Programma WS 5

Prosody – The missing link? Towards a new appraisal of the role of prosody in grammaticalization and pragmaticalization

9.15- 9.30      Introduction


9.30-10 Nicole Benker (LMU Munich)

The SKT-construction and prosody: a diachronic perspective


10-10.30 David Tizón-Couto (Univ. de Vigo) & David Lorenz (Lunds Universitet)

Grammaticalization, reduction and prosodic prominence: the sort/kind/type of X  construction in spoken American English


10.30-11   Coffee break


11-11.30 Francesco Cutugno (Univ. Napoli Federico II) & Loredana Schettino (Libera Università di Bolzano)

Sul ruolo della struttura della catena fonica nell’analisi della “riduzione” nel parlato naturale


11.30-12 Laura Becker & Naomi Peck (Universität Freiburg)

The co-occurrence of clausal subordinators and silent pauses: a crosslinguistic corpus study


12-12.30 Anne Breitbarth (Ghent University)

weil (.) alles war so neu ... Prosody and grammaticalisation/pragmaticalisation of paratactic weil in spoken German"


12.30-13 Alessandra Barotto (Univ. dell’Insubria), Roberta Combei (Univ. di Pavia), Ilaria Fiorentini (Univ. di Pavia) & Andrea Sansò (Univ. dell’Insubria)

Cioè/cè: phonetic and prosodic features in the pragmatic developments of an Italian reformulation marker


13-13.30 Conclusion