Grp-C7: Project Management

Structures and Frameworks, Teamwork, Leadership, Project Planning, Project Scheduling, Risk Analysis

Project Management Framework and Methadology:

It is planned to make sure for completion of project. All project has some specific goals and plans with the completion date

fig no: 1


Seven Important Project Management Framework

fig no2 : Prince2


Prince2 : It will divide the project into controllable steps. The training module will be available in a variety of languages.

fig no 3: CCPM


CCPM :This is one of the frameworks of project management that centered around the use and allocation of specific resources, as opposed to emphasizing timelines.

fig no : 4


Lean: This is one of the frameworks of project management that will focus on reducing unnecessary waste in resources and optimizing processes for efficiency. Which is Originated from Toyota's manufacturing processes

fig no 5: Agile


Agile:This is one of the frameworks of project management that depends on short delivery cycles, is widely used where employed for projects where speed and flexibility are prioritized.

fig no 6: Waterfall


Waterfall: This is one of the frameworks of project management that ensures to provide maximum value to their clients within the limited timeframe and budget. It will allow for flexibility. No need for extensive planning before you start your the project .

fig no 7: Scrum


Scrum:This is one of the frameworks of project management that is good for small projects. before the starting project, no complex planning is needed. The daily team meeting is essential to discuss any roadblocks that need to be overcome. The accomplishment of Tasks will be done in short succession.

fig no 8: XPM


XPM: This is one of the frameworks of project management that will Manage complex projects in complex environments. XPM is suitable for those who are expecting unstable circumstances during their project


If the team is well-known with the mission and vision of their job or product, then this builds up the harmony and helps in clear understanding and effective working on the project and each task individually. So, the team members must have an overall mission that is agreed upon and that provides the shell for all that the task a team wants to fulfill. Teamwork has the best balance of functionality, price, and ease of use.


fig no : 9


A few points that we can think of to build a better team or the clarity that we get when we work in a team are mentioned below:

  1. Great ideas don’t come from lone geniuses: So, when you work for a project in a team, at that time, when you discuss about the project you exchange your ideas with others and this helps you develop your as well as others way of thinking or the way they think of a particular things, in short it gives you the expozure to the new areas. You exchange your ideas which makes small small things a great one. So, working in a team brings great benefits. And that’s the reason for the accomplishment of a task or the great innovation successfully.

  2. Diverse thinking/ideas/understanding can help you come up with great innovations or the new learnings: Research from Tufts University suggests that just being exposed to diversity can shift the way you think. So, as even mentioned earlier, that team when discuss on a project they come up with the new ideas and get to know about other peoples perspective. Also, a study on a diverse mock jury found that interacting with individuals who are different, forces people to be more open-minded and to expect that reaching on a conclusion will take effort, but its worth it.

  3. Sharing the workload eases burnout: Team members provide an emotional support to each other because they know the stress of completing tasks and achieving the deadlines of works even better than their seniors. Also, they help each other in error handling as the software demands this as the major problem. So, executing the concept of pair-programming. So, team helps in reducing the stress and giving a mental support and all the members are going through the same.

  4. When you work in a team, you grow as an individual: As, earlier also mentioned, when you work in a group, there may be no “I” in a team or as an individual, but being part of a team can help you grow in the right direction and much more faster than expected. Everyone has has their own weak points or their own draw backs, about their behaviors and strengths and they may be unaware of it, so a feedback from a team member can help them understand it and improve on the same. Recognizing these strengths and rectifying the weaknesses can make you a better team member, and even a better person. Also, maybe working in a team you’ll discover that you could be a better listener and also your own new dimensions and your knowledge and understanding that even you might also dont know. That’s a skill you can grow in, and use to improve your life, also this can give a good impact on each family member and a community in general.

  5. Good communication boosts your creativity: In today’s generation, communication skills are the most important thing to survive in a project or a company. You should be able to express your point very accurately and precisely infront of everyone, as we can say that communication skills are a new key to success. As said, “that most creative solutions can only come up when there’s a level of trust that lets team members ask ‘stupid’ questions, propose out-there ideas, and receive constructive criticism”, so also making a free environment as help to grow.

