Our Programs

In Response to the COVID-19 situation, all our meetings and events are now being conducted online!

SKY Wellness Seminar

Interactive seminars for students and/or staff and faculty given in a lively format

Typically 45-60 mins (offered on campus and online)


  • Evidence-based breathwork

  • Meditation

  • Mindful training

  • Social connection exercises

Participants will also explore the five dimensions of wellness and practical tools for connection and greater self-awareness.

SKY Happiness Retreat

A holistic well-being program taught over 3 consecutive days (3 sessions X 3 hours each)

(offered on campus and online)


  • SKY Breath Meditation

  • Evidence-based breathwork techniques

  • Social connection

  • Mindful leadership and light yoga

SKY Breath Meditation and the 3-session Retreat have been shown in research to significantly reduce anxiety and depression, lower stress markers, and increase wellbeing, focus, improved sleep, optimism, and social connection.

Participants report an increased ability to stay calm, confident and resilient amidst challenges, increased levels of social connection and feelings of inclusion, and less suicidal feelings.

SKY Silent Retreat

An immersive 3-4 day retreat

(offered in person and online)

Prerequisite: SKY Happiness Retreat


  • 3-4 days of guided silence

  • Evidence-based breathwork

  • Advanced meditation practices

  • Mindful action, yoga and contemplation.

On this all-day retreat, students release deep stress and fatigue, develop a deeper understanding of their own patterns of thought and behavior, and dive into self-exploration and purpose.

Apply here for the upcoming SKY Silent Retreat (Memorial Day Weekend : Oct 08 - 11)

Apply here for a SKY Silent Retreat for a later date

SKY Leadership Training

An advanced leadership program that empowers student leaders

(offered on campus and online)

Prerequisite: SKY Silent Retreat


  • Personal development

  • Soft skill-building

  • Public speaking

  • Organizing skills

  • Regular practice of SKY Breath Meditation

  • Training in meditation facilitation

  • Assistance of SKY trainers

SKY leaders learn to integrate wellbeing, self-awareness and social connection into dynamic leadership and service. After completing the program, participants can serve as a resource to university departments, lead breathwork & meditation sessions on campus, and help design and support other related campus initiatives.

Register here for the upcoming SKY Leadership training.