Presentation of the orchestras

Joint symphony orchestra

The Chamber Orchestra of Kirkkonummi Music Institute and the Symphony Orchestra of The Music Institute of Länsi-Uusimaa have in recent years been rehearsing under the leadership of conductor Tuomas Törm. The two orchestras have joined forces and created a symphony orchestra, which aims at giving concerts of high standard in Finland and abroad. The next goal is a concert tour to Hong Kong.

The repertoire consists of traditional classical symphonic works, contemporary music and light music. The Orchestra regularly performs in Kirkkonummi and Lohja.

The Chamber orchestra of Kirkkonummi Music Institute

The Chamber Orchestra of Kirkkonummi Music Institute has been playing for almost four decades. During this period many students have had the possibility to familiarize themselves with orchestral literature. The orchestra has about 20-25 young musicians. The conductor is Tuomas Törmi, who also teaches the violin and ensemble playing.

The Chamber Orchestra rehearses weekly and periodically. On average, the orchestra produces between 6 and 8 events each year. The repertoire consists of basic chamber orchestral works. The aim is to provide solo parts for as many young musicians as possible.

The strengths of the orchestra are a high musical level and young enthusiasm!

The Symphony Orchestra of the Music Institute of Länsi-Uusimaa

The Symphony Orchestra of the Music Institute of Länsi-Uusimaa was founded about 40 years ago. Jorma Mäenpää, the former Principal of the Music Institute, was the original conductor. In the past 10 years, violinist and teacher Tuomas Törmi has acted as conductor.

The Symphony Orchestra gives 6 to 8 concerts every year. The orchestra mostly plays a basic classical repertoire. Music by Sibelius and other Finnish composers is played every year. In the recent years the orchestra has made several successful crossover productions .The orchestra provides its young musicians with the possibility to perform as soloists.

The Symphony Orchestra of the Music Institute of Länsi-Uusimaa has made many tours in Finland and abroad. The orchestra has given concerts for example in Paris, Växsjö (Sweden) and Madeira. In 2012 the orchestra was invited to the international Allegromosso festival in Italy.

Co-operation with local artists and ensembles is very important for the orchestra. In 2013 they played alongside Lohja City Orchestra in the Strauss operetta Nacht in Venedig, produced by the tenor Jyrki Anttila.

There are two recordings made by The Symphony Orchestra of the Music Institute of Länsi-Uusimaa; Beethoven’s Symphony no.1, conducted by Jorma Mäenpää (2002) and music by the local composer Peter Grans, conducted by Tuomas Törmi (2006)

The strengths of the orchestra are a high musical level and young enthusiasm!