This page contains the notes from the UMN Combinatorics and Algebra REU 2023.

Problem 1: Koszulity & the Boolean Lattice

Mentor: Ayah Almousa

TA: Anastasia Nathanson

Problem 2: Virtual Resolutions of Generic Points

Mentor: Christine Berkesch

TA: Sasha Pevzner

Problem 3: Simplicial Complexes and Jeu-de-taquin Theory

Mentor: Daoji Huang

TA: Carolyn Stephen

Problem 4: Group Actions on Polynomial Rings

Mentor: Mike Perlman

TA: Trevor Karn

Problem 5: Cluster Monomials in Graph LP Algebras

Mentor: Pasha Pylyavskyy

TA: Robbie Angarone

Problem 6: Representation Varieties of Knot Groups

Mentor: Michelle Chu

TA: Tori Braun, Lilly WebsterÂ