4th Workshop on
Semantic Policy and Action Representations for Autonomous Robots (SPAR)
November 8th, 2019 - Macau, China
at IROS 2019
Karinne Ramirez-Amaro
Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
karinne@chalmers.se, http://www.ics.ei.tum.de/people/ramirez/
Eren Erdal Aksoy
School of Information Technology, Halmstad University, Sweden
Yezhou Yang
School of Computing, Arizona State University, USA
Shiqi Zhang
Department of Computer Science, SUNY Binghamton, USA
szhang@cs.binghamton.edu, http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~szhang/
Advisory Board
Michael Beetz
Professor for Computer Science at the Faculty for Mathema cs & Informa cs Head of the Ins tute for Ar ficial Intelligence (IAI)
University Bremen, Germany
Yiannis Aloimonos
Leads the Percep on and Robo cs Group
University of Maryland, USA
Tamim Asfour
Professor at the Ins tute for Anthropomatics and Robotics
Head of the chair of Humanoid Robotics Systems
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
https://h2t.anthropoma k.kit.edu/english/21_66.php/
Florentin Wörgötter
Professor at the Computational Neuroscience
University of Göttinngen
https://www.uni-goe ngen.de/en/58059.html