Singing Maps

The Singing Maps Nordforsk Exploratory Workshops Series is a trans-Nordic partnership between music educators, researchers, culture bearers and digital designers to support the greater presence of Indigenous and traditional Nordic singing practices in music education.

During 2023-24, three international workshop sessions will bring together participants from Sápmi, Norway, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Denmark and Sweden. The aim of this group is to develop shared goals, methods, and resources that will serve to sustain regional singing cultures through the development of an innovative online music learning community: the Singing Map. The first workshop was held at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in Bergen, Norway on September 23-24, 2023. The second is planned for February 8-10, 2024 at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland. The third workshop will be held at University of Iceland in Reykjavik, Iceland, in July, 2024.

This website serves as a blogg where updates, results and resources from this ongoing research and development project will be shared between participants and with the music education community at large.