Financial Support

Purpose of Financial Support:

The FVA conference offers financial support for in-person attendance by early career researchers (e.g., students and postdocs, and individuals entering the accessibility field). The purpose of this support is to reduce financial barriers to participation.

Individuals can request financial support to:

We particularly encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to apply.

Financial support is available to early-career, in-person attendees whether or not they submit an abstract. Preference will be given to those who submit a competitive abstract consistent with the conference themes.

For need-based inquiries about virtual participation, contact us 

Eligibility & Application Evaluation Criteria

To be eligible to apply for financial support, attendees must submit an application. 

Financial support is limited and only a subset of applicants will receive awards. Priority will be given to those who submit abstracts to present posters or lightning talks.

Decisions about applications will be made on a rolling basis. 

The deadline to apply was July 15, 2023. No new applications are being accepted.