
April 2024
Jeremy has received the Mitacs Globalinks Research Award. Congratulations! 

March 2024
Our work titled "Fluid-induced aseismic slip may explain the non-self-similar source scaling of the induced earthquake sequence near the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, Texas" is published in JGR-Solid Earth:

January 2024
Xinyu has recieved the CPS First Paper Award. Congratulations!

December 2023
- We presented our five latest projects at the AGU fall meeting in San Francisco.  See Presentations for details.
- Our work titled "Potential Poroelastic Triggering of the 2020 M 5.0 Mentone Earthquake in the Delaware Basin, Texas, by Shallow Injection Wells" is published in BSSA:

November 2023
Jeremy passed his PhD proposal defense and has been promoted to doctoral candidate status. Congratulations, Jeremy!

April 2023  We presented our latest work at the SSA and EGU annual meetings. See Presentations for details.

December 2022  
- Our group had several presentations at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022. See Presentations for details.
- Our paper titled "Interdependent effects of fluid injection parameters on triggered aseismic slip and seismicity" has been accepted in Scientific Reports: 

September 2022
- Congratulations to Dr. Jeong on receiving the Roger E. Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship!
- Jeremy Pun has completed his BSc degree and will continue with his Ph.D. studies this fall. 

July 2022  Our study "Do shallow injection wells contribute to the triggering of the 2020 M5.0 Mentone earthquake in the Delaware Basin, Texas?" is now available on ESSOAr

June 2022  Our study "Interdependent effects of fluid injection parameters on triggered aseismic fault slip and seismic clusters" is now available on ESSOAr.

May 2022  Our group presented at the EGU General Assembly 2022. See Presentations for details. 

Oct 2021  Dr. William Ye has joined our group as a postdoctoral scholar, and we will be working on numerical simulation projects in collaboration with Prof. Paul Young. Welcome, William!  

July 2021  We are inviting applications for a Postdoc Fellowship! Deadline August 15, 2021. Click here for more information. 

May 2021  We are recruiting! M.Sc. opportunities available for Canadian students. Click here for more information.

April 2021
- Our work titled "The role of fluid pressure‐induced aseismic slip in earthquake cycle modulation" is published in JGR (Link)!
- Our group attended the virtual SSA Annual Meeting.
- Riddhi won the Laurence Curtis TA Award. Congratulations!

December 2020  Our group presented our latest work at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020. Find more details here.

October 2020  Riddhi has passed his PhD thesis proposal defense. Congratulations, Riddhi! 

September 2020  Semechah shared about fracking-induced seismicity at the UoT Earth News Interviews podcast. Link to the interview is here.

September 2020  New students Xinyu Tan and Hoi Leung Pun just joined our group. Welcome! 

August 2020  Aniruddha Patel has completed a summer internship studying induced ground motions of major earthquakes in Oklahoma. 

August 14, 2019  Aflah presented his project on the modeling of ground motions of induced seismicity at Smarti Gras, the UTM undergraduate research symposium. 

April 23-26, 2019  We presented our work on induced seismicity and repeating earthquakes at the SSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. 

March 30-31, 2019  Our group presented at the 18th AESRC meeting in Toronto on the role of aseismic slip in the context of induced seismicity. 

January 9, 2019  Our study on the rupture directivity of induced earthquakes is published in the Bulletin of Seismological Society of America.

December 14, 2018  Our group presented at the AGU Fall Meeting on the role of aseismic slip in the triggering of induced seismicity.

November 14, 2018  Our study on the repeating earthquake sequences near Parkfield, California is published in Journal of Geophysical Research!

July 20, 2018   I have recently joined the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) as Assistant Professor of Applied Geophysics. The geophysics group has just launched and we are actively recruiting graduate and undergraduate students! Please get in touch to discuss potential research ideas and life at UTM if you would like to join us.

June 20, 2018   Presented our work at the 52nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA). 

May 5, 2018   Attended the DISCO workshop in Norman, OK on Induced Seismicity.

March 30, 2018   Invited talk at the DOE Workshop “Information is in the Noise: Signatures of Evolving Fracture Systems”. Presentation title: A holistic approach to understanding induced/triggered seismicity. 

December 18, 2017   Presented our work at the AGU fall meeting 2017 in New Orleans, LA.