B.Sc. 4th Semester


Suggested Books

4th Semester Questions

4th Semester Lectures and Materials

CC 08: Mathematical Physics - III

The emphasis of the course is on applications in solving problems of interest to physicists. Students are to be examined on the basis of problems, seen and unseen. 

Complex Analysis: Brief Revision of Complex Numbers and their Graphical Representation. Euler's formula, De Moivre's theorem, Roots of Complex Numbers. Functions of Complex Variables. Analyticity and Cauchy-Riemann Conditions. Examples of analytic functions. Singular functions: poles and branch points, order of singularity, branch cuts. Integration of a function of a complex variable. Cauchy's Inequality. Cauchy's Integral formula. Simply and multiply connected region. Laurent and Taylor's expansion. Residues and Residue Theorem. Application in solving Definite Integrals. (30 Lectures) 

Integrals Transforms: Fourier Transforms: Fourier Integral theorem. Fourier Transform. Examples. Fourier transform of trigonometric, Gaussian, finite wave train & other functions. Representation of Dirac delta function as a Fourier Integral. Fourier transform of derivatives, Inverse Fourier transform, Convolution theorem. Properties of Fourier transforms (translation, change of scale, complex conjugation, etc.). Three dimensional Fourier transforms with examples. Application of Fourier Transforms to differential equations: One dimensional Wave and Diffusion/Heat Flow Equations. (15 Lectures) 

Laplace Transforms: Laplace Transform (LT) of Elementary functions. Properties of LTs: Change of Scale Theorem, Shifting Theorem. LTs of Derivatives and Integrals of Functions, Derivatives and Integrals of LTs. LT of Unit Step function, Dirac Delta function, Periodic Functions. Convolution Theorem. Inverse LT. Application of Laplace Transforms to Differential Equations: Damped Harmonic Oscillator, Simple Electrical Circuits. (15 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineers, K.F Riley, M.P. Hobson and S. J. Bence, 3rd ed., 2006, Cambridge University Press 

• Mathematics for Physicists, P. Dennery and A.Krzywicki, 1967, Dover Publications 

• Complex Variables, A.S.Fokas & MJ.Ablowitz, 8th Ed., 2011, Cambridge Univ. Press 

• Complex Variables and Applications, J.W. Brown & R.V. Churchill, 7th Ed. 2003, Tata McGraw-Hill 

• First course in complex analysis with applications, D.G. Zill and P.D. Shanahan, 1940, Jones & Bartlett 

Complex Analysis

Dr. Gajendra Purohit

YouTube Playlist link

This is a short and good course for the syllabus.

Mathematical Methods

NPTEL - PN Agarwal, SK Gupta; IIT Roorkee

NPTEL link

YouTube Playlist link

It's a detailed course on differential equations and integral transformations. From here, cover the Laplace and Fourier transform part of the syllabus.

CC 08 DB sir Mathematical Physics 31.pdf

DB sir (class)

CC 08 DB Complex Analysis Problem Set.pdf

DB - problem set

CC 08 AG mam Mathematical Physics.pdf

AG mam (class)

CC 08 AG mam Fourier transform.pdf

AG - Fourier transform 1

CC 08 AG mam Fourier Transform last.pdf

AG - Fourier transform 2

CC 09: Modern Physics

Planck's quantum, Planck's constant and light as a collection of photons; Blackbody Radiation: Quantum theory of Light; Photo-electric effect and Compton scattering. De Broglie wavelength and matter waves; Davisson Germer experiment. Wave description of particles by wave packets. Group and Phase velocities and relation between them. Two-Slit experiment with electrons. Probability. Wave amplitude and wave functions. (14 Lectures) 

Position measurement- gamma ray microscope thought experiment; Wave particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle (Uncertainty relations involving Canonical pair of variables): Derivation from Wave Packets impossibility of a particle following a trajectory; Estimating minimum energy of a confined particle using uncertainty principle; Energy-time uncertainty principle- application to virtual particles and range of an interaction. (5 Lectures) 

