B.Sc. 3rd Semester


Suggested Books

3rd Semester Questions

3rd Semester Lectures and Materials

CC 05: Mathematical Physics - II

The emphasis of the course is on applications in solving problems of interest to physicists. Students are to be examined on the basis of problems, seen and unseen. 

Fourier Series: Periodic functions. Orthogonality of sine and cosine functions, Dirichlet Conditions (Statement only). Expansion of periodic functions in a series of sine and cosine functions and determination of Fourier coefficients. Complex representation of Fourier series. Expansion of functions with arbitrary period. Expansion of non-periodic functions over an interval. Even and odd functions and their Fourier expansions. Application. Summing of Infinite Series. Term-by-Term differentiation and integration of Fourier Series. Parseval Identity. (14 Lectures) 

Frobenius Method and Special Functions: Singular Points of Second Order Linear Differential Equations and their importance. Frobenius method and its applications to differential equations. Legendre, Bessel, Hermite and Laguerre Differential Equations. Properties of Legendre Polynomials: Rodrigues Formula, Generating Function, Orthogonality. Simple recurrence relations. Expansion of function in a series of Legendre Polynomials. Bessel Functions of the First Kind: Generating Function, simple recurrence relations. Zeros of Bessel Functions and Orthogonality. (24 Lectures) 

Some Special Integrals: Beta and Gamma Functions and Relation between them. Expression of Integrals in terms of Gamma Functions. Error Function (Probability Integral). (4 Lectures) 

Theory of Errors: Systematic and Random Errors. Propagation of Errors. Normal Law of Errors. Standard and Probable Error. (4 Lectures) 

Partial Differential Equations: Solutions to partial differential equations, using separation of variables: Laplace's Equation in problems of rectangular, cylindrical and spherical symmetry. Wave equation and its solution for vibrational modes of a stretched string, rectangular and circular membranes. (14 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• Mathematical Methods for Physicists: Arfken, Weber, 2005, Harris, Elsevier. 

• Fourier Analysis by M.R. Spiegel, 2004, Tata McGraw-Hill. 

• Mathematics for Physicists, Susan M. Lea, 2004, Thomson Brooks/Cole. 

• Differential Equations, George F. Simmons, 2006, Tata McGraw-Hill. 

• Partial Differential Equations for Scientists & Engineers, S.J. Farlow, 1993, Dover Pub. 

• Mathematical methods for Scientists & Engineers, D.A. McQuarrie, 2003, Viva Books 

CC 05 DB sir Mathematical Physics 61.pdf

DB sir (class)

CC 05 DB Laguerre Polynomials 5.pdf

DB - Laguerre polynomials

CC 05 AG mam Mathematical Physics 43.pdf

AG mam (class)

CC 05 AG Partial differential equations spherical.pdf


CC 05 AG Partial differential equations 14 Dec 2022.pdf


CC 05 AG Stretched string.pdf

AG - stretched string

CC 05 AG Vibration stretched surface.pdf

AG - stretched surface

CC 06: Thermal Physics

(Include related problems for each topic) 

Introduction to Thermodynamics Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics: Extensive and intensive Thermodynamic Variables, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Zeroeth Law of Thermodynamics & Concept of Temperature, Concept of Work & Heat, State Functions, First Law of Thermodynamics and its differential form, Internal Energy, First Law & various processes, Applications of First Law: General Relation between CP and CV, Work Done during Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes, Compressibility and Expansion Co-efficient. (8 Lectures) 

Second Law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and Irreversible process with examples. Conversion of Work into Heat and Heat into Work. Heat Engines. Carnot's Cycle, Carnot engine & efficiency. Refrigerator & coefficient of performance, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements and their Equivalence. Carnot's Theorem. Applications of Second Law of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature and its Equivalence to Perfect Gas Scale. (10 Lectures) 

Entropy: Concept of Entropy, Clausius Theorem. Clausius Inequality, Second Law of Thermodynamics in terms of Entropy. Entropy of a perfect gas. Principle of Increase of Entropy. Entropy Changes in Reversible and Irreversible processes with examples. Entropy of the Universe. Entropy Changes in Reversible and Irreversible Processes. Principle of Increase of Entropy. Temperature-Entropy diagrams for Carnot's Cycle. Third Law of Thermodynamics. Unattainability of Absolute Zero. (7 Lectures) 

Thermodynamic Potentials: Extensive and Intensive Thermodynamic Variables.Thermodynamic Potentials: Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Helmholtz Free Energy, Gibb's Free Energy. Their Definitions, Properties and Applications. Surface Films and Variation of Surface Tension with Temperature. Magnetic Work, Cooling due to adiabatic demagnetization, First and second order Phase Transitions with examples, Clausius Clapeyron Equation and Ehrenfest equations. (7 Lectures) 