  6. Respectful Communication Is the Norm: Communication is open, honest, and respectful. So as mentioned earlier, the points included are necessary but free environment also has that level of importance, and should be followed to build a great project and harmony & strong relation within the team. Listening to other person is that important because that people feels that everyone is listening so let me give my best into it, which helps to grow in general as a team and also as an individual.

fig no 10: Leadership



Leadership is the ability of an individual to guide his team in each step of the project. To give an example, (not related to software engineering, but from the movie), you might have seen the movie of mission mangal, in that the first part when mission was unsuccessful, that time the leader said that it was my responsibility, and in the end when mission was a great success he gave whole credit to all the 1700 engineers who worked in the project and said them to go and celebrate infront of everyone. And same thing happened with Dr. A P J Abdul kalam and Dr. Vikram Sarabai, during the first space experiment. So, also with work distribution a great leader has these qualities in him. So, in software engineering field, also with leadership you need the technically knowledge deeply.

So, the few points to be kept in mind for the leader of a software team are as follows:

  1. Customer-Centric: So, a good leader should have a good understanding of the customer demands and should cope-up with the customer’s ever-changing needs and their rising expectations. So, understanding them is one of the most important task to be done.

  2. Adaptability: So, as the customer demands are ever changing and ever increasing, so they have to be fulfilled and so adapting to the new change and technology is the most important thing. And also as the project that is to be done, is having the variety of options, means the tech to be used, so understanding it also explaining nad handling the customers is the most important thing to be done. At the moment, making the changes possible and also making it easy for the employees under them is important. So, the adaptability is the important thing in leadership as a quality.

  3. Emotional Intelligence: For software leaders, as mentioned earlier also, understanding the customer their needs and requirements are the important task to be done. So, keeping in mind the requirements of customers also handling the employees working under him, handling them is the important thing again. And this needs well-preparedness qualities. So, emotional intelligence is the important quality in a leader.

  4. Deep technical knowledge: So, a software engineering leader needs a deep technically knowledge along with the leadership skills. Satisfying the customers, giving them the knowledge of new technologies and explaining them that how a specific technology is better for their project, in simple words. Also the technology is acceptable within the core developers, so that should be also kept in mind.

  5. Communication skills: As mentioned earlier, communication skills are the most important skills now-a-days. So, having a good communication with the core team members, with the customers, etc. is essential, maintaining a good relation, etc.. So for a leader having great communication is important.

  6. Taking or giving the feedback: Being at a senior position gives you the authority to provide feedback to members during meetings or discussions. Comments about working styles and the performance of junior team members can drastically level up their performance. A study found that employees strongly support the value of feedback, and four out of 10 workers are actively disengaged when they get little or no feedback. Also, vice versa, accepting the feedback levels up the work. So, giving and taking the feedback is one of the important thing to be done in a team and good quality as a leader.

Project Planning:


Once a project is discovered to be feasible, the project managers start project designing. Project designing is done and completed even before development begins. The project design includes the following key activities:

Estimate the following project properties:

  • Project size:
    What would degrade the quality in terms of difficulty and time required to develop the project?

  • Cost:
    What is the development of the project worth?

  • Duration:
    However long is it reaching to want total development?

  • Effort:
    How much effort would be required?

fig. no: 11


The success of the following designing activities relies on the precision of those estimations.

  • planning of alternative resources

  • Personnel and organizational planning

  • Analytical design and risk mitigation

  • Other activities such as, quality assurance plan, configuration, management organization, etc.

Various project-related estimates done by a project manager have already been mentioned. The diagram below demonstrates the order in which the core project coming up with activities is also performed. It may be simply discovered that magnitude estimation is that the 1st activity. It’s concertedly the foremost basic parameter supported that all alternative coming up with activities square measure dispensed. Alternative estimates such as the effort, cost, resource, and time also are essential components of the project coming up with.

fig. 12

link : pmtm0801.png pmtm0804.png

Project Scheduling:

Project schedule stands for any process that's employed to communicate and gain information about tasks that are necessary, also the bones that are to be completed or executed and in which the company coffers will be given or distributed to these programs and in what timeline or time period is needed to be executed.

