Dress rehearsal helpful tips:

Dress Rehearsal is held at Street of Dreams. Please drop off at Main Lobby  - Door: L

If you have any questions, please let us know! 

Show Day Tips:

Level 1-4 Classes:  5:45pm at Lincoln Way East High School

Tots of Fun (ages 2-6)/Popstars/Excellents/Rockstars/Boys:  6:00pm at Lincoln Way East High School

Dressing-Room Etiquette:

Dreamers are reminded to respect others’ space and property in the dressing rooms. The dreamers will spend more time in the dressing rooms than onstage, so keeping these areas organized and clean is important.  A parent “pep talk” in this department goes a long way in preventing lost shoes and accessories.  Please label ALL costumes/shoes/tights/accessories. Street of Dreams and Lincoln Way East are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Only water is allowed in the dressing rooms. Please limit snacks to portable, non-messy items such as fruit snacks. Dreamers are not allowed to go into the lobby areas in costume before, during, or after the shows.  

Pick up instructions: