JWRI/ACerS 3rd Global Conference and Exhibition on
Smart Additive Manufacturing, Design & Evaluation (Smart MADE 2024)
IMAPS/ACerS 19th International Conference and Exhibition on
Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT 2024)
10-12 April 2024 | Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, Osaka, Japan
Abstract Submission: 12th November 2023 – 29th February 2024
Early Registration: 12th December 2023 – 12th March 2024
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 3rd Global Conference and Exhibition on Smart Additive Manufacturing, Design & Evaluation (Smart MADE), to be held at Osaka University Nakanoshima Center in Osaka, Japan on 10-12 April 2024, organized by the Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI), Osaka University.
Additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies are globally recognized as novel fabrication processes for advanced materials and components with multifunctional structures. These technologies offer tremendous potential for design innovations and customization, complex part fabrication, rapid prototyping, and distributed digital manufacturing.
In this approach, three-dimensional models are designed and created according to theoretical concepts using computer software, and two-dimensional cross sections are created by automatic slicing operations. Computer aided design, manufacture and evaluation are especially called smart additive processing.
In lithography-based approaches, high resolution lasers or electron beams are used to selectively scan powder beds of metal or ceramic material, with or without resin binders, to form solid planes of two-dimensional cross sections. In deposition processes, paste materials with ceramic/metal particles dispersed in a binder system are fused from nozzles moving freely in three dimensions to create composite structures. Outstanding coating and patterning processes are used to modify surface functions of the fabricated 3D components.
Various functional metal or ceramic components of dielectric or magnetic lattices to control electromagnetic fields, electrodes and catalysts with large surface areas, and biomaterial components for medical applications could also be developed. Large scale structural components for aerospace and other high temperature applications can be fabricated with internal cooling path networks without casting molds.
Thanks to additive manufacturing, nowadays it is possible to design for function instead of manufacturing. Nonetheless, each technique needs special design adjustments to boost product efficiency.
This academic event focuses on superiority of design, efficient processing, and perspicuous evaluations of additive manufacturing and 3D printing processes. In addition, various topics related to starting materials, characterization tools, nondestructive evaluations and in-situ monitoring of processes, qualification and certification, cost, and applications will also be discussed.
Smart MADE 2024 will be held in collaboration with the 19th International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT 2024) organized by the International Microelectronics Assembly & Packaging Society (IMAPS). Both events are endorsed by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS).
Prof. Soshu Kirihara
General Chair of Smart MADE
Research Center for Additive Joining Application (RAJA)
Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI)
General Chair
Soshu Kirihara (Osaka University, Japan)
International Advisory Board
Hidetoshi Fujii (Osaka University, Japan) Director of JWRI
Alexander Michaelis (IKTS, Germany)
Tony Murphy (CSIRO, Australia)
Takayoshi Nakano (Osaka University, Japan)
Tatsuki Ohji (AIST, Japan)
Mrityunjay Singh (GATS, USA)
Conference Organizing Committee
Hiroya Abe (Osaka University, Japan)
Paolo Colombo (University of Padova, Italy)
Fiona Spirrett (Osaka University, Japan)
Jens Günster (BAM, Germany)
Hidemi Kato (Tohoku University, Japan)
Yoshitake Masuda (AIST, Japan)
Minoru Osada (Nagoya University, Japan)
Alberto Ortona (SUPIS, Italy)
Hui-suk Yun (KIMS, Korea)
Plenary Lecture
Takao Hanawa (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan) Biography
Alexander Michaelis (IKTS, Germany) Biography
Tony Murphy (CSIRO, Australia)
Takayoshi Nakano (Osaka University, Japan) Biography
Mrityunjay Singh (GATS, USA) Biography
Keynote Lecture
Michael Breedon (CSIRO,Australia)
Paolo Colombo (University of Padova, Italy) Biography
Manabu Fukushima (AIST, Japan) Biography
Sven-Frithjof Goecke (TH Brandenburg, Germany)
Jens Günster (BAM, Germany) Biography
Hidemi Kato (Tohoku University, Japan)
Yoshitake Masuda (AIST, Japan) Biography
Minoru Osada (Nagoya University, Japan)
Kumiko Yoshihara (AIST, Japan) Biography
Hui-suk Yun (KIMS, Korea) Biography
Invited Lecture
Changwoo Gal (KIMS, Korea) Biography
Sachiko Fujii Hayashi (SK Fine, Japan) Biography
Kiichi Kamoda (Ricoh, Japan)
Hisaya Komen (Osaka University, Japan) Biography
Kota Kadoi (Osaka University, Japan) Biography
Kazuyoshi Ssato (Gunma University, Japan) Biography
Yuji Sato (Osaka University, Japan)
Smart Additive Manufacturing, Design & Evaluation: Practical metal and ceramic components with functional geometric structures are developed to effectively modulate energy dispersions and mass transfers through computer aided theoretical design, automatic manufacture, and visualized evaluation. Smart Processing to realize the next sustainable society will be discussed according to the following topics.
