is new information on Activity Days for boys and girls and meeting logistics.  Singing time with Sister Atkin and Sister Fuez continues to be one of my highlights during the week.

3. Brother and Sister Clark have been called as ward missionary media specialists. They will help you with social media and will help the ward make videos on missionary work. You can join our face book page at https://www.facebook.com/springcreekward. The Mendon Utah Stake facebook page can be joined at https://www.facebook.com/servingchristinthemendonstake/. Please help Brother and Sister Clark with their calling.

4. Brother and Sister Spackman continue to help us get to know each other. Check out the Ward Video page for getting to know ward members. You can help them by signing up your family to be introduced at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NbyhLj5lcCsyHoXMUAJciQQo_uBpQ1x80KI9T88nmMQ/edit

5. This week's Sacrament meeting is at 10:30 am. It will be RS/Elders/YM/YW this week. All the schedules and links can be found on our meeting schedule page. All the schedules can also be found on the LDS calendar.

Ward Prayer list

Cindy Olsen, Richard Osterlin, Suttons (Baby), Doug Jensen.

Take care

Think of you

Praying for you

Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


Hi Spring Creek Ward Family

I hope all is well with you. I hope your Holidays have gone well. I hope you have found peace among the chaos this past month.

Please remember that we change meeting times this week. The schedule of meetings can be found on the meeting page of our Spring Creek News site, or on the lds calendar.  Our Sacrament meeting is at 10:30 am and is Fast and Testimony meeting this Sunday. Please check the schedule for your rotation according to the alphabet on the meeting schedule page. You may contact a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency if you need help with the Sacrament in your home or a member of the Bishopric

This week is Sunday School. A new twist will be the addition of a second Sunday School Adult class. You may choose which class to attend. One class is on google meet and the other class is on Zoom. Both platforms support closed caption if you activate it. We are beginning Doctrine and Covenants "Come Follow Me."

The Phippen's are introduced on the Ward Video page. Welcome to the Taylor and Janae Hatch family this week.

The Singing time page with Sister Atkin and Sister Feuz is a treasure.

We continue to have COVID cases in our ward family and other sicknesses. Please check on your neighbors, ministering assignments, and friends. Let us know if we can help in any way.

The coming year has a fresh appeal to it and fresh beginnings. The Spring Creek Ward vision is in alignment with the Mendon Utah Stake vision: Gathering Israel. Our emphasis is on "Ministering to the One". Wherever you are please be kind, generous, loving, accepting, and minister to the one. See each individual as our Heavenly Father sees you.

We love you and pray for you.

Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey

12/18/2020 Updates

Hello Ward Family

I hope all is well with you. I hope you are finding peace in this Christmas time of hustle and bustle. Here is a video to remind us that "I Know My Savior Lives.". I hope you have time to focus on Jesus Christ.

There are many great things going on in the Spring Creek Ward.

1. We are rapping up tithing settlement for the year. This Sunday afternoon will be the last chance to meet with the Bishop. You can choose to do it in person or virtually. Please indicate that choice when you sign up on the Bishop's door. If you are unable to do it this Sunday let the Bishop or Brother Garrett Hinton know. Please see the announcement page for tithing details.

2. Please watch the great messages of the Mendon Stake Christmas devotional.  You can find the message on the announcement page.

3. Brother Jay Tovey has the Ward Spiritual Thought this week.

4. The new schedule of meetings can be found on the Church of Jesus Christ Calendar.  I have also attached a simple chart showing meeting times. Sacrament meeting will commence at 10:30 am next year. The Youth, Relief Society, and Elders meeting times are different than this year's times so make sure to plan accordingly. The updated times will change on the Meeting time page the last week of the month

5. Brother and Sister Spackman are working hard helping the Spring Creek Ward get to know each other. Please watch some video introductions of members of our Ward Family. The Pugmire family video is up and running and the Tovey Family is soon to follow. Please support them in their calling and sign up on the Ward Video Page.

6. The Primary Singing Time videos are always a highlight of my week to watch.

7. Thank you to the Primary, Missionaries, Young Women, Sunday School, Elders Bishopric, Relief Society for making our Spring Creek Ward Nativity a special experience. Thank you to everyone who braved the cold to come and see the Nativity. The Bishopric has an ornament for you if you did not receive one. We will be giving the ornament to families at the end of Sacrament Meeting this week.

7. There are some individuals in the Ward who are struggling with "things." Please watch over your ministering families. It may be COVID or other physical ailments. It may be  emotional or spiritual things. Please let us know if we can help in any way.

