
SKY Testimonials UC OCT 2022.mov

“I appreciate that I met so many people, took the time out of my day to take care of my body and mind, and the feeling of community, generosity, and family that the teachers created from day one. I would wholeheartedly recommend this course. It is something special that every single person should take the opportunity to learn from.”


“This experience was like that of the fish that realized that is was in the ocean. ‘That was obvious, why didn’t I think this way before?'”


“Alertness, creativity and efficient teamwork, I realize, are the cornerstones in contributing and getting the most from a demanding schedule at a business school. I observe that while students struggle to maintain their energy throughout the day, Yesplus practices helps me to be in “the zone”. They tremendously assist me to keep my smile throughout the day, deliver successfully and involve myself ingeniously… all without feeling a sense of stressful effort. What else can one ask for!”


“My experience on Yesplus was wonderful and unique, almost unexplainable. The things taught made everything seem clearer, simple, and less hectic. It’s as if now I finally have the foundations to lead a great, rewarding life. The dynamism with which everything is taught helped me realize everything better, and the breathing exercises helped me relax and look at the world more clearly. This truly is a wonderful course that everyone should go through, and the cause behind it is even more amazing: TRULY making the world a better place. Thank You!”


“This course has been a wonderful experience for me. Before I began it, I was really suffering and was filled with regret about my past. I was unable to focus on my studies and thought I had lost my voice for good. But I felt really welcomed here and supported to get past all of that. I was even more upset during the first two days of the course but have really felt it dissipate over the days that remained. I know the exercises will help me continue to stay balanced and I really feel blessed to have a friend who led me here. I want to bring others here so they can be free from the pain of their past. I never thought I would ever learn to meditate but I am a believer now.”


“Yesplus has been one of the best experiences and most precious gifts of my life. The techniques I learned in the class continually allow me to be the best that I can be as a student, a leader, and a person. They have taught me to manage my stress and emotions, increase focus and concentration to perform better academically and take the most I can from Stanford, and have an overall sense of well-being, happiness, and clarity in all aspects of my life. The teachers of the program are phenomenal and create a truly positive space for people to connect to each other and feel a sense of belongingness that is so beneficial in such a large institution, especially as a freshman. I know that so many other students, and the entire Stanford community at large, can and will benefit so much from taking the Yesplus Course. I hope the course can be as supported and accessible as possible, as it truly has changed my life and that of many others.”


“My experience of the Yesplus course at Harvard was unforgettable and was truly a life-changing experience. I was immediately immersed in a world that focused on what was really important, being present in the moment, and was afforded a unique way to reflect on my priorities. I met an incredible group of individuals and we are now deeply bonded by a love and respect for a process we went through together. Describing in words what we physically experienced is a challenging task but all I can say is this – I strongly recommend this course to everyone and anyone. I walk away from it with a calm sense of self, a heightened awareness, and a set of tools to help manage stress.”


“I honestly feel I can live my life more fully as a result of taking Yesplus. Learning Sudarshan Kriya has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have practiced Kriya everyday since I completed Yesplus my freshman year of college, and my life has been enhanced in many ways: I no longer get sick as a result of stress, I have more energy and clear-mindedness, and I can grapple with negative emotions far more effectively than my pre-Kriya days. The improvements to my physical and mental health are so tangible that I almost think I have stumbled across a panacea.”


“Yesplus has impacted my life in ways that cannot be fit into words. Not only am I able to focus better and more efficiently, but I am also happier and able to find the small, beautiful moments in life so much more precious. Because Yesplus opened up my perspective and my heart to other people, I connect to people easier and on a deeper level. Everything that was taught in Yesplus lies close to my heart as well as the people I met. I am empowered, peaceful, joyous, focused, caring, happy, and dedicating my life to serving others.”


“The practices taught on Yesplus, especially the Sudarshan Kriya, pulled together all the different threads of my life – creativity, introspection, deep thought, and joy. I feel centered and powerful, knowing that I have the energy and drive to put my aspirations into action. I no longer worry about the small things, deadlines and papers, and I have been able to dance easily and gracefully through the responsibilities of my life at Harvard. Life has become effortless and the world has become beautiful. I credit Yesplus for all the successes and joys of my past two years, and the greatest blessing has been sharing this course with all my friends here and seeing their perspective on life flip in a matter of days.”


“Many Stanford students hide their stress and insecurities in order to conform to images of happiness dominant and pervasive at Stanford. Yesplus provides students the opportunity to escape from this unhealthy cycle. By giving me tools to deal with my stress, Yesplus has helped me to actually confront my stresses at their root causes in hopes of overcoming them. The stress-management tools Yesplus offers have been extremely instrumental in freeing me from a once paralyzing fear of public speaking and low self-confidence. Apart from stress-relief, this program provides a space for much-needed self-reflection. This program helped me gain a greater sense of purpose at Stanford, by viewing my education from a broader perspective. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of participating in this program and the positive effects it has begun to bring about in me.”


“Yesplus made me very conscious of my thought patterns, and conscious of a sense of self that exists independent of those thoughts and different moods. It made me calmer, more reflective, more observant, and more stable–I enjoyed the course a great deal, and have found that a daily practice is something I’m relying on. (And this reading and finals period has been largely stress free, mainly because meditating removes most of that stress!)”


“Yesplus has helped me on a mental and emotional level. The yoga and breathing techniques taught have made me more flexible and helped me lose weight. I am now able to sleep peacefully. Mentally, it has given me ideas to deal with problems. Emotionally, I am able to be at ease with people, and am able to understand and forgive them more easily, and have regained a childlike innocence and enthusiasm.”


“I have always wanted to connect at a deeper level with my peers . Yes Plus gave me the tools to develop more meaningful and uplifting connections in my university. I feel more connected, loved, loving with a lots of positive thinking network around me.”


“Before YesPlus, I had a hard time managing my relationships and focusing on my studies. I was nervous and extremely sensitive. YesPlus has transformed my life. I’ve taken charge of my life and I’m confident. I’m aware of my emotions, so I’m able to handle myself better at home and school. Under stressful situations during research, I remain calm and have the clarity to take important decisions that influence multiple days of my scientific experiments. I’m successful in my program because of my patience and emotional resilience that I’ve developed through these breathing practices.”