Workshop 4

Plurilingual competence: from scientific research to teaching practice in the digital age

Carolina Flinz (Università degli Studi di Milano), Patrizia Giuliano (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Katharina Salzmann (Libera Università di Bolzano)

Objectives and proposals for contributions

The European Union defines plurilingual and intercultural competence as "the ability to use languages for the purposes of communication and to take part in intercultural interaction, where a person, viewed as a social agent has proficiency, of varying degrees, in several languages and experience of several cultures. This is not seen as the superposition or juxtaposition of distinct competences, but rather as the existence of a complex or even composite competence on which the user may draw". (CEFR 2001, 168).

Plurilingual competence is an issue that has been increasingly at the centre of attention for some years now, not only in European Union documents, but also in research and foreign language teaching.

Some neuro- and psycholinguistic research (Paradis 1994; 2009; Ullmann 2001; Garraffa/Sorace/Vender 2020) has in fact shown that there are brain interconnections among the languages in the individual's repertoire that are activated during the simultaneous study of two or more languages (Franceschini 2002; Riehl 2010). Other studies have shown how a plurilingual individual can benefit from cross-linguistic knowledge, which together with the use of language comparison and transfer strategies (Bardel/Falk 2007; Falk/ Bardel 2010), allow for a more refined linguistic awareness, thus contributing to an accelerated language acquisition process (Hepp/Nied Curcio 2018).

In modern language didactics, we have seen the development of various approaches aimed at promoting plurilingual competence (Hepp/Salzmann 2020), including the intercomprehension of Romance languages (Bonvino/Cortés Velásquez 2016) and the teaching of third languages (Hufeisen/Neuner 2005). These and other approaches are of particular importance in multilingual and border regions (Langner 2021). An area that is still little explored though regards the targeted use of corpora of different types (such as written, oral, multimodal corpora; general, specialist, CMC corpora; comparable, parallel corpora; learner corpora, etc.; cf. Lemnitzer/Zinsmeister 2015), of new technologies (learning platforms/apps, tandem platforms/apps etc.) and digital lexicographic resources (online dictionaries, apps, information systems etc.) in order to increase plurilingual competence in learners.

The aim of this workshop is to promote the exchange and sharing of knowledge in this field by discussing not only the scientific aspects of the topic but also its applications. We invite you to submit original contributions on plurilingual competence, on methodologies and approaches to develop it and on tools that can be used for this aim.

The topics on which papers can focus are, among others, the following:

· Plurilingual competence: theoretical reflections in comparison; advantages and critical aspects;

· Plurilingualism in textbooks and teaching materials: analysis and proposals;

· Corpora and the development of plurilingual competence: theoretical and practical aspects;

· New technologies and the development of plurilingual competence: theoretical and practical aspects;

· Digital lexicographic resources and the development of plurilingual competence: theoretical and practical aspects;

· Plurilingualism in the "classroom" (traditional, virtual, multimedia, synchronous, asynchronous classroom) with new technologies: teaching experiences in comparison.

Invited speakers:

· Andrea Abel (Eurac Research, Bolzano);

· Barbara Turchetta (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

Scientific Committee for the selection of intervention proposals:

Camilla Bardel (Stockholm University), Elisabetta Bonvino (Università Roma Tre), Carolina Flinz (Università degli Studi di Milano), Patrizia Giuliano (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Britta Hufeisen (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Martina Nied Curcio (Università Roma Tre), Federica Ricci Garotti (Università degli Studi di Trento), Katharina Salzmann (Libera Università di Bolzano).


Bardel, Camilla/Falk, Ylva (2007): “The role of the second language in third language acquisition: the case of Germanic syntax”. In: Second Language Research 23(4), 459–484.

Bonvino, Elisabetta/Cortés Velásquez, Diego (2016): “Il lettore plurilingue”. In: Lend. Lingua e nuova didattica 4, 111-130.

