Fleet Information

Below you can find details of the (model) services and the (model) vehicles we operate. 

And if I'm really organised, this page will be updated as developments take place. 

To view the files, click on right upwards pointy arrow thingywhatsit and then the PDF will open (assuming you're using firefox....)

Southwestbus Fleetlist 14 May 2024.pdf
SWB bus service listing 29-04-2024 WEB.pdf

Network Maps

Courtesy of the wonders of  paint 3D and that little known design consultancy worst impressions, we now have a mildly professional looking set of network maps!  

The network map is the first of the four, followed by three really professionally (!) designed town maps. 

Right click on the images and click 'open in new tab' to view my artistic *skills*

If using a chromebook, right click by placing two fingers on the touchpad. The webmaster also finds that uttering a naughty word also helps open the image.

flyer JAN 2023.pdf

You can now view the timetables for our bus services, by clicking this link. 

Remember, these services don't really operate. We'd hate for you to be waiting for one of our buses that'll never come.