Satoshi Nishino
I am a graduate student in the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences and Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute at the University of Tokyo, as well as Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Young Research Fellow (DC1). I am primarily focused on the genomic analysis of marine bacteria.
Recent Activities:
October 28-31, 2024: Scheduled to present a poster at the 37th The Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology in Hiroshima.
October 21-25, 2024: Participated in the 1st APBJC in Naha City, Okinawa.
October 19, 2024: Presented at the 8th Tokyo Bioinformatics Meeting held at Suzukake-dai Campus, Science Tokyo.
September 24, 2024: Participated as a student organizer and gave an oral presentation at the 16th Young Researchers' Meeting of the Society of Genome Microbiology Japan wakate, at Hotel Sea Palace Resort, Toyohashi City.
September 20, 2024: Participated in the "Watching Microbes Summer School 2024" held at The University of Electro-Communications.
(last update: October 26, 2024)