
This page is being decommissioned soon. Unless you are trying to view a SomePC Desktop or a legacy model, please see this page.

"Unconventional, unusual, unlikely, unpolluting, uncombusting, unbelievable, unsurpassed. These are all words that have been used to describe the Electrek Uncar from Unique Mobility. What is the Uncar? Well, it's a state of the art electric automobile." That is the press release for the 1979 Electrek Uncar. This has nothing to do with the computer. 

Someindustries has long been renowned for its ability to shove nearly anything into a product, and this computer is no different. This computer is extremely customizable. With hundreds of different options, you can make this computer just for you.

The SomePC can come with our proprietary based operating system designed to increase performance. Our proprietary BIOS makes it easy to use any and all extra ports, drives, and weaponry, and has definitely been updated at least once since 1992.

The SomePC is an excellent choice for nearly anyone. Gamers, content creators, businesses, and boring people can all find a variety of the SomePC for them.