Our Story

SPARKHope is a volunteer organization that is leading a 'Food for Families' initiative in collaboration with St. Mary's Food Bank to support food insecure families. 

With an impending climate crisis, lack of civic engagement, and the ripple effects of COVID-19, Gen Z faces another adversary: rising food insecurity rates.  At 14, local scottsdale teen, Fatimah Amer, realized that she had to take action and help her Arizona community.  

"Before the pandemic, I would go with my mom at least once or twice a month and donate items to St. Mary's Food bank," Fatimah recalls. "But, we had to stop once the pandemic hit due to health and safety concerns. However, with the effects of the pandemic still exacerbating the quality of life for many, procuring food has now become increasingly difficult for most families. I knew I had to do something." 

This sparked an idea in Fatimah to start an organization, to mitigate the social determinants of health that have detrimental effects on the wellbeing of individuals.  She created her volunteer organization, SPARKHope, a platform to tackle impending health adversaries.  Specifically, the 'Food for Families' initiative serves to help Gen Z households, who are also the hardest hit, have greater access to consistent, nutritious meals.

The initiative donates food items in bulk on a bimonthly basis and also holds an annual food drive during the holiday season, donating the proceeds to various food banks and shelter homes in the Greater Phoenix Area.  In fact, the 2022 holiday food drive was able to raise more than 10,245 lbs of food, through the help of local businesses and manufacturers.  

"By collaborating and partnering with mom and pop shops and local small businesses, we are able to donate a large amount of food on a consistent basis," says Fatimah. "It's incredible how much we can achieve through collective, sustained efforts."

In addition, the initiative serves to raise awareness about food insecurity through advocacy.  Volunteers have already written many letters to the editor, featured on the Arizona Daily Star, highlighting the significance of the impending adversary.  Fatimah hopes to see long term success in efforts to reach zero hunger, by ensuring political commitment from local government officials. 

Fatimah, currently a sophomore at BASIS Scottsdale, has enlisted friends and volunteers to help advocate and reach out to local businesses to further her efforts. She feels honored "knowing teens, her age, have access to healthy meals on a regular basis.  I want to reach out to as many people as I can.  With the many impending adversaries in our society, no one should have to worry about where their next meal is coming from," she shares. "Knowing I can play a small part in global efforts to reach zero hunger is gratifying."