Two slit interference experiment with photons, atoms and particles; linear superposition principle as a consequence; Matter waves and wave amplitude; Schrodinger equation for non-relativistic particles; Momentum and Energy operators; stationary states; physical interpretation of a wave function, probabilities and normalization; Probability and probability current densities in one dimension. (10 Lectures) 

One dimensional infinitely rigid box- energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, normalization; Quantum dot as example; Quantum mechanical scattering and tunnelling in one dimension-across a step potential & rectangular potential barrier. (10 Lectures) 

Size and structure of atomic nucleus and its relation with atomic weight; Impossibility of an electron being in the nucleus as a consequence of the uncertainty principle. Nature of nuclear force, NZ graph, Liquid Drop model: semi-empirical mass formula and binding energy, Nuclear Shell Model and magic numbers. (6 Lectures) 

Radioactivity: stability of the nucleus; Law of radioactive decay; Mean life and half-life; Alpha decay; Beta decay- energy released, spectrum and Pauli's prediction of neutrino; Gamma ray emission, energy-momentum conservation: electron-positron pair creation by gamma photons in the vicinity of a nucleus. (8 Lectures) 

Fission and fusion- mass deficit, relativity and generation of energy; Fission - nature of fragments and emission of neutrons. Nuclear reactor: slow neutrons interacting with Uranium 235; Fusion and thermonuclear reactions driving stellar energy (brief qualitative discussions). (3 Lectures) 

Lasers: Einstein's A and B coefficients. Metastable states. Spontaneous and Stimulated emissions. Optical Pumping and Population Inversion. Three Level and Four-Level Lasers. Ruby Laser and He-Ne Laser. (4 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, 2002, McGraw-Hill. 

• Introduction to Modern Physics, Rich Meyer, Kennard, Coop, 2002, Tata McGraw Hill 

• Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, David J. Griffith, 2005, Pearson Education. 

• Physics for scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Jewett and Serway, 2010, Cengage Learning. 

• Quantum Mechanics: Theory & Applications, A.K.Ghatak & S.Lokanathan, 2004, Macmillan 

Additional Books for Reference 

• Modern Physics, J.R. Taylor, C.D. Zafiratos, M. A. Dubson, 2004, PHI Learning. 

• Theory and Problems of Modern Physics, Schauirf s outline, R. Gautreau and W. Savin, 2nd Edn, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 

• Quantum Physics, Berkeley Physics, Vol.4. E.H.Wichman, 1971, Tata McGraw Hill Co. 

• Basic ideas and concepts in Nuclear Physics, K.Heyde, 3rd Edn., Institute of Physics Pub. 

• Six Ideas that Shaped Physics: Particle Behave like Waves, T.A.Moore, 2003, McGraw Hill 

Quantum Mechanics 

B. Sc. Physics by H. C. Verma

Course link

It's a must-watch course.

Nuclear Physics 

For the Love of Physics

Playlist Link 

It's a must-watch course for covering the Syllabus.

CC 09 DB sir Modern Physics incomplete.pdf

DB sir (class)

CC 09 DB Problem Sheet of Quantum Mechanics 4.pdf

DB - problem set

CC 09 CM sir Nuclear Physics 11.pdf

CM sir (class)

CC 10: Analog Electronics

Semiconductor Diodes: P and N type semiconductors. Energy Level Diagram. Conductivity and Mobility, Concept of Drift velocity. PN Junction Fabrication (Simple Idea). Barrier Formation in PN Junction Diode. Static and Dynamic Resistance. Current Flow Mechanism in Forward and Reverse Biased Diode. Drift Velocity. Derivation for Barrier Potential, Barrier Width and Current for Step Junction. (10 Lectures) 

Two-terminal Devices and their Applications: (1) Rectifier Diode: Half wave Rectifiers. Centre-tapped and Bridge Full-wave Rectifiers, Calculation of Ripple Factor and Rectification Efficiency, (2) Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation. Principle and structure of (1) LEDs, (2) Photodiode, (3) Solar Cell. (6 Lectures) 

