Research Resources

Funding for Student Travel to Conferences

Department of Linguistics Professional Development Grant

Graduate School Graduate Student Travel Assistance Application

ASUU Travel and Conference Funding

Also check the conference web site--many conferences offer travel grants to students.

Student Research Funding

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grants

Poster printing (from the Department of Linguistics): The department will pay for it. You and/or your student will need to send the specs (size, color or bw, matte or gloss, etc.) to From there they will create a Ushop PO with the Marriott Library that will need to be printed and brought to the library information desk on the second floor. The Department can print this, and you or your student can pick it up from me or I can email it. It’s fastest if students bring a flash drive, but they can also use the online submission. Please make sure that students allow for AT LEAST 24 hours in advance with the library. It’s helpful for me to have another 24 hours in advance to do the Ushop PO as well. So in short best practice should be to let the Department know at least 48 hours in advance to order and to allow the library at least 24 hours in advance for them to print it. Please let the Department know if you have any questions. If students need something short notice, they can also go to Lassonde where black and white is free on regular large size paper, but they may have to pay a small fee for color.

Fellowships and Scholarships

Students should apply for every fellowship and scholarship for which they are eligible

Department of Linguistics Fellowships and Scholarships

College of Humanities Fellowships and Scholarships

University of Utah-Sponsored Fellowships and Scholarships 

For Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Research Scholar Designation

Undergraduate Honors Thesis

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

Thesis Information and Forms

University of Utah Thesis Office