Get Involved

We'd love to see your smiling face. Join us!

The third Tuesday of the month we have a "Cutting Party" starting at 6:30 p.m. at St. Peter's United Methodist Church in Asbury Hall located on Kingsland Blvd. across from Katy Taylor High School. Using patterns, we cut the donated fabric into adult sizes XS to XXL and larger upon request. 

Each smock consists of 100% cotton fabric (non-metallic, no silver/gold flecks, and non-see thru) with two front pockets. One smock costs approximately $25 to make after purchasing the needed materials, including three yards of fabric.

Volunteers are needed to cut smocks from raw fabric using a pattern, then package into “kits.” Kits consist of the needed materials to assemble a smock. Sewers then pick up kits from the church office to complete the assembly of a smock by sewing the materials, and return upon completion for quality control before being distributed to women in cancer treatment at local area Houston hospitals.

Bring fabric, friends and a pair of scissors, we'd love to see you there!

We are so grateful for all donations! 

How to Get Involved:

Attend a Cutting Party and cut patterns to make kits

Donate fabric or other materials (tax deductible)

Donate monetary funds (tax deductible)

Become a sewer

Spread the word about SFL!

Upcoming "Cutting Party" Dates: 

Participation in Church Without Walls on April 14. Please sign-up to participate on the church website, under Events.

May 21, 2024

Will take a summer hiatus.

Kit Drop-off/Pick-up Locations:

St. Peter's United Methodist Church Office - Look for the 2 bins: 'Kits' & 'Completed Smocks'

All smocks are FREE!

We never charge a cancer patient for a smock, so we are greatly dependent on donations to support Smocks for Life. We believe patients should be focusing on their family, friends, and getting better rather than funds. Please consider donating today! ❤