Early Career Just-in-Time Abstract Submission

Postdoctoral fellow smiling in front of her poster

Purpose of Application:

These abstracts are an opportunity for trainees and members of underrepresented groups to present their work at the FVA conference and receive feedback from leaders in visual function and accessibility while learning about the latest trends in research. The conference is unique because it brings together leading researchers and stakeholders (including those with visual impairment or blindness). To encourage discussion among these different groups, the conference will include scheduled discussion sessions as well as multiple opportunities for interaction and networking. 

Eligibility & Application Evaluation Criteria

Presentation opportunities are limited to applicants in early career stages. There will be 10 lightning talks (4 minutes + 1-minute Q&A) and 20 posters. Applicants are required to submit abstracts, which are evaluated on a competitive basis using the following criteria:

Poster and lightning talk submissions require a title and an abstract of up to 300 words.

We particularly encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to apply.

Funding is available to support in-person attendance: 

Decisions about applications will be made on a rolling basis.

The deadline to apply was July 15, 2023. No new applications are being accepted.

Each applicant is limited to one lightning talk or poster presentation.