How to find Influencers for an emerging brand

If your company is just beginning its journey, then influencer marketing is an excellent way to increase brand recognition and help spread the word about your company. It can be difficult to locate influencers when you're an emerging brand since it's not possible to go to your Rolodex metaphorically to discover connections that could aid your business.

Influencer marketing can help the new brands reach a wider audience increase sales, boost sales, and boost awareness. These are all essential to the success of these brands. Influencer marketing can provide you with insights into possible audiences and ways to effectively market your brand to these people!

10 Methods to Find Influencers to Create a Brand

1. Begin with hashtags

Before you can get influencers promoting your brand on Instagram You'll need to know about the trends as well as content and posts that are already on Instagram. Make use of your company's Instagram page to keep track of relevant hashtags that will assist you in identifying new influencers and posts.

You can also look up hashtags that influencers are currently posting to, and then follow the posts and then go to the profile of the influencer so that you can reach them via message on Instagram. Hashtags are the most broad and broadest method to locate influencers, so ensure you have a thorough look at every influencer prior to deciding to work with them.

2. Use Google... in a smart method

Google as well as other engines can assist you to discover influencers, but you must search for them specifically for them, or you'll end up fighting through the results of searches on the internet to locate your influencers. Create a list of keywords that reflect your brand's purpose for these searches.

When you search, add "site:" before your search terms so that you're only searching Instagram for keywords that are in your field.

You can also include "blogger" as well as a place to narrow your search terms more. If you search for location and keywords and keywords, you'll be able discover local influencers in your field. This is particularly helpful for those who want to collaborate in person with an influencer on events, photo shoots, and other promotional activities.

It is also possible to make use of Google and other search engines to locate blogs and personal websites. The majority of them will have social media links on their footer or header, so you can visit their profiles after you've seen whether they have content related to the same topics and industries that your company.

3. Scan competitor's tags and mentions

The competitor's might already use influencer marketing to build their brand. A list of your competitors will help you identify influencers that are already writing on the same subjects that you are looking for.

If you follow the rival's Instagram profile, look through the pictures that users have added them to in. Influencers might be featured in these posts. Visit their profiles to see their followers and the feed they have.

If an influencer is posting about competitors, they might be more inclined to promote your company's name as well, since it is in line with the subjects that they're writing about. On the other hand it is possible to avoid any influencer who post exclusively about a specific brand, since they might not be interested in working with other brands or have a relationship with the brand.

4. Search for keywords on YouTube

If you're in one of the specialties, YouTube may be a profitable place to begin the process of influencer marketing. YouTube is particularly useful for discovering influencers who write longer review of goods. YouTube is also a good starting point when your company is focused on a specific hobby since influencers are the ones who are the ones who share these types of videos on YouTube.

Utilizing keywords on YouTube will help you search for the most popular videos and channels that are posting on the subject. Explore a bit deeper into the long keyword phrases to refine your searches even more and locate influencers that have plenty of views, yet won't cost you a fortune to collaborate with.

Another benefit of finding influential people who are on YouTube is the fact that these influencers don't are found only on YouTube only. If you discover a great influencer on YouTube, they might have an Instagram or blog which can assist you in promoting your brand.

5. Begin to follow blogs and bloggers.

Bloggers and blogs are an excellent way to create back-links for your business, as well as being partners in social media marketing. Bloggers and blogs promote their content via social media, and therefore they generally have a large following through their blog readers and social media followers.

Find your keyword and then add "blog" to find out which blogs rank the highest on this subject. The majority of blogs have social media links in either the footer or header and you'll be able to determine the type of readers they attract by clicking on.

TIP: Subscribe to their newsletters so you are aware on the latest developments and also see what they're writing about in their blog. You never know, they might provide information that will benefit your business!

Alongside reaching at these bloggers to find out if they'd be interested in working with your company You should also look through their posts for lists of influential influencers who are popular, or other sources they frequently link to. These are valuable contacts, and the more you dig into their blog posts and content, the more influencers you might discover!

6. Use tools to influencers or databases

Databases and tools for influencers may include search tools that identify the most influential influencers in specific areas. These databases will give you access to the social media profiles of their followers, email addresses as well as their websites, in order to allow you to connect immediately with them for collaborations.

While it is a straightforward and efficient method to identify influencers, this technique should be utilized with care. There are numerous companies that over-promise and providing outdated information about influencers. If you can, ask the company to provide a no-cost trial or a demo to discover the kind of influencers are there.

If you work with a reliable firm, finding influencers is easy as entering your requirements and hitting enter.

7. Recruit on your website to locate influential people as a brand new

Your site should be able to provide the resources that influencers can access when they come across your site through one of your other methods for marketing. If they want to contact you to influencers, is there a method to make it easy for them to reach out?

Pura Vida has a good example of this kind of page.

