
I have for the past two summers been a guest speaker at Hopewell Valley Elementary School located in Central New Jersey.  In coordination with the fifth-grade teacher there the goal of the talk was to provide the students with ideas of what they can be when they grow up. I was chosen as a good candidate to be a woman role model in a STEM field.  Personally, I wanted to display a message that physics and astronomy are awesome but also a path any of these students can do.  During this talk I walk the students through my life after high school, the research I have done,  and where I am going next. In discussing my research I share how and what the purpose was of the research to help give them ideas of what they could study.   The student then ask any questions they have about space, science, and coding. I plan to while attending GT continue to do this outreach at Hopewell and as opportunities present themselves find more ways to reach out.