A schedule in the design's time table actually consists of conditioning sequence-wise and milestones that are demanded to be completed under any specified time period. Effective design scheduling can help us in reducing costs and to satisfy our guests which decides the success of a design. Project Scheduling is principally to list out tasks and mileposts within systems that are delivered. It contains notes like daily itineraries. Gantt map is an important form of design schedule.

The design schedule is shown as a set of maps in which dependencies within colorful conditioning and work- breakdown structure are represented. To execute and finish systems within schedule, necessary coffers must be available when they're needed. Thus, resource estimation is done before starting development.

Advantages of Project Scheduling:

  1. It helps in tallying that everyone is on the same runner as far as conditioning get completed, deadlines and other dependencies.

  2. Design scheduling could help in relating issues on time and in other enterprises like attainability of coffers.

  3. It helps in being suitable to finish systems within the given coffers or budget therefore, considering threat mitigation.

Risk Analysis:

Threat analysis is a design planning system which can help in mitigating or reducing threat associated with our design. Threat is anything that has the implicit to destroy any constituent element of a design plan, similar as costs or the platoon itself.

Before moving on, I ’ve seen people confused between threat analysis, threat identification and threat operation, let’s clear the air.

Threat analysis is the system that figures out the probability of threat that may arise in a design. It studies the query of implicit pitfalls and how they could affect the design in terms of costs, quality and schedule if in fact they were to suddenly appear. There are two ways to dissect the threat quantitative and qualitative.

Threat identification is yet one further type of threat operation process which lists all the possible design pitfalls as well as their characteristics. It's analogous to a threat register as it collects our findings. This information is also used for your threat analysis. It's an iterative process which continues till the end of the life cycle.

On the other hand, threat operation is to minimise the threat. It considers threat response development and threat response control.

Threat Analysis helps to:

  • Avoid actions that may arise

  • Break the nonsupervisory issues

  • Misbehave with new legislations of the sphere

  • Reduce the exposure

  • Minimize the impact

The threat analysis process has three major situations Identify:

  • Pitfalls

  • Quantitative Analysis

  • Qualitative Analysis

fig no. 14


Qualitative Risk Analysis:

The qualitative threat analysis is a threat assessment done by members on the design brigades, in which they use data from once systems and also their moxie to estimate the effect and chance value for each threat on a scale.

The scale that's generally used thresholds from 0 to 1. That is, if the liability of the threat being in your design is.3, also there’s a 30% chance it'll do. There's also an impact scale, which is measured from one to five, with five being the loftiest impact on the design. The threat will also be classified as either source- groundedor effect- grounded.

Once pitfalls are linked and anatomized, each member is given responsibility for each threat. They ’re not only responsible for planning a threat response but also for enforcing it.

Qualitative threat analysis is the base for quantitative threat analysis, and it’s salutary because not only does it help in reducing query in the design, but also in fastening on high- impact pitfalls, for which we can assign a threat proprietor and plan out the correct threat response.

On the other hand, quantitative threat analysis is nothing but statistical analysis of the effect of the linked pitfalls on the design. This helps design members and also the platoon leaders to take opinions with lower query, and in turn supports the process of controlling pitfalls.

Quantitative threat analysis measures the probable results for the design and figures out the probability of still meeting design objects. This assists us with decision timber, specifically when there's a query during the phase of design planning. It assists the design directors to produce cost, schedule or compass targets that are realizable.

The Monte Carlo simulation is a high illustration of a quantitative threat analysis. It’s principally a probability fashion which uses a computerised system to guess the probability of a threat. It can be used as an input for design operation decision timber.

Once a project is discovered to be feasible, the project managers start project designing. Project designing is done and completed even before development begins. The project design includes the following key activities

Group Members:

PRN Name Roll No.

12010427 Rutika Masane 02

12011141 Sakshi Ozarde 20

12010295 Harsh Pardeshi 22

12011336 Niraj Patil 33