Son Nguyen

About me

I'm a graduate student at MIT. My research interest is best described by Ardila's tetrahedron on the right. I particularly love polynomials.

Before MIT, I was an undergraduate student at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. My honors thesis, advised my Vic Reiner, was about poset associahedra.

Since I have an extremely common name, here's my attempt, inspired by Sara Billey, to make this page easier to find on Google: son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math, son nguyen math.

Update: It doesn't work :-( here's a shortened link to this page: 