Consiglio d’Europa (a cura di) (2002): Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue: apprendimento, insegnamento, valutazione. Milano: La Nuova Italia-Oxford.

Falk, Ylva/Bardel, Camilla (2010): “The study of the role of the background languages in third language acquisition. The state of the art”. In: IRAL, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 48, 185-219.

Flinz, Carolina/Hufeisen Britta (2021): Korpora in DaF und DaZ: Theorie und Praxis. (Themenheft). Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht. Didaktik und Methodik im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache. (

Franceschini, Rita (2002): „Das Gehirn als Kulturinskription“. In: Müller-Lancé, Johannes/Riehl, Claudia M. (a cura di): Ein Kopf - viele Sprachen: Koexistenz, Interaktion und Vermittlung. Aachen: Shaker, 45-62.

Garraffa, Maria/Sorace, Antonella/Vender, Maria (2020): Il Cervello Bilingue. Roma: Carocci.

Hepp, Marianne/Nied Curcio, Martina (a cura di) (2018): Educazione plurilingue. Ricerca, didattica e politiche linguistiche. Roma: Studi Germanici.

Hepp, Marianne / Salzmann, Katharina (a cura di) (2020): Sprachvergleich in der mehrsprachig orientierten DaF-Didaktik: Theorie und Praxis. Roma: Studi Germanici.

Hufeisen, Britta/Neuner, Gerhard (2005): Mehrsprachigkeitskonzept - Tertiärsprachenlernen - Deutsch nach Englisch. Strasbourg: Europarat.

Langner, Michael (a cura di) (2021): Mehrsprachigkeit - konkret. Mehrsprachigkeit und die konkrete Umsetzung in mehrsprachigen Regionen (Themenheft). Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht 26 (2) (

Lemnitzer Lothar/Zinsmeister, Heike (2015): Korpuslinguistik. Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Narr.

Paradis, Michel (1994): “Neurolinguistic aspects of implicit and explicit memory: implications for bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition“. In: N. C. Ellis (a cura di): Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages, New York: Academic Press, 393-419.

Paradis, Michel (1998): “The other side of language: pragmatic competence”. In: Journal of Neurolinguistics, 11: 1-10.

Paradis, Michel (2009): Declarative and Procedural Determinants of Second Languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Riehl, Claudia M. (2010): „Mental representation of bilingualism. Focus article“. In: Whiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 1 (5), 750-758.

Turchetta, Barbara (2004): “Contatti di Cultura nei processi educativi”. In: Chiara Grezzi, Federica Guerini, Piera Molinelli (a cura di): Italiano e lingue immigrate a confronto: riflessioni per la pratica didattica. Perugia: Guerra. 41-54.

Turchetta, Barbara (2006): “Attività comunicative in prospettiva interculturale nella formazione e nel lavoro”. In: E. Banfi, L. Gavioli, C. Guardiano, M. Vedovelli (a cura di): Atti del V Congresso Internazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, Bari, Febbraio 2005. Perugia, Guerra Edizioni, 159-178.

Ullman, Michael T. (2001): “The neural basis of lexicon and grammar in first and second language: the declarative/procedural model”. In: Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 4(1): 105-122.

Submission of proposals, timing and methods of selection:

Proposals may be written in English, French, German or Italian.

Each abstract should not exceed 1000 words (excluding references), and two pages in total, including examples, images, tables and references .

Proposals for contributions must be sent by 20 February 2022 to

The subject of the email message should be "Proposal for the SLI 2022 workshop - Plurilingual competence: from scientific research to teaching practice in the digital age", and must contain the full name of the author of the proposal, the organisation to which he or she belongs, and the email address at which he or she intends to receive all communications regarding the workshop.

Each abstract will be reviewed and evaluated anonymously by two members of the Scientific Committee.

The Scientific Committee will notify the Authors of the acceptance of their proposal by 31 March 2022.

Please note that all speakers must be regular members of the SLI at the start of the workshop.