Bipolar Junction transistors: n-p-n and p-n-p Transistors. Characteristics of CB, CE and CC Configurations. Current gains a and P Relations between a and p. Load Line analysis of Transistors. DC Load line and Q-point. Physical Mechanism of Current Flow. Active, Cutoff and Saturation Regions. (6 Lectures) 

Amplifiers: Transistor Biasing and Stabilization Circuits. Fixed Bias and Voltage Divider Bias. Transistor as 2-port Network. h-parameter Equivalent Circuit. Analysis of a single-stage CE amplifier using Hybrid Model. Input and Output Impedance. Current, Voltage and Power Gains. Classification of Class A, B & C Amplifiers. (10 Lectures) 

Coupled Amplifier: RC-coupled amplifier and its frequency response. (4 Lectures) 

Feedback in Amplifiers: Effects of Positive and Negative Feedback on Input Impedance, Output Impedance, Gain, Stability, Distortion and Noise. (4 Lectures) 

Sinusoidal Oscillators: Barkhausen's Criterion for self-sustained oscillations. RC Phase shift oscillator, determination of Frequency. Hartley & Colpitts oscillators. (4 Lectures) 

Operational Amplifiers (Black Box approach): Characteristics of an Ideal and Practical Op-Amp. (IC 741) Open-loop and Closed-loop Gain. Frequency Response. CMRR. Slew Rate and concept of Virtual ground. (4 Lectures) 

Applications of Op-Amps: (1) Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, (2) Adder, (3)Subtractor, (4) Differentiator, (5) Integrator, (6) Log amplifier, (7) Zero crossing detector (8) Wein bridge oscillator. (9 Lectures) Conversion: Resistive network (Weighted and R-2R Ladder). Accuracy and Resolution. A/D Conversion (successive approximation) (3 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• Integrated Electronics, J. Millman and C.C. Halkias, 1991, Tata Mc-Graw Hill. 

• Electronics: Fundamentals and Applications, J.D. Ryder, 2004, Prentice Hall. 

• Solid State Electronic Devices, B.G.Streetman & S.K.Banerjee, 6th Edn.,2009, PHI Learning 

• Electronic Devices & circuits, S.Salivahanan & N.S.Kumar, 3rd Ed., 2012, Tata Mc-Graw Hill 

• OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit, R. A. Gayakwad, 4th edition, 2000, Prentice Hall 

• Electronic circuits: Handbook of design & applications, U.Tietze, C.Schenk,2008, Springer 

• Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, S.M. Sze, 2nd Ed., 2002, Wiley India 

• Electronic Devices, 7/e Thomas L. Floyd, 2008, Pearson India 

Physics of Semiconductors

HC Verma official website 

Course link

Analog Electronics 

Neso Academy

YouTube Playlist link

CC 10 SC sir Analog Electronics 15.pdf

SC sir (class)

CC 10 AP mam Analog Electronics 15.pdf

AP mam (class)

CC 10 AP op amp 56.pdf

AP - op amp

CC 10 AP mam Application of opamp.pdf

AP - applications of op amp

CC 10 AP mam Converter DAC & ADC.pdf

AP - convertors (DAC and ADC)

SEC 2: Radiation Safety

The aim of this course is for awareness and understanding regarding radiation hazards and safety. The list of laboratory skills and experiments listed below the course are to be done in continuation of the topics 

Basics of Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Basic concept of atomic structure; X rays characteristic and production; concept of bremsstrahlung and auger electron, The composition of nucleus and its properties, mass number, isotopes of element, spin, binding energy, stable and unstable isotopes, law of radioactive decay, Mean life and half life, basic concept of alpha, beta and gamma decay, concept of cross section and kinematics of nuclear reactions, types of nuclear reaction, Fusion, fission. (6 Lectures) 

