B.Sc. 1st Semester


Suggested Books

1st Semester Questions

1st Semester Lectures and Materials

CC 01: Mathematical Physics - I

The emphasis of course is on applications in solving problems of interest to physicists. The students are to be examined entirely on the basis of problems, seen and unseen. 

Calculus: Recapitulation: differentiation. Limits, continuity, average and instantaneous quantities, Plotting functions. Intuitive ideas of continuous, differentiable, etc. functions and plotting of curves. Approximation: Taylor and binomial series (statements only). First Order Differential Equations and Integrating Factor. (6 Lectures) 

Second Order Differential equations: Homogeneous Equations with constant coefficients. Wronskian and general solution. Statement of existence and Uniqueness Theorem for Initial Value Problems. Particular Integral. (12 Lectures) 

Calculus of functions of more than one variable: Partial derivatives, exact and inexact differentials. Integrating factor, with simple illustration. Constrained Maximization using Lagrange Multipliers. (6 Lectures) 

Vector Calculus: Recapitulation of vectors: Properties of vectors under rotations. Scalar product and its invariance under rotations. Vector product, Scalar triple product and their interpretation in terms of area and volume respectively. Scalar and Vector fields. (5 Lectures) 

Vector Differentiation: Directional derivatives and normal derivative. Gradient of a scalar field and its geometrical interpretation. Divergence and curl of a vector field. Del and Laplacian operators. Vector identities, Gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian in spherical and cylindrical coordinates. (10 Lectures) 

Vector Integration: Ordinary Integrals of Vectors. Multiple integrals, Jacobian. Notion of infinitesimal line, surface and volume elements. Line, surface and volume integrals of Vector fields. Flux of a vector field. Gauss' divergence theorem, Green's and Stokes Theorems and their applications (no rigorous proofs) (14 Lectures) 

Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates: Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates. Derivation of Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian in Cartesian, Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinate Systems. (5 Lectures) 

Dirac Delta function and its properties: Definition of Dirac delta function. Representation as limit of a Gaussian function and rectangular function. Properties of Dirac delta function. (2 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G.B. Arfken, H.J. Weber, F.E. Harris, 2013, 7th Edn., Elsevier. 

• An introduction to ordinary differential equations, E. A. Coddington, 2009, PHI learning 

• Differential Equations, George F. Simmons, 2007, McGraw Hill. 

• Mathematical Tools for Physics, James Nearing, 2010, Dover Publications. 

• Mathematical methods for Scientists and Engineers, D.A. McQuarrie, 2003, Viva Book 

• Advanced Engineering Mathematics, D.G. Zill and W.S. Wright, 5 Ed., 2012, Jones and Bartlett Learning 

• Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, 2008, Wiley India. 

• Essential Mathematical Methods, K.F.Riley & M.P.Hobson, 2011, Cambridge Univ. Press 

CC 01 CM sir Vectors 20.pdf

CM sir (class)

CC 01 SC sir Mathematical Physics 11.pdf

SC sir (class)

CC 01 PD sir Limits 3.pdf

PD sir (class)

CC 01 DB2 sir differential equations .pdf

DB2 sir (class)

CC 01 DB2 Differential equation of first order 25.pdf

DB2 sir

CC 01 DB2 Differential equation of second order 29.pdf

DB2 sir

CC 02: Mechanics

Fundamentals of Dynamics: Reference frames. Inertial frames; Galilean transformations; Galilean invariance. Review of Newton's Laws of Motion. Dynamics of a system of particles. Centre of Mass. Principle of conservation of momentum. Impulse. Momentum of variable-mass system: motion of rocket. (6 Lectures) 

Work and Energy: Work and Kinetic Energy Theorem. Conservative and non-conservative forces. Potential Energy. Energy diagram. Stable and unstable equilibrium. Elastic potential energy. Force as gradient of potential energy. Work & Potential energy. Work done by non-conservative forces. Law of conservation of Energy. (4 Lectures) 

Collisions: Elastic and inelastic collisions between particles. Centre of Mass and Laboratory frames. (3 Lectures) 

Rotational Dynamics: Angular momentum of a particle and system of particles. Torque. Principle of conservation of angular momentum. Rotation about a fixed axis. Moment of Inertia. Calculation of moment of inertia for rectangular, cylindrical and spherical bodies. Kinetic energy of rotation. Motion involving both translation and rotation. (12 Lectures) 

Elasticity: Relation between Elastic constants. Twisting torque on a Cylinder or Wire. (3 Lectures) 

Fluid Motion: Kinematics of Moving Fluids: Poiseuille's Equation for Flow of a Liquid through a Capillary Tube. (2 Lectures) 

Gravitation and Central Force Motion: Law of gravitation. Gravitational potential energy. Inertial and gravitational mass. Potential and field due to spherical shell and solid sphere. (3 Lectures) 

Motion of a particle under a central force field. Two-body problem and its reduction to one-body problem and its solution. The energy equation and energy diagram. Kepler's Laws. Satellite in circular orbit and applications. Geosynchronous orbits. Weightlessness. Basic idea of global positioning system (GPS). Physiological effects on astronauts. (6 Lectures) 

Oscillations: SHM: Simple Harmonic Oscillations. Differential equation of SHM and its solution. Kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy and their time-average values. Damped oscillation. Forced oscillations: Transient and steady states; Resonance, sharpness of resonance; power dissipation and Quality Factor. (7 Lectures) 