Maxwell's Thermodynamic Relations: Derivations and applications of Maxwell's Relations, Maxwell's Relations:(1) Clausius Clapeyron equation, (2) Values of Cp Cv, (3) Tds Equations, (4) Joule-Kelvin coefficient for Ideal and Van der Waal Gases, (5) Energy equations, (6) Change of Temperature during Adiabatic Process. (7 Lectures) 

Kinetic Theory of Gases Distribution of Velocities: Maxwell-Boltzmann Law of Distribution of Velocities in an Ideal Gas and its Experimental Verification. Doppler Broadening of Spectral Lines and Stern's Experiment. Mean, RMS and Most Probable Speeds. Degrees of Freedom. Law of Equipartition of Energy (No proof required). Specific heats of Gases. (7 Lectures) 

Molecular Collisions: Mean Free Path. Collision Probability. Estimates of Mean Free Path. Transport Phenomenon in Ideal Gases: (1) Viscosity, (2) Thermal Conductivity and (3) Diffusion. Brownian Motion and its Significance. (4 Lectures) 

Real Gases: Behavior of Real Gases: Deviations from the Ideal Gas Equation. The Virial Equation. Andrew's Experiments on CO2 Gas. Critical Constants. Continuity of Liquid and Gaseous State. Vapour and Gas. Boyle Temperature. Van der Waal's Equation of State for Real Gases. Values of Critical Constants. Law of Corresponding States. Comparison with Experimental Curves. p-V Diagrams. Joule's Experiment. Free Adiabatic Expansion of a Perfect Gas. Joule-Thomson Porous Plug Experiment. Joule- Thomson Effect for Real and Van der Waal Gases. Temperature of Inversion. Joule- Thomson Cooling. (10 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• Heat and Thermodynamics, M.W. Zemansky, Richard Dittman, 1981, McGraw Hill. 

• A Treatise on Heat, Meghnad Saha, and B.N.Srivastava, 1958, Indian Press 

• Thermal Physics, S. Garg, R. Bansal and Ghosh, 2nd Edition, 1993, Tata McGraw Hill 

• Modern Thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics, Carl S. Helrich, 2009, Springer. 

• Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory & Statistical Thermodynamics, Sears & Salinger.1988, Narosa. 

• Concepts in Thermal Physics, S.J. Blundell and K.M. Blundell, 2nd Ed., 2012, Oxford University Press 

CC 06 CM sir Kinetic Theory 34.pdf

CM sir (class)

CC 06 AP mam thermodynamics 53.pdf

AP mam (class)

CC 06 AP Thermodynamics new.pdf

AP - thermodynamics

CC 06 AP thermodynamics note 2.pdf

AP - thermodynamics 2

CC 06 AP Entropy notes.pdf

AP - entropy

CC 06 AP Thermodynamic potentials, Phase Transitions.pdf

AP - thermodynamic potentials and phase transitions

CC 07: Digital Electronics

Introduction to CRO: Block Diagram of CRO. Electron Gun, Deflection System and Time Base. Deflection Sensitivity. Applications of CRO: (1) Study of Waveform, (2) Measurement of Voltage, Current, Frequency, and Phase Difference. (3 Lectures) 

Integrated Circuits (Qualitative treatment only): Active & Passive components. Discrete components. Wafer. Chip. Advantages and drawbacks of ICs. Scale of integration: SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI (basic idea and definitions only). Classification of ICs. Examples of Linear and Digital LCS. (3 Lectures) 

Digital Circuits: Difference between Analog and Digital Circuits. Binary Numbers. Decimal to Binary and Binary to Decimal Conversion. BCD, Octal and Hexadecimal numbers. AND, OR and NOT Gates (realization using Diodes and Transistor). NAND and NOR Gates as Universal Gates. XOR and XNOR Gates and application as Parity Checkers. (6 Lectures) 

Boolean algebra: De Morgan's Theorems. Boolean Laws. Simplification of Logic Circuit using Boolean Algebra. Fundamental Products. Idea of Minterms and Maxterms. Conversion of a Truth table into Equivalent Logic Circuit by (1) Sum of Products Method and (2) Karnaugh Map. (6 Lectures) 

Data processing circuits: Basic idea of Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders. (4 Lectures) 

Arithmetic Circuits: Binary Addition. Binary Subtraction using 2's Complement. Half and Full Adders. Half & Full Subtractors, 4-bit binary Adder/Subtractor. (5 Lectures) 

Sequential Circuits: SR, D, and JK Flip-Flops. Clocked (Level and Edge Triggered) Flip-Flops. Preset and Clear operations. Race-around conditions in JK Flip-Flop. M/S JK Flip-Flop. (6 Lectures) 

