
SomeCom has been providing intercom and speaker systems since 2025, and is widely trusted across the industry. Which industry? I don't have to tell you. Anyways, intercom. We have many different intercoms, each with their own sound. That doesn't matter. What really matters is the trim level of your intercom system.


Just a computer program and optional microphone.


Rotary dial. All you need.


Push buttons for simplicity.


Definitely not a rebranded Cisco product.

SomeCom is world-renowned for the amount of ports we can shove on an intercom. Some options include:

What's not to love about these ports? Just look at these reviews!

"Pretty fuckin' cool, man."   - Someindustries

"Why? How? What?"   - Hewlett-Packard

"Get that fucking microphone out of my face! Fuck off!"   - Random passerby on the street outside our offices

Use our price calculator to calculate the price and see how many options we have:

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