Presentation of the conductor

Tuomas Törmi

I am Tuomas Törmi, a musician, teacher and conductor from Lohja. I currently teach the violin and ensemble playing at the Music Institute of Länsi-Uusimaa, work as a conductor of the Chamber Orchestra of Kirkkonummi Music Institute and as violinist and conductor at the Lohja City Orchestra.

I have developed my conductor skills under the supervision of Jorma Panula ja Atso Almila (master classes), and I have worked together with Vilmos Szabad, Diandra, Antti Ketonen from Neljänsuora and opera singer Jyrki Anttila in various musical productions.

At the Music Institute of Länsi-Uusimaa, I also conduct the String- and Symphony Orchestras for which I also make arrangements and compose music.

I have been an active member of various productions at Lohja City Theatre (Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady, Grease and Sister Act) and I teach music at Harjun koulu to 13-15 year old school children.

In the summer I am in charge of the Kanneljärvi Institute's Summer Camp and I conduct the orchestra Kanneljärven Virtuoosit.

Music is much more than just work for me!