Interaction of Radiation with matter: Types of Radiation: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Neutron and their sources, sealed and unsealed sources, Interaction of Photons - Photo electric effect, Compton Scattering, Pair Production, Linear and Mass Attenuation Coefficients, Interaction of Charged Particles: Heavy charged particles - Beth-Bloch Formula, Scaling laws, Mass Stopping Power, Range, Straggling, Channeling and Cherenkov radiation. Beta Particles- Collision and Radiation loss (Bremsstrahlung), Interaction of Neutrons- Collision, slowing down and Moderation. (7 Lectures) 

Radiation detection and monitoring devices: Radiation Quantities and Units: Basic idea of different units of activity, KERMA, exposure, absorbed dose, equivalent dose, effective dose, collective equivalent dose, Annual Limit of Intake (ALI) and derived Air Concentration (DAC). Radiation detection: Basic concept and working principle of gas detectors (Ionization Chambers, Proportional Counter, Multi-Wire Proportional Counters, (MWPC) and Gieger Muller Counter), Scintillation Detectors (Inorganic and Organic Scintillators), Solid States Detectors and Neutron Detectors, Thermo luminescent Dosimetry. (7 Lectures) 

Radiation safety management: Biological effects of ionizing radiation, Operational limits and basics of radiation hazards evaluation and control: radiation protection standards, International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) principles, justification, optimization, limitation, introduction of safety and risk management of radiation. Nuclear waste and disposal management. Brief idea about Accelerator driven Sub-critical system (ADS) for waste management. (5 Lectures) 

Application of nuclear techniques: Application in medical science (e.g., MRI, PET, Projection Imaging Gamma Camera, radiation therapy), Archaeology, Art, Crime detection, Mining and oil. Industrial Uses: Tracing, Gauging, Material Modification, Sterization, Food preservation. (5 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

1. W.E. Burcham and M. Jobes - Nuclear and Particle Physics - Longman (1995) 

2. G.F.Knoll, Radiation detection and measurements 

3. Thermoluninescense Dosimetry, Mcknlay, A.F., Bristol, Adam Hilger (Medical Physics Handbook 5) 

4. W.J. Meredith and J.B. Massey, "Fundamental Physics of Radiology". John Wright and Sons, UK, 1989. 

5. J.R. Greening, "Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry", Medical Physics Hand Book Series, No.6, Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol 1981. 

6. Practical Applications of Radioactivity and Nuclear Radiations, G.C. Lowental and P.L. Airey, Cambridge University Press, U.K., 2001 

7. A. Martin and S. A. Harbisor, An Introduction to Radiation Protection, John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York, 1981. 

8. NCRP, ICRP, ICRU, IAEA, AERB Publications. 

9. W.R. Hendee, "Medical Radiation Physics", Year Book - Medical Publishers Inc. London, 1981 

Nuclear Physics - For the Love of Physics

Playlist Link 

It's a must-watch course for covering the Syllabus.

SEC 2 DB sir Radiation Safety 6.pdf

DB sir (class)

SEC 2 AP mam Radiation Safety.pdf


SEC 2 AP mam Radiation Detection & monitoring Device.pdf


GE 2: Chemistry

Physical Chemistry – I 

1. Kinetic Theory of Gases and Real gases (12L) 

a. Concept of pressure and temperature; Collision of gas molecules; Collision diameter; Collision number and mean free path; Frequency of binary collisions (similar and different molecules); Rate of effusion 

b. Nature of distribution of velocities, Maxwell’s distribution of speed and kinetic energy; Average velocity, root mean square velocity and most probable velocity; Principle of equipartition of energy and its application to calculate the classical limit of molar heat capacity of gases 

c. Deviation of gases from ideal behavior; compressibility factor; Boyle temperature; Andrew’s and Amagat’s plots; van der Waals equation and its features; its derivation and application in explaining real gas behaviour; Existence of critical state, Critical constants in terms of van der Waals constants; Law of corresponding states 

d. Viscosity of gases and effect of temperature and pressure on coefficient of viscosity (qualitative treatment only) 

2. Liquids (5L) 

Definition of Surface tension, its dimension and principle of its determination using stalagmometer; Viscosity of a liquid and principle of determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscometer; Effect of temperature on surface tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment only) 

3. Solids (5L) 

Forms of solids, crystal systems, unit cells, Bravais lattice types, Symmetry elements; Laws of Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices; Miller indices of different planes and interplanar distance, Bragg’s law; Structures of NaCl, KCl and CsCl treatment only); Defects in crystals; Glasses and liquid crystals. 

