Dr. Spandan Roy
Assistant Professor
Robotics Research Center
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
Research interest
Artificial Time Delay based control design
Adaptive-robust control design
Switched systems
Sliding Mode Control
Euler-Lagrange systems
Robotics (control of autonmous systems)
Reconfigurable systems
Underactuated systems
Smart grid
A few research themes

Artifical Delay based control design
In this method delay is artificially (i.e., intentionally) introduced to estimate unknown system dynamics using the state/input data collected at the immediate previous time instant. One sample work is shown here.

Adaptive-robust Control
This is a class of control technique which tackles the uncertainties without a priori knowledge of strucutue (compared to traditional adaptive control method) and upper bounds of uncertainties (compared to traditional robust control method).

Adaptation in Sliding Mode Control
Here the research direction is to tackle a priori unbounded state-dependent uncertainties via sliding mode while adapting for the unknown uncertainty bounds.

Adaptive Control of Underactuated Systems
Available control methods for underactuated Euler-Lagrange (EL) systems rely on structure-specific constraints that may be appropriate for some systems, but restrictive for others. The research direction is to derive a quite generalized (structure-independent) adaptive control framework adaptive control framework in the presence of uncertainty.

Switched Sytems
Switched dynamics may appear in system naturally, or due to parametric changes or due to appearance/disappearance of certain dynamics term depending upon operating conditions. Here we investigate such systems and adaptive control of the same in presence of various types of uncertainties. Two sample works are shown here, while others can be found in detailed list of publications.