Group 26


Case Study:

The SCRUM:Scrum Origins: What is Scrum? Scrum Origins, Why Scrum?

B. Tech Division D, Group 26

Roll nos. 26, 27, 65, 66

What is Scrum ?

Scrum: A Better Way Of Building Products

Scrum is a framework among which individuals will address advanced adaptive issues, whereas profitably and creatively delivering merchandise of the best doable worth.

Individuals, groups and institutions are assisted by scrum, a lightweight framework, in providing comfortable and doable solutions for complex issues by creating value. Scrum co-creators Ken Schwaber and Jeff Joan Sutherland have written The Scrum Guide to clarify scrummage clearly and compactly. This Guide contains the definition of scrum. Scrum's accountabilities, activities, objects, and the principles that link them all together are all included in this framework.

Scrum, in a nutshell, requires a Scrum Master to establish an environment in which

  1. The Product Owner orders work for a complex problem into a Product Backlog.

  2. A selection of work is converted into a worth increment during a sprint by the Scrum Team.

  3. The Scrum Team and its stakeholders analyse the data and make any required changes for the next Sprint..

  4. Repeat

The following is a list of all the important ceremonies that a scrum team might attend:

  1. Organize the backlog: This event, also known as backlog grooming, is the responsibility of the product owner. The major responsibilities of the product owner are to steer the product toward its vision and to keep a continual eye on the market and the client. As a result, he/she keeps this list up to date by using feedback from users and the development team to assist prioritise and keep it clean and available to work on at any moment.

  1. Sprint planning: The entire development team plans the work to be done (scope) during the current sprint during this meeting. The scrum master leads this meeting, which is when the team decides on the sprint goal. From the product backlog, specific use stories are then added to the sprint. These stories are always aligned with the goal, and the scrum team has agreed that they are possible to implement during the sprint.

  1. Sprint: A sprint is the span of time during which the scrum team collaborates to complete an increment. A sprint is typically two weeks long, while some teams find that a week is simpler to scope or a month is easier to deliver a valuable increment. According to Dave West of, the sprint should be shorter the more complicated the job is and the more unknowns there are. However, it is ultimately up to your team, and you should not be hesitant to change things up if they aren't working. If necessary, the scope of the project might be renegotiated between the product owner and the development team during this time. This is where scrum's empirical nature comes into play.

    During the sprint, everything happens, from planning to retrospective. Once a sprint's time interval has been determined, it must be maintained throughout the development process. This allows the team to learn from previous sprints and apply what they've learned to future sprints.

  1. Daily scrum or stand up: This is a daily super-short meeting that takes place at the same time every day (typically in the mornings) and is a place to keep things simple. Many teams aim to finish the meeting in 15 minutes, however this is merely a guideline. This meeting is sometimes known as a 'daily stand-up,' implying that it should be brief. The goal of the daily scrum is to get everyone on the same track, synchronized with the sprint goal, and organize the next one day.

    The opportunity to speak up about any worries you have about meeting the sprint target or any blockers is during the stand up.

    Every team member answers three questions in the context of attaining the sprint goal, which is a standard technique to do a stand up:

    • What did I do the day before?
    • What am I going to do today?
    • Are there any barriers?

    However, the discussion swiftly devolved into people reading off their calendars from the previous day and the next. The stand-up meeting's assumption is that it keeps the team focused on the task for the rest of the day by keeping distracting talk out of the daily meeting. Don't be scared to switch it up and get creative if it becomes a daily calendar read-out.

  1. Sprint review: At the end of each sprint, the team gathers for an informal meeting to see a demo of the increment or inspect it. The development team presents the 'Done' backlog items to stakeholders and teammates for feedback. Although the product owner has the option of whether or not to release the increment, it is usually done.

    At this review meeting, the product owner revamps the product backlog depending on the current sprint, which will also be applied during the next sprint planning meeting. If you're doing a one-month sprint, limit your sprint review to four hours.

  1. Sprint retrospective: A sprint retrospective is a meeting in which the team gathers to document and analyse what worked and what didn't in a sprint, a project, people or relationships, tools, or even specific ceremonies. The goal is to create a space where the team can concentrate on what went well and what may be improved for the next time, rather than on what went wrong.

Scrum Origin:

The best practices of Japanese industry, particularly the lean concepts championed by Toyota and Honda, and the knowledge management strategies developed by Takeuchi Hiroyuki and Nogami Yujiro, have had a significant influence on agile thinking. Jeff Sutherland first created the Scrum method for the software development industry at Easel in 1993, influenced by the above ideas and research on software projects around the world.

  • 1986 – Scrum product development was coined by Takeuchi and Nonaka in the Harvard Business Review.

  • 1993 – Jeff Sutherland utilised Scrum for the first time in software development.

  • 1995 – At OOPSLA 95, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber standardised the Scrum framework and made it public.

  • 2001 – The Agile Manifesto and Principles were published, and the Agile Alliance was formed. One of the agile methodologies is Scrum.

  • 2001 – The original Scrum book, Scrum Agile Software Development, was published by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle.

  • 2002 – The Scrum Alliance was created by Ken Schwaber and Mike Cohn.

The Agile Approach Umbrella

There has been a lot of talk about being agile since the Agile Manifesto was published in 2001. In actuality, the Agile approach is just a way of thinking that helps teams and organisations to innovate, respond rapidly to changing demand, and reduce risk. Many of the available frameworks, including Scrum, Kanban, Lean, XP, and others, can help organisations become more agile....

But, why scrum?

The scrum structure is straightforward. The guidelines, elements, events, and responsibilities which are in the game are all clear. Its semi-prescriptive approach actually aids in the removal of ambiguity in the development process while allowing enterprises to add their own unique flavour.

It organises complex activities into achievable user stories and therefore this is more useful for projects which are highly complex and difficult. Furthermore, the clear delineation of roles and planned events ensures transparency and shared ownership throughout the development cycle. Quick releases keep the team motivated and users happy by allowing them to see progress in a short period of time.

Scrum, on the other hand, may take some time to fully grasp, especially if the development team is used to a traditional waterfall methodology. Shorter iterations, regular scrum sessions, sprint assessments, and recruiting a scrum master may indeed be troublesome for a new team to get accustomed to.

The long-term advantages, however, significantly surpass the early learning curve. Scrum's experience in producing complex hardware and software products across a wide range of industries and verticals makes it an appealing framework for your company to adopt.