Timers: IC 555: block diagram and applications: Astable multivibrator and Monostable multivibrator. (3 Lectures) 

Shift registers: Serial-in-Serial-out, Serial-in-Parallel-out, Parallel-in-Serial-out and Parallel-in-Parallel-out Shift Registers (only up to 4 bits). (2 Lectures) 

Counters(4 bits): Ring Counter. Asynchronous counters, Decade Counter. Synchronous Counter. (4 Lectures) 

Computer Organization: Input/Output Devices. Data storage (idea of RAM and ROM). Computer memory. Memory organization & addressing. Memory Interfacing. Memory Map (6 Lectures) 

Intel 8085 Microprocessor Architecture: Main features of 8085. Block diagram. Components. Pin-out diagram. Buses. Registers. ALU. Memory. Stack memory. Timing & Control circuitry. Timing states. Instruction cycle, Timing diagram of MOV and MVI. (8 Lectures) 

Introduction to Assembly Language: 1 byte, 2 byte & 3 byte instructions. (4 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• Digital Principles and Applications, A.P. Malvino, D.P.Leach and Saha, 7th Ed., 2011, Tata McGraw 

• Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, Anand Kumar, 2nd Edn, 2009, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 

• Digital Circuits and systems, Venugopal, 2011, Tata McGraw Hill. 

• Digital Systems: Principles & Applications, R.J.Tocci, N.S.Widmer, 2001, PHI Learning 

• Logic circuit design, Shimon P. Vingron, 2012, Springer. 

• Digital Electronics, Subrata Ghoshal, 2012, Cengage Learning. 

• Microprocessor Architecture Programming & applications with 8085, 2002, R.S. Goankar, Prentice Hall. 

Digital Electronics

Neso Academy

YouTube Playlist link

It's a must-watch course for the syllabus.

CC 07 DB sir Digital Electronics 20.pdf

DB sir (class)

CC 07 CRO - Cathode Ray Oscillator (in book) 14.pdf

CRO (in book)

CC 07 SC sir Microprocessor 3.pdf

SC sir (class)

SEC 1: Electrical Circuits and Network Skills

The aim of this course is to enable the students to design and trouble shoots the electrical circuits, networks and appliances through hands-on mode.

Basic Electricity Principles: Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Power. Ohm's law. Series, parallel, and series-parallel combinations. AC Electricity and DC Electricity. Familiarization with multimeter, voltmeter and ammeter. (3 Lectures) 

Understanding Electrical Circuits: Main electric circuit elements and their combination. Rules to analyze DC sourced electrical circuits. Current and voltage drop across the DC circuit elements. Single-phase and three-phase alternating current sources. Rules to analyze AC sourced electrical circuits. Real, imaginary and complex power components of AC source. Power factor. Saving energy and money. (4 Lectures) 

Electrical Drawing and Symbols: Drawing symbols. Blueprints. Reading Schematics. Ladder diagrams. Electrical Schematics. Power circuits. Control circuits. Reading of circuit schematics. Tracking the connections of elements and identify current flow and voltage drop. (4 Lectures) 

Generators and Transformers: DC Power sources. AC/DC generators. Inductance, capacitance, and impedance. Operation of transformers. (3 Lectures) 

Electric Motors: Single-phase, three-phase & DC motors. Basic design. Interfacing DC or AC sources to control heaters & motors. Speed & power of ac motor. (4 Lectures) 

Solid-State Devices: Resistors, inductors and capacitors. Diode and rectifiers. Components in Series or in shunt. Response of inductors and capacitors with DC or AC sources (3 Lectures) 

Electrical Protection: Relays. Fuses and disconnect switches. Circuit breakers. Overload devices. Ground-fault protection. Grounding and isolating. Phase reversal. Surge protection. Interfacing DC or AC sources to control elements (relay protection device) (4 Lectures) 

Electrical Wiring: Different types of conductors and cables. Basics of wiring-Star and delta connection. Voltage drop and losses across cables and conductors. Instruments to measure current, voltage, power in DC and AC circuits. Insulation. Solid and stranded cable. Conduit. Cable trays. Splices: wirenuts, crimps, terminal blocks, split bolts, and solder. Preparation of extension board. (5 Lectures) 

Reference Books: 

• A text book in Electrical Technology - B L Theraja - S Chand & Co. 

• A text book of Electrical Technology - A K Theraja 

• Performance and design of AC machines - M G Say ELBS Edn. 

