Student Resources

Library Procedures


The South Aiken Media Center is space that welcomes all students, faculty, and staff that have a need for collaboration and learning. The media center opens at 7:45 am and closes at 4:00 pm daily. However, you may request for longer hours if you give librarians at least 48 hours notice. The library is also open daily during Power Hour for students to use computers, work independently, or collaborate with classmates. 

While in the space, please be mindful of the following:


The following tools may help students when conducting school related or independently driven research. Click each gold box to visit the corresponding resource. 


SC Discus Image

SC Discus offers all South Carolina citizens access to a vast array of scholarly databases to support credible research. 

ABBE Regional Library System Image

The ABBE Regional Library System offers library card holders access to a wide variety of scholarly databases for conducting research.

Google Scholar Image

Google Scholar offers users free access to scholarly articles for research purposes. This is different than the generic Google search engine.

Writing and Citation Information 

Purdue Owl Image

Purdue OWL offers extensive support for MLA and APA research including: citation style guides, in-text citation guides, and writing support.

The MLA Style Center Image

The MLA Style Center offers an extensive amount of support specifically to MLA style research.

Information on Copyright and Fair Use Image

Have questions about if a source is okay to use? Check out this information about copyright and fair use created by the South Carolina Department of Education.

Writer's Reference Center Image

Writer's Reference Center offers free resources on grammar, writing style, thesis statements, and research writing. 

Student Help 

The following resources may help support student learning. Click each gold box to visit the corresponding resource. 

No Fear Shakespeare Image

No Fear Shakespeare is a great resource to help students learning about Shakespeare.

Classlink houses every app students in ACPSD have access to and may need. 

Khan Academy Image

Khan Academy offers students support with a wide variety of math concepts. Login in with ACPSD email.