SY 06_Blog on Models in Software Engineering

Models Used In Software Engineering

A software life cycle model (also known as a process model) is a graphical and schematic representation. The model represents all its life cycle stages. It also changes the methods that must be applied. The Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is a spiritual model used in project management that defines the stages of an information systems development project, from initial feasibility studies to maintenance of a finished application.

Defines and designs the various software development lifecycle models that must be followed in the software development phases. This model is referred to as the “software development process model”. Each process model goes through a unique set of steps for its type to ensure completeness during the software development phase.

Here, are some important parts of SDLC life cycle:

1.Waterfall Model

2.Rapid Application Model

3.Iterative Model

4.Evolutionary Model (Successive Version Model)

5.Code and Fix Model

6.Incremental Model

Waterfall Model

Waterfall Model was introduced in late 20th century. Winston Royce was the developer of this model.

This model comprises of majorly five phases as discussed further.

  • Analysis of Requirements and its specifications.

  • Designing different Phases.

  • Unit Testing and its various Implementations .

  • Testing of systems and variety of integrations required.

  • Maintenance and required operations to be performed.

Rapid Application Development

We cannot change the design of any of the products while they are being built. From beginning to end, we must stick to the original course.

When it comes to software development, however, this is not the case. We can tweak the design, add more functionality, and delete items we don’t want without affecting the final result if we want to.

One of the main reasons why software need solid development models in order to be more efficient from concept to launch is because of this.

Here, the software development process entails the planning required for the product’s development.

Some Steps in RAD

Although RAD has evolved significantly over the years, several of these fundamental phases have remained consistent throughout time.

  • We must first establish the requirements.

  • Prototype Design

  • Obtaining feedback from customers and clients

  • Complete the software.

Iterative Model

Iterative model is an implementation of small sets of the software requirements it keeps on iterating until and unless the product is ready to be deployed. The model doesn’t met to reach all of its expectations at initial instead working is started by implementing a small part of the software which is used to review other specific requirements. The process is repeated to produce a better version of itself.

Phases Involved in Iterative Model

  • Requirement gathering & analysis.

  • Design.

  • Implementation.

  • Testing.

  • Deployment.

  • Review.

  • Maintenance.

Evolutionary Model

This model is a fusion of both iterative and incremental models. For software products, we recommend that you redefine them during development due to user feedback and other factors.

The model divides the development cycle into smaller, progressive waterfall models where users can access the product at the end of each cycle. The downside of many models of the sdlc is that the time from project start to solution delivery is very long. Evolutionary models solve this problem in a different way.

The following models have been discussed here:

  1. Prototype Model: It is defined as a preliminary form that copies or derives from another form. A prototype model is a set of standard software tasks.

2. Spiral model: This is a model of risk-driven processes. Used to create software projects.

3. Concurrent Development Model: concurrent model is the other name for concurrent development model. The communication activity ends on the first iteration and ends with a pending change state.

Code and Fix Model

In software engineering, the code and fix paradigm is perhaps the most widely used development methodology. It starts with little or no preparation and then progresses to developing and correcting problems as they arise until the project is completed.

When you have a set development timetable, code and fix is a tempting option since you need to start writing code right immediately and see results right away.

Cowboy code is the most basic way of product development and is the standard for prototyping software-oriented solutions. It’s a two-step process that repeats itself: coding and fixing.

For technology-driven solutions in their early phases of development, such as engineering tasks including analysis and development, Code and Fix may be quite useful (R&D). Perhaps people working on machine learning-related analytical projects, where project outputs are uncertain and unexpected, would find this model enough for their needs.

Additionally, while learning new technologies and development tools, computer code developers like employing this technique. It enables them to swiftly gather sufficient experience to contribute to future development efforts. Furthermore, the paradigm enables engineers to narrow their thinking scope and concentrate entirely on the issues that are most important to their job. This might allow them to easily ditch technological and stock obstacles and focus on creating the most important things at the time.

Incremental Model

Incremental Model may be a method of code development where the necessities are divided into multiple standalone modules of the code development cycle. during this model, every module goes through the wants, design, implementation and testing phases.

The various phases of progressive model area unit as follows:

1. Demand analysis.

2. Style & Development.

3. Testing.

4. Implementation.

When to use?

  • A project incorporates a protracted development schedule.

  • When the client demands a fast unharness of the merchandise.

  • You can develop prioritized necessities initial.

Guided By: Ms. Swati Jadhav Ma'am

Blog By:

1] Ayush Patni- C.S

2] Pavan Sanjay- C.S

3] Siddhant Pawar- C.S

4] Rahul Ponnuru - C.S