SEC 1 DB2 sir - SEC notes 138.pdf

DB2 sir notes

SEC 1 CM sir, SC sir SEC paper 8.pdf

CM, SC sir (class)


Electrical drawings

GE 1: Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry - I 

1. Atomic Structure (9L) 

Bohr's theory for hydrogen atom (simple mathematical treatment), atomic spectra of hydrogen and Bohr's model, Sommerfeld's model, quantum numbers and their significance, Pauli's exclusion principle, Hund's rule, electronic configuration of many-electron atoms, Aufbau principle and its limitations. 

2. Chemical Periodicity (9L) 

Classification of elements on the basis of electronic configuration: general characteristics of s-, p-, d- and f-block elements. Positions of hydrogen and noble gases in the periodic table. Atomic and ionic radii, ionization potential, electron affinity, and electronegativity; periodic and group wise variation of above properties in respect of s- and p- block elements. 

3. Acids and bases (8L) 

Brönsted–Lowry concept, conjugate acids and bases, relative strengths of acids and bases, effects of substituent and solvent, differentiating and levelling solvents. Lewis acid-base concept, classification of Lewis acids and bases, Lux-Flood concept and solvent system concept. Hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB concept), applications of HSAB process. 

4. Redox reactions (4L) 

Balancing of equations by oxidation number and ion-electron method, Standard electrode potential, formal potential, redox indicator and redox titrations. 

Organic Chemistry – I 

1.Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (5L) 

Electronic displacements: Inductive effect, resonance and hyperconjugation; cleavage of bonds: homolytic and heterolytic; structure of organic molecules on the basis of VBT; nucleophiles and electrophiles; reactive intermediates: carbocations, carbanions and free radicals. 

2. Stereochemistry (5L) 

Different types of isomerism; geometrical and optical isomerism; concept of chirality and optical activity (up to two carbon atoms); asymmetric carbon atom; elements of symmetry (plane and centre); interconversion of Fischer and Newman representations; enantiomerism and diastereomerism, meso compounds; threo and erythro, D and L, cis and trans nomenclature; CIP Rules: R/S (upto 2 chiral carbon atoms) and E/Z nomenclature. 

3. Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination Reactions (4L) 

Nucleophilic substitutions: SN1 and SN2 reactions; eliminations: E1 and E2 reactions (elementary mechanistic aspects); Saytzeff and Hofmann eliminations; elimination vs substitution. 

4. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (12L) 

Functional group approach for the following reactions (preparations & reactions) to be studied in context to their structures. Alkanes (up to 5 Carbons). Preparation: catalytic hydrogenation, Wurtz reaction, Kolbe’s synthesis, from Grignard reagent. Reactions: mechanism for free radical substitution: halogenation. Alkenes: (up to 5 Carbons). Preparation: elimination reactions: dehydration of alcohols and dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides; cis alkenes (partial catalytic hydrogenation) and trans alkenes (Birch reduction). Reactions: cis-addition (alkaline KMnO4) and trans-addition (bromine) with mechanism, addition of HX [Markownikoff’s (with mechanism) and anti-Markownikoff’s addition], hydration, ozonolysis, oxymercuration-demercuration and hydroboration-oxidation reaction. Alkynes: (up to 5 Carbons). Preparation: acetylene from CaC2 and conversion into higher alkynes; by dehalogenation of tetra halides and dehydrohalogenation of vicinal dihalides. Reactions: formation of metal acetylides, addition of bromine and alkaline KMnO4, ozonolysis and oxidation with hot alkaline KMnO4. 

Reference Books 

1. Lee, J.D. Concise Inorganic Chemistry ELBS, 1991. 

2. Cotton, F.A., Wilkinson, G. & Gaus, P.L. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Wiley. 

3. Douglas, B.E., McDaniel, D.H. & Alexander, J.J. Concepts and Models in Inorganic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons. 

4. Huheey, J.E., Keiter, E.A., Keiter, R.L. & Medhi, O.K. Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Pearson Education Ind 

5. Sethi, A. Conceptual Organic Chemistry; New Age International Publisher. 

6. Parmar, V. S. A Text Book of Organic Chemistry, S. Chand & Sons. 

7. Madan, R. L. Organic Chemistry, S. Chand & Sons. 

8. Wade, L. G., Singh, M. S., Organic Chemistry. 

9. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 1), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson Education). 

10. Morrison, R. T. & Boyd, R. N. Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson Education). 

11. Eliel, E. L. & Wilen, S. H. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Wiley: London, 1994. 

12. Sen Gupta, Subrata. Basic Stereochemistry of Organic molecules. 

13. Kalsi, P. S. Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism, Eighth edition, New Age International, 2014. 

14. Bahl, A. & Bahl, B.S. Advanced Organic Chemistry, S. Chand, 2010. 

All Notes

3rd Semester Practicals