*coming soon*

SoLI 2021: Futures Frequency

The year is 2050. What does our work in the legal profession look like? How are we preparing lawyers for this work?

Join us in Zoom starting at 8:45 am CDT.

We anticipate the following cadence for our time together and the exact timing may shift slightly. For each session, we will move in and out of facilitated small working groups of 4 to 5 people, to work on focused assignments and then share back with the entire group in plenary sessions. The workshop concludes with each working group sharing its take action plan to influence the future.

9:00a - 9:20a

Kickoff for SoLI 2021: Futures Frequency

Welcome and overview of our time together / Cat Moon, Organizer

Why does a change-maker need futures-oriented thinking?

9:20a - 9:45a

Session 1: CHALLENGE

Challenging assumptions about the future

9:45a - 10:35a

Session 2: IMAGINE

Imagining alternative futures

Break 10:35a - 10:45a

10:45a - 11:25a

Session 3: TAKE ACTION

Take action and influence the future

11:25a - 12p

Conclusion: Insights + Actions

Working group presentations