

Upcoming events

SODEI social event coming soon! A lot of attention has been spent on making this website in recent months. We'll get back to scheduling fun events soon!

Past Events

Town Hall

    • On June 9th, 2020, Diversity Journal Club and Rachael Amaro organized a Town Hall in response to Black Lives Matter protests. Starting with a short preamble explaining the reasons for the Black Lives Matters protests, the Town Hall then turned into a space for graduate students and postdocs to express concerns and share experiences they have gone through in their academic careers. From the Town Hall notes and chat transcript, 5 keys areas were identified as Majors Areas of Concern for the grad student and postdoc populations at Steward Observatory. Thus, SODEI was born. The 5 key areas were (1) Admissions, (2) Department Climate, (3) International Scholars, (4) Mentoring, (5) Recruiting & Retention. A handbook and organization structure was created soon after and SODEI has been making progress ever since!

Meet the International Scholars Task Force

    • On January 20, 2021, the International Scholars Task Force held an event open to all members of the department. The first segment of the meeting consisted of a presentation of the Task Force's accomplishments and an overview of their flagship project: the Allyship Program. The latter half of the meeting celebrated the many cultures and nationalities present at Steward! International scholars showcased music videos from their home countries, and had the audience participate by guessing what the song was about! It was a really fun experience, and we look forward to having another meeting like this soon! A link to the slides can be found here.