Non-Inertial Systems: Non-inertial frames and fictitious forces. Uniformly rotating frame. Laws of Physics in rotating coordinate systems. Centrifugal force. Coriolis force and its applications. Components of Velocity and Acceleration in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate Systems. (4 Lectures) 

Special Theory of Relativity: Michelson-Morley Experiment and its outcome. Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity. Lorentz Transformations. Simultaneity and order of events. Lorentz contraction. Time dilation. Relativistic transformation of velocity, frequency and wave number. Relativistic addition of velocities. Variation of mass with velocity. Massless Particles. Mass-energy Equivalence. Relativistic Doppler effect. Relativistic Kinematics. Transformation of Energy and Momentum. Energy- Momentum Four Vector. (10 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• An introduction to mechanics, D. Kleppner, R.J. Kolenkow, 1973, McGraw-Hill. 

• Mechanics, Berkeley Physics, vol. 1, C.Kittel, W.Knight, et.al. 2007, Tata McGraw-Hill. 

• Physics, Resnick, Halliday and Walker 8/e. 2008, Wiley. 

• Analytical Mechanics, G.R. Fowles and G.L. Cassiday. 2005, Cengage Learning. 

• Feynman Lectures, Vol. I, R.P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, M.Sands, 2008, Pearson Education 

• Introduction to Special Relativity, R. Resnick, 2005, John Wiley and Sons. 

• University Physics, Ronald Lane Reese, 2003, Thomson Brooks/Cole. Additional Books for Reference 

• Mechanics, D.S. Mathur, S. Chand and Company Limited, 2000 

• University Physics. F.W Sears, M.W Zemansky, H.D Young 13/e, 1986, Addison Wesley 

• Physics for scientists and Engineers with Modern Phys., J.W. Jewett, R.A. Serway, 2010, Cengage Learning 

• Theoretical Mechanics, M.R. Spiegel, 2006, Tata McGraw Hill. 

Classical Mechanics

B. Sc. Physics by H. C. Verma

Course link

It's a must-watch course.

Basics of Special Relativity

B. Sc. Physics by H. C. Verma

Course link

It's a must-watch course.

Special Relativity 

For the Love of Physics

YouTube Playlist link

CC 02 DB sir Mechanics 27.pdf

DB sir (class)

CC 02 DB 2D elastic collision 23.pdf

DB - 2D elastic scattering

CC 02 DB Rotating frame (1) 20.pdf

DB - Rotating frame

CC 02 DB Rotation about a fixed axis 15.pdf

DB - rotating frame about an axis

CC 02 AG mam General properties of matter 9.pdf

AG mam (class)

CC 02 AG Relativity 1 18.pdf

AG - relativity 1

CC 02 AG Relativity 2 12.pdf

AG - relativity 2

CC 02 AG relativity 3 12.pdf

AG - relativity 3

CC 02 AG relativity 4 11.pdf

AG - relativity 4

GE 1: Mathematics - Algebra & Analytical Geometry

Course title: Algebra & Analytical Geometry


● Complex Numbers: De Moivre’s theorem and its applications. Exponential, Sine, Cosine and Logarithm of a complex number. Definition of a^z. Inverse circular and hyperbolic functions. 

● Polynomials: Fundamental theorem of algebra (Statement only). Polynomials with real coefficients, nature of roots of an equation (surd or complex roots occur in pairs). Statement of Descartes rule of signs and its applications. Relation between roots and coefficients, transformations of equations. Cardan’s method of solution of a cubic equation. 

● Rank of a matrix: Determination of rank either by considering minors or by sweep-out process. Consistency and solution of a system of linear equations with not more than 3 variables by matrix method. ● Equivalence relations and partitions. Functions, composition of functions, invertible functions, one to one correspondence and cardinality of a set. 

● Definition and elementary properties of groups. Concepts of permutation Group, alternating group, finite groups: S3, V4. The group Zn of integers under addition modulo n. 

● Order of an element, order of a group, subgroups and examples of subgroups. 


● Transformations of rectangular axes: Translation, rotation and their combinations. Invariants. 

● General equation of second degree in x and y: Reduction to canonical forms. Classification of conics. 

● Pair of straight lines: Condition that the general equation of 2nd degree in x and y may represent two straight lines. Point of intersection of two intersecting straight lines. Angle between two lines given by ax^2 + 2hxy + by^2 = 0. Equation of bisectors. Equation of two lines joining the origin to the points in which a line meets a conic. 

● Polar equation of straight lines and circles, polar equation of a conic refers to a focus as a pole, polar equation of chord joining two points, polar equations of tangents and normals. 


1. Titu Andreescu and Dorin Andrica, Complex Numbers from A to Z, Birkhauser. 

2. W. S. Burnstine and A.W. Panton, Theory of Equations, Nabu Press. 

3. I. N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern Limited, India. 

4. K. B. Dutta, Matrix and Linear Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 

5. David C. Lay, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Pearson Education Asia, Indian Reprint. 

6. P. K. Saikai, Linear Algebra, Pearson. 

7. K. Hoffman, R. Kunze, Linear Algebra, Pearson. 

8. John B. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Pearson. 

9. P. R. Vittal, Analytical Geometry 2D and 3D, Pearson. 

10. S. L. Loney, Co-ordinate Geometry, Arihant Publications. 

All Notes

1st Semester Practicals