04.12 - 08.12

                                                                      Вчитель: Нікітенко М.А

                              email: maryana19731973@ gmail.com

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08 .12. 2023

SB p. 99 - 101 + tasks

Write down into your exercise-book

                                                                       Friday, the eighth  of  December.                                                                                                                                                                 Classwork

                                                                           Eating Out

                                                                   Reported Speech

Write down into your exercise-book

                                                                                                                                        Ex.1, 2 p. 102 (PB)


 SB p. 101 - 103 + tasks

Watch the video and check yourself

06 .12. 2023

SB p. 95 - 98 + tasks

Write down into your exercise-book

                                                                       Wednesday, the sixth  of  December.                                                                                                                                                                 Classwork

                                                                           Eating Out


 SB p. 99 - 101 + tasks

Watch the video and check yourself

04 .12. 2023

Write down into your exercise-book

                                                                       Monday, the fourth  of  December.                                                                                                                                                                 Classwork



 SB p. 95 - 98 + tasks

Watch the video and check yourself