+ Laminated Object Manufacturing and Green Tape Stacking
+ Selective Laser Melting/Sintering
+ Directed Energy Deposition
+ Fused Deposition Modeling
+ Binder Jetting and Powder Bed Fusion Processes
+ Vat Photopolymerization and Substrate Stereolithography
+ Direct Writing and Ink Jet Printing Technologies
+ Multi-Material and Hybrid Printing Techniques
+ Materials and Process Characterization Tools
+ Qualification, Certification, Standards, and Property Database
+ Design with/for Additive Manufacturing
+ Applications of AM Materials and Components
+ Nano/Micro Materials and Processes
+ Surface Coating/Patterning
Program Overview
04 / 10 09:00-10:40 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Plenary Lectures
10:40-11:00 Coffee & Tea Break
11:00-12:00 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Keynote Lectures
12:00-14:00 Lunch On Your Own
14:00-15:00 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Keynote Lectures
15:00-15:20 Coffee & Tea Break
15:20-17:00 Technical Session Room C (7F) / Room S (7F) / Invited and General Presentations
04 / 11 09:00-10:40 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Plenary Lectures
10:40-11:00 Coffee & Tea Break
11:00-12:00 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Keynote Lectures
12:00-14:00 Lunch On Your Own
14:00-15:00 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Keynote Lectures
15:00-15:20 Coffee & Tea Break
15:20-17:20 Technical Session Room C (7F) / Room S (7F) / Invited and General Presentations
18:00-20:00 Conference Banquet SALON AGOLA (9F)
04 / 12 09:00-10:40 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Plenary Lectures
10:40-11:00 Coffee & Tea Break
11:00-12:00 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Keynote Lectures
12:00-14:00 Lunch On Your Own
14:00-15:00 Technical Session Main Hall (10F) / Keynote Lectures
15:00-15:20 Coffee & Tea Break
15:20-17:00 Technical Session Room C (7F) / Room S (7F) / Invited and General Presentations
* The registration desk will be opened at the conference venue from 08:30-17:00 during 10-12 April 2024.
* Lunch breaks should be taken on your own in Osaka city area at 12:00-14:00 during 10-12 April 2024.
The final session program will be finalized and uploaded by the 12th of March 2024. The presentation titles and authors will be listed on the session program linked below.
Authors are invited to submit a text abstract of 200-300 words. The abstract should be submitted before the 29th of February 2024 from the following link.
Presenting authors are invited to submit a written paper for peer review and publication in a Special Issue of Applied Sciences. The submission deadline is 12th May 2024. Instructions for Authors in Manuscript Preparation and Open Access & Article Processing Charge can be obtained from the journal website.
Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417; Applied Sciences-Basel in Web of Science) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, published semi-monthly by MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland. The journal is covered by leading indexing services, including Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science) and Scopus. Its 2018 Impact Factor is 2.7, and a five-year Impact Factor is 2.7. The median article processing time is only 39 days according to the publication data of the last 6 months. For further details, please refer to: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci
The conference will include oral presentations (20 min. including discussion) and posters. The organizing committee will determine the format of presentations; however, authors are invited to indicate their preference when submitting their abstract. A number of invited lectures (30 min. including discussion) will be scheduled. English will be used for all presentations and printed materials.
Registration Period
Category Date
Eary Registration 12 December 2023 - 17 March 2024
Late Registration 17 March 2024 - 12 April 2024
Registration Fee
Category Early Late
Regular 60,000 JPY 70,000 JPY
Student 30,000 JPY 35,000 JPY
+ The registration fee includes Session Attendance, Electronic Book of Program & Abstracts, Tea & Coffee Refreshments at Break Times
+ Student participants should submit a printed copy of their Student Identification Card to the reception desk at the conference venue.
+ Registration fee should be paid online by credit card. Payments are generally non-refundable.
+ It is not possible to pay the registration and banquet fees by cash at the reception desk at the conference venue.
The conference banquet will be held from 18:00-20:00 pm on 11th April 2024 in SALON AGOLA. This salon is located on the ninth floor of the conference venue, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center. The banquet fee is 10,000 JPY for one person, and it should be paid by 14:00 pm on 10th April 2024 from the Online Registration button.
The Organizing Committee has selected some hotels. Please visit the following online page of NIPPON TRAVEL AGENCY and contact these hotels directly to reserve your room. Osaka Kita and Minami Areas are close to the Osaka University Nakanoshima Center.
Smart MADE 2024 is further endorsed by the following societies:
Organizing Committee of Smart MADE
e-mail: smart.made.jwri@office.osaka-u.ac.jp