
Final Program


  • AsteroidX: An Asteroid Exploration Simulation and Visualisation Tool - T. Zhang, L. A. Dennis, and M. Webster [Paper][Poster]

  • Rock Instance Segmentation from Synthetic Images for Planetary Exploration Missions - W. Boerdijk, M. G. Müller, M. Durner, M. Sundermeyer, W. Friedl, A. Gawel, W. Stürzl, Z.-C. Márton, R. Siegwart, and R. Triebel [Paper][Poster]

  • Intelligent Design of Human-Machine Interface for Smart Health Management - S. Xiao, L. Ferrarello, and C. McGinley [Paper][Poster]

  • Reinforcement Learning based Control Framework for Multiple-Operator Teleoperation - S. C. Bacha, Z. Wang, X. Cheng, and Y. Huang [Paper][Poster]

  • Human-Agent Collaboration Framework based on Kalman Filter - Z. Huang, Z. Wang, Y. Huang, and X. Cheng [Paper][Poster]

  • Affordance Template Registration via Human-in-the-loop Corrections - M. Hagenow, M. Zinn, T. Fong, E. Laske, and K. Hambuchen [Paper][Poster]