We love you and pray for you

Bishop Jon Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Garrett Hinton

Brother Jay Tovey


A warm welcome to the new families in the ward who have moved into the Spring Creek Ward in the past couple of months. Reach out to them and make them feel welcome. You can find their information in the LDS Tools app.

Hatch: Taylor and Janae, Rowley, Melissa

Kruitbosh: Tanya and Alaina

Richards: Austin and Rebecca

Phippen: Daniel, Annie

Pugmire: Samuel, Madeleine

Clark: Jeremy, Makinzie

Fullmer Family: Joey, Alex, Boston, Parks

Spackman Family: Kyle, Amanda, Bridget, Kate, Thomas, Caroline

Ames: Avery and Erin

Chambers Family: Cole, Lisa, William, Grayson

Nieves Family: Pablo, Michelle, Ammon, Marisa, Jarom

Kimberly Villalobos, Janden Cutler

Smith Family: Tate, Briana, Addalyn

Pam Rarick

Bridger Yates

Jerman Family: Jason, Taya, Haven

Ricks Family: Lanae, Kimball, Lillian, Kate, Louisa

William Robinson


Hi Everyone

I hope this finds you well and smiling. I hope you are dodging the Omicron bullets that are flying. There are some in our Spring Creek Ward who are ill due to this Covid variant. Please reach out to your neighbors and help them if in need.

We are excited to release our goals for Quarter 1. These goals will be discussed in Sacrament meeting this week. The Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake has outlined 4 focus points for this next year (see attachment). The Spring Creek Ward organizations have created specific goals that emphasize many of the focal points by the Utah Area Presidency and Mendon Utah Stake for Quarter 1 (see attachment). You can also work with your family and individually to create faith based goals that relate to our goals. Remember, goals are about growth. A very good article this week talks about growth by describing a pattern for growth, commitment, patience and diligence, using resources, and the Savior's example of growth.

The Come Follow Me lesson this week on the Creation this week was inspiring. Because the world around us is so beautiful and majestic, it is hard to imagine the earth when it was “without form, and void,” “empty and desolate” (Genesis 1:2; Abraham 4:2). One thing the Creation story teaches us is that God can make something magnificent out of something unorganized. That’s helpful to remember when life seems chaotic. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are Creators, and Their creative work with us is not finished. They can make light shine in dark moments in our lives. They can form solid ground in the midst of life’s stormy seas. They can command the elements, and if we obey Their word like the elements did, They can transform us into the beautiful creations we were meant to be. That’s part of what it means to be created in God’s image, after His likeness (see Genesis 1:26). We have the potential to become like Him: exalted, glorified, celestial beings.

The media selection of the week (instead of video, we are going with audio) is a shout out to the new youth album for 2022. The youth theme is Proverbs 3:5-6 (“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”). These songs are inspirational and great to listen to anytime. You can also see the songs on You Tube.

Stake Conference has been cancelled on January 16th. We will have regular meetings on this Sunday. Rising Covid numbers has caused caution with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General Authorities traveling.


January Sacrament meeting at 12:00 pm; Sunday School at 1:10 pm

January 9th: 2:30 pm. Youth Devotional for FSY (For the Strength of Youth) at the Mendon Stake Center. Our Ward has chosen July 11-15th at the University of Utah.

January 22: Temple and Family History Fireside at 6:00 pm. Soups and devotional with Matt Maughn.

Feb 1st: Carpet cleaning. No activities in the building

Feb 11th: Valentine Party

February 13th: Ward Conference

Prayer List:

Praying for others:

Missionaries: Serving from our Ward: Elder Paul Kelly, Elder Clark and Sister Marsha Israelsen, Elder Josh Skidmore, Elder Riley Sorensen, Elder Tate Godfrey, Sister Ada Daugs, Sister Ashlyn Hansen

Utah Ogden Missionaries: Sister Dyer & Sister Mackey (435-374-9635)

Members: Richard Osterlin, Cindy Olsen, Don Jones, Carol Hill,

Thank you for all that you do

We are thinking of you. We are praying for you. We Love you

Let us know if we can help in any way.


Bishop Kelly

Brother Dan Jensen

Brother Matt Gurr

Brother Austin Richards

Brother Shawn Taylor

Spring Creek Ward Website

PS: Temple appointments: The Church of Jesus Christ will continue to use online appointments for the temple. If you are unable to schedule an appointment online then feel free to Call the temple office (435-752-3611) and they can assist you scheduling an appointment. You can also watch this informative video on how to schedule Temple appointments