4. Chemical Kinetics (8L) 

a. Introduction of qualitative rate law, order and molecularity; Extent of reaction; rate constants; Rates of First, second and nth order reactions and their Differential and integrated forms (with derivation); Pseudo first order reactions; Determination of order of a reaction by half-life and differential method; Opposing reactions, consecutive reactions and parallel reactions 

b. Temperature dependence of rate constant; Arrhenius equation, energy of activation; Collision theory; Lindemann theory of unimolecular reaction; outline of Transition State theory (classical treatment) 

Inorganic Chemistry - II 

1. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure (20L) 

a. Ionic Bonding: General characteristics of ionic bonding. Energy considerations in ionic bonding, lattice energy and solvation energy and their importance in the context of stability and solubility of ionic compounds. Statement of Born-Landé equation for calculation of lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle and its applications, polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan’s rules, ionic character in covalent compounds, bond moment, dipole moment and percentage ionic character. 

b. Covalent bonding: VB Approach: Shapes of some inorganic molecules and ions on the basis of VSEPR and hybridization with suitable examples from s and p block elements of linear, trigonal planar, square planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral arrangements. 

c. Concept of resonance and resonating structures in various inorganic and organic compounds. 

d. MO Approach: Rules for the LCAO method, bonding and antibonding MOs and their characteristics for s-s, s-p and p-p combinations of atomic orbitals, nonbonding combination of orbitals, MO treatment of homonuclear diatomic molecules of 1st and 2nd periods. (including idea of s- p mixing) and heteronuclear diatomic molecules such as CO, NO and NO+. Comparison of VB and MO approaches. 

2. Comparative study of p-block elements (10L) 

a. Group trends in electronic configuration, modification of pure elements, common oxidation states, inert pair effect, and their important compounds in respect of the following groups of elements: 

i. B-Al-Ga-In-Tl 

ii. C-Si-Ge-Sn-Pb 

iii. N-P-As-Sb-Bi 

iv. O-S-Se-Te 

v. F-Cl-Br-I 

Reference Books 

1. Barrow, G.M. Physical Chemistry Tata McGraw‐Hill (2007). 

2. Castellan, G.W. Physical Chemistry 4th Ed. Narosa (2004). 

3. Kotz, J.C., Treichel, P.M. & Townsend, J.R. General Chemistry Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2009). 

4. Mahan, B.H. University Chemistry 3rd Ed. Narosa (1998). 

5. Petrucci, R.H. General Chemistry 5th Ed. Macmillan Publishing Co.: New York (1985). 

6. Chugh, K.L., Agnish, S.L. A Text Book of Physical Chemistry Kalyani Publishers. 

7. Bahl, B.S., Bahl, A., Tuli, G.D., Essentials of Physical Chemistry S. Chand & Co. ltd. 

8. Palit, S. R., Elementary Physical Chemistry Book Syndicate Pvt. Ltd. 

9. Mandal, A. K. Degree Physical and General Chemistry Sarat Book House. 

10. Pahari, S., Physical Chemistry New Central Book Agency. 

11. Pahari, S., Pahari, D., Problems in Physical Chemistry New Central Book Agency. 

12. Cotton, F.A. & Wilkinson, G. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley. 

13. Shriver, D.F. & Atkins, P.W. Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press. 

14. Wulfsberg, G. Inorganic Chemistry, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. 15. Rodgers, G.E. Inorganic & Solid State Chemistry, Cengage Learning India Ltd., 2008. 

All Notes

4th Semester Practicals