
An important part of the Southwestbus fleet is the heritage department. 
That's not a catty observation on the modern bus fleet we provide. We do have some really old vehicles alongside the old ones we run on daily service. 
We're not quite at the latter days of the Cawlett era Southern National operation's prolonged use of the Bristol VRT and Leyland National well past their 20th birthdays though we're well on our way to achieving that. 
There's two types of heritage vehicle in our fleet and they undertake similar types of work. 
Things we like that are of historical interest to us (such as first new vehicle, first vehicle etc) . You'll find these working on Glastonbury Festival trying not to get covered in mud. 
Things that are 'classic' which we hire out to customers.  These tend to be red in colour and built/operated in London. 
Customers generally associate classic with a 'Red London Bus' - so our fleet is well stocked with examples. 
We have a fairly wide customer base hiring our heritage stock. This includes:
  • Film and TV (we place great store on providing the 'correct' vehicle for a production) No 1970's LT liveried Routemasters in WW2 films get hired from us! 
  • Weddings  (partners running out of things to say to their significant others, so they propose marriage. We help celebrate)
  • Birthdays (especially round numbered ones)
  • School Prom nights
  • Special Occasions
  • Horse Racing / Motorsport events (this is where the open toppers find ready use a few times annually) 
  • Extended touring (some of our classic coaches actually work for holiday providers on extended tours in the UK - at a slower pace)

We find heritage stock in unusual places and aren't averse to recommissioning vehicles. 
There is something incredibly rewarding in taking something battered and discarded and returning it to life again. 
Click this link for a current list of heritage vehicles in our fleet.  If I'm semi organised, I might keep it up to date too. 
Photos can be found here.