Southwest Missouri Hunter Jumper Association
The Mission of SMHJA is to encourage excellent horsemanship, emphasize sportsmanship, and promote the Hunter Jumper discipline. We accomplish this mission through quality educational opportunities, a learning show environment, and a strong focus on volunteer work. Located in Southwest Missouri.
To promote the education of the membership of SMHJA in the care, use, handling, and good development of horses and horsemanship.
To encourage good sportsmanship and proper conduct among horsemen and horsewomen, to promote youth participation, and to foster good fellowship among all persons interested in horses.
To promote the care, use, and publicity of hunters and jumpers in the Southwest Missouri area.
To support a hunter-jumper show circuit and to assist in establishing hunter-jumper activities in other equestrian events.
This association shall be a non-profit corporation, and shall not be conducted for financial gain, and there shall be no capital stock.
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