Primary Colors

Our primary palette is the core of our identity and should be used as the resting state gradient for brand-focused executions.

Primary Red

R234 G4 B73C2 M100 Y66 K0#EA0449PMS 1925

Primary Blue

R0 G67 B255C85 M71 Y0 K0#0043FFPMS 300

Base Colors

Our base palette can be used as background and text colors.

Primary White and Black should be used as background fills.

Primary Dark should be used as main color for typography on white background fills.

Primary White

R255 G255 B255#FFFFFFC0 M0 Y0 K0PMS N/A

Light Gray

R240 G240 B240C4 M3 Y3 K0#F0F0F0PMS 427

Mid Gray

R217 G217 B217C14 M10 Y11 K0#D9D9D9PMS 429


R0 G0 B0C75 M68 Y67 K90#000000PMS Black

Dark Gray

R29 G29 B29C72 M66 Y65 K76#1D1D1DPMS 433

Primary Dark

R58 G58 B58C69 M62 Y61 K52#3A3A3APMS 432

Secondary Colors

Our secondary palette is inspired by the pillars of our brand. These should almost always be used as two-color gradients within an execution. Only use secondary color gradients when primary color gradient is present across one or multiple executions.

Blue Team


R71 G222 B188C58 M0 Y38 K0#47DEBCPMS 3255


R188 G255 B239C22 M0 Y12 K0#BCFFEFPMS 324


R62 G0 B205C86 M86 Y0 K0#3E00CDPMS 2736


R103 G4 B125C73 M100 Y15 K7#67047DPMS 2607

Red Team


R161 G1 B160C46 M98 Y0 K0#A101A0PMS 254


R255 G0 B181C6 M89 Y0 K0#FF00B5PMS 807


R235 G0 B107C1 M100 Y32 K0#EB006BPMS 233


R255 G103 B103C0 M75 Y52 K0#FF6767PMS 177

"Achieve" Gradients

Meant to evoke a feeling of harmony and achievement. These gradients should be made up of colors that fall next to each other.

"Compete" Gradients

Meant to evoke a feeling of head-to-head competition. These gradients should be made up of colors from opposite "teams".

Available Color Pairings

The below color chart is a curated set of color pairings inspired by the Skillz narrative and to ensure ADA compliance. Only use these color pairings when creating Skillz brand executions.

Color Restrictions

Do not use color outside of the approved pairings.

Do not use more than two colors in a single gradient.

Do not use secondary colors as full color backgrounds.

Do not overlap various gradients.