By adding a link to the footer of your blog to an influencer landing page allows you to let people know how you'd like to work with influencers and provide contact details to allow potential partners to contact you. This way, influencers who already like your brand may suggest collaborations quickly and spare you the trouble of looking for the right ones!

8. 8-... but not really!

LinkedIn might seem like an odd place to locate influential people, but its capacity to narrow searches based on the industry or title will help you locate the most relevant people quickly. Instead of searching for influencers, the most effective searches appear to be for "blogger" as well as "content creator." Filtering your search by the industry can assist you in finding people who produce content in that sector.

Contacting them through sending them a LinkedIn message instead of sending them an Instagram message will also immediately give you an appearance professional. Be sure to add details about your company's brand on your own LinkedIn page, so that influencers are able to easily identify whom they are speaking to in the company!

9- Browse through the followers on both competitor and personal accounts.

Influencers are everywhere, and they are following a number of the same accounts as you follow. Look for some accounts on Instagram that fit within your field, and then go at the following. Although it can be a little time-consuming it is possible to find an influencer in these groups of followers that could make a great fit for your brand.

If you've got a few of influencers you are working with or been in contact with, having an eye on their followers will help you identify other relevant influencers.

10- Create a wide web of alerts

After you've tested some of the more straightforward methods, it's time to make the process more automated. You can set up an alert for certain subjects so that you be aware of when new content is being published. Follow a few hashtags to determine if new influencers are emerging. Create a Google Alert for your company to find out who is writing about you on their blogs or on social media. These small steps will aid you in separating the online noise and narrow on the influential people who can benefit your business.

If you don't have it installed it, setting up Carro is the most effective way to ensure that you don't forget an influencer. Carro connects to the information in your Shopify store, your email list and social media accounts, and then informs you when an influencer is discovered. It's the most efficient way to increase your influencer profile with no effort!

Five Effective Initial Promotions Using Influencers for the New Brands

After you've compiled an influencer list that you'd like to collaborate with, it's the time to contact them. Certain influencer campaigns be more effective for brands that are new. Brands that are relatively new should concentrate on establishing brand awareness and expanding their own social media presence, and every influencer campaign must support these two objectives from the beginning. This will help you increase your initial numbers as well as create enthusiasm for your brand. Here are some campaigns to consider once you've identified your influencers and have your brand's new look in place.

It is the Simple Brand Share

The most effective way to get an influencer to collaborate with you is to give them an announcement on their profile. Offer them some products and they'll be able promote your brand.


  • You can send them all of the social handles and hashtags you would like them to make use of so that they do not have to make a guess.

  • Let the influencer share with their followers in a manner that feels natural to them. Don't bother with the scripts and let the influencer talk about your brand's message from their point of view. This will resonate to their followers much more.

  • Ask the influencer to ask their followers to follow your company's Instagram profile. This way, you'll grow your own followers. This gives you an increased number of options to remarket in the future.

The Circle of Friends Promotion

If you've already forged a network quite a bit within your field and have a list of contacts who can assist, it's time to reach out to your friends' circle! They could help promote your company via a shout out, or via an incentive giveaway.

Giveaways that loop are a fantastic method to increase the number of followers and make it mutually profitable. The influencers in this circle will announce giveaways and invitees will follow the whole group in the giveaway. This way everyone shares their followers with you, however, they're also benefiting from the growth of their followers too!

A Co-Hosted Contest

If you're not ready to host a massive loop-based giveaway, then an event that you co-host is a fantastic way to increase your followership by partnering with an influencer. Influencers can promote the giveaway and demand that the participants follow your brand's profile as well.

These kinds of posts that are posted on Instagram generally get high engagement. It is also recommended to put some re-marketing campaigns to follow up after the contest is completed, such as offering coupons to everyone who participated, or posting the sale on your Instagram page to all new followers.

A Co-Hosted Launch

Based on how recent the brand you represent, you might not have announced fully your new website or products. If that's the case, then you could make use of the influencer marketing technique to get some momentum to your brand.

Engage with an influencer to reveal your new website's launch date or to launch new products. The influencer will be thrilled to be the first to talk about your brand and also having an element of exclusivity. This will help you gain a lot of people who are interested in your brand following the first launch.

A DIY Instruction

If you own a hobby-oriented company and you want to share a tutorial on your own, then a DIY can be a great method to get your product noticed by people. Offer your products to influential people so they can incorporate them into their tutorial videos and blog posts. Your brand will be able to gain recognition and your followers can see your products at work, which makes them more attractive.

There are also conversions of these videos since viewers will have to purchase the material in order to follow the video!

After you've learned the best way to identify influencers for an emerging brand is the time to apply it in your own business! If you're a new brand, using influencer marketing can aid in creating the momentum you require to build your business. Begin by contacting a few influencers and then reach out to inquire if they are willing to work with your company. After each campaign is completed you'll be able learn from your experience to achieve even greater results next time.

The more you add to the list of influential people, the more likely you'll be to promote your